Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

Are you so stupid you don't realize his rampant inflation is hurting the poor and working class folks?

Explain in detail how taxing the rich more will help the poor and working class deal with his out of control inflation. Be specific.

This is so true! We have leftists always saying how Republicans don’t care about the poor and the working class, but that leftist poster above has a “no big deal” attitude about the inflation hurting these very groups of people (who btw comprise half of the country).

The only way Dems can think of to “help” the lower-income is to hand them more of other people’s money - no strings attached. They balk at the idea that prices should be kept affordable so these people can afford to support themselves. Just increase the giveaways is their answer!
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The dumb asshole leftist who reduced inflation to having to pay a little more for milk is evidence that leftist are some dumb people…not only are they really stupid, they think they re smart.

This is by design. The Dims have been hijacked by straight up communists who are purposefully destroying the country.
The dumb asshole leftist who reduced inflation to having to pay a little more for milk is evidence that leftist are some dumb people…not only are they really stupid, they think they re smart.

This is by design. The Dims have been hijacked by straight up communists who are purposefully destroying the country.
Yup. same thing when Psaki said, “big deal….so your Thanksgiving Turkey will cost $1 more.”

You know what I just did last week? I opened my home to a foster cat. The rescue groups are overrun with cats who are being given up by working class people who just can’t afford to feed them. On top of their OWN inflated prices, cat food has jumped by at least 30%. I am estimating I will be paying $200 a month for the kitty, food and litter combined, and that is a BIG hit to people who are now paying significantly more for gas, beef, and other staples.
The Founding Fathers gave us documents that makes us go from point A to point B easily. But the infection started on those documents not long after. Checks and balances with checks and balances were attacked incessantly to degrade those documents. Freedom was what they were about. And there was a lot of abuses of people with them as we look at history. But taxation was low or near nonexistent for most people. Debts minimal. The onslaught of rules, regulations and taxation increases at all levels occurred as industrialization and the enacting of the fiat currency came along. A lot of it good. To cut this short, the Fiat Currency is our lifeblood now because we used it for a percentage of false wealth in our economy. And we cannot get rid of it without pain. We may need to raise the prime rate to 10% to squeeze bad debts out like Fed Chairman Volker did in the early 1980's. But we may not survive it this time. Remember what Amschel Rothschild said a couple of centuries ago. "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws".
It does suck that we got along just fine before credit cards. Today people look like they are living just as well but they are in debt.
Yes and someone who makes less than me should pay more.
In fact, because I make more than you, I fall in a higher tax bracket, not a lower one. So why does Musk fall into a LOWER bracket?
I know, you want me to pay less taxes too. Sorry, doesn't work that way. We're broke.
Cry some more, little baby.
If you have a problem with the tax code, complain to the source, not the recipient, dingus.
Cry some more, little baby.
If you have a problem with the tax code, complain to the source, not the recipient, dingus.
That's why I want to elect politicians who will be traitors to their class. Every politician almost is a millionaire. You can't be a politician without money. And even you cons know this is a problem.

Except for some reason you agree with the rich tax schemes. Either because you are rich, or you have lotto mentality. AKA brainwashed by conservatives. AKA House slave.
That's why I want to elect politicians who will be traitors to their class. Every politician almost is a millionaire. You can't be a politician without money. And even you cons know this is a problem.

Except for some reason you agree with the rich tax schemes. Either because you are rich, or you have lotto mentality. AKA brainwashed by conservatives. AKA House slave.
How do you explain AOC?
That's why I want to elect politicians who will be traitors to their class. Every politician almost is a millionaire. You can't be a politician without money. And even you cons know this is a problem.

Except for some reason you agree with the rich tax schemes. Either because you are rich, or you have lotto mentality. AKA brainwashed by conservatives. AKA House slave.
You seem to have an inferiority complex happening here. Wealthy people are not a different class than you, they're just more successful. You've fallen into the class warfare rhetoric that marxists use to manipulate useful idiots.
Hahahhaa 3 separate things.
Face it. You elected Putins Bitch *Joe and his policies are screwing the poor.
You Republicans can't admit it, but we're living in the greatest economy ever. For every worker, there's 1.5 jobs available. Things are great!

And they will continue to be great.

Joe's infrastructure bill hasn't even started yet. The next 10 years are going to be great. Just don't elect another Republican president who will somehow cause another great recession with their risky deregulations and tax breaks to the rich we can't afford.

Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019. Obama/Biden doing fine. Trump sucked.
You seem to have an inferiority complex happening here. Wealthy people are not a different class than you, they're just more successful. You've fallen into the class warfare rhetoric that marxists use to manipulate useful idiots.
You're wrong. If you were right, we would have a flat tax and we don't.

This is just the tactic the right uses when they wage class warfare on us and we fight back. Roll back the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. Before the rich took over our government and waged the class warfare you deny even is happening. In fact, you flip it and say fighting back is us waging war on them.

You must be rich. Or dumb.
I'm richer than some, less rich than others.
Dumber than some, but definitely smarter than you.
Proof? I'm not trying to change the tax code by whining on an anonymous political bitch-site.
You're discussing it the same as me dummy.
I'm richer than some, less rich than others.
Dumber than some, but definitely smarter than you.
Proof? I'm not trying to change the tax code by whining on an anonymous political bitch-site.
Russia stole an election through facebook I'm changing minds here. LOL.
Well this is the argument the have in government. The republicans since Reagan have been pushing and passing tax breaks to rich people and corporations. That needs to stop.
Every Republican tax break was across the board tax cuts, Dumbass.

You offer nothing but Dimtard talking point lies fed to you by your handlers. Grow a brain.

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