Conservatives, the fight is not over!

Because the responses aren't cookie cut phrases? His track record is to the left because of donations? SMFH He's talked at how many CPAC conventions? Hint: quite a few. He even supported McCain in 2008. His positions have been pretty consistent.

No, they haven't.

Read. Learn.

Here's a list of Trumps constantly changing positions.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues
Oh yes the Liberal web sites that accuse a Republican of flip flopping. OK. SMFH

Poor thing, can't even go to the link and read/watch Trump's own words.

It's got shaken baby syndrome. All that head shaking has scrambled it's wittle pea brain.
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Right, fuck the law, regressives don't need no fucking law, they got their dear leader.

Guy, the investors were gambling. When you gamble you should expect to lose money when you make bad bets.

So a few investors who were looking to pick over the bones of GM lost money, but millions of people got to keep their jobs. Most sensible people, you know, ones who aren't heartless assholes, would consider that a good thing.

Again, Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome. No matter how much the 1% bitchslaps you, you keep making excuses for them.
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
"Trump put out a tax plan last year that included major cuts to income, estate and business taxes for the ultra-wealthy along with far less generous cuts for the middle class. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated his plan would cut the tax bill for the top 1 percent of earners by about $275,000 a year on average and for the top 0.1 percent by $1.3 million. The overall cost would be $9.5 trillion over a decade.

“I fight like hell to pay as little as possible,” Trump said at an event announcing his plan in September.

But that was the old Trump. Pressed by CNBC on Thursday as to how he could simultaneously brand himself as a populist who will take on wealthy elites while proposing sweeping tax cuts for billionaires, Trump backed away from his plan.

RELATED: Donald Trump’s rapidly changing policy positions

“I am not necessarily a huge fan of that,” he said. “I am so much more into the middle class who have just been absolutely forgotten in our country.”

Trump described his tax proposal, which was the most detailed policy paper he put out in the campaign, as merely a starting point for a future deal.

“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

It’s important to note that these disproportionately large cuts for the rich aren’t a minor side feature of his plan, they’re the heart of it. A whopping 67 percent of the overall cost of his individual tax cuts would go to toward benefiting the top 20 percent of earners and 35 percent of it would go to the top 1 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center’s analysis.

Trump’s abrupt dismissal of his own tax plan, which he regularly cited on the campaign trail, came a day after he signaled a willingness to raise the federal minimum wage, which would be a major reversal from his stance in the primaries."

Link to his original tax plan at site.

BREAKING. Donald Trump Renounces His Own Tax Plan | RedState
Some of you need to get your heads examined, you have some kind of PTSD going on.

Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan
FISCAL FACT No. 482: Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan (PDF)
Key Findings:

  • Mr. Trump’s tax plan would substantially lower individual income taxes and the corporate income tax and eliminate a number of complex features in the current tax code.
  • Mr. Trump’s plan would cut taxes by $11.98 trillion over the next decade on a static basis. However, the plan would end up reducing tax revenues by $10.14 trillion over the next decade when accounting for economic growth from increases in the supply of labor and capital.
  • The plan would also result in increased outlays due to higher interest on the debt, creating a ten-year deficit somewhat larger than the estimates above.
  • According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the plan would significantly reduce marginal tax rates and the cost of capital, which would lead to an 11 percent higher GDP over the long term provided that the tax cut could be appropriately financed.
  • The plan would also lead to a 29 percent larger capital stock, 6.5 percent higher wages, and 5.3 million more full-time equivalent jobs.
  • The plan would cut taxes and lead to higher after-tax incomes for taxpayers at all levels of income.
Jackass? You were the one that fails in knowing what is taxed verse what are tax brackets. SMFH

No shit, in the US we tax NET INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS, you do know what those are, right?

