Conservatives who falsely insist that Democrats support socialism help Democrats - a lot!


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

What is false about it Looneybin?
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
well communism has killed over 120 million people since it has been applied,,
I would say thats something to be afraid of, wouldnt you??
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You demoncrat asswipes openly support fascism.

Happy now?
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Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Here is a 2019 list of 50 members of Congress who are Democrats and socialists/communists (because let's be real, socialism is merely a step behind communism):

Raul Grijalva (D AZ): Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since at least 1993. A self-described “Alinskyite.” Travelled to Cuba in 2015.

Ami Bera (D CA): Has used Communist Party USA campaign volunteers in 2010, 2014 and 2016. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Nancy Pelosi (D CA): Very close to several key Communist Party USA allies in San Francisco in the 1970s and ’80s. Also some involvement with Democratic Socialists of America.

Barbara Lee (D CA): Lee has been close to the Communist Party USA for decades. In the 1990s she was a leading member of the Communist Party spin-off Committees of Correspondence. Has been to Cuba more than 20 times.

Ro Khanna (D CA): Very close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Salud Carbajal (D CA): Long history with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Judy Chu (D CA): Was heavily involved with the now defunct pro-Beijing Communist Workers Party in the 1970s and ’80s. Still works closely with former members today. China’s best friend in the US Congress.

Raul Ruiz (D CA): Worked closly with Workers World Party members in Massachusetts in the late 1990s.

Karen Bass (D CA): Was actively involved with the Marxist-Leninist group Line of March in the 1980s. Still works closely with former members. Mentored by a leading Communist Party USA member. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America and some Freedom Road Socialist Organization members. Has been to Cuba at least 4 times.

Maxine Waters (D CA): Long history with the Communist Party USA. Also ties to some Communist Workers Party and Workers World Party fronts. Has employed staff mebers from Democratic Socialists of America and League of Revolutionary Struggle.

Joe Courtney (D CT): Has worked closely with several Communist Party USA leaders.

Rosa DeLauro (D CT): Has worked extremey closely with the Communist Party USA for many years. Travelled to Cuba in 2014.

Jim Himes (D CT): His 1988 thesis “The Sandinista Defense Committees and the Transformation of Political Culture in Nicaragua” was a sympathetic portrayal of Marxist government’s civilian spy network. Has worked closely with one Communist Party USA front group.

Kathy Castor (D FL): Has worked closely with Cuba and pro-Castro organizations to open US trade with the communist island.

John Lewis (D GA): Worked closly with the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA in the 1960s. In recent years has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Tulsi Gabbard (D HI): Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members through her political career. Ties to some Filipino-American “former communists”. Worked with Communist Party USA affiliated former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to defend Soviet-Russian puppet Syrian leader Bashar-al-Assad.

Bobby Rush (D IL): Former leader of the Maoist leaning Black Panther Party. Has worked closely with Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Has travelled to Cuba twice

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D IL): has worked closely with the Communist Party USA for nearly 40 years.

Danny Davis (D IL): Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the mid 2000s. Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since the 1980s. Also close to Committees of Correspondence in the 1990s.

Jan Schakowsky (D IL): Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the 1980s and has continued to work closely with the organization. Has also worked closely with some Communist Party USA members.

Dave Loebsack (D IA): has worked closely with Socialist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America members for many years.

John Yarmuth (D KY): has worked with Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Jamie Raskin (D MD): has worked closly with Democratic Socialists of America for many years.

Jim McGovern (D MA): has supported Latin American socialist and revolutionary groups for 20 years. Has travelled to Cuba at least three times.

Ayanna Pressley (D MA): Has been endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America. Worked with Freedom Road Socialist Organization front groups and with the pro-Beijing Chinese Progressive Association in Boston.

Andy Levin (D MI): Close to Democratic Socialists of America for at least a decade.

Rashida Tlaib (D MI): Democratic Socialists of America member.

Betty McCollum (D MN): Close ties to communist Laos. Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members. Traveled to Cuba in 2014.

Ilhan Omar (D MN): Supported by Democratic Socialists of America controlled groups Our Revolution and National Nurses United. Reportedly a self-described “democratic socialist”.

