Conservatives who oppose withdrawing from Afghanistan, what would you do?

Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

All that should matter to conservatives is that their leader Trump wanted out. End of story. Bigly!!!

Trump was a minor player in Afghanistan compared to W and Obama. Seriously, Trump is out. It's time for you to get treatment for your TDS since to you the world still revolves around Trump
Well, he thinks it does. The sorry SOB is still trying to lie his way back into the white house. We must oppose him at every turn; he is a danger to our country! Bigly!!!
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States.

I don't agree with that....In fact, the Taliban asked that Chimpy McShrub prove to them that OSB was behind the attack, and they'd turn him over themselves.....He refused and attacked.
Probably because the Taliban knew it was Pakistan that was hiding him
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Taliban enabled Al Qaeda??..if that's the justification for an endless war why didn't we start in it in Saudi Arabia, considering the Al Qaeda members who brought the Towers down were Saudis.
Because Bush was a coward, as the rest of the GOP and Dems.

W screwed everyone. He screwed the United States by going into Iraq and Afghanistan then allowing the left to undermine us. He screwed the Republican party by not standing up to Democrat lies and let them rewrite history, including their own.

I used to respect him as a good man even though he was a horrible President, but then W finally came up with the one thing he would stand up for. Making sure that Trump and the Republicans did not fight back against Democrats. The only thing he ever defended was that. What a total ass he is
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

All that should matter to conservatives is that their leader Trump wanted out. End of story. Bigly!!!

Trump was a minor player in Afghanistan compared to W and Obama. Seriously, Trump is out. It's time for you to get treatment for your TDS since to you the world still revolves around Trump
Well, he thinks it does. The sorry SOB is still trying to lie his way back into the white house. We must oppose him at every turn; he is a danger to our country! Bigly!!!

Yes, if you want to know what someone things, ask someone who hates every fiber of their being.

I'm calling you a liar, you don't read minds. You only think you do. What a load
A couple things. First. We never engaged in Nation Building. We just didn’t.

After War II we rebuilt Europe with the Marshal Plan. That transferred about $200 billion in today’s dollars for economic growth. We built factories. Helped the Europeans jump start their economy. Volkswagen is one example. A ginormous company today. It was a shattered factory after the war.

We did much the same thing in Japan. Jump Starting their economy to help them recover.

If we had engaged in Nation Building in Afghanistan we would have been working on the infrastructure needed to operate a modern economy. We didn’t. We would have been engaged in Civics lessons for the people so they could grasp the purpose of Government. We didn’t.

We were never engaged in Nation Building. We barely engaged in clearing minefields from the Russian Invasion.

We wanted help in identifying hostiles and provided diddly squat in return.

People say we didn’t fight to win. We fought. We just refused to invest in the non military things that would have ensured an actual victory.

I actually admired McCain when he said we would stay for a hundred years if that was what it took. He at least realized the nation building would take a hell of a long time and we had not even begun yet.

We were never nation building. We were hoping the Afghans would meander in a drunken manner towards a Modern society.
I thought we shoulda left Afghanistan a longtime ago. When the US finally leaves, that country is going to revert back to what it was before we got there and our leaving would be like pulling your finger out of a pool of water. After the ripples are gone it's the same as it was before you stuck your finger in there. Whether it's now, 20 years from now, or 20 years ago - it don't matter. There's never going to be a good outcome. So - GTFO.
A couple things. First. We never engaged in Nation Building. We just didn’t.

After War II we rebuilt Europe with the Marshal Plan. That transferred about $200 billion in today’s dollars for economic growth. We built factories. Helped the Europeans jump start their economy. Volkswagen is one example. A ginormous company today. It was a shattered factory after the war.

We did much the same thing in Japan. Jump Starting their economy to help them recover.

If we had engaged in Nation Building in Afghanistan we would have been working on the infrastructure needed to operate a modern economy. We didn’t. We would have been engaged in Civics lessons for the people so they could grasp the purpose of Government. We didn’t.

We were never engaged in Nation Building. We barely engaged in clearing minefields from the Russian Invasion.

We wanted help in identifying hostiles and provided diddly squat in return.

People say we didn’t fight to win. We fought. We just refused to invest in the non military things that would have ensured an actual victory.

I actually admired McCain when he said we would stay for a hundred years if that was what it took. He at least realized the nation building would take a hell of a long time and we had not even begun yet.

We were never nation building. We were hoping the Afghans would meander in a drunken manner towards a Modern society.

If you want to create your own definition for nation building, then create your own term for your own definition.

And we spent Trillions in Afghanistan. If you want to say we didn't successfully nation build, that's true. But to say we didn't do it isn't true. It was never going to work. We wasted trillions
Removing troops from Afghanistan is like defunding the police.
We need a presence there more than we do in Europe.

It’s a potential terrorist nest. Ever heard of an incident called 9-11?

