Conservatives, the fight is not over!

Trump is exposing the FACT that H1-Bs are brought here under FALSE pretenses.
They provides super cheap labor and the overwhelming number of them lack the skills-set that they SUPOOSEDLY possesses.
They come and learn ON THE JOB.
After 6 years they get their Green Cards, get laid off and enjoy the benefits of Welfare and Food Stamps.

Yes and H1Bs also bring in the high skilled workers as well. If it's a gov't program I've no doubt it's got problems. Point is, Trump has flipped on his position on H1Bs, in addition to putting out wrong information on his own website.

Uh, no. I watch his interviews.
Trump knows FULL WELL that the H1-B program is a COMPLETE farce.
I have yet to meet ONE H1-B that knows what he's doing when he gets here.
Do you even know what the F visa is and Trumps position on it? Those are the ones he was talking about keeping here and working in Silicon Valley. And as I stated Megan Kelly tried to play gotcha with her question, referring to H1B visas when Trump had already stated a position on them and claimed to have used them.

It doesn't take much research to understand or comprehend what and who Trump was talking about. You want to call it a flip flop, that's your choice, reality says otherwise. Again you offer nothing but soundbites and claim them to be flip flops. :YAWN:

Here's the complete quote showing Trump talking about the F visas and not the H1B visa:

"We're losing some of the most talented people. They go to Harvard; they go to Yale; they go to Princeton. They come from another country and they are immediately sent out. I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley."​

So now the context of your quote has completely changed as to whom Trump was talking about. You see H1B visas are work visas for people who come simply for the job, they didn't go to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, those would be F visa holders, i.e. Foreign Students.

Ah yeah, except no. Kelly wasn't playing any 'gotcha' questioning. She was referring to H1B visas, which apparently you are confused about. The only one referring to F visas is you.
Did I not state that Kelly was referring to H1B visas? And the quote you gave of Trump I showed it was in response to F visas (since i gave you the full quote instead of your half-assed last sentence of it) as H1B visas don't go to Harvard, Princeton, or Yale.

"The H1B Visa is the primary US work visa / permit made available to people from all over the world.

The US Government introduced the H1B visa program to offer and enable skilled International Professionals and International Students from all over the World the opportunity to live and work in the USA."

H1B Visa Learning Center | H1B Visa Requirements - Latest H1B Rules and Procedures - H1B Visa Fees - H1B Visa Transfer - H1B Visa Status - H1B Stamping - H1B Visa 2013 (fy2014) - H1B Visa Quota - H1B Cap - H1B Sponsors 2013 - H1B Jobs - H1B Premium Processing - H1B Visa Occupations - H1B Visa Rules - H1 Visa - H1B - H1-B - H-1B - h1 2013
DO you really want me to link to the F visa page explaining to you what they are?

When Kelly asked Trump about "highly skilled workers" she was referring to the H1B visa not F visa. Because if she was talking about H1B visas and Trump was talking about F Visas, surely Trump would have corrected her when she asked about "highly skilled workers", that you claim do not utilize the H1B. Right?
H1B visas are not "highly skilled workers". Your link doesn't even call them that. They are simply skilled workers.

Now that we've gotten your bullshit out of the way . . .

From Trump's website:

"Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees (my note: these are highly skilled workers, correct?) each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program."
Do you know why he wants to increase the minimum wage for H1B visa holders? Do you know what STEM degrees are and who attains them? Your note: they are not highly skilled workers. Trump talked about keeping Harvard, Yale, and Princeton graduates here (F visa holders) instead of bringing in the entry level H1B visa holder to take the entry level job over the already here F Visa holder.

If you knew anything about visas you wouldn't have to try to peddle your ignorant bullshit.

Again, from Trumps own website, the H1B visa is for high skilled workers jobs.
And yet he never uses high skilled anywhere on his page. Nice projection of a strawman though.

But wait! The Donald isn't so sure.

