Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

Because we have a tax scheme that the rich have taken over and made unfair, for us
How is Elon Musk paying far more tax than you unfair?
Who decides what is "fair", you? Fuck off.
Again, what business of yours is it what someone else pays in tax?
If you don't like paying taxes, vote for people who will reduce your taxes.
Or find ways to reduce your tax burden, like smart people do.
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How is Elon Musk paying far more tax than you unfair?
Who decides what is "fair", you? Fuck off.
Again, what business of yours is it what someone else pays in tax?
If you don't like paying taxes, vote for people who will reduce your taxes. Or find ways to reduce your tax burden, like smart people do.
We decide. And under Reagan, and Bush, and Trump, they cut their taxes too much. Can't you see the debt and our infrastructure is crumbling?

We the People's business.
I love it when Republicans start arguing for the mega rich and not the middle class or poor. They can't help themselves. Republicans favorite charity. Millionaires. LOL
I'm not arguing for anyone, turdbreath. I'm just pointing out what a pathetic loser you are, worried that someone who pays way more than you somehow needs to pay more. Jealous dick.
We decide. And under Reagan, and Bush, and Trump, they cut their taxes too much. Can't you see the debt and our infrastructure is crumbling?
There it is, the ugly collectivist view. Guess what, moron, "we the people" also elected Reagan, Bush, and Trump, so, by your dimtard logic, the people have spoken.
You have been brainwashed by the class warfare rhetoric of the marxist democrats. Just because someone is more successful than you doesn't mean they have to pay more for the exact same incompetent government.
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The National Economic Council Director (Brian Deese) currently holding a press conference. He's blaming Covid, talking about a slowing of the rate in increase in prices, monitoring China 'very closely,' How long will we pay inflated prices? Brian answers that the increase will 'moderate' over the course of 2022, government will 'bridge the gap' for families, they are 'addressing' help. Will allow more people to work effectively, etc., etc., etc, blah blah blah blah.
Because we have a tax scheme that the rich have taken over and made unfair, for us. And have you seen the debt? Infrastructure? War for the past 20 years. Why? Because we got bills to pay. Now don't come back with your arguments in defense of the rich paying less taxes. We need more not less. More from you too.

I see what's going on in your head. The government wastes a lot of money. You pay a lot in taxes. The rich pay more than you. So you want them, and you to pay less. And for the government to stop wasting money. I get it. I agree. But until all that happens, they need to pay their fair share. The system is working SPLENDEDLY for them. Not so much for us.

For example, I always thought my full retirement was 65. Not so. Reagan, that mother fucker, raised mine to 67 in the 80's. Imagine how much reagan fucked us all. Add everyone up together and make us all work 2 more years. He really fucked us. And you probably worship the cock sucker.
Because we have a tax scheme that the rich have taken over and made unfair, for us.

Almost the bottom 50% of wage earners pay zero income taxes. Many get a "refund" despite paying nothing in. Is that fair?

What is Musk's "fair share"? Is $11 Billion in taxes this year not enough?
Well some of what you Republicans have done has worked. Poor women are having way fewer kids than before. Planned Parenthood.

But now we want to look at blue collar people who work and see how are they doing. You said they were doing fine under Trump. And right now, companies are giving raises and can't find enough workers. Those raises are helping us keep up with inflation. Now I suppose you are against raises because they too cause inflation? Seems like the kind of economy Trump dreamed about. Drive all the illegals out and then wages would go up for working Americans. Supply and demand. Seems to be working. If Trump was president that's the way you'd see it. To hell with the virus.

You've made college unaffordable so more kids are going into skilled trades. We need more plumbers and fewer history majors.
I never mentioned Trump or how people were doing under his or anyone else's admin. I said basically you cant tax your way to prosperity. You cant tax your way into not having poverty. We've proven that over the last 60ish years.


That's the poverty rate over 55 years. It's gone up and down a few percentage points, but it's basically stayed the same regardless of who's in office or how much money we've thrown at the "problem". The "war on poverty" basically started in 1964 with the passing of the Economic Opportunity Act. You'll notice the poverty level had already dipped from 22-23% down to basically where we are now by then. We've spent around 28 trillion dollars on the war on poverty, including the 20-year GWOT we have spent about 9 trillion dollars on every war since the Revolution. We've spent 3 times that amount on the war on poverty and what have we gotten for our money? It accounts for basically the entire national debt. Unless you believe it takes that amount of spending to keep the rate from going up significantly, we are doing something wrong and there has to be a better solution.
We decide. And under Reagan, and Bush, and Trump, they cut their taxes too much. Can't you see the debt and our infrastructure is crumbling?

