should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?-poll

should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

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I don't trust the US mail

I think there are libs there who toss out R ballots... can't prove it at this point... but you have to acknowledge just anything's possible these days . I hope most/all states don't put your party on the outside of the envelope.. can't say I know much about that kind of voting, though

The will do anything it takes to get what they want.

Raised that way from infancy.

Time will come when they will learn to change.

Sane people need to live by the feud on the leftist dems.

You do know that there are poll watchers from both parties “watching” mail in ballots too don’t you?
yeh, I'm sure the windows the poll watchers are forced to look through --at 6 ft away-- will be papered over like they were last time.

Maybe this kind of thing is why dims in Congress, during the Fauci hearings recently, kept repeating these


When the next pandemic hits

My guess is it will hit in.. say, October of this year
yeh, I'm sure the windows the poll watchers are forced to look through --at 6 ft away-- will be papered over like they were last time.

Maybe this kind of thing is why dims in Congress, during the Fauci hearings recently, kept repeating these


When the next pandemic hits

My guess is it will hit in.. say, October of this year
You don’t know much about vote counting do you?

None of that shit happened

2000 mules was debunked over and over

Along with all the other BS claims
I want Justice.

The dims can't keep getting away with all their crimes.. That is not fair to the ordinary people who are always expected to obey every jot and tittle of the law
I agree. It's time that they get some tough love. If they think they can keep getting away with it because we are afraid of them getting back at us then every time they are in power they will do the same things. I think we only have to do it once and they will get the message. Especially if we lock up Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bill and all their administration. Send them to Guantanamo Bay too. Play with the Muslim terrorists for a while.
You don’t know much about vote counting do you?

None of that shit happened

2000 mules was debunked over and over

Along with all the other BS claims
Dems are stupid is as stupid does...They have become a cult and all follow along without a brain.

The will do anything it takes to get what they want.

Raised that way from infancy.

Time will come when they will learn to change.

well, I don't know how any given person is raised. I've heard bits and pcs here and there but only God knows what a person went through as a child. And besides, since we all have free will... I don't see how a person can claim he is this or that way bc of how he was raised. I myself have fought the bad messages I was sent.. the untrue stuff.. And all humans are capable of doing that..

You say time will come when they change?

I frankly don't think they will ever change.. look at Pelousi and bribum.. look how old they are and still going at it.. w/ the baby murder and other atrocities
I agree. It's time that they get some tough love. If they think they can keep getting away with it because we are afraid of them getting back at us then every time they are in power they will do the same things. I think we only have to do it once and they will get the message. Especially if we lock up Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bill and all their administration. Send them to Guantanamo Bay too. Play with the Muslim terrorists for a while.

you say we only have to do it once for them to get the message.. then you rattle off a whole list of things to go after them for.

Speaking of one of those: Obummer murdered a US citizen with a drone attack.. Where was due process?

But they always get away with their lawlessness
You don’t know much about vote counting do you?

None of that shit happened

2000 mules was debunked over and over

Along with all the other BS claims
Live in la la land for the rest of your life.

your choice
well, I don't know how any given person is raised. I've heard bits and pcs here and there but only God knows what a person went through as a child. And besides, since we all have free will... I don't see how a person can claim he is this or that way bc of how he was raised. I myself have fought the bad messages I was sent.. the untrue stuff.. And all humans are capable of doing that..

You say time will come when they change?

I frankly don't think they will ever change.. look at Pelousi and bribum.. look how old they are and still going at it.. w/ the baby murder and other atrocities
People have free moral agency to choose good or evil. However, people are influenced by events in their lives. Abuse most certainly causes brain malfunctions in many ways. Yes, people can change if they are open minded. But, just look at yourself. You have a difficult time understanding the way other people believe too.
People have free moral agency to choose good or evil. However, people are influenced by events in their lives. Abuse most certainly causes brain malfunctions in many ways. Yes, people can change if they are open minded. But, just look at yourself. You have a difficult time understanding the way other people believe too.
Do I?

Nice to be told who I am by someone who doesn't know me from Adam

You know me about as well as you know Catholicism

:auiqs.jpg:but yammer away about it just the same
No. Hell No. the only thing that would be done by the Republican Party doing the demand thing the Democrats have done is to create the idea that this is acceptable in American Politics. This is where the Republican Party needs to separate themselves from the Democrats by taking the moral high ground and letting the Democrats be the ones to look petty, and political.
Do I?

Nice to be told who I am by someone who doesn't know me from Adam

You know me about as well as you know Catholicism

:auiqs.jpg:but yammer away about it just the same
It's easy to read your book in here. We know you pretty good because you tell us al lot about you. And, that's okay. You aren't the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church isn't you.
well, I don't know how any given person is raised. I've heard bits and pcs here and there but only God knows what a person went through as a child. And besides, since we all have free will... I don't see how a person can claim he is this or that way bc of how he was raised. I myself have fought the bad messages I was sent.. the untrue stuff.. And all humans are capable of doing that..

You say time will come when they change?

I frankly don't think they will ever change.. look at Pelousi and bribum.. look how old they are and still going at it.. w/ the baby murder and other atrocities

I've been watching leftists raise their spoiled rotten children for three or four decades, and that's what has given us couple of generations the idea that they get whatever they want if they act up enough.

Well, when it's time, we will not have to think about whether they will ever change, because we will have them back in the mental institutions and away from the public.

I don't know how old you are, but I vividly remember when the leftists were committed for six months to inpatient care for the kind of ridiculous behavior they indulge in now, which doesn't even get them locked up for 72-hour observation.

We'll be in control again soon.

80% + (poll)

do not believe in letting anyone get away with breaking the law

No one is above the law...

Uh... wait.. that should read No one SHOULD be above the law

Plenty of people are indeed above the law.. people who destroyed 33,000 emails that were subpoened by Congress... and I could go on and on..

Well, when it's time, we will not have to think about whether they will ever change, because we will have them back in the mental institutions and away from the public.

I don't know how old you are, but I vividly remember when the leftists were committed for six months to inpatient care for the kind of ridiculous behavior they indulge in now, which doesn't even get them locked up for 72-hour observation.

We'll be in control again soon.

I'm beginning to think Congress is a mental institution. . sure a lot of looney tunes there.

Then thsoe who fight the lunacy like MTG get called radical.. Please

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