From Trump's press release:

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay."
Whats he not sure about, he states exactly his position.:dunno::dunno:

Huh! On Trump's website, and on the H1B Visa website, it says (correctly) that H1B visas ARE for highly skilled workers. But in his press release Trump says the H1B visa IS NOT for highly skilled workers. Imagine that, he ... he... he flip flopped! Well, technically he lied. Or did he misspeak? Well, you can call it whatever you want.
No where on his immigration page does he state that H1B's are highly skilled workers. Not even in your "press release" link does he state that H1B's are highly skilled. :dunno:

So, which is it? Highly skilled workers are hired through the H1B program, as noted on the H1B and Trump website, or the H1B program is not for hiring highly skilled workers, as stated on Trumps press release?
Neither web site says they are highly skilled, the H1B site merely calls them skilled, and there is no where on Trumps Immigration page or your linked press release that he calls them highly skilled workers.

Though I doubt you will read this, you should. It shows where Trump is flip flopping on this issue. I'll just post the last bit for you.
Maybe you should actually try reading things for a change verse espousing soundbites. I'm sure you can point out on this link where he states H1B's are "highly skilled", please show everyone your findings on it. Immigration Reform

What, there is NO matching words calling H1B's highly skilled by Trump? How could that be after all you have attempted to exclaim? :ack-1:

"Trump is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He has used the H-1B program as an employer, and supports bringing talented, educated workers into the country. But he also wants to end the H-1B program because he believes it’s full of abuse. He proposes restricting the program so that the industry that most relies on it —– the tech industry — can’t use it to shut Americans out from jobs in Silicon Valley. Yet he says he supports Silicon Valley taking measures to retain talented and educated foreign workers."

Donald Trump flip-flops, then flips and flops more on H-1B visas

As you can see, Trump used the H1B visa himself (even though he has also said that it's very bad for workers but hey, it's there so, what principles?), and wants to bring in talented people into the country, then he says he wants to end the H1B because it's full of abuse, then he says he wants to restrict it to the tech industry but also says he support the tech industry taking measures to retain these H1B visa foreign workers.
:YAWN: Wow, you are telling me what Trump already stated in the debates, he used H2B's though, not H1B's, and he used them in Florida and various other locations. You see what happens when you fail to do any research and you listen to "journalists" that don't have the first clue as to what they are talking about, they make you look the fool. :laugh2: :itsok:
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Trump is exposing the FACT that H1-Bs are brought here under FALSE pretenses.
They provides super cheap labor and the overwhelming number of them lack the skills-set that they SUPOOSEDLY possesses.
They come and learn ON THE JOB.
After 6 years they get their Green Cards, get laid off and enjoy the benefits of Welfare and Food Stamps.

Yes and H1Bs also bring in the high skilled workers as well. If it's a gov't program I've no doubt it's got problems. Point is, Trump has flipped on his position on H1Bs, in addition to putting out wrong information on his own website.

Uh, no. I watch his interviews.
Trump knows FULL WELL that the H1-B program is a COMPLETE farce.
I have yet to meet ONE H1-B that knows what he's doing when he gets here.

when Kelly asked him about his position on it vs his position he stated on a previous debate, his position had changed. He even said "I'm changing, I'm changing". So ... what the hell IS his position? I've read what he said and he does say one thing at one point then something else at a later point.
Trump is exposing the FACT that H1-Bs are brought here under FALSE pretenses.
They provides super cheap labor and the overwhelming number of them lack the skills-set that they SUPOOSEDLY possesses.
They come and learn ON THE JOB.
After 6 years they get their Green Cards, get laid off and enjoy the benefits of Welfare and Food Stamps.

Yes and H1Bs also bring in the high skilled workers as well. If it's a gov't program I've no doubt it's got problems. Point is, Trump has flipped on his position on H1Bs, in addition to putting out wrong information on his own website.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

What Trump was stating to Kelly was that we need to keep Foreign Students (F visas) here, we need to employ our own highly skilled workers (citizens and graduating students), and then if we don't have enough of them we can then bring H1B's in.

It doesn't change his Immigration stance: Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas.

So if we allow in some H1B's, and their wages are increased, will it not force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S first? and then if they can't find these from the domestic pool they can then bring in an H1B.
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We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.

Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?
Trump is exposing the FACT that H1-Bs are brought here under FALSE pretenses.
They provides super cheap labor and the overwhelming number of them lack the skills-set that they SUPOOSEDLY possesses.
They come and learn ON THE JOB.
After 6 years they get their Green Cards, get laid off and enjoy the benefits of Welfare and Food Stamps.