We the People's business.
You are free to pay as much tax as you want, just don't expect government to spend it efficiently, it has too many useless bureaucracies to support.
He pays 6% on his income we pay 22%. Hmmmm?

Yes douchbag he pays a lot more than me. But it's relative. He makes more. So that's unfair for you to say. I've already explained this. Do I have to again?

Why was Wesley Snipes tax burden any concern of my governments? Because he wasn't paying his fair share. Elon isn't breaking the laws. We just need to change the tax laws. Roll them back to before Reagan. Why did they change the tax laws back then? Who says they were paying too much? You? Fucking house slave.
Where are you getting that Elon Musk only pays 6% on his income? You know he just paid more in taxes than anyone ever in the history of our country right? I dont know what Musk's salary is but Im betting he takes most of it in stock. So when he sells it he pays capital gains taxes on it. That's how rich Dems make the claim their secretary pays more in income tax than they do and aren't lying. It's because their secretary actually gets paid an income and they don't.
Inflation hurts the poor and working folks....people Dimtards claim to want help. Instead, everything Veggie Joe does fucks the poor and working folks.

Biden is not doing anything to the poor and working. It is unvaccinated people who are keeping the pandemic alive. That is the root cause of inflation. Raising taxes on the rich would sop up some of that money.
That is hardly a disaster given we are in the middle of a pandemic. I still believe it is transitory. Higher rates will not produce more chips. It will not get more goods in the store.
Tell that to the tens of millions struggling it’s no big deal.
That is hardly a disaster given we are in the middle of a pandemic. I still believe it is transitory. Higher rates will not produce more chips. It will not get more goods in the store.
I guess it depends on your definition of transitory. I agree we won’t see inflation rise at this rate forever but I don’t know if that means it’s transitory. Do you really believe prices are going to come back down to where they were or even close to that? As an example I bought a bunk of 7/16 OSB before all this went down and paid 7.50 a sheet. It was up to almost 50 a sheet at one point, came down to about 13 and is back up to 24ish atm.
Biden is not doing anything to the poor and working. It is unvaccinated people who are keeping the pandemic alive. That is the root cause of inflation. Raising taxes on the rich would sop up some of that money.
Are you so stupid you don't realize his rampant inflation is hurting the poor and working class folks?

Explain in detail how taxing the rich more will help the poor and working class deal with his out of control inflation. Be specific.

I'm not arguing for anyone, turdbreath. I'm just pointing out what a pathetic loser you are, worried that someone who pays way more than you somehow needs to pay more. Jealous dick.
Yes and someone who makes less than me should pay more.

In fact, because I make more than you, I fall in a higher tax bracket, not a lower one. So why does Musk fall into a LOWER bracket?

I know, you want me to pay less taxes too. Sorry, doesn't work that way. We're broke.
Don't you remember Trump said Obama's good economy was FAKE because interest rates were being kept artificially low? But then Trump got in and those rates stayed low.

Republican senator Tom Cotton has a completely different theory: He blames inflation on Donald Trump’s poor selection to lead the Federal Reserve.

And obviously, Cotton is not trying to blame Trump (whose name does not appear in his column). But, while anything Powell does in his second term will be on Biden, the reason Powell has the job in the first place is that Donald Trump appointed him.

Trump selected Powell in large part because he deemed his predecessor, Janet Yellen, too short to effectively handle monetary policy. Once in office, Powell was an inflation dove, leaving interest rates low in order to run the economy hot. Trump was constantly demanding Powell push interest rates even lower.

Is CNN wrong about this?

I happen to think Trump’s preference for low interest rates and a hot economy was correct. Cotton disagrees. But whatever your position on the merits of the Trump-Powell interest-rate regime, Cotton is telling us that inflation levels are Trump’s fault, not Biden’s.
The Founding Fathers gave us documents that makes us go from point A to point B easily. But the infection started on those documents not long after. Checks and balances with checks and balances were attacked incessantly to degrade those documents. Freedom was what they were about. And there was a lot of abuses of people with them as we look at history. But taxation was low or near nonexistent for most people. Debts minimal. The onslaught of rules, regulations and taxation increases at all levels occurred as industrialization and the enacting of the fiat currency came along. A lot of it good. To cut this short, the Fiat Currency is our lifeblood now because we used it for a percentage of false wealth in our economy. And we cannot get rid of it without pain. We may need to raise the prime rate to 10% to squeeze bad debts out like Fed Chairman Volker did in the early 1980's. But we may not survive it this time. Remember what Amschel Rothschild said a couple of centuries ago. "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws".

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