The top 1% pay tax on capital gains at the rate of at least 15% the remainder are those that make a NET income over $389K. SMFH

Small business doesn't make up the majority of 1%'ers. Small business owners pay personal income taxes on their share of business profits, not on the total gross of the business. You are arguing outside your scope of knowledge. Stephen Hayes is a moron. SMFH

Shut up, twerp.. I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Taxes, tax brackets... Earned Income Tax is virtually non-existent for a highly wealthy person. What little bit there may be, they don't care if you take it ALL! MOST of their income has already been earned... they look for ways to SPEND it. Capital Gains are NOT Earned Income and are not part of the Earned Income Individual Tax Rates that Trump is talking about increasing! You have a completely different form to fill out on what you owe in taxes for your Capital Gains. It has ZERO to do with your Earned Income.

Democrats are talking about increasing Cap Gains taxes to that of regular Earned Income... that is STUPID! It kills investment because the super-wealthy who pay the Cap Gains taxes are not interested in paying more taxes. Did you just fall off a turnip truck in front of the Republican tent or what?

Small business owners, as matter of Federal Tax law, report their business earnings on their individual tax returns. It is reported as Earned Income. The overwhelming majority of this "Top 1%" is simply small business owners reporting the profits earned from their small businesses. They are not "The Rich!"

Now... virtually ANY free market Conservative KNOWS these things for a FACT. The people who don't understand these things are idiots who watch reality TV. Apparently, that includes YOU!
LMFAO the overwhelming majority of small business owners are not in the 1% you fucking idiot. They pay based on their NET not their GROSS. The overwhelming majority of small business owners make less than $77K NET for the year. SMFH

Capital gains taxes are paid at a rate of 15% and 20%, they are investment income, I never stated they were Earned Income, but nice try at creating a strawman. Trump isn't talking about raising Earned Income Tax Brackets that. In fact he is talking about having only 4 tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. All of which are significantly lower then what we have now. SMFH

He is only talking about closing corporate loop holes: Reducing or eliminating corporate loopholes that cater to special interests, as well as deductions made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rate on corporations and business income.

You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.I think you should get back on your Turnip truck and hit that field one more time, there seems to be many Turnips you failed to see, your few in the box isn't worth what you are claiming them to be. watafuknmoron
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

Look up "majority", Trumpette. Your command of English is even worse than your Orange Messiah's, and God knows, my first-grader is more articulate than that white-trash-with-money slob.
LMFAO, so all you have now are inept claims of "majority" and Trump didn't have the majority vote. LMFAO Yet he had millions more votes than Cruz. But you Cruz whackers claim it was about the delegates, to which Trump had more than Cruz also. SMFH

Me thinks you've shaken your wittle head so much you're brain damaged, assuming you even have one that is.
Well there's the problem then, you trying to think and putting strain between your ears all the while having your eyes closed and going :lalala:
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at you now backing up exactly what I stated all the while calling me a dumbass. watafuknmoron.

So now you agree with me that what Boss stated was incorrect and your claim of semantics is nothing but your own idiocy. :clap2:

I didn't back up on anything, nomination is the first step in the appointment process, just a nomination doesn't get anyone a seat on the court, just ask the dear leader.

From my link:
My bold

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."
:YAWN: you claimed semantics on what Boss stated, I proceeded to explain the difference between nominating a SCJ and the process verse simply appointing an SCJ, to which you have now backed up exactly what I stated after calling me a dumbass. :clap2:

OK child, you want to play a semantics game, let's play. So first let's see exactly what you said.

Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Now let's pick apart your incorrect verbiage. The Senate can confirm on not, Congress which consist of two houses that have no collective say on the nomination, only the Senate gets a vote. Also the Senate either refuses to consider a nomination, withholds confirmation or confirms, they don't deny a nomination. After all a nomination is fact, how can you deny it. And like it says below, after the Senate confirms the president makes the APPOINTMENT.

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."

And then there's that thing called a recess APPOINTMENT where the Senate gets no say until a new congress is seated. So maybe you should pick your words a bit more carefully before you try to nitpick someone else's. dumbass.
:YAWN: And as I stated, The President doesn't have control over it, he can only nominate the SCJ, the SENATE, can deny (refuse to consider in the Senate Judiciary Committee OR if he makes it out of there, be denied via the full SENATE vote) or confirmed via full SENATE Vote. The President doesn't just get to go in and appoint a SCJ. He doesn't get appointed nor does he become an appointee until after he has been confirmed, not before as stated by BOSS.