Bennie Thompson (D MS): Was close to the Communist Party USA for many years. Also supported one Communist Workers Party organization. Travelled to Cuba in 2000 and worked with Fidel Castro to train leftist American medical students in Cuba.

William Lacy Clay (D MO): Has worked with Communist Party USA fronts for many years.

Greg Meeks (D NY): Has travelled to Cuba at least 3 times. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Grace Meng (D NY): Very close to the pro-Beijing Asian Americans for Equality. Was also active in a radical Korean-American organization.

Nydia Velasquez (D NY): Close ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Welcomed Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1995.

Yvette Clarke (D NY): Addressed a Workers World Party rally in 2005. Close ally of a prominent Democratic Socialists of America member. Travelled to Cuba in 2007.

Jerry Nadler (D NY): was a member of Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in the 1970s and was involved with Democratic Socialists of America in the ’80s and ’90s.

Jose Serrano (D NY): Close ties to the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

G.K. Butterfield (D NC): Some connection to Workers World Party and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Also close to the “former” communist led Moral Mondays movement.

Marcy Kaptur (D OH): Ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Travelled to Cuba in 2002.

Earl Blumenauer (D OR): Ties to Democratic Socialists of America.

Steve Cohen (D TN): Close ties to Memphis Socialist Party USA members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Sylvia Garcia (D TX): Elected to the Texas state house with Communist Party USA support. Works closely with a major communist influenced organization.

Eddie Bernice Johnson (D TX): Long relationship with the Communist Party USA. Travelled to Cuba at least twice.

Marc Veasey (D TX): Very close relationship with the Communist Party USA.

Lloyd Doggett (D TX): Has been involved with Democratic Socialists of America since the 1980s.

Pramila Jayapal (D WA): Has been involved with Freedom Road Socialist Organization connected groups for many years.

Mark Pocan (D WI): Close to some Democratic Socialists of America activists. Long-time active supporter of Colombian revolutionary movements.

Gwen Moore (D WI): Has been mentored by leading Democratic Socialists of America and Communist Party USA members.

Eleanor Holmes Norton (D DC): Former Young Peoples Socialist League member. Long connection to Democratic Socialists of America

And let's not forget the loudest - and dumbest - of socialists in the Democrat party and in Congress: AOC. Her own Chief-of-Staff admitted the Green New Deal was created specifically to make America a socialist country. The save the planet crap was added later to fool people even dumber than AOC into buying it. Guess what is being used as a guide by Democrats to write all sorts bills? The Green New Deal.

You have to be a massively ignorant moron to not see how fully the left has embraced totalitarianism. Socialism is merely the tool of choice.
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The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Stacy Abrams is the Village. Science and Technology from thousands of years ago. You are looking color. 8 billion people will not survive this. Pure socialism means that all who promote it will live the same as all others. Why you do not see it is written in books over the eons.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Stacy Abrams is the Village. Science and Technology from thousands of years ago. You are looking color. 8 billion people will not survive this. Pure socialism means that all who promote it will live the same as all others. Why you do not see it is written in books over the eons.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

There are many socialists in the democrat party

Some openly, and some who are merely allowing radical socialists such as the Black Lias Matter crowd to dictate policy
conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

What makes you think that democrats do not in any way support socialism? Why do you think that is a lie? AND, why do you think advancing that idea helps democrats win elections and hold power? Let's take a look at it:

If one defines socialism as "a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control," then yeah, it is no lie that a significant number of democrats want that. There's a reason why the democrats dumped Bernie Sanders and went with Joe Biden, and that reason is that too many people (voters) don't like the idea of socialism. The democrats tried to distance themselves from that concept by nominating a person who they hoped would be perceive as a moderate (i.e., NOT a socialist) that the public would vote for instead of Trump. So, labeling the democrats as socialists, which they are as we can plainly see now that they are in power, did not help the democrats win. They won by running a non-stop negative campaign against Trump from even before he took office and by denying that they were socialists.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


You obviously don't know what socialism is if you actually believe Democrats don't support it, Commie Joe
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
Funny, but I've pointed that out hundreds of times. That has somehow been pushed out of your memory by your TDS.