Yes and H1Bs also bring in the high skilled workers as well. If it's a gov't program I've no doubt it's got problems. Point is, Trump has flipped on his position on H1Bs, in addition to putting out wrong information on his own website.

Uh, no. I watch his interviews.
Trump knows FULL WELL that the H1-B program is a COMPLETE farce.
I have yet to meet ONE H1-B that knows what he's doing when he gets here.

when Kelly asked him about his position on it vs his position he stated on a previous debate, his position had changed. He even said "I'm changing, I'm changing". So ... what the hell IS his position? I've read what he said and he does say one thing at one point then something else at a later point.
You are correct in that there WAS a moment in time where Trump vacillated on the issue.
It may have been the 2nd or 3rd debate.
Trump was deluged with Tweets and reneged on his position that there might be value in bringing in tens of thousands of H1-Bs annually.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
H1-Bs receive their degrees in India; their ACTUAL skill level receives ZERO scrutiny due to their low wage in the US.
They DO NOT receive the prevailing wage listed on WEB sites.
Most of them have Master's Degrees, which in India is equivalent to American bathroom tissue.
We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.

Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?

Maybe you missed this part of what he said:

Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And he's's mainly just in the minds of idiot wingnuts such as yourself that the President's administration actually did anything wrong.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
He thoroughly answered the question, the issue is your ineptness about what he stated and your lack of knowledge when it comes to the issue of visas and immigration.

So you professed that your prior links to include Trumps used the word "highly" skilled, and yet now you come back with new links that claim it? Whats wrong you couldn't find it on the H1B site or Trumps, both of which you claimed stated it. LMFAO

Now lets look at your 2 new links, your first link claims they are Highly Skilled workers based on some definition of International Professional. LMFAO
While your second link claims "some" are highly skilled. I could go along with your second link, as some are probably highly skilled, while others are obviously not.

The rest of your hyperbole is hilarious though. :laugh2:
LMFAO the overwhelming majority of small business owners are not in the 1% you fucking idiot.

Of Earned Income Taxpayers, YES... they ARE!
NO they ARE NOT!

Trump isn't talking about raising Earned Income Tax Brackets that. In fact he is talking about having only 4 tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven.

Again... No, he has recently said "I'm not a big fan" [of the majority of his tax cuts going to the top 1%] and he plans for their rate to go up. He has SAID... "We have to tax the rich more!" What he WAS talking about was fine... I liked his tax plan... I defended it here several times against stupid liberals who didn't get it. But he has now lurched left on it... he says we have to "raise taxes on the rich" like some kind of fucked-in-the-head liberal kook who doesn't understand the way our tax system works. "The Rich" aren't making their money through Earned Income and pay very little Earned Income Tax. Raising the top marginal earned income tax rates (what he said) is stupid and only hurts small businesses.
You see this is where your ignorance shines bright, thinking that small business owners are the 1%. You must be one of those fucked-in-the-head liberal kooks since what he has proposed would reduce tax rates on Earned Income (Net Profit - personal income). He never stated we should raise the top marginal earned income tax rates. SMFH

He is only talking about closing corporate loop holes:

No... In a totally different conversation about corporate taxation he has said that but he has not been specific about what "loopholes" he wants to close. A "loophole" in corporate taxation context, is basically a tax incentive that we have passed at one time or another in order to address some problem or issue facing many Americans. I can't sit here and defend them all, but every single one of them has a reason and purpose for existing and Congress held debates to argue why we should or should not have them. Personally, I am all for eliminating all the "loopholes" and lowering the tax rate to near zero for corporations, particularly if we can incentivize domesticity. You keep your money and jobs HERE and you can pay 5% corporate tax with no loopholes.

But Trump was NOT talking about corporate tax rates in the interview I raised questions with.
What interview is it you think he stated to raise the top marginal earned income tax rates in? You seem to be projecting based on some other phrase that you are mis-interpreting. In a town-hall interview he was asked if he believed in raising taxes on the wealthy, to which he said he does, and his ideals are to close loopholes to do so, such as the Carried Interest loophole.

