Conservatives: Who is Responsible for Trump not being our president?

Who is most responsible for Trump not being president 2020?

  • RINOs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Funny thing is Team Trump has no evidence of any wrongdoing by Dominion. But we know Diebold voting machines were hacked in 2000. And we know Team Trump went into a heavily Republican precinct (Mrs. Powell) in the wee hours of the night and hacked into voting machines. Perhaps this is what you are referring to?
Just as I have no facts.

I just wanted to demonstrate it for the rest of the board.

All too easy. Thanks for the assist.
I'm not here to do your homework for you. The facts about the stolen election are (or were?) all over the internet. I found those facts. You want someone to do for you all that work that I have done.

If i brought up any facts that I learned, you would just refute it out of hand with dumbass comments like "F yourself, you are wrong" and "Orange Man Bad"

sick of that.

If I knew you were an honest broker (but no liberal is), I would have a normal conversation w/ you. But that is not possible with flaming libs
There are all kinds of theories out there asto what happened. but I say that those of us who have followed valid news

well... we know something nefarious happened, even if we can't always say exactly what happened. But some of us know "exactly" just the same
The voters, of course.
I'm not here to do your homework for you. The facts about the stolen election are (or were?) all over the internet. I found those facts. You want someone to do for you all that work that I have done.
You found nothing. Otherwise you guys would have presented them in court.
If i brought up any facts that I learned, you would just refute it out of hand with dumbass comments like "F yourself, you are wrong" and "Orange Man Bad"
Well, when you've got nothing--as you do--your frustration is bound to boil over.
sick of that.
Yeah, I'd be sick of losing if I were you too. Of course, I think you'd have gotten used to it by now... What are you guys 60 and 1 in court challenging the election?
If I knew you were an honest broker (but no liberal is), I would have a normal conversation w/ you. But that is not possible with flaming libs
Your concession is accepted.

So back to the matter at hand. You're claiming liberals have no facts but you won't present the "facts" you say that you have.

Sucks to be you.
//Trump was possibly the US's best president
Totally insane. When you are president of the United States, or hell, even president of the local Kiwanis club, you got one real responsibility. You bring your people together. That's it, PERIOD.

When historians evaluate presidencies that is the big thing they look at. Buchanan is often cited as the worse, he left the country so divided that it eventually split. Lincoln is often times considered the best, he put the country back together again. Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion but pardoned most of the leaders. Ford pardoned Nixon as a means of bringing the country back together. Johnson healed the country after Kennedy's assassination and bought the country together through his Civil Rights actions. Bush Jr. did a great job bringing the people together after 9/11.

Trump made no attempt to bring the country together. He fanned division, used it to gain his power, and left this country more divided than any time since Buchanan, hence, he will supplant Buchanan as the worst president in American history. When the dust settles, those that so adamantly supported him will hang their heads in shame.
Totally insane. When you are president of the United States, or hell, even president of the local Kiwanis club, you got one real responsibility. You bring your people together. That's it, PERIOD.
Totally insane. Only Americans can bring themselves together. that's it, PERIOD.
You're claiming liberals have no facts but you won't present the "facts" you say that you have.
This statement rests on the assumption that there is no appreciable difference between R and D people. Otherwise you wouldn't act like things are equal.. you know.. like when a D does or should do something (supply facts..) it can credibly and just as equally be compared to what a R does or should do (supply facts also)

ha ha... comical
Totally insane. Only Americans can bring themselves together. that's it, PERIOD.
Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I’m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.


We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.

Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them."

