Conspiracy, or Theory or conspiracy theory?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
War on the Horizon?

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”… “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses (September 2000)

Is there a war on the horizon? I thought we were already in a trade war with China- not to mention the needless bullshit in the ME where people actually act in physical combat with real guns and bullets and Drones.
I remember saying a few weeks ago when this flu epidemic in China started showing up in the news that it could crash China's economy. I never dreamed the idiots in the press would blow it so out of proportion here as to cause a run on grocery stores, and ammunition, and guns and whatever else we usually have an abundance of. Music festivals, sporting events large get togethers of any kind, shutting down restaurants and drive thru only as fast food places - people wearing masks as though that's going to help something (what do you do with the mask when you take it off? Fucking idiots)- I bet Netflix subscriptions have grown and I'd imagine Amazon Prime movies are getting a good work out-
Now, we're gonna all get a check, from money we don't have, to do what? Buy what? Go where?
I swear the media is where the war should be declared and the politicians they pander to. ALL of them, every employee in the District of Criminals, top to bottom down to the janitors and all points between- it's just the fucking flu, and BTW, not as deadly (except that Trump is POTUS) as previous strains.
Is it targeted at certain countries? Italy might think so. And Iran.

The linked article references "false flag" use as in 9/11. I've not dug that deep or read any tangible evidence in that regard, but, it wouldn't surprise me in the least- Not. In.The. Least.
Why? Anyone remember the many "Deep State" references recently? Who exactly is that comprised of?
Is anyone reading this foolish enough to trust the US gov't? If so, what is your evidence for placing that trust in it?

Anyway, the article presents some opportunities to think- use it while it's still allowed - and the comments section has some excellent responses. Of course one has to actually read to make those judgements - or, one can just attack me personally for not conforming to an ideology and actually looking for the truth vs the DC and media lies. Yeah, I'm a Truther.
War on the Horizon?

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”… “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses (September 2000)

Is there a war on the horizon? I thought we were already in a trade war with China- not to mention the needless bullshit in the ME where people actually act in physical combat with real guns and bullets and Drones.
I remember saying a few weeks ago when this flu epidemic in China started showing up in the news that it could crash China's economy. I never dreamed the idiots in the press would blow it so out of proportion here as to cause a run on grocery stores, and ammunition, and guns and whatever else we usually have an abundance of. Music festivals, sporting events large get togethers of any kind, shutting down restaurants and drive thru only as fast food places - people wearing masks as though that's going to help something (what do you do with the mask when you take it off? Fucking idiots)- I bet Netflix subscriptions have grown and I'd imagine Amazon Prime movies are getting a good work out-
Now, we're gonna all get a check, from money we don't have, to do what? Buy what? Go where?
I swear the media is where the war should be declared and the politicians they pander to. ALL of them, every employee in the District of Criminals, top to bottom down to the janitors and all points between- it's just the fucking flu, and BTW, not as deadly (except that Trump is POTUS) as previous strains.
Is it targeted at certain countries? Italy might think so. And Iran.

The linked article references "false flag" use as in 9/11. I've not dug that deep or read any tangible evidence in that regard, but, it wouldn't surprise me in the least- Not. In.The. Least.
Why? Anyone remember the many "Deep State" references recently? Who exactly is that comprised of?
Is anyone reading this foolish enough to trust the US gov't? If so, what is your evidence for placing that trust in it?

Anyway, the article presents some opportunities to think- use it while it's still allowed - and the comments section has some excellent responses. Of course one has to actually read to make those judgements - or, one can just attack me personally for not conforming to an ideology and actually looking for the truth vs the DC and media lies. Yeah, I'm a Truther.


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