The biggest winners under Donald Trump's tax plan

Again... IDIOT... We don't tax WEALTH in America! That is a Socialist-Marxist propaganda tool. We've NEVER taxed WEALTH in this country! We tax income... we tax capital gains... we tax property... we do not tax WEALTH! Now you and Trump can BUY IN to the class warfare rhetoric of the progressives if you want to... but you're STUPID!

And yes... he most certainly DID say, in an interview on Thursday with CNBC, that he's "not a big fan" of the proposals in his tax cut plan which provide tax relief for top wage earners and he plans to "tax the rich." So he has now abandoned Conservatism and is spouting the Socialist-Marxist class warfare propaganda.

I don't care if you don't believe me... do some fucking research! Small businesses pay the overwhelming majority of the "Top 1%" of taxes on Earned Income because that's how they report. That's who he (and progressives) are talking about increasing taxes on... that's who they consider "The Rich!"

Linking me to stuff about Trump's tax proposal or his town halls is pointless... I already said, I was a supporter of his tax plan. But he is NOW changing his tune on his OWN tax plan! He says "I'm not a big fan" ...of his OWN TAX PLAN!

In two days, following his coronation as GOP nominee, he has completely caved on two key conservative principles. He is now leaning toward a minimum wage increase (which will kill jobs) and increasing the top marginal earned income tax rates (which harms small business). He has taken to spewing the left-wing talking point about "taxing the rich" as if he doesn't understand we don't tax wealth in America. And here YOU are, continuing to wave your pom-poms, seemingly oblivious to what he is saying NOW... in total contradiction of what he has said on the campaign trail.

Yes... someone needs to be shaking their damn head but it's not YOU... you keep shaking your head and marbles keep falling out... you're losing them all!
Are you really this fucking illiterate? Nobody said anything about taxing wealth you fucking idiot. Don't create a strawman so that you can knock it down and try to look as though you know more than you actually do.

Trump stated he is for taxing the wealthy (that is with a Y) by closing some loopholes like Carried Interest, which in effect would increase their taxes.

I have done the research, small business owners are not the majority of the 1%, in fact less than 1% of small business owners are in the 1%.
So-called wealthy are actually small business owners? The data is dubious
Buffett Rule would only hit 1% of small business owners
That is, it's likely that only 1% of small business owners would be directly affected by the latest proposal to raise taxes on the rich, according to data from the U.S. Treasury Department.​
Small Business Owners and the Top 1% - Barbara Weltman
According to Forbes, to be within this elite income group, a person needs annual income of about $394,000 from personal services or investments. According to the IRS, you need income of about $389,000 (based on figures from 2011 tax returns). This group reported 19% of all the taxable income in the U.S. and paid 35% of all federal income taxes for individuals.

Small business owners

Almost all of small businesses in the U.S. are set up in such a way—as sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, or S corporations—that owners pay personal income taxes on their share of business profits. How many small business owners fall within the top one-percenters? It’s difficult to tell. Here are some clues:

  • From IRS statistics, of the more than 8 million owners who had Schedule K-1 income from partnerships (including LLCs that report as partnerships) and S corporations, they had income of $425,384,000,000. This works out to about $53,000 of income per owner, which is a far cry from the approximately $390,000 of income needed to fall within the top 1%. But these are averages, so some may well have income from businesses and other sources putting them in the top 1%.
  • According to the Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center, of the income reported by the top 1%, 24% came from business income.
  • Payscale reports that the median salary for small business owners is $77,180; this would be something limited to S corporation owner-employees and does not take into account owners’ share of profits.
Top 5%
Even if only a handful of small business owners fall within the top 1%, many probably find themselves in the top 5% of individuals.

The U.S. Census Bureau fixes the threshold for the 5% group at household income of $232,000. And it is within this group that many of the federal tax limitations, surtaxes, and other restrictions begin to apply.
You don't appear to know how to research then. The rest of your frothing is nothing more than soundbites and mis-interpretation which appears to be pretty common with you since you don't understand the difference between tax brackets and tax rates, changing wealthy into wealth, etc. SMFH

Again... stop shaking your head, your marbles are falling out.

Are you really this fucking illiterate? Nobody said anything about taxing wealth you fucking idiot.

