Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left​

By: Lloyd Marcus
November 24, 2012

Word on the political street from GOP consultants and the left is that Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party cost Romney the election. We conservatives are advised to "moderate our tone" and back away from our "extremist ideas."

So let me make sure I understand. Obama and company were allowed to go for the jugular, using false narratives (lies) to win votes. They said Romney hates dogs, blacks, women, and the poor. Heck, they even threw in the absurd accusation that Romney was responsible for the death of a working man's wife. Check and mate. Game over. Obama won. Did anyone suggest Team Obama "moderate their tone"?

But when Rush Limbaugh exposed and the Tea Party rejected Obama's socialistic agenda, Team Obama, which includes the mainstream media, called us racists. When we expressed our biblical belief that marriage should remain defined as between one man and one woman, we were called extremists. And when did it become extreme to believe it immoral to deny medical assistance to babies who survive abortions?

And for the record, once and for all, conservatives do not care what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. All we ask is that we not be forced to fund it or be mandated to say that it is OK and normal.


I say, "Hogwash!" Many younger, non-white, and female voters are clueless about Obama's destruction of America, the virtues of conservatism, and why liberalism sucks!

We lost not because America has become a nation of idiots expecting a free Obama-phone. We lost because Republicans did a horrible job getting the truth to the masses. Soylent Green is people! Conservatism is best for everyone -- period!


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Articles: Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left
Moderating our tone, to go along get along, is what got us to this point.

The progs have destroyed the county.

consider this;

Regulating the Constitutional right bear arms down to the point you merely have the privileged to own certain handguns and ammo is good.

But regulating abortion is bad.

It takes a certain level of evil to think is such a way.
You and Lloyd are more Constitutionally conservative than most conservatives if you do not care who uses what hole in the bedroom.

Spreading that information around will help the cause. Darn radicals who favor state recognition of some kind of marriage over another makes a joke of the small government line and loses votes.

Then there is that John Ashcroft stepping on the right to die law of Oregon.

Next thing you know some proportedly Conservative President will use his unConstitutional power to declare war and invade some island. Then others will remove their dictator from power by force and repeatedly invade some chunk of sand on the other side of the world.
Yep, those consultants are great, look how far they've gotten us. I think the GOP should fire their worthless asses. Their biggest problem is their primary system, if they don't change it where more conservative candidates can be chosen, they will continue to lose.
Just my 2 cents, ignore Lakota regarding advice or criticism. Actually, not just him, all liberals.

When it comes to 'advice', they certainly are not taking your best interests to heart.

Criticism of positions is really advice in reality.

As for many of the actual takes conservatives may make in the future, I do wish they'd make them in keeping with growth of party. Doesn't mean caving, does mean welcoming.

Funny thing, the 'group' they've been most successful regarding the above? Gays.
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The republicans aren't going to give up their allegiance to Limbaugh and the tea party. They prefer childish tantrums to mature behavior. Easier to believe that liberals are the enemy than to work with them. The GOP consultants will be ignored.
You and Lloyd are more Constitutionally conservative than most conservatives if you do not care who uses what hole in the bedroom.

Spreading that information around will help the cause. Darn radicals who favor state recognition of some kind of marriage over another makes a joke of the small government line and loses votes.

Then there is that John Ashcroft stepping on the right to die law of Oregon.

Next thing you know some proportedly Conservative President will use his unConstitutional power to declare war and invade some island. Then others will remove their dictator from power by force and repeatedly invade some chunk of sand on the other side of the world.

Most could care less what someone does in their bedroom, where I draw the line is when they get knocked up, or contract a something penicillin won't cure, then they ask someone else to foot the bill.

As for marriage, it's between a man and a woman, the only reason the radical left wants to hijack the term is to prove they can. You want to create something new, name it yourself.

As for the actions of the AG, the current one has a much longer record of attempting to impose this regimes will on the states than most in recent history.
I don't remember Obama putting a gun to Romney's head and making him commit all the gaffs he did during the campaign. I'm sorry but the Republicans lost the election all by themselves.
As for marriage, it's between a man and a woman, the only reason the radical left wants to hijack the term is to prove they can. You want to create something new, name it yourself.

How's life under that rock? Surprised you can get internet under there.
The republicans aren't going to give up their allegiance to Limbaugh and the tea party. They prefer childish tantrums to mature behavior. Easier to believe that liberals are the enemy than to work with them. The GOP consultants will be ignored.

Of course by your standards, "mature behavior" would mean bowing to the destructive ideas of this regime. Ain't gonna happen.
Social conservatism is not well tolerated in a land dedicated to individual freedom and equality under the law.

When the emphasis is on fiscal conservatism and away from social conservatism, the GOP wins.

But yeah, double down, by all means.
Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left​

By: Lloyd Marcus
November 24, 2012

Word on the political street from GOP consultants and the left is that Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party cost Romney the election. We conservatives are advised to "moderate our tone" and back away from our "extremist ideas."

So let me make sure I understand. Obama and company were allowed to go for the jugular, using false narratives (lies) to win votes. They said Romney hates dogs, blacks, women, and the poor. Heck, they even threw in the absurd accusation that Romney was responsible for the death of a working man's wife. Check and mate. Game over. Obama won. Did anyone suggest Team Obama "moderate their tone"?

But when Rush Limbaugh exposed and the Tea Party rejected Obama's socialistic agenda, Team Obama, which includes the mainstream media, called us racists. When we expressed our biblical belief that marriage should remain defined as between one man and one woman, we were called extremists. And when did it become extreme to believe it immoral to deny medical assistance to babies who survive abortions?

And for the record, once and for all, conservatives do not care what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. All we ask is that we not be forced to fund it or be mandated to say that it is OK and normal.


I say, "Hogwash!" Many younger, non-white, and female voters are clueless about Obama's destruction of America, the virtues of conservatism, and why liberalism sucks!

We lost not because America has become a nation of idiots expecting a free Obama-phone. We lost because Republicans did a horrible job getting the truth to the masses. Soylent Green is people! Conservatism is best for everyone -- period!


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Articles: Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left

Well I certainly agree on one point you made

...America has become a nation of idiots...

Republicans going to keep looking foolish, as long as they keep using the socialist rhetoric. Whatever happened to "we disagree with you", as opposed to "you want to destroy the country"? They can't even get the biblical definition of marriage correct. It could just as easily be "one man and several women". If you're going to go biblical, at least be accurate.
If there is a future, it is not one of being either 'liberal' or 'conservative', but eclectic and adaptive.
The republicans aren't going to give up their allegiance to Limbaugh and the tea party. They prefer childish tantrums to mature behavior. Easier to believe that liberals are the enemy than to work with them. The GOP consultants will be ignored.

Of course by your standards, "mature behavior" would mean bowing to the destructive ideas of this regime. Ain't gonna happen.

Oh, I know it ain't gonna happen. Hillary 2016.
I say, "Hogwash!" Many younger, non-white, and female voters are clueless about Obama's destruction of America, the virtues of conservatism, and why liberalism sucks!

We lost not because America has become a nation of idiots expecting a free Obama-phone. We lost because Republicans did a horrible job getting the truth to the masses. Soylent Green is people! Conservatism is best for everyone -- period!

Yes, please do this. Because it worked out so well for you this election. :thup:

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