Conservatives, the fight is not over!

when Kelly asked him about his position on it vs his position he stated on a previous debate, his position had changed. He even said "I'm changing, I'm changing". So ... what the hell IS his position?

He's CHANGING.... Into his normal Left-Wing Progressive Big Government self that he's always been until about 3 years ago when he decided to run for president on the Republican ticket. And his enamored fans are going to follow him like he's the goddamn Pied Piper... right over the damn cliff. They've quite simply lost their minds in their infatuation with this man. It's really scary to me.... Hitleresque!
Just 3 years ago he changed? And yet hes been talking at CPAC since 2010.
In CPAC speech, Trump hints of White House bid

Conservative Political Action Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, Hitleresque! That's some analogy. :laugh2:
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We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.

Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?

Maybe you missed this part of what he said:

Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And he's's mainly just in the minds of idiot wingnuts such as yourself that the President's administration actually did anything wrong.

You do realize the bailouts had nothing to do with the bankruptcy proceedings, right? Two different laws, two different procedures. But hey feel free to post a link where the bailout law suspended bankruptcy law. No hurry, I'll wait. And I'll be waiting a long, long time.
That ship has already sailed, there's a majority of Americans that apparently love being lied to, otherwise the dear leader wouldn't have been reelected.

All politicians lie.

Yep, but if I had my way, all public officials would be considered under oath every time they speak publicly, if they're caught lying they would be prosecuted and jailed for perjury. You think they would chose their words a bit more carefully if that were the case?
Accept I haven't stated we need to "tax the rich" nor have I stated "we need to increase the tax rate on the top marginal earners". You seem confused over the entire discussion, I suggest you go back and re-read it, then start over. The rest of your incoherent rambling is nothing but static. I have provided links showing you that small business are not the 1%, nor are they even in the 1%. I have shown you how small business files their taxes on their NET income, yet you fail to comprehend even that basic knowledge. Who the fuck is wanting to tax people at 91%, Trump never stated such a thing, nor have I. You keep up those strawmen though, it really helps you to look ignorant as all hell.

We're not discussing what YOU'VE said... Moron! You seem to be confused. I suggest YOU go back and read over.

You've not provided jack shit other than liberal left-wing propagandist talking points that free market conservatives have been refuting with fact for the past 40 years. You and Trump are sounding more and more like Bernie Sanders supporters. Maybe THAT is who Trump and you are attempting to appeal to? :dunno:
That ship has already sailed, there's a majority of Americans that apparently love being lied to, otherwise the dear leader wouldn't have been reelected.

All politicians lie.

Yep, but if I had my way, all public officials would be considered under oath every time they speak publicly, if they're caught lying they would be prosecuted and jailed for perjury. You think they would chose their words a bit more carefully if that were the case?

Then you'd get into a lot of legal stoushes over things like what the definition of 'is' is.
You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.

Yes, and obviously, you're NOT a free market conservative. Free markets have EVERYTHING to do with tax rates, you moron. Earned Income Tax applies to the profits made by free market capitalist entrepreneurs in every small business in America! Every free market conservative knows this intuitively, it's not in question at all. You sound like some fucked-in-the-head Keynesian idiot spewing utter nonsense out your blowhole.

And I have to say... it seems very apparent that others here see just how idiotic you are being because they are replying to you just as I have... you're swatting away left and right at those who are telling you what a moron you are... is that not making an impression on your stupid ass?
Free markets don't have anything to do with tax rates it has to do with fewer regulations. Free markets are based on the economy, supply and demand, and labor. What you should be exclaiming if you are truly a free market constitutional conservative is we should reduce government spending and lessen the tax burden. The only one talking out their blowhole is you.

OKTexas was discussing your inept claim that Trump would appoint a SCJ, I stated he couldn't do it unless the Senate confirmed the nomination.

Iceweasel jumped into his own mess putting his nose where it doesn't belong.
If you're going to post here it's everyone's business, you smug asshole. If you want a private conversation there are ways to do it. There is no such thing as "the" free market. Markets aren't pure, nothing is without restraint. A totally free market would be anarchy and no government would exist by definition. Pop your head out of your ass, you aren't impressing anybody.
Wow, your a fucking genius! Funny how it is BOSS talking about free markets and the tax rates being part of them and you attacking me over me explaining that tax rates have nothing to do with free markets, you fucking moron. SMFH

Oh, I get it now, you want to be BOSS's knight in shining armor, is that why you started your conversation with me about assholes? I won't give you mine so now you want BOSS's? LMFAO

You really should read this thread from the beginning, maybe then you might be able to follow along. imjusayn

If you wish to make it your business then you should really understand basic English comprehension first. You won't look so damned ignorant if you understood that one thing, but each to his own. :YAWN:
I said what I meant, not what you think I meant. Or wanted me to mean. Like I said, pop your head out of your ass and read the actual words. Free markets are based on the economy? Was that supposed to mean something?
"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
Utter horseshit. The 3/5th rule for blacks came about as a compromise to get slave holding states onboard unity of the nation. They were products of their day and women didn't have power, didn't live as independents so it's easy to look back with 21st century eyes and make value judgments. Otherwise citizens could vote for a representative, the common man shared the same rights.