Yes, you ARE saying that we tax wealth if you state we need to "tax the rich" by increasing the tax rates on top marginal wage earners. That's exactly what the phrase means and what it applies to. It is a complete abandonment of Conservative free market principles and capitulation to the left-wing class warfare propaganda.

I have done the research, small business owners are not the majority of the 1%, in fact less than 1% of small business owners are in the 1%.

If you are looking at the "Top 1%" of wealthy people in America then you are correct... Most small businesses are not among the Top 1% of wealthy people in America. But that's not who we tax with Earned Income tax rates... We don't tax wealth, we tax Earned Income. You are assuming.. like the Marxist idiots on the left... that someone who earns a high income is wealthy and that's not the case. The Top 1% of Earned Income Tax Payers.... are Small Businesses! They are NOT the wealthy... they may one day BE the wealthy... they're trying to become wealthy.... that's what Capitalism in a free market is ALL about!

Trump was SPECIFICALLY talking about his tax cut proposals on Earned Income Tax Payers. You are dishonestly trying to jump over to his proposals on other tax formulas which are unrelated to tax on Earned Income. Where in the living hell have people like you been the past 35-40 years we've been making these arguments? You act like this is all new or some radical idea that you've never heard... and it's boilerplate conservative free market economics.

Are there SOME super-wealthy people in the Top 1% who have Earned Income? Of course, and they don't mind paying whatever rate the government puts on it... it's insignificant to their overall earnings and wealth. What little amount of Earned Income they may have, you can tax that at 91% and it doesn't matter to them. But that is a relatively small number of people who are in the high end of the earned income bracket. The overwhelming majority of high earned income earners are small business entrepreneurs who file as individuals on their tax returns. Taxing THEM at 91% will essentially kill about 76% of our jobs because you will put these people out of business. We simply CAN'T do that in order to prop up some Marxist-Socialist MEME!
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
He thoroughly answered the question, the issue is your ineptness about what he stated and your lack of knowledge when it comes to the issue of visas and immigration.

So you professed that your prior links to include Trumps used the word "highly" skilled, and yet now you come back with new links that claim it? Whats wrong you couldn't find it on the H1B site or Trumps, both of which you claimed stated it. LMFAO

Now lets look at your 2 new links, your first link claims they are Highly Skilled workers based on some definition of International Professional. LMFAO
While your second link claims "some" are highly skilled. I could go along with your second link, as some are probably highly skilled, while others are obviously not.

The rest of your hyperbole is hilarious though. :laugh2:

The H1B link does state it ... International Professional. They are highly skilled workers. Not my problem you don't understand that.

Yes, "some" are highly skilled and "some" are not.

You even said H1B are highly skilled:

"What Trump was stating to Kelly was that we need to keep Foreign Students (F visas) here, we need to employ our own highly skilled workers (citizens and graduating students), and then if we don't have enough of them we can then bring H1B's in."

Trump didn't answer the question that Kelly asked.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
He thoroughly answered the question, the issue is your ineptness about what he stated and your lack of knowledge when it comes to the issue of visas and immigration.

So you professed that your prior links to include Trumps used the word "highly" skilled, and yet now you come back with new links that claim it? Whats wrong you couldn't find it on the H1B site or Trumps, both of which you claimed stated it. LMFAO

Now lets look at your 2 new links, your first link claims they are Highly Skilled workers based on some definition of International Professional. LMFAO
While your second link claims "some" are highly skilled. I could go along with your second link, as some are probably highly skilled, while others are obviously not.

The rest of your hyperbole is hilarious though. :laugh2:

The H1B link does state it ... International Professional. They are highly skilled workers. Not my problem you don't understand that.

Yes, "some" are highly skilled and "some" are not.

You even said H1B are highly skilled:

"What Trump was stating to Kelly was that we need to keep Foreign Students (F visas) here, we need to employ our own highly skilled workers (citizens and graduating students), and then if we don't have enough of them we can then bring H1B's in."

Trump didn't answer the question that Kelly asked.

Have you worked with any of them to know if they are even simply "skilled", or do you believe everything you read on the Internet?
Trump is stating FACT, NOT what is written in a piece of legislation put forth by MNC executives.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
He thoroughly answered the question, the issue is your ineptness about what he stated and your lack of knowledge when it comes to the issue of visas and immigration.

