Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

Wow. What a selfish, pompous ass you are! I thought liberals were supposed to be so caring about others, and all you can think of to say is that YOU are doing well.

I‘m doing just fine also. But it’s not about ME. It’s about giving away so much of OPM (to those the Democrats deem deserving of it), while childless adults and retirees on a fixed income are being hit hard by inflation (especially the latter, who don’t have opportunity to earn).

Biden and the progs need to stop handing out money to “the deserving,” who with the extra dollars given to them drive prices higher, while at the SAME TIME quitting jobs because so much is being provided.

A country where people are disincentivized from working is a country on a rapid decline. You progs are deliberately trying to destroy our country.
I say the same thing to Republicans. It's not about how you are doing. Look at the overall masses. Right now jobs are plentiful and companies are giving raises to the average workers to keep up with inflation. Now is the time to get another job. So anyone who wants can go find more money. If it makes you feel better, give Trump credit for driving all the illegals out. I don't see so many of them like I did before Trump. All the fast food, dollar stores, coffee places around me all close early now because they can't find help. This is forcing the rich to have to give workers raises. To me, it feels like what should have happened when Trump was president.

Giving a child tax credit helps big time. American women aren't having enough kids and that's going to be a problem. Unless of course we import more Somalians, Arabs, Asians, Indians, Mexicans and Africans. You want that? No? That's why we are encouraging women to have kids.

I could go on and may later but I got some work to do.
So what? If they have 90% of all the money of course they are paying more in taxes. They have too much of the money.

Reagan cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Corporate tax rates were cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983.

I want to roll back the Bush, Trump and Reagan tax breaks so the rich pay what they were paying in 1979. They were still rich in 1979. You and Reagan just made them richer and added to the debt. Then Bush. Then Trump.

Let me ask you something. Do the rich and corporations now pay their fair share or are they still paying too much?
It's not like there's a fixed amount of wealth in the world. In other words, the fact that Jeff Bezos has 100 billion dollars doesn't make you 1 cent poorer. If there were than the "rich have too much money" mantra would at least make some sense. Also you dont pay taxes on how much wealth you have; you pay it on how much you make. The wealth you have has already been taxed it's not taxed over and over, that would be completely unfair. If I'm super successful one year and make a trillion dollars, I pay taxes on that trillion that year. If I bury that money in my backyard, I don't pay taxes on it again next year. You can only raise taxes so much on people or they will just cease to make it. I'll use Jeff Bezos again, that guy doesn't need to make another dime for him and the next 10 generations of his family to live off of. Why would he do all the work to generate the wealth if the Government is just going to confiscate it? There is a very fine line you have to walk. Im not saying we are walking it but I think we are close at a minimum.
Just walk through the math. If prices go up 10% this year, and that increase goes down to 3% next year....PRICES ARE STILL UP 13%.

CA, you just gotta understand, none of this is really costing you anymore just as Joe is going to sign 6 trillion dollar spending bills that will pay for themselves! :spinner: :banana: :banghead:
You’re an idiot. Biden is going to bring on a recession by crashing the economy.

How else are we going to have a great upheaval and cleansing of the political gene pool if the globalists don't succeed in destroying the economy? I say bring it on and get some. I'm ready, willing, and able.
I don't donate shit. I get taxed. Everyone should be taxed.

And in typical democrat fashion, you tell yourself that means you are being "charitable." Just like so many of your ilk profess to care so deeply about this or that group that democrats insist every placeholder exist exclusively within, but you never get off your fat ass or lift a finger to actually do anything for anyone but yourself.
CA, you just gotta understand, none of this is really costing you anymore just as Joe is going to sign 6 trillion dollar spending bills that will pay for themselves! :spinner: :banana: :banghead:

I keep forgetting about the FREE MONEY.

Thanks for setting me straight!


Taxpayer paid means FREE!!!!!!!!
You’re an idiot. Biden is going to bring on a recession by crashing the economy.
We couldn't get a nationwide recession out of the current economy within the remainder of Biden's first term even if they were trying to make it happen.
It's not like there's a fixed amount of wealth in the world. In other words, the fact that Jeff Bezos has 100 billion dollars doesn't make you 1 cent poorer. If there were than the "rich have too much money" mantra would at least make some sense. Also you dont pay taxes on how much wealth you have; you pay it on how much you make. The wealth you have has already been taxed it's not taxed over and over, that would be completely unfair. If I'm super successful one year and make a trillion dollars, I pay taxes on that trillion that year. If I bury that money in my backyard, I don't pay taxes on it again next year. You can only raise taxes so much on people or they will just cease to make it. I'll use Jeff Bezos again, that guy doesn't need to make another dime for him and the next 10 generations of his family to live off of. Why would he do all the work to generate the wealth if the Government is just going to confiscate it? There is a very fine line you have to walk. Im not saying we are walking it but I think we are close at a minimum.
I'm not smart enough to immediately know that you are wrong, but on some gut level I believe you are wrong. I believe it does matter when millionaires become billionaires. Didn't this happen in the 1913 when bankers took over the Federal Reserve? Suddenly overnight all the people with $1 million had $100. The Rockafellas and Carnege gave away half their fortunes to charities and the masses thought they were so great but they didn't realize that they took over the government and even better, the monetary control.

