Conservatives vs Liberals

I break it down like this - In today's society, conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. It's as simple as that. I believe the stupidity of liberals is mostly as a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. The conservatives are able to see that over 90% of the news from our media is FAKE news. The liberals can't see this because they are so SEVERELY brainwashed.

The news media is largely to blame, but also, the indoctrination of our children in public schools where the Satanists have gained full control. Our public school system is 100% against Conservatism, Capitalism, Christianity, and personal accountability. They churn out generations of brain dead blithering idiot liberals, and nothing else.
Would it be fair to say you see God in these things you listed because you believe in God?

I would not know how to even begin to think of trying to explain it to one who is intent on denying God. If you don't believe in Him, then you will not see Him. Not in this life, anyway. If you do believe, then you do not need me to explain it to you.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

Yeah, but conservatives see what they believe on fake news sites like gatewaypundit, InfoWars, etc...

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.
Speaking from personal experience, that is utter bullshit. I also believe something when I see proof, such as I find on AP, Reuters, etc...
Would it be fair to say you see God in these things you listed because you believe in God?

I would not know how to even begin to think of trying to explain it to one who is intent on denying God. If you don't believe in Him, then you will not see Him. Not in this life, anyway. If you do believe, then you do not need me to explain it to you.

I am not denying God, why do you people keep making up this lie????? Where did I deny God? me the post

According to the OP...A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

Is is accurate to say that you see God in things because you believe in God?
Either way you fully admit to believing in something you have not seen...which according to your own OP means you are not a conservative.

Your aptitude for twisting others' words to mean what they did not mean proves nothing except your own intellectual dishonesty.

I have not twisted anything...I am going by the exact words posted...nothing more.

It is you that is adding "intent" to the words that is not present.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.
I determine someone's beliefs by what they DO, not what they SAY.

By their actions, it is obvious pseudocons (I refuse to call them conservatives) believe in massive deficit spending, whoring around with porn stars, cheating the elderly out of their retirement nest eggs at fake universities, violating nine out of the ten commandments on a nearly daily basis, gambling, sucking up to a KGB thug and other despicable dictators, increasing our trade deficits with China and Mexico, stunting the Dow's growth, and reality TV shows which encourage the worst in human weaknesses.
Either way you fully admit to believing in something you have not seen...which according to your own OP means you are not a conservative.

Sorry. You are just wrong. I do not have to "see" God, to know God exists. I have seen God's works countless times. I have also seen Satan's works countless times. I see it quite often, right here on the Net. I have not seen Satan either, but I know he exists.
Either way you fully admit to believing in something you have not seen...which according to your own OP means you are not a conservative.

Sorry. You are just wrong. I do not have to "see" God, to know God exists. I have seen God's works countless times. I have also seen Satan's works countless times. I see it quite often, right here on the Net. I have not seen Satan either, but I know he exists.

No, I am right. You believe in something you fully admit you have never seen. By your own words in your OP you are not a conservative. Those are your words, not mine.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

as usual liberals are confused with leftist,,,

Nobody is confused by that anymore so you can stop saying it now.
did you read the OP???
it seems youre wrong

The OP is simple-minded bullshit.

It is this response....straight from the elementary school playground...which is simple-minded bullshit. It is the classic response on this board from Democrats (Bolsheviks) educated in public schools in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

Demo-Socialists Like this poster are simply incapable of an adult debate. Has to do with their education or intelligence, or both.
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No, I am right. You believe in something you fully admit you have never seen. By your own words in your OP you are not a conservative. Those are your words, not mine.

Liberals think that in order for "God" to exist, there must be some physical being somewhere that you can lay your eyes upon. He should be able to walk into a room and sit down at a table for a CNN interview by Anderson Cooper, or he doesn't exist.

God does not have a physical form. God is creation. God is energy. God is the force that dictates how all things must be.

You have never SEEN television or radio waves. Do you believe they exist? You have never SEEN sound waves, yet you listen to them and believe they exist. You have never SEEN your heart, yet you believe it is inside of you, as black and wicked as it may be. You have never SEEN air, yet you believe it lifts your kite and inflates your balloon.

God is the energy that controls the universe. God works miracles every single day, and I have been the recipient of a few of them myself, even though I do not deserve the endless blessings God has given me.