So you professed that your prior links to include Trumps used the word "highly" skilled, and yet now you come back with new links that claim it? Whats wrong you couldn't find it on the H1B site or Trumps, both of which you claimed stated it. LMFAO

Now lets look at your 2 new links, your first link claims they are Highly Skilled workers based on some definition of International Professional. LMFAO
While your second link claims "some" are highly skilled. I could go along with your second link, as some are probably highly skilled, while others are obviously not.

The rest of your hyperbole is hilarious though. :laugh2:

The H1B link does state it ... International Professional. They are highly skilled workers. Not my problem you don't understand that.

Yes, "some" are highly skilled and "some" are not.

You even said H1B are highly skilled:

"What Trump was stating to Kelly was that we need to keep Foreign Students (F visas) here, we need to employ our own highly skilled workers (citizens and graduating students), and then if we don't have enough of them we can then bring H1B's in."

Trump didn't answer the question that Kelly asked.

By Me Yesterday: ‘Flush Indian Startups Face Shortage of Skilled Workers’
A taste of reality from INDIAN business people regarding the "skill" of their fellow countrymen...they suck.
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.

Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.

Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.

So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.

For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.

Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.

I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

Assuming you consider that an alternative, which I do not. I don't want Hillary, Bernie, OR the Orange Jesus picking the Supreme Court justices.

Well feel free to share with the rest of us what you consider a plausible alternative at this point in time.

A plausible alternative, as in "How do we get someone else to nominate Justices", or a plausible alternative, as in "Who I'm voting for instead"?

It's a simple proposition, only one of two possible people will have the opportunity to nominate anyone, voting for a non-viable third party, for me is not an option, the court is too important.
when Kelly asked him about his position on it vs his position he stated on a previous debate, his position had changed. He even said "I'm changing, I'm changing". So ... what the hell IS his position?

He's CHANGING.... Into his normal Left-Wing Progressive Big Government self that he's always been until about 3 years ago when he decided to run for president on the Republican ticket. And his enamored fans are going to follow him like he's the goddamn Pied Piper... right over the damn cliff. They've quite simply lost their minds in their infatuation with this man. It's really scary to me.... Hitleresque!
LMFAO the overwhelming majority of small business owners are not in the 1% you fucking idiot.

Of Earned Income Taxpayers, YES... they ARE!
NO they ARE NOT!

Trump isn't talking about raising Earned Income Tax Brackets that. In fact he is talking about having only 4 tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven.

Again... No, he has recently said "I'm not a big fan" [of the majority of his tax cuts going to the top 1%] and he plans for their rate to go up. He has SAID... "We have to tax the rich more!" What he WAS talking about was fine... I liked his tax plan... I defended it here several times against stupid liberals who didn't get it. But he has now lurched left on it... he says we have to "raise taxes on the rich" like some kind of fucked-in-the-head liberal kook who doesn't understand the way our tax system works. "The Rich" aren't making their money through Earned Income and pay very little Earned Income Tax. Raising the top marginal earned income tax rates (what he said) is stupid and only hurts small businesses.
You see this is where your ignorance shines bright, thinking that small business owners are the 1%. You must be one of those fucked-in-the-head liberal kooks since what he has proposed would reduce tax rates on Earned Income (Net Profit - personal income). He never stated we should raise the top marginal earned income tax rates. SMFH

He is only talking about closing corporate loop holes:

No... In a totally different conversation about corporate taxation he has said that but he has not been specific about what "loopholes" he wants to close. A "loophole" in corporate taxation context, is basically a tax incentive that we have passed at one time or another in order to address some problem or issue facing many Americans. I can't sit here and defend them all, but every single one of them has a reason and purpose for existing and Congress held debates to argue why we should or should not have them. Personally, I am all for eliminating all the "loopholes" and lowering the tax rate to near zero for corporations, particularly if we can incentivize domesticity. You keep your money and jobs HERE and you can pay 5% corporate tax with no loopholes.

But Trump was NOT talking about corporate tax rates in the interview I raised questions with.
What interview is it you think he stated to raise the top marginal earned income tax rates in? You seem to be projecting based on some other phrase that you are mis-interpreting. In a town-hall interview he was asked if he believed in raising taxes on the wealthy, to which he said he does, and his ideals are to close loopholes to do so, such as the Carried Interest loophole.