And furthermore, technology is what forwarded social change, not progressive activists dreaming up goodness from their ivory towers. Factories made slavery unnecessary. Farm machinery finally made it unnecessary. Household appliances gave women more freedom to be engaged in politics and events of the day.

Maybe your perception of reality is distorted by corporations but you don't speak for me.

Speak for you? Why I'd never. My bad, you're right of course.

No Anti-Tax Movement, no American Revolution, no Abolition Movement, no States' Rights Movement, no Women's Rights Movement, no Temperance Movement, no Labor Movement, no Civil Rights Movement, no Anti-War Movement, no Environmental Movement, no union strikes, no Workers Rights Movement, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Boston Tea Party, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Southeast Missouri Sharecroppers Strike, nonadat ever happened.
I'm not going to hold your hand and try to make up for your lack of schooling and walk you through each step but the Revolution happened because Americans were doing well with their various businesses. England wasn't go to let the cash cow go without a good milking. I already covered slavery. The anti-war movement did what? Nixon got elected! They pissed off a lot of people like they do now. But the big picture is that technology is what drives social change, not malcontents creating a nuisance or the lofty ideals of progressives.

Nice cherry-picking.
How so?
Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?

oh, NOW you are talking about the bankruptcy laws. The bankruptcy laws don't really apply here, guy.

Again, I think it shows some real fucking Conservative brain damage when your first thought during an economic crisis is 'What about the rich people? The poor dears lost money on their investment."

The GM Bailout saved the American Auto Industry. It prevented the Great Recession from becoming "The Great Depression II, Electric Bugaloo". but your big worry, 'What about the investors who bought GM Stock hoping to profit off of its collapse?"

Seriously, fuck those guys.
Again, I think it shows some real fucking Conservative brain damage when your first thought during an economic crisis is 'What about the rich people? The poor dears lost money on their investment."

The GM Bailout saved the American Auto Industry. It prevented the Great Recession from becoming "The Great Depression II, Electric Bugaloo". but your big worry, 'What about the investors who bought GM Stock hoping to profit off of its collapse?"

Seriously, fuck those guys.

Wow... what an idiot! So you think rich people buy stock hoping to profit when businesses collapse? How the hell does THAT work??? :dunno:

And I guess you don't understand that every person who works and has a 401k, owns stock? When a stock tanks, they lose money... rich people, poor people, people in between.... all people who own the stock lose money.

The GM bailout didn't save anything or prevent anything, other than saving union bosses and preventing them from losing their jobs... they are big democrat supporters and that's important to people like you and John McCain.
"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
Utter horseshit. The 3/5th rule for blacks came about as a compromise to get slave holding states onboard unity of the nation. They were products of their day and women didn't have power, didn't live as independents so it's easy to look back with 21st century eyes and make value judgments. Otherwise citizens could vote for a representative, the common man shared the same rights.

And furthermore, technology is what forwarded social change, not progressive activists dreaming up goodness from their ivory towers. Factories made slavery unnecessary. Farm machinery finally made it unnecessary. Household appliances gave women more freedom to be engaged in politics and events of the day.

Maybe your perception of reality is distorted by corporations but you don't speak for me.

Speak for you? Why I'd never. My bad, you're right of course.

No Anti-Tax Movement, no American Revolution, no Abolition Movement, no States' Rights Movement, no Women's Rights Movement, no Temperance Movement, no Labor Movement, no Civil Rights Movement, no Anti-War Movement, no Environmental Movement, no union strikes, no Workers Rights Movement, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Boston Tea Party, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Southeast Missouri Sharecroppers Strike, nonadat ever happened.
I'm not going to hold your hand and try to make up for your lack of schooling and walk you through each step but the Revolution happened because Americans were doing well with their various businesses. England wasn't go to let the cash cow go without a good milking. I already covered slavery. The anti-war movement did what? Nixon got elected! They pissed off a lot of people like they do now. But the big picture is that technology is what drives social change, not malcontents creating a nuisance or the lofty ideals of progressives.

Nice cherry-picking.
How so?

Let's not talk about any of the other stuff Fenton mentioned (he could have also brought up Women's Suffrage, btw), let's just bring up two examples, shoot them down and then say that's why the idea is wrong.

Hell, even the two examples you shot down are wrong. Your reason for the American Revolution...

...the Revolution happened because Americans were doing well with their various businesses. England wasn't go to let the cash cow go without a good milking.

...whether right or wrong, doesn't negate the fact that it was a movement to upend a status quo that was no longer tolerable. These guys weren't hippies, but they sure as well were progressive for their time.

As for the anti-war movement, BFD if Nixon still got elected, it can still be argued that it worked over the long run. No to mention it did cause LBJ to not run in '68.
Again, I think it shows some real fucking Conservative brain damage when your first thought during an economic crisis is 'What about the rich people? The poor dears lost money on their investment."

The GM Bailout saved the American Auto Industry. It prevented the Great Recession from becoming "The Great Depression II, Electric Bugaloo". but your big worry, 'What about the investors who bought GM Stock hoping to profit off of its collapse?"