OK, but do you know ow many "potential terrorist nests" there are in the world? We're going to occupy them all forever?
Only the ones involved in coordinating 9-11.
We should have colonized them. Civilize them and then leave, but not before taking resources for our trouble. The problem liberals have is they believe everyone is good except for the actual good guys.
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Only the ones involved in coordinating 9-11.
The terrorists will just popup elsewhere, be it Africa or another Asian country. I'm just not seeing the logic of staying there that costs us so much in terms of blood and treasure.
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

this goes back many years. Where we messed up was after the Red army withdrew in the late 1980's we did nothing thanks to Bush 41 and the Congress. The late Rep, Charlie Wilson of Texas proposed a 1 billion aid package for Afghanistan after the Russians left. Rebuild roads, build schools, restock herds etc. The bill got no where. Had it passed and went into effect I believe it would have reduced the chances of the situation that occurred later. No guarantee but the odds would have been lessened considerably,
The Marshall Plan helped Europe rebuild. There was nothing in Afghanistan to rebuild. Afghanistan was never a country. It was never more than a collection of tribes led by warlords.

Identify the tribe that supports Talibsn. Wipe them out to the last. Leave. The main mistake we made is pursuing winning hearts and minds bullpucky.
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Friends with a retired decorated Colonel. He served in Vietnam and was a Colonel for 30 years.

He had conversation with me one time and most of us are what we would call "amateurs."

Meaning, whatever field you are in or a professional, there are amateurs always talking about what they would do.

Perhaps nothing is more true than war or battle. While amateurs are always discussing what they would do, the professionals are studying LOGISTICS.

That is a word that encompasses a lot of issues. For instance the left wing idiots always talk about how our country "occupies" certain countries cause we have military bases there. Of course they do. They are dumb, not to mention traitors and all American haters parroting the hateful world lead.

This country SUBJUGATES NO ONE. All of those countries governments WELCOME OUR PROTECTION AND OUR MONEY.

From a LOGISTICAL STANDPOINT it is imperative that we are in vast different regions on this planet.


The LOGISTICAL reality of troop deployment among other things. Without those bases, rapid response would be impossible.

Of course when a Democrat is in office, they do a wonderful job of emboldening our enemies.

Look no further than the Benghazi disaster. Under her husband, the Somalia debacle which greatly emboldened Al Qaeda and bin laden used it as the example to recruit his members and said America doesn't have the stomach for war.

Here is the REALITY in regards to Afghanistan. We need our presence there. We need to have hardware there. We need to be able to rapidly respond to terrorism or attacks on our allies. Abandoning them only allows the terror groups to grow into monsters.

Isis is an example of Obamas version of Frankensteins monster. To say nothing of his domestic monsters created under obama. Antifa and blm.

Unfortunately there are too many of us that don't understand the RRALITY of the world and how imperative it is from a LOGISTICAL PERSPECTIVE to be there.

We will have to learn the hard way.....AGAIN.
A couple things. First. We never engaged in Nation Building. We just didn’t.

After War II we rebuilt Europe with the Marshal Plan. That transferred about $200 billion in today’s dollars for economic growth. We built factories. Helped the Europeans jump start their economy. Volkswagen is one example. A ginormous company today. It was a shattered factory after the war.

We did much the same thing in Japan. Jump Starting their economy to help them recover.

If we had engaged in Nation Building in Afghanistan we would have been working on the infrastructure needed to operate a modern economy. We didn’t. We would have been engaged in Civics lessons for the people so they could grasp the purpose of Government. We didn’t.

We were never engaged in Nation Building. We barely engaged in clearing minefields from the Russian Invasion.

We wanted help in identifying hostiles and provided diddly squat in return.

People say we didn’t fight to win. We fought. We just refused to invest in the non military things that would have ensured an actual victory.

I actually admired McCain when he said we would stay for a hundred years if that was what it took. He at least realized the nation building would take a hell of a long time and we had not even begun yet.

We were never nation building. We were hoping the Afghans would meander in a drunken manner towards a Modern society.

If you want to create your own definition for nation building, then create your own term for your own definition.

And we spent Trillions in Afghanistan. If you want to say we didn't successfully nation build, that's true. But to say we didn't do it isn't true. It was never going to work. We wasted trillions

We spent trillions. On weapons. Technology. New more accurate bombs. We spent tons of money on fuel for our aircraft. Parts. On and on it goes.

We spent time and money training the Afghan Police and Army. We put a well in for a few villages. We hired locals to translate for us.

We never considered the efforts it would take to nation build.

It is true Afghanistan is a tribal nation. So building and staffing schools would be vital. It would take generations to bring them into the modern world. Four generations is eighty years. We spent one.

And our efforts were half hearted to say the least.

We tried to direct the Afghani people to a more Secular society while maintaining the tribal life they had always had.

The answer is always the same. Education and industry. China did not become powerful by maintaining the thousand years of traditional village life. They became powerful by stressing education and industry.

Japan became a world leader through the same things. Germany. Their cities were in ruins. Their society split in half. And in a decade they were growing. Now again world leader. Powerful economy.

Indonesia stresses English so their population can be easily trained to work in industrial sites.

They know this is the way to increase their economies and improve the standard of living for their people.

We would open a school for girls. And when the population was outraged and attacked we quietly gave it up. Too dangerous.

We didn’t try and educate the entire population. We didn’t drag them from the 7th Century. We wanted them to remain the way the ignorant wanted to stay.

Think about that. We essentially endorsed ignorance. And tried to exist within their rules and biases.

We never engaged in nation building. The most we could claim is we tried to strengthen their existing tribal lifestyles.
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