The biggest winners under Donald Trump's tax plan

Again... IDIOT... We don't tax WEALTH in America! That is a Socialist-Marxist propaganda tool. We've NEVER taxed WEALTH in this country! We tax income... we tax capital gains... we tax property... we do not tax WEALTH! Now you and Trump can BUY IN to the class warfare rhetoric of the progressives if you want to... but you're STUPID!

And yes... he most certainly DID say, in an interview on Thursday with CNBC, that he's "not a big fan" of the proposals in his tax cut plan which provide tax relief for top wage earners and he plans to "tax the rich." So he has now abandoned Conservatism and is spouting the Socialist-Marxist class warfare propaganda.

I don't care if you don't believe me... do some fucking research! Small businesses pay the overwhelming majority of the "Top 1%" of taxes on Earned Income because that's how they report. That's who he (and progressives) are talking about increasing taxes on... that's who they consider "The Rich!"

Linking me to stuff about Trump's tax proposal or his town halls is pointless... I already said, I was a supporter of his tax plan. But he is NOW changing his tune on his OWN tax plan! He says "I'm not a big fan" ...of his OWN TAX PLAN!

In two days, following his coronation as GOP nominee, he has completely caved on two key conservative principles. He is now leaning toward a minimum wage increase (which will kill jobs) and increasing the top marginal earned income tax rates (which harms small business). He has taken to spewing the left-wing talking point about "taxing the rich" as if he doesn't understand we don't tax wealth in America. And here YOU are, continuing to wave your pom-poms, seemingly oblivious to what he is saying NOW... in total contradiction of what he has said on the campaign trail.

Yes... someone needs to be shaking their damn head but it's not YOU... you keep shaking your head and marbles keep falling out... you're losing them all!
Are you really this fucking illiterate? Nobody said anything about taxing wealth you fucking idiot. Don't create a strawman so that you can knock it down and try to look as though you know more than you actually do.

Trump stated he is for taxing the wealthy (that is with a Y) by closing some loopholes like Carried Interest, which in effect would increase their taxes.

I have done the research, small business owners are not the majority of the 1%, in fact less than 1% of small business owners are in the 1%.
So-called wealthy are actually small business owners? The data is dubious
Buffett Rule would only hit 1% of small business owners
That is, it's likely that only 1% of small business owners would be directly affected by the latest proposal to raise taxes on the rich, according to data from the U.S. Treasury Department.​
Small Business Owners and the Top 1% - Barbara Weltman
According to Forbes, to be within this elite income group, a person needs annual income of about $394,000 from personal services or investments. According to the IRS, you need income of about $389,000 (based on figures from 2011 tax returns). This group reported 19% of all the taxable income in the U.S. and paid 35% of all federal income taxes for individuals.

Small business owners

Almost all of small businesses in the U.S. are set up in such a way—as sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, or S corporations—that owners pay personal income taxes on their share of business profits. How many small business owners fall within the top one-percenters? It’s difficult to tell. Here are some clues:

  • From IRS statistics, of the more than 8 million owners who had Schedule K-1 income from partnerships (including LLCs that report as partnerships) and S corporations, they had income of $425,384,000,000. This works out to about $53,000 of income per owner, which is a far cry from the approximately $390,000 of income needed to fall within the top 1%. But these are averages, so some may well have income from businesses and other sources putting them in the top 1%.
  • According to the Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center, of the income reported by the top 1%, 24% came from business income.
  • Payscale reports that the median salary for small business owners is $77,180; this would be something limited to S corporation owner-employees and does not take into account owners’ share of profits.
Top 5%
Even if only a handful of small business owners fall within the top 1%, many probably find themselves in the top 5% of individuals.

The U.S. Census Bureau fixes the threshold for the 5% group at household income of $232,000. And it is within this group that many of the federal tax limitations, surtaxes, and other restrictions begin to apply.
You don't appear to know how to research then. The rest of your frothing is nothing more than soundbites and mis-interpretation which appears to be pretty common with you since you don't understand the difference between tax brackets and tax rates, changing wealthy into wealth, etc. SMFH

Again... stop shaking your head, your marbles are falling out.

