Constitutionality of same sex marriage.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
GOD has defined marriage as a divine institution between a man and a woman. He set the standards for a marriage. He created man and from man he created a “woman” for him. Not another man. His marriage arrangement is one man, the husband and one woman the wife. Not two wives, two women or two husbands, two men or one man and five women. He set out the “duties” of each man and each women. There is no marriage vows for a same sex marriage.

This is a moral issue and the Government need to stay out of it. Same sex marriage is not a constitutional right, a civil right or even a human right. Man created equal does not mean equal in every instant. There are rights that apply to men and rights that apply to women and rights that apply to children and they are not equal.

GOD specifically physically designed man and women for the sex act.

(Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13) (Romans 1:24-28)

There is no constitutional right for a same sex marriage. The constitution would have to be amended to allow it. The issue of same sex marriage should not even be up for discussion.

Where have Christianity failed Christians? Or have Christians failed Christianity?

When a society deviates from God’s word, the result is a people steeped in immorality. It’s a learned behavior that spreads like a cancer, affecting everyone in its path. Destructive lifestyles are caustic to a moral society, and when immorality is not condemned the result will be the eventual demise of that once moral society.

What can we expect from a society that continually glorifies wicked and depraved people and shuns that which is righteous? Of course the result will be a complete collapse of the moral structure of a society. When evil prevails in a nation it will always lead to even more depravity. Every society that allows a cesspool of filth to permeate the minds of the young people will undoubtedly reap what they’ve sown.

Ron Graham
GOD has defined marriage as a divine institution between a man and a woman. He set the standards for a marriage. He created man and from man he created a “woman” for him. Not another man. His marriage arrangement is one man, the husband and one woman the wife. Not two wives, two women or two husbands, two men or one man and five women. He set out the “duties” of each man and each women. There is no marriage vows for a same sex marriage.

If you are to use the Biblical interpretation, then you would have to say that God established polygamy which is prevelant in the Bible, and also endorsed slavery.

This is a moral issue and the Government need to stay out of it.

I agree, it is a moral issue. Will we have government that provides liberty, freedom, and justice - or will we have a Government that can create discriminatory and invidious laws simply because it wants to.

If you don't want to stand now for liberty and freedom, then don't complain later on when different groups use the government against you.

Same sex marriage is not a constitutional right, a civil right or even a human right.

Actually, equal treatment under the law is a right as embodied in the 14th Amendment. The government when challenged (see grievance clause of the 1st Amendment) has a responsibility to provide a compelling government interest to justify discrimination against it's citizens who are like situated. In this case that would be law abiding, tax paying, infertile, US Citizens, consenting adults in different-sex couples and law abiding, tax paying, infertile, US Citizens, consenting adults in same-sex couple.

Constitutional speaking the government has a burden of proof by discriminating based on gender that it has not met yet.

Man created equal does not mean equal in every instant. There are rights that apply to men and rights that apply to women and rights that apply to children and they are not equal.

Actually rights apply to all equally in terms of men and women, children rights are restricted under the principle that as children they don't have the cognitive ability to exercise them yet.

GOD specifically physically designed man and women for the sex act.

Which has nothing to do with secular Civil Marriage.

(Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13) (Romaons 1:24-28)

So you think that homosexuals should be killed like Leviticus calls for or do you pick and choose which parts to use?

There is no constitutional right for a same sex marriage.

I agree, of course there is no Constitutional right to different-sex marriage either.

However if the government does provide for Civil Marriage, then there is a Constitutional right to equal treatment under the law.

The constitution would have to be amended to allow it. The issue of same sex marriage should not even be up for discussion.

No it wouldn't. There is already Same-sex Civil Marriage in 7 states and the District of Columbia. No amendment was required.

Where have Christianity failed Christians? Or have Christians failed Christianity?

I'll stop here. People often misuse the word "marriage" as one unchanging, fixed concept. That is incorrect, once we started writing "marriage" into civil law (which if memory serves was in the 6th century) "marriage" was effectively split into two separate entities: Religious Marriage and Civil Marriage. One is a function of the individuals religious organization - and yes there are religious organizations that perform same-sex weddings. Civil Marriage is outside religion and a function of government.

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GOD has defined marriage as a divine institution between a man and a woman. He set the standards for a marriage. He created man and from man he created a “woman” for him. Not another man. His marriage arrangement is one man, the husband and one woman the wife. Not two wives, two women or two husbands, two men or one man and five women. He set out the “duties” of each man and each women. There is no marriage vows for a same sex marriage.

This is a moral issue and the Government need to stay out of it. Same sex marriage is not a constitutional right, a civil right or even a human right. Man created equal does not mean equal in every instant. There are rights that apply to men and rights that apply to women and rights that apply to children and they are not equal.

GOD specifically physically designed man and women for the sex act.

(Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13) (Romans 1:24-28)

There is no constitutional right for a same sex marriage. The constitution would have to be amended to allow it. The issue of same sex marriage should not even be up for discussion.

Where have Christianity failed Christians? Or have Christians failed Christianity?

When a society deviates from God’s word, the result is a people steeped in immorality. It’s a learned behavior that spreads like a cancer, affecting everyone in its path. Destructive lifestyles are caustic to a moral society, and when immorality is not condemned the result will be the eventual demise of that once moral society.

What can we expect from a society that continually glorifies wicked and depraved people and shuns that which is righteous? Of course the result will be a complete collapse of the moral structure of a society. When evil prevails in a nation it will always lead to even more depravity. Every society that allows a cesspool of filth to permeate the minds of the young people will undoubtedly reap what they’ve sown.

Ron Graham

According to the Talmud Adam had two wifes. The first one left him because she was too independant, so he created a subservant Eve, to walk behind him.
Equal protect under the law is a constitutional right. Aren't gays supposed to have equal protection?
I like Mitten's take on things.

Equal protect under the law is a constitutional right. Aren't gays supposed to have equal protection?

They are.

There is of course the failed argument from social conservatives that homosexuality is a ‘choice,’ and if gays don’t want to be discriminated against all they need to do is ‘stop being gay.’

The argument exposes social conservatives’ ignorance of the law, however; where the right to privacy also includes the right to make personal decisions free from government interference. Whether one is ‘born gay’ or not is legally irrelevant.
but, but, but ... one would need first to believe in God to accept this premise...

is this belief a constitutional requirement?
The governments idea of Marriage is all about money....

You need a License to get Married "Legally" in today's society

The 1st marriage license issued by a government body was in the mid 1800 and of course it cost money.

Marriages happened before a License was needed for 1,000's of years.

Just another source of revenue for Government.......

What God says in scripture is good for Christians in their religious life.

Our legislators look to the Constitution and the statutes for guidance.
When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

Contrary to myth, Christianity's concept of marriage has not been set in stone since the days of Christ, but has constantly evolved as a concept and ritual. Prof. John Boswell, the late Chairman of Yale University’s history department, discovered that in addition to heterosexual marriage ceremonies in ancient Christian church liturgical documents, there were also ceremonies called the "Office of Same-Sex Union" (10th and 11th century), and the "Order for Uniting Two Men" (11th and 12th century).

These church rites had all the symbols of a heterosexual marriage: the whole community gathered in a church, a blessing of the couple before the altar was conducted with their right hands joined, holy vows were exchanged, a priest officiatied in the taking of the Eucharist and a wedding feast for the guests was celebrated afterwards. These elements all appear in contemporary illustrations of the holy union of the Byzantine Warrior-Emperor, Basil the First (867-886 CE) and his companion John.
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