Seriously, fuck those guys.

Wow... what an idiot! So you think rich people buy stock hoping to profit when businesses collapse? How the hell does THAT work??? :dunno:

And I guess you don't understand that every person who works and has a 401k, owns stock? When a stock tanks, they lose money... rich people, poor people, people in between.... all people who own the stock lose money.

The GM bailout didn't save anything or prevent anything, other than saving union bosses and preventing them from losing their jobs... they are big democrat supporters and that's important to people like you and John McCain.

It was more than just union bosses not losing their jobs.
We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.

Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?

Maybe you missed this part of what he said:

Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And he's's mainly just in the minds of idiot wingnuts such as yourself that the President's administration actually did anything wrong.

You do realize the bailouts had nothing to do with the bankruptcy proceedings, right? Two different laws, two different procedures. But hey feel free to post a link where the bailout law suspended bankruptcy law. No hurry, I'll wait. And I'll be waiting a long, long time.

Here's another idea: how about you post a link discussing the Obama Admin being taken to court over what you claim is "lawless". It's been done before, after all.
We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.

Damn you're one stupid son of a bitch, I wasn't talking about the bailout boondoggle, I was talking about the bankruptcy laws. But you already knew that, and when is GM going to pay the tax payers back?

Maybe you missed this part of what he said:

Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And he's's mainly just in the minds of idiot wingnuts such as yourself that the President's administration actually did anything wrong.

You do realize the bailouts had nothing to do with the bankruptcy proceedings, right? Two different laws, two different procedures. But hey feel free to post a link where the bailout law suspended bankruptcy law. No hurry, I'll wait. And I'll be waiting a long, long time.

Here's another idea: how about you post a link discussing the Obama Admin being taken to court over what you claim is "lawless". It's been done before, after all.

So that's your standard? You apply the same thing to W? He's only guilty of what has been proven in a court of law? So you defend him when leftists make accusations since he's been convicted of nothing? Funny, I don't see you doing that ...
Accept I haven't stated we need to "tax the rich" nor have I stated "we need to increase the tax rate on the top marginal earners". You seem confused over the entire discussion, I suggest you go back and re-read it, then start over. The rest of your incoherent rambling is nothing but static. I have provided links showing you that small business are not the 1%, nor are they even in the 1%. I have shown you how small business files their taxes on their NET income, yet you fail to comprehend even that basic knowledge. Who the fuck is wanting to tax people at 91%, Trump never stated such a thing, nor have I. You keep up those strawmen though, it really helps you to look ignorant as all hell.

We're not discussing what YOU'VE said... Moron! You seem to be confused. I suggest YOU go back and read over.

You've not provided jack shit other than liberal left-wing propagandist talking points that free market conservatives have been refuting with fact for the past 40 years. You and Trump are sounding more and more like Bernie Sanders supporters. Maybe THAT is who Trump and you are attempting to appeal to? :dunno:

And really, aren't we all here to screech "librule" and insults endlessly. Again, exactly how we got here and why the trend line shall continue. The system floats on this shit. Clinton or Trump. Won't matter etiher way, the same trjectory will be the result. It's all theater.
Accept I haven't stated we need to "tax the rich" nor have I stated "we need to increase the tax rate on the top marginal earners". You seem confused over the entire discussion, I suggest you go back and re-read it, then start over. The rest of your incoherent rambling is nothing but static. I have provided links showing you that small business are not the 1%, nor are they even in the 1%. I have shown you how small business files their taxes on their NET income, yet you fail to comprehend even that basic knowledge. Who the fuck is wanting to tax people at 91%, Trump never stated such a thing, nor have I. You keep up those strawmen though, it really helps you to look ignorant as all hell.

We're not discussing what YOU'VE said... Moron! You seem to be confused. I suggest YOU go back and read over.

You've not provided jack shit other than liberal left-wing propagandist talking points that free market conservatives have been refuting with fact for the past 40 years. You and Trump are sounding more and more like Bernie Sanders supporters. Maybe THAT is who Trump and you are attempting to appeal to? :dunno:
We are discussing what Trump stated, and he didn't state what you are claiming. He didn't state he was going to "tax the rich", he never once stated "we need to increase the tax rate on the top marginal earners". This is all your projection based on his response to a question. You're the one providing liberal left-wing propagandist talking points to try to protect what you claim are free market conservatives, when you don't really seem to have a basic understanding of what the free market actually is, let alone what a conservative is.
And really, aren't we all here to screech "librule" and insults endlessly. Again, exactly how we got here and why the trend line shall continue. The system floats on this shit. Clinton or Trump. Won't matter etiher way, the same trjectory will be the result. It's all theater.

What the hell is "librule"?

Morons are SO predictable... as soon as the discussion gets going, here comes this same old standardized cynicism. ALL politicians are crooked... ALL of them are bad... it's ALL the same thing! As long as you're knocking out one liberal progressive victory after another, things are peachy keen... no problems with the world... all is good! Whenever that is threatened or challenged, look out... here comes the cynicism.

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