Are you really this fucking illiterate? Nobody said anything about taxing wealth you fucking idiot.

Yes, you ARE saying that we tax wealth if you state we need to "tax the rich" by increasing the tax rates on top marginal wage earners. That's exactly what the phrase means and what it applies to. It is a complete abandonment of Conservative free market principles and capitulation to the left-wing class warfare propaganda.

I have done the research, small business owners are not the majority of the 1%, in fact less than 1% of small business owners are in the 1%.

If you are looking at the "Top 1%" of wealthy people in America then you are correct... Most small businesses are not among the Top 1% of wealthy people in America. But that's not who we tax with Earned Income tax rates... We don't tax wealth, we tax Earned Income. You are assuming.. like the Marxist idiots on the left... that someone who earns a high income is wealthy and that's not the case. The Top 1% of Earned Income Tax Payers.... are Small Businesses! They are NOT the wealthy... they may one day BE the wealthy... they're trying to become wealthy.... that's what Capitalism in a free market is ALL about!

Trump was SPECIFICALLY talking about his tax cut proposals on Earned Income Tax Payers. You are dishonestly trying to jump over to his proposals on other tax formulas which are unrelated to tax on Earned Income. Where in the living hell have people like you been the past 35-40 years we've been making these arguments? You act like this is all new or some radical idea that you've never heard... and it's boilerplate conservative free market economics.

Are there SOME super-wealthy people in the Top 1% who have Earned Income? Of course, and they don't mind paying whatever rate the government puts on it... it's insignificant to their overall earnings and wealth. What little amount of Earned Income they may have, you can tax that at 91% and it doesn't matter to them. But that is a relatively small number of people who are in the high end of the earned income bracket. The overwhelming majority of high earned income earners are small business entrepreneurs who file as individuals on their tax returns. Taxing THEM at 91% will essentially kill about 76% of our jobs because you will put these people out of business. We simply CAN'T do that in order to prop up some Marxist-Socialist MEME!
Accept I haven't stated we need to "tax the rich" nor have I stated "we need to increase the tax rate on the top marginal earners". You seem confused over the entire discussion, I suggest you go back and re-read it, then start over. The rest of your incoherent rambling is nothing but static. I have provided links showing you that small business are not the 1%, nor are they even in the 1%. I have shown you how small business files their taxes on their NET income, yet you fail to comprehend even that basic knowledge. Who the fuck is wanting to tax people at 91%, Trump never stated such a thing, nor have I. You keep up those strawmen though, it really helps you to look ignorant as all hell.
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If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.

Isn't that the case with any politician.

No, and if we take that sort of lackadaisical, "Oh, it's okay if he lies to me, because all politicians lie" attitude, we have no right to ever expect any different.

That ship has already sailed, there's a majority of Americans that apparently love being lied to, otherwise the dear leader wouldn't have been reelected.
H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
He thoroughly answered the question, the issue is your ineptness about what he stated and your lack of knowledge when it comes to the issue of visas and immigration.

So you professed that your prior links to include Trumps used the word "highly" skilled, and yet now you come back with new links that claim it? Whats wrong you couldn't find it on the H1B site or Trumps, both of which you claimed stated it. LMFAO

Now lets look at your 2 new links, your first link claims they are Highly Skilled workers based on some definition of International Professional. LMFAO
While your second link claims "some" are highly skilled. I could go along with your second link, as some are probably highly skilled, while others are obviously not.

The rest of your hyperbole is hilarious though. :laugh2:

The H1B link does state it ... International Professional. They are highly skilled workers. Not my problem you don't understand that.

Yes, "some" are highly skilled and "some" are not.

You even said H1B are highly skilled:

"What Trump was stating to Kelly was that we need to keep Foreign Students (F visas) here, we need to employ our own highly skilled workers (citizens and graduating students), and then if we don't have enough of them we can then bring H1B's in."

Trump didn't answer the question that Kelly asked.
International Professional does not mean highly skilled. :laugh2:

I used the word highly skilled because we actually have highly skilled IT people that have had to train there replacements and have been laid off due to cheaper workers. If these H1B visa holders were already highly skilled then they wouldn't have needed to be trained.

Trump thoroughly answered the question Kelly asked.

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