So how come then it's a problem if all the poor people get more money? Let me flip the question on you.

It's not like there's a fixed amount of wealth in the world. In other words, the fact that THE POOR get an extra 100 billion dollars doesn't make you 1 cent poorer.
You Leftards only worry about the rich.

He sent a selfie to a federal agent after storming the Capitol – now he faces 6 months in prison​

We're very aware of 'Inflation inequality', which is why we promote increases in the minimum wage, and reducing wealth inequality.
Hahahhaa 3 separate things.
Face it. You elected Putins Bitch *Joe and his policies are screwing the poor.
So what? If they have 90% of all the money of course they are paying more in taxes. They have too much of the money.

Reagan cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Corporate tax rates were cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983.

I want to roll back the Bush, Trump and Reagan tax breaks so the rich pay what they were paying in 1979. They were still rich in 1979. You and Reagan just made them richer and added to the debt. Then Bush. Then Trump.

Let me ask you something. Do the rich and corporations now pay their fair share or are they still paying too much?
Democrats initiated and overwhelmingly passed those tax laws you’re whining about, shitforbrains.

He sent a selfie to a federal agent after storming the Capitolnow he faces 6 months in prison

Gee. Must be another one of those damned terrorist insurrectionists getting off for mere public malfeasance! :auiqs.jpg:
I don't donate shit. I get taxed. Everyone should be taxed.

Did you hear a guy like Jim Harbaugh or Elan Musk pays 6% on the money they make? Much lower than you or I. It's how they get paid. I can't remember all the details but what they do is take a loan out against their stock. That's how they live. Then they pay the loan back at 6%. What percent do you pay on the money you make? Probably more than 6%.

Government is the referee. Without refs and rules, we have chaos.

Every county has a government. Every country should have a government. And so in every country, the government is always the referee. Some countries, the government works for the corporations and the rich and they ignore the masses. A liberal progressive Democratic Democracy does not do that.

What on Earth are you babbling about?
Democrats initiated and overwhelmingly passed those tax laws you’re whining about, shitforbrains.
Who do you think of when I say NAFTA? How come you don't think of the Republicans, who overwhelmingly voted for NAFTA? How come you don't remember Bush 1 invented NAFTA? You only remember Bill signed it.

Sorry pal. Can't have it both ways. Reagan gets credit for the shit that happens on his watch. This reminds me of you guys not wanting to blame Bush 2 for the Great Recession he drove us into on his leadership watch.
I'm not smart enough to immediately know that you are wrong, but on some gut level I believe you are wrong. I believe it does matter when millionaires become billionaires. Didn't this happen in the 1913 when bankers took over the Federal Reserve? Suddenly overnight all the people with $1 million had $100. The Rockafellas and Carnege gave away half their fortunes to charities and the masses thought they were so great but they didn't realize that they took over the government and even better, the monetary control.

So how come then it's a problem if all the poor people get more money? Let me flip the question on you.

It's not like there's a fixed amount of wealth in the world. In other words, the fact that THE POOR get an extra 100 billion dollars doesn't make you 1 cent poorer.
If you're taking it from me via taxes to give it to them it does LOL. Governments don't generate wealth. The only revenue generating process they have is confiscation of wealth via taxes, fines or outright confiscation due to money tied to criminal activity. The vast majority of that money is generated via taxes. So if the plan is to make poor people less poor by giving them "government money" you are in fact making a segment of the population poorer in the process. We've been trying to take people out of poverty via this mechanism for decades and haven't really moved the needle. At a minimum we should be looking at other avenues to solve this "problem" because the only we are currently using isnt working.
What? You people are supposed to be the productive ones who pay all the taxes on your substantial income. You should have plenty of money to absorb any conceivable price increase. I make enough money that I've barely noticed price increases but I am nowhere close to being as rich as you people claim. I always knew you people lie about being well-off.
Nice straw man BS.
Who do you think of when I say NAFTA? How come you don't think of the Republicans, who overwhelmingly voted for NAFTA? How come you don't remember Bush 1 invented NAFTA? You only remember Bill signed it.

Sorry pal. Can't have it both ways. Reagan gets credit for the shit that happens on his watch. This reminds me of you guys not wanting to blame Bush 2 for the Great Recession he drove us into on his leadership watch.
Democrats created and passed Reagan’s tax cuts.
What on Earth are you babbling about?
You want to be educated?

Elon Musk is now richer than Warren Buffett, and his extreme wealth shows how complicated CEO compensation has become​

Why is it so complicated? It's to avoid paying taxes on his income. Stop defending it dummy.

Indeed, Musk has refused his cash salaries from Tesla and received nearly all his compensation from that company in the form of stock.

Just read how he only pays 6% on his $ where you pay more. And you defend this why? Because you've been brainwashed to hate anyone paying any taxes to the government because they waste a lot of money?

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