Contrast that with Trumpyberra's concession speech............
another emotive comment from the leftist peanut gallery

You should expect that here. Trump lost the 2020 election because of (in order of contribution):
  1. Terminally lax election laws and oversight leaving an opening for massive fraud paid for by Zuckerberg.
  2. A Congress who refuses to reform election laws because they profit from it.
  3. A RINO McTurtle GOP in bed with democrats who wanted to see Trump lose so totally slept through a whole year of the left changing election laws everywhere to set up a national scam.
  4. Our usual corrupt media which slanted even the election debates.
  5. Unfortunate timing of a chinese virus multiplied into a pandemic by the Democrats plus the Floyd riots which all combined to make 2020 miserable with people just looking for CHANGE.
  6. Trump's incessant egoistic bloviating hogging attention and credit for himself combined with far too little public response to Covid out of fear for how it might only affect HIM.
You should expect that here. Trump lost the 2020 election because of (in order of contribution):
  1. Terminally lax election laws and oversight leaving an opening for massive fraud paid for by Zuckerberg.
  2. A Congress who refuses to reform election laws because they profit from it.
  3. A RINO McTurtle GOP in bed with democrats who wanted to see Trump lose so totally slept through a whole year of the left changing election laws everywhere to set up a national scam.
  4. Our usual corrupt media which slanted even the election debates.
  5. Unfortunate timing of a chinese virus multiplied into a pandemic by the Democrats plus the Floyd riots which all combined to make 2020 miserable with people just looking for CHANGE.
  6. Trump's incessant egoistic bloviating hogging attention and credit for himself combined with far too little public response to Covid out of fear for how it might only affect HIM.
I agree w/ all but the last one. I agree Trump has a pretty "healthy" or oversized ego.. don't have a problem saying that about him but I don't see how he was "hogging attention " and etc... Please give me so evidence. I can't watch ALL the news. No one can.. so maybe I missed something.

Anyway, refreshing to deal with a true conservative after walking through the lib sewer for several posts...

There are all kinds of theories out there asto what happened. but I say that those of us who have followed valid news

well... we know something nefarious happened, even if we can't always say exactly what happened. But some of us know "exactly" just the same

Trump is responsible. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection because he has no self control.
Trump is responsible. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection because he has no self control.
that's what the lying media told you.

Fortunately some of us follow REAL news and know all he did for this country, big ego notwithstanding..

Roe is DEAD

Trump is responsible. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection because he has no self control.
biggest LIE I've heard all day!

Lefties are always calling people they don't agree with Liars.. and who believes you scum? When you yourselves lie your asses off

What inflation?
We were at zero inflation one quarter!
There's no border crisis
We are energy dependent

When people think of the Dim party, they say like the folks in the Wizard of Oz movie

Liars and Thieves and Satanists, Oh my

Liars and Thieves and Satanists, Oh my
I agree w/ all but the last one. I agree Trump has a pretty "healthy" or oversized ego..

I really don't have a problem with it either except that I know it is a liability/turn-off for some other voters so should be coached to improve his public speaking. For one thing, he always repeats everything at least twice. I hate that. He could convey twice as much in the same time slot if he just taught himself to stop doing that.

"hogging attention " and etc...

For instance, during Covid, he should have just stepped back and let the medical people field questions, and when asked about Covid, he should have referred them to the virologists, immunologists, etc. Instead, he tried to answer all the questions himself most of the time, probably with good intentions, but often with impromptu idle speculation off the top of his head like bleach and injections and UV light which just ended up getting spun into endless ridicule by the left.
You might want to pay attention t o the word that came after that: SPECIFY (what u mean)

I guess you are a liberal. They never give facts or specifics, just expect people to accept everything that spews forth from their sick mouths
Actually liberals always want to gather all the facts and then judge for themselves. Ofc they are rarer than White Supremacists and probably hen's teeth, too. I'm sure there's a few here; Probably not more than can be counted on 2 hands, though.
Once again I seem to be alone on this, but in all my years on the internet, I've never been on a discussion forum that obsesses over presidents as much as this one. In my view presidents these days are mostly puppets.... so to me what is far more interesting than cheerleading for and obsessing over presidents is to look into who is pulling the strings. But as usual I'm in the minority and I don't want to spoil all the fun, so... carry on USMB. :dunno:

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