Recess appointments are only allowed to serve until the end of the next SENATE session.
If that does result in an impasse, President Obama may ponder the possibility of putting on the Court a new Justice of his choosing, to serve temporarily. The problem, though, is that less than two years ago, the Supreme Court severely narrowed the flexibility of such temporary appointment power, and strengthened the Senate’s capacity to frustrate such a presidential maneuver.​
Is a recess appointment to the Court an option? (UPDATED)
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We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! So where do I send your helmet and red balloon?
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Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
Oh lookie what we have here. Smug fuck unleashed! How precious.

How did Trump steal it? You should say instead of whacking off and ejaculating your pearls of wisdom instead. Masturbation only pleasures yourself, nobody else is impressed.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.

Isn't that the case with any politician.

Wait ... isn't part of trump's appeal is that he ISN"T a politician, that's he's a smart business man who is going to set things right?
Right, fuck the law, regressives don't need no fucking law, they got their dear leader.

Guy, the investors were gambling. When you gamble you should expect to lose money when you make bad bets.

So a few investors who were looking to pick over the bones of GM lost money, but millions of people got to keep their jobs. Most sensible people, you know, ones who aren't heartless assholes, would consider that a good thing.

Again, Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome. No matter how much the 1% bitchslaps you, you keep making excuses for them.

We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.

Isn't that the case with any politician.

Wait ... isn't part of trump's appeal is that he ISN"T a politician, that's he's a smart business man who is going to set things right?

Keep telling yourself that, he been playing politics for the last 40+ years, he just hasn't ran for office before. Just like the hildabitch, he'll say anything he thinks his lemmings will swallow to get elected.
Had the contemporary American Conservatives not been so entrenched in their ridged political ideology and conducted a purge of what they saw as the unworthy in the GOP, perhaps their hopes and dreams would have come to fruition. Had those Conservatives taken a larger view of the nation and worked to integrate their politics into it rather than demonize those not following their orthodoxy, they could have enjoyed some measure of political success. Had those Conservatives not applauded the most drastic tactics used by their elected champions, such as shutting down the federal government in a fit of political pique and running the federal credit rating into the rocks as a result, more people might have grown to appreciate their motives.

Conservatives set the plate for a nominee like Trump. Not the media boogeyman they tend to blame for all their failures. Had it not been for the flaws of strategy by the contemporary Conservative movement, perhaps a Republican nominee more to their liking would be the presumptive nominee instead of a rodeo clown like Donald Trump.
It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.

Isn't that the case with any politician.

Wait ... isn't part of trump's appeal is that he ISN"T a politician, that's he's a smart business man who is going to set things right?

Keep telling yourself that, he been playing politics for the last 40+ years, he just hasn't ran for office before. Just like the hildabitch, he'll say anything he thinks his lemmings will swallow to get elected.

I'm not telling myself anything, Trump is the big business partner that big gov't is in bed with. He's been schmoozing with the pols his whole life. Was just raising a question.
You might try re-reading what I stated before running your mouth and looking like a total fucking idiot. I'm for Trump, not Cruz, try following along in the conversation. SMFH
Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
Not only should you have read the thread, but you should have comprehended what was stated, or you should have kept your brown nose out of my asshole. Do you need a napkin to get that chunk off? :dunno:
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Don't blame me if you're too busy jerking a load off to please yourself instead of making a coherent point.
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
Not only should you have read the thread, but you should have comprehended what was stated, or you should have kept your brown nose out of my asshole. Do you need a napkin to get that chunk off? :dunno:
Your asshole? I thought I had my dick in your mouth, it was located above your chin, oh well.

Just learn to articulate a bit better, trying to squeeze that much hate into a few words muddies the message.

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