Conservatives vs Liberals

No, I am right. You believe in something you fully admit you have never seen. By your own words in your OP you are not a conservative. Those are your words, not mine.

Liberals think that in order for "God" to exist, there must be some physical being somewhere that you can lay your eyes upon. He should be able to walk into a room and sit down at a table for a CNN interview by Anderson Cooper, or he doesn't exist.

God does not have a physical form. God is creation. God is energy. God is the force that dictates how all things must be.

You have never SEEN television or radio waves. Do you believe they exist? You have never SEEN sound waves, yet you listen to them and believe they exist. You have never SEEN your heart, yet you believe it is inside of you, as black and wicked as it may be. You have never SEEN air, yet you believe it lifts your kite and inflates your balloon.

God is the energy that controls the universe. God works miracles every single day, and I have been the recipient of a few of them myself, even though I do not deserve the endless blessings God has given me.

How can any intelligent, thinking person deny that God exists? It boggles my mind, that a human being is capable of observing the world around him, and then deny that it is all the result of intelligent design.

No, thatvis not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

This would be yet another fine example of where you see something you believe. Again, making you a Liberal based on your own definition...
A liberal sees something only when he believes it.
"A conservative says, "I want to own a gun, but you don't need to own one if you choose to remain unarmed."

A liberal says, "I don't want to own a gun, and I don't want YOU to own one either."

Sounds a lot like:

A Liberal says, "I believe abortion should be a choice pregnant women can make for themselves."

The conservative says, "I don't believe in abortion so no one should get to make that choice."

The BIG difference is, the decision to own or not own a gun does not involve the fate of a separate and third living human being and a human SOUL. Abortion terminates the life of another human being without the consent of that human being. The fight about abortion is NOT about what YOU do to your own body. Is is about the human life YOU have created that now lives inside of you, that YOU now want to kill off for the sake of your own convenience.

You cannot intelligently compare the two.
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"A conservative says, "I want to own a gun, but you don't need to own one if you choose to remain unarmed."

A liberal says, "I don't want to own a gun, and I don't want YOU to own one either."

Sounds a lot like:

A Liberal says, "I believe abortion should be a choice pregnant women can make for themselves."

The conservative says, "I don't believe in abortion so no one should get to make that choice."

The BIG difference is, the decision to own or not own a gun does not involve the fate of a separate and third living human being and a human SOUL. Abortion terminates the life of another human being without the consent of that human being. The fight about abortion is NOT about what YOU do to your own body. Is is about the human life YOU have created that now lives inside of you, that YOU now want to kill off for the sake of your own convenience.

You cannot intelligently compare the two.
What the conservative is incapable of understanding is that not everyone thinks like it. While it believes the unborn is a soul from conception, that doesn't actually make it so. Yet the conservative still believes its own beliefs should be imposed on everyone.
Guns are the quickest, easiest way to kill people. Why would any good American want to get rid of guns?
I thought conservatives were for lower national debt and less spending.

not seeing that in this Administration or in those that support them

No, that is not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.


No, that is not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.

Proving once AGAIN you are a lunatic lib that has NO faith. You can't even spell out GOD. Do it once and I'll leave your sorry ass alone. I DARE you to post those three letters in a row, GOD. I don't think you CAN.
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No, that is not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.

Wow, you can't do it, can you? Just three letters in a row, GOD.................

No, that is not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.

Proving once AGAIN you are a lunatic lib that has NO faith. You can't even spell out GOD. Do it once and I'll leave your sorry ass alone. I DARE you to post those three letters in a row, GOD. I don't think you CAN.

Imbecile, why are you blaming me because you lack the ability to discern "can't" from "won't."
By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.

Proving once AGAIN you are a lunatic lib that has NO faith. You can't even spell out GOD. Do it once and I'll leave your sorry ass alone. I DARE you to post those three letters in a row, GOD. I don't think you CAN.

Imbecile, why are you blaming me because you lack the ability to discern "can't" from "won't."
He-he, you still CAN'T do it! What a heathen, non-believer you MUST be. I'm DONE with your sorry ass........
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!
That's ok, it's above your pay grade. I don't really expect you to understand.

Proving once AGAIN you are a lunatic lib that has NO faith. You can't even spell out GOD. Do it once and I'll leave your sorry ass alone. I DARE you to post those three letters in a row, GOD. I don't think you CAN.

Imbecile, why are you blaming me because you lack the ability to discern "can't" from "won't."
He-he, you still CAN'T do it! What a heathen, non-believer you MUST be. I'm DONE with your sorry ass........
No, you can't be done?? You said I had to spell it out for you for you to be done.

And of course you're a nobody to me so of course I won't. And I have too much respect and humility for G-d to betray said respect for a loser like you.
I'm a completely reclusive uneducated backwoods redneck bluecollar who's worked all his life and will probably do so until the day i take a dirt nap

Few of you could even begin to scratch the surface of my 'belief system' , yet i applaud the few of you that can

So you see this 'label bullsh*t' is really for the lowbrows , the suckups, the sorts that want a target

well it s*cks to be them.....


No, that is not what Liberals believe. That is what conservatives think Liberals believe.

By all means, please clarify this then. WHAT DO LIBERALS BELIEVE?
Liberals who believe in G-d believe He is
He-he, this lunatic liberal can't even spell out GOD! Hilarious!

Many Christians and Jews will not spell it out due to respect for the name and the also some do it because of this passage...Deuteronomy 12:3-4

My OT History professor would take off points if we spelled it out in papers we had to write.

It has nothing to do with being a liberal.
What the conservative is incapable of understanding is that not everyone thinks like it. While it believes the unborn is a soul from conception, that doesn't actually make it so. Yet the conservative still believes its own beliefs should be imposed on everyone.

It is no coincidence that yours is the same side that once denied the full humanity of black people, and on the basis, supported slavery and other abuses toward them.
liberals have the mind of a child
like children they expect everything to be what the perceive as fair
like a child they believe that everything they want is a right there for given to them at the expense of another
like a child they insist on being taken care of as a dependent trading in the dependency of mom and dad to the dependency on government
“Conservatives vs Liberals”

Conservatives are, for the most part, reactionary authoritarian ideologues fearful of, and hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Liberals are not reactionary authoritarian ideologues, they are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent.
liberals are children never mentally grew up into adulthood stuck with the mindset of dependency trading the dependency of mom and dad to the dependency on government
expecting the government to be their provider the fixer of the problems just like good ole mom and dad
instead of maturing to become self-dependent self-reliant fixing their own problems taking care of their own self not being a dependent
What the conservative is incapable of understanding is that not everyone thinks like it. While it believes the unborn is a soul from conception, that doesn't actually make it so. Yet the conservative still believes its own beliefs should be imposed on everyone.

It is no coincidence that yours is the same side that once denied the full humanity of black people, and on the basis, supported slavery and other abuses toward them.
And by "side" you mean my political party, not my ideology; because it was the conservative Bible-thumping south that supported slavery. My political party is now the party of the NE and west coast which was against slavery. While your ideology fought for, and lost a war over, keeping slaves.

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