Indeed, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors. I've pointed that out hundreds of times, too.

I wonder why you folks are so eager to act just like those you loathe.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
Funny, but I've pointed that out hundreds of times. That has somehow been pushed out of your memory by your TDS.

Indeed, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors. I've pointed that out hundreds of times, too.

I wonder why you folks are so eager to act just like those you loathe.

I've never once seen you object to Democrats saying You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Maybe your tongue in Democrat's ears muffled your voice
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
Funny, but I've pointed that out hundreds of times. That has somehow been pushed out of your memory by your TDS.

Indeed, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors. I've pointed that out hundreds of times, too.

I wonder why you folks are so eager to act just like those you loathe.

I've never once seen you object to Democrats saying You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Maybe your tongue in Democrat's ears muffled your voice
Oh, I love it. Just a few of my posts below, with sources.

I wouldn't expect an apology or retraction from someone like you, by the way:

Post 702: Democrats hate Carson because he is black
I know how important the PC game is to you folks, and I know how cranky you get when it's pointed out.

I always enjoy it when a Regressive Leftist assumes I'm a conservative because I'm anti-PC.

Fortunately, there are many people who lean left (like me) who have had enough of this, such as:
Post 9: What is Racism?
Depends on who you ask. For most people, racism is the opinion that another ethnicity is somehow inferior to you.

For the Regressive Left/PC Police, it is any utterance or action that comes within 500 miles of having anything to do with race whatsoever, if they can leverage it to put that person on the defensive by screaming RACIST! and control the conversation.

Post 243: What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist". They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive. Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Post 121: "Fighting racism is a Christian Value "
Screaming RACIST, whether your target has come within 500 of miles of racism or not, is guaranteed to (a) put your target on the defensive, and (b) avoid open and honest conversation. It solves nothing. It improves nothing. It heals nothing. It only makes things worse. It exacerbates. RACIST. RACIST. RACIST.

The Regressives know this, they know they've criminally diluted a terribly important word, but they're addicted to the behavior. They're not interested in healing or improving things. And it obviously played a part in the national pushback of 2016. Enough people became sick of this ploy, including many honest liberals.

Post 97: The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist
For the Regressives, calling someone a "racist" is not an indication that they have specific evidence that the target is actually a racist. It simply means they have identified an opportunity to call that person a racist, because that person came within about 500 miles of the topic of race. The Regressives have been more than happy to dilute a terribly important word into irrelevance in their quest for ideological advantage.

Want more? There's a shitload!!! Go swimming in it: Search results for query: regressive racism

You are completely out of your league, Trumpster. Too bad.
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The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
Funny, but I've pointed that out hundreds of times. That has somehow been pushed out of your memory by your TDS.

Indeed, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors. I've pointed that out hundreds of times, too.

I wonder why you folks are so eager to act just like those you loathe.

I've never once seen you object to Democrats saying You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Maybe your tongue in Democrat's ears muffled your voice
Oh, I love it. Just a few of my posts below, with sources.

I wouldn't expect an apology or retraction from someone like you, by the way:

Post 702: Democrats hate Carson because he is black
I know how important the PC game is to you folks, and I know how cranky you get when it's pointed out.

I always enjoy it when a Regressive Leftist assumes I'm a conservative because I'm anti-PC.

Fortunately, there are many people who lean left (like me) who have had enough of this, such as:
Post 9: What is Racism?
Depends on who you ask. For most people, racism is the opinion that another ethnicity is somehow inferior to you.

For the Regressive Left/PC Police, it is any utterance or action that comes within 500 miles of having anything to do with race whatsoever, if they can leverage it to put that person on the defensive by screaming RACIST! and control the conversation.

Post 243: What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist". They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive. Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Post 121: "Fighting racism is a Christian Value "
Screaming RACIST, whether your target has come within 500 of miles of racism or not, is guaranteed to (a) put your target on the defensive, and (b) avoid open and honest conversation. It solves nothing. It improves nothing. It heals nothing. It only makes things worse. It exacerbates. RACIST. RACIST. RACIST.

