should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?-poll

should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

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Simplistic polls on complicated issues are for idiots. You have to explain the political meaning of "revenge". Would the firing of personnel in the "justice dept." be considered an act of revenge or politics as usual? It depends on your point of view and the level of TDS.
Statistics in general is a bullshit branch of mathematics. Maybe it would be better if real life was a static value but it's not. Data collection is generally useless Mere weeks after it's been collected.
vote and be done with it.

Why are talking about the Postmaster General?

Post #5 .
Your boy forkintheroad7 brought up 'mail in voting'.
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 4.33.37 PM.png
No Seriously, that's the 'thing' in WA State.
ALL Mail-In Voting.

You got a problem with WA States all-mail in Voting?
Works Great.
Unless your in the military or live in eastern Washington, then your ballot likely gets oddly lost.
That's absurd..... If he's thinking that he's nuts. 4 years of busting his ass to fix 10% of what needs fixing is what he needs to think about. If he can get that done it will be a miracle.

There are a lot of judges that need to go, for one, and lot need to be appointed.
what did you vote for?

  • No, revenge belongs to God
  • Yes, because our system will die unless he does
  • Justice is not revenge

Number 3. Treason and racketeering need to be prosecuted; the number of RICO violations vermin like Bragg and the creepy judges have committed run in the thousands.
Statistics in general is a bullshit branch of mathematics. Maybe it would be better if real life was a static value but it's not. Data collection is generally useless Mere weeks after it's been collected.
I don't know how that has relevance.
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

Both 2 and 3

You ever see the movie "Mars Attacks" ?

The left will look like the martians at the end of the movie as their heads explode if Trump wins.

That will be revenge enough.
Merrick Garland needs to be arrested and locked up without bail 5 seconds after Trump is sworn in.
Statistics in general is a bullshit branch of mathematics. Maybe it would be better if real life was a static value but it's not. Data collection is generally useless Mere weeks after it's been collected.

They start with uncertainty then try to hocus pocus the error margins by attacking poor Descartes. Then they run off to trig and calculus to steal some Greek come back pounding their chests feeling like badass math denisons! What really happens is the transformation of a pile of simple bullshit into an even bigger pile of complex bullshit.
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

Both 2 and 3

You can edit it for a limited number of a time on the top.

Wouldn't being elected President (again) be revenge enough?

Somewhat but not quite.


Now I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the interview where the interviewer pointed out to President Trump that he will not have time for revenge. He'll be spending all his time Making America Great Again.

That's where my thoughts are going.

I just saw the clip you're referring to on the Evening News with David Muir.

It was Dr. Phil who was interviewing Trump and stated those words to him.
Revenge? Absolutely not.

But he absolutely should punish those that have actively sought to damage America, abused our legal system and sought to hurt American citizens.

The treasonous should be hung. The criminals allowing drugs, crime the mentally ill to run amok in our society should be jailed. And weak and cowardly anti American scum should be fired.

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