Conservatives vs Liberals

I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.


History says otherwise. The founding of the United States was hardly an exercise in maintaining the status quo.
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.


History says otherwise. The founding of the United States was hardly an exercise in maintaining the status quo.

Correct. That's one reason the Constitution was a liberal document for the day. Conservatives of the day were loyal subjects of the Crown.
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.

Change is not always a good thing. It depends on what we're changing.
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.

Change is not always a good thing. It depends on what we're changing.

No argument there. Conservatism is a necessary speed brake, but change/growth is inevitable.
Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.

Change is not always a good thing. It depends on what we're changing.

No argument there. Conservatism is a necessary speed brake, but change/growth is inevitable.

Is transgender children inevitable? Do we really need to go there?
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

The terms liberal and conservative have become bastardized until essentially being meaningless over the years. Now people who spend like a drunken sailor are being labeled conservative while those proposing ending freedom of speech through various methods are labeled liberal.

In fact, the term liberal means the opposite of authoritarian, but modern "liberals" are all about the power of the state to force us to do pretty much everything whether it be what doctor we can or cannot see to what kind of toilet we use, etc.

As a result, I propose labeling two kinds of people on the Left, those who are liberal, i.e., those who still care about such Constitutional rights such as free speech even though it may offend them, and Leftists who simply want to ram their fists down the throats of all that oppose them and want a one party system like we see in such places as California and New York.
A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.

Change is not always a good thing. It depends on what we're changing.

No argument there. Conservatism is a necessary speed brake, but change/growth is inevitable.

Is transgender children inevitable? Do we really need to go there?

Not on my account. How big a problem is it?
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

The terms liberal and conservative have become bastardized until essentially being meaningless over the years. Now people who spend like a drunken sailor are being labeled conservative while those proposing ending freedom of speech through various methods are labeled liberal.

In fact, the term liberal means the opposite of authoritarian, but modern "liberals" are all about the power of the state to force us to do pretty much everything whether it be what doctor we can or cannot see to what kind of toilet we use, etc.

As a result, I propose labeling two kinds of people on the Left, those who are liberal, i.e., those who still care about such Constitutional rights such as free speech even though it may offend them, and Leftists who simply want to ram their fists down the throats of all that oppose them and want a one party system like we see in such places as California and New York.

Labeling is a problem, alright.


This document, a working paper from GOPAC, Newt Gingrich's political action committee, was circulated to freshman Republican members of the 104th Congress in 1995. It functions as a rudimentary rhetorical handbook, providing inexperienced political speakers with a lexicon of terms that drive a wedge of distinctions between themselves and members of the opposing party. At the same time it educates them in a common language that will give evidence of their solidarity with the Speaker of the House and his goals for the Republican majority.

Often we search hard for words to define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.

decay, failure (fail) collapse(ing) deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors, sensationalists, endanger, coercion, hypocricy, radical, threaten, devour, waste, corruption, incompetent, permissive attitude, destructive, impose, self-serving, greed, ideological, insecure, anti-(issue): flag, family, child, jobs; pessimistic, excuses, intolerant, stagnation, welfare, corrupt, selfish, insensitive, status quo, mandate(s) taxes, spend (ing) shame, disgrace, punish (poor...) bizarre, cynicism, cheat, steal, abuse of power, machine, bosses, obsolete, criminal rights, red tape, patronage.

Newt was unwilling to disagree with "my fellow American". He preferred assassinating the character of anyone with whom he disagreed.
Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.


History says otherwise. The founding of the United States was hardly an exercise in maintaining the status quo.

Correct. That's one reason the Constitution was a liberal document for the day. Conservatives of the day were loyal subjects of the Crown.

You seem to be attempting to conflate classical liberalism with its erroneously-named modern version. There is no comparison beyond the name.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

The terms liberal and conservative have become bastardized until essentially being meaningless over the years. Now people who spend like a drunken sailor are being labeled conservative while those proposing ending freedom of speech through various methods are labeled liberal.

In fact, the term liberal means the opposite of authoritarian, but modern "liberals" are all about the power of the state to force us to do pretty much everything whether it be what doctor we can or cannot see to what kind of toilet we use, etc.

As a result, I propose labeling two kinds of people on the Left, those who are liberal, i.e., those who still care about such Constitutional rights such as free speech even though it may offend them, and Leftists who simply want to ram their fists down the throats of all that oppose them and want a one party system like we see in such places as California and New York.

Father Damien Karras: I think it might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, I'd say there seem to be three.

Father Merrin: There is only one.
A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.


History says otherwise. The founding of the United States was hardly an exercise in maintaining the status quo.

Correct. That's one reason the Constitution was a liberal document for the day. Conservatives of the day were loyal subjects of the Crown.

You seem to be attempting to conflate classical liberalism with its erroneously-named modern version. There is no comparison beyond the name.

What's the cutoff date?
“Conservatives vs Liberals”

Conservatives are, for the most part, reactionary authoritarian ideologues fearful of, and hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Liberals are not reactionary authoritarian ideologues, they are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent.

Umm .. liberals DEMAND absolute conformity in all things.

A conservative says, "I want to own a gun, but you don't need to own one if you choose to remain unarmed."

A liberal says, "I don't want to own a gun, and I don't want YOU to own one either."
A conservative says, "If you want to say a prayer in school before a test, you may do so."

A liberal says, "We do not believe God exists, so you are FORBIDDEN from praying before a test."
A conservative looks at some fat guy in a woman's bikini holding a rainbow flag and thinks, "What a freak, but this is America!"

A liberal looks at a man wearing a MAGA hat and physically attacks him for his choice of garb.
A conservative sees a statue of Che Guevara and thinks, "There was a man who does not understand freedom. Thank God he is dead."

A liberal sees ANY historical statue and demands that it be torn down immediately.
"... [LIBERALS] are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent...." MY ASS!!!

I could fill this board with examples of why you are SO WRONG, but I have made my point.

You have not seen God, yet you believe in Him. That means you are not a Conservative.

I see God every day in a child's smile, a waterfall, a bird, a flower, a near miss' auto accident, the functionality of my own hands and brain, and everywhere I look. Liberals WILL NOT see God, because they only SEE something when they BELIEVE it.
I see God every day in a child's smile, a waterfall, a bird, a flower, a near miss' auto accident, the functionality of my own hands and brain, and everywhere I look. Liberals WILL NOT see God, because they only SEE something when they BELIEVE it.

The Bible tells us nobody has ever seen God. So, which is or the Bible?
I think it starts with the Constitution. Conservatives believe the document is the product of genius and should be "Conserved", meaning that we should adhere to the Founders intent as closely as possible.

Liberals believe the Constitution is outdated piece of shit that should be "Liberated" and transformed into a Socialist Manifesto.

Don't look now as we are a socialist country.

That is only because we have not yet taken out the trash.
I see God every day in a child's smile, a waterfall, a bird, a flower, a near miss' auto accident, the functionality of my own hands and brain, and everywhere I look. Liberals WILL NOT see God, because they only SEE something when they BELIEVE it.

The Bible tells us nobody has ever seen God. So, which is or the Bible?

Both are right. I see clear evidence of God in everything. If you see a pile of dog poop on your living room floor, do you believe a dog is in the house without having seen it?

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