The Regressives know this, they know they've criminally diluted a terribly important word, but they're addicted to the behavior. They're not interested in healing or improving things. And it obviously played a part in the national pushback of 2016. Enough people became sick of this ploy, including many honest liberals.

Post 97: The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist
For the Regressives, calling someone a "racist" is not an indication that they have specific evidence that the target is actually a racist. It simply means they have identified an opportunity to call that person a racist, because that person came within about 500 miles of the topic of race. The Regressives have been more than happy to dilute a terribly important word into irrelevance in their quest for ideological advantage.

Want more? There's a shitload!!! Go swimming in it: Search results for query: regressive racism

You are completely out of your league, Trumpster. Too bad.

So reading through the search for "reggressive left" to get the real data instead of the cherry picked data,

1) The majority of the 17 page results were nested posts, which greatly inflated the number of times you actually objected

2) The rest were largely attacks on Trump and "Trumpsters"

3) There were legitimate results, some of which you picked out and highlighted.

So I agree that you did do it, but your claim of how frequently and that it was directed at the left are exaggerated
Hyperbole is SOP in politics. Neither side is above deploying it for votes. Conservatives bark socialism while liberals bark racism.

The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Mac: Wasup conservatives, you're kind of overusing that word socialism ...
Funny, but I've pointed that out hundreds of times. That has somehow been pushed out of your memory by your TDS.

Indeed, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors. I've pointed that out hundreds of times, too.

I wonder why you folks are so eager to act just like those you loathe.

I've never once seen you object to Democrats saying You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

Maybe your tongue in Democrat's ears muffled your voice
Oh, I love it. Just a few of my posts below, with sources.

I wouldn't expect an apology or retraction from someone like you, by the way:

Post 702: Democrats hate Carson because he is black
I know how important the PC game is to you folks, and I know how cranky you get when it's pointed out.

I always enjoy it when a Regressive Leftist assumes I'm a conservative because I'm anti-PC.

Fortunately, there are many people who lean left (like me) who have had enough of this, such as:
Post 9: What is Racism?
Depends on who you ask. For most people, racism is the opinion that another ethnicity is somehow inferior to you.

For the Regressive Left/PC Police, it is any utterance or action that comes within 500 miles of having anything to do with race whatsoever, if they can leverage it to put that person on the defensive by screaming RACIST! and control the conversation.

Post 243: What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist". They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive. Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Post 121: "Fighting racism is a Christian Value "
Screaming RACIST, whether your target has come within 500 of miles of racism or not, is guaranteed to (a) put your target on the defensive, and (b) avoid open and honest conversation. It solves nothing. It improves nothing. It heals nothing. It only makes things worse. It exacerbates. RACIST. RACIST. RACIST.

The Regressives know this, they know they've criminally diluted a terribly important word, but they're addicted to the behavior. They're not interested in healing or improving things. And it obviously played a part in the national pushback of 2016. Enough people became sick of this ploy, including many honest liberals.

Post 97: The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist
For the Regressives, calling someone a "racist" is not an indication that they have specific evidence that the target is actually a racist. It simply means they have identified an opportunity to call that person a racist, because that person came within about 500 miles of the topic of race. The Regressives have been more than happy to dilute a terribly important word into irrelevance in their quest for ideological advantage.

Want more? There's a shitload!!! Go swimming in it: Search results for query: regressive racism

You are completely out of your league, Trumpster. Too bad.

So reading through the search for "reggressive left" to get the real data instead of the cherry picked data,

1) The majority of the 17 page results were nested posts, which greatly inflated the number of times you actually objected

2) The rest were largely attacks on Trump and "Trumpsters"

3) There were legitimate results, some of which you picked out and highlighted.

So I agree that you did do it, but your claim of how frequently and that it was directed at the left are exaggerated
Whatever makes you feel better, Trumpster. You were looking at specific search results only.

Either way, you were wrong.

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