How can any intelligent, thinking person deny that God exists? It boggles my mind, that a human being is capable of observing the world around him, and then deny that it is all the result of intelligent design.
“Conservatives vs Liberals”

Conservatives are, for the most part, reactionary authoritarian ideologues fearful of, and hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Liberals are not reactionary authoritarian ideologues, they are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent.

Umm .. liberals DEMAND absolute conformity in all things.

A conservative says, "I want to own a gun, but you don't need to own one if you choose to remain unarmed."

A liberal says, "I don't want to own a gun, and I don't want YOU to own one either."
A conservative says, "If you want to say a prayer in school before a test, you may do so."

A liberal says, "We do not believe God exists, so you are FORBIDDEN from praying before a test."
A conservative looks at some fat guy in a woman's bikini holding a rainbow flag and thinks, "What a freak, but this is America!"

A liberal looks at a man wearing a MAGA hat and physically attacks him for his choice of garb.
A conservative sees a statue of Che Guevara and thinks, "There was a man who does not understand freedom. Thank God he is dead."

A liberal sees ANY historical statue and demands that it be torn down immediately.
"... [LIBERALS] are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent...." MY ASS!!!

I could fill this board with examples of why you are SO WRONG, but I have made my point.
"A conservative says, "I want to own a gun, but you don't need to own one if you choose to remain unarmed."

A liberal says, "I don't want to own a gun, and I don't want YOU to own one either."

Sounds a lot like:

A Liberal says, "I believe abortion should be a choice pregnant women can make for themselves."

The conservative says, "I don't believe in abortion so no one should get to make that choice."
No, I am right. You believe in something you fully admit you have never seen. By your own words in your OP you are not a conservative. Those are your words, not mine.

Liberals think that in order for "God" to exist, there must be some physical being somewhere that you can lay your eyes upon. He should be able to walk into a room and sit down at a table for a CNN interview by Anderson Cooper, or he doesn't exist.

God does not have a physical form. God is creation. God is energy. God is the force that dictates how all things must be.

You have never SEEN television or radio waves. Do you believe they exist? You have never SEEN sound waves, yet you listen to them and believe they exist. You have never SEEN your heart, yet you believe it is inside of you, as black and wicked as it may be. You have never SEEN air, yet you believe it lifts your kite and inflates your balloon.

God is the energy that controls the universe. God works miracles every single day, and I have been the recipient of a few of them myself, even though I do not deserve the endless blessings God has given me.

How can any intelligent, thinking person deny that God exists? It boggles my mind, that a human being is capable of observing the world around him, and then deny that it is all the result of intelligent design.

Taking this back to your OP...

You said that (and I quote) "A conservative believes something only when he sees it."

Yet you also claim to believe in God without ever actually seeing him.

So, going by your own words, you are not a conservative.

Do you see now how silly your OP really was?
Is common sense still trying to fit the square peg in the round hole? How many times we gonna increase deficits with tax cuts?

You're right! I think you should lead the campaign to put an end to all of the welfare, entitlements and redistribution of wealth that is the root cause of increased deficits. Just find any liberal and you will find a financial drain in society.
That's interesting since Republicans have been in charge of the U.S. House for 20 of the last 25 years.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.


What is your point? Are you saying conservatives believe in God with having seen him? God is easy to see, but you WILL NOT see him if you are a liberal.

You have not seen God, yet you believe in Him. That means you are not a Conservative.

We have seen God prove we didnt.

All I can go by is what he posted, I am not here to try and figure out what he really meant.

Would it be fair to say you see God in these things you listed because you believe in God?

I think it is more accurate to say, I see God in all things, because God gave me that blessing. But to be more accurate, no ... I guess I do NOT see God in all things. I really do not see God in liberals. I only see Satan in liberals.
Well if you truly want to be accurate... you believe you "see" G-d because YOU attribute the things you like to Him and the things YOU don't like to Satan. That's of your choosing.

That's not actually evidence of G-d, that's evidence you're a Liberal based on your own definition if a Liberal...
A liberal sees something only when he believes it.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.


What is your point? Are you saying conservatives believe in God with having seen him? God is easy to see, but you WILL NOT see him if you are a liberal.

You have not seen God, yet you believe in Him. That means you are not a Conservative.

We have seen God prove we didnt.


Are you saying that the bible lies?

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