Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

What's fair? What Teddy Roosevelt did. And he was deemed a traitor to his class for taxing the rich so much and giving the masses so much with that $. That's fair.

When he "taxed the rich" it wasn't raises down to the middle class, it was like 50 people probably.

When FDR raised the rates he had WWII to deal with.

Taxes shouldn't be decided on who you want to punish, they should be decided on what minimal government we want to fund. At the Federal level the government is far to large, and far to invasive into things the States should be handling.
Weird how the borrowed cash Trump pumped into the economy is never to blame with you folks.

Why was his borrowed cash different than Biden's?
The borrowed cash has been going on for a long time. The idiot Progs took away all the positives to our economy on the first day of office. We are one nation to many others with globalists. So we suffer for it as we started higher in the pecking order. And we need to lose a good percentage of wealth to get down to others.
This is all Reagan and Trump's fault.

If men would only tuck in their penises we could all be Democrats like frustrated single women and white social justice warriors.
It’s happening because we have too many dollars chasing too few goods. That’s what happens when you enrich low-income with other people’s money at the same time you make it easy for them not to work and thus create supply problems.
The demand for durable goods is at an astounding level that is straining the capacity of the global shipping industry. It's a problem but it's one I'll take over a recession any day. If you are not doing good right now you have really fucked up somewhere. I'm making more money right now than I ever have.
The demand for durable goods is at an astounding level that is straining the capacity of the global shipping industry. It's a problem but it's one I'll take over a recession any day. If you are not doing good right now you have really fucked up somewhere. I'm making more money right now than I ever have.
Astounding level?
How about the rich? My brother has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it. I find it funny you cons think the poor have too much money but not the rich.

We should roll back the Bush, Trump and Reagan tax breaks.

The middle class should have got all the tax breaks. Where do we spend the money? We spend them in the rich people's business'. Win win.

Our ISM is out of wack. The rich are too rich and the middle class is struggling. Something needs to be fixed. It wasn't always like this. But then the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Corporate tax rates were cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983.

Now that was a RIDICULOUS post, lol. Notice, you said PERCENTAGE and NOT actual dollars.

PERTINENT QUESTION-----------------> How much MORE of Americas cash does the government take now than in 1951? What % does our illustrious government take? Also, how much more money in constant 1951 dollars do regular Americans have now in their possession as compared to 1951?

What that all means is------------>wealthy Americans are paying more of the tax burden, so corporations and the poor do not have to, ergo, you have more wealthy Americans!
Things are difficult for some, quit acting as if you care.

It's not that I really do care. It's that you need to know how bad the elected officials and the ideology you support have failed.

I predicted they would fail from day one. Therefore, I will hunker down in my bunker, gleefully watch them fail, and say "I told you this would happen all along."

It's not that I really do care. It's that you need to know how bad the elected officials and the ideology you support have failed.

I predicted they would fail from day one. Therefore, I will hunker down in my bunker, gleefully watch them fail, and say "I told you this would happen all along."

That's the first time I ever heard of anyone referring to a single-wide house trailer as a bunker.
Now that was a RIDICULOUS post, lol. Notice, you said PERCENTAGE and NOT actual dollars.

PERTINENT QUESTION-----------------> How much MORE of Americas cash does the government take now than in 1951? What % does our illustrious government take? Also, how much more money in constant 1951 dollars do regular Americans have now in their possession as compared to 1951?

What that all means is------------>wealthy Americans are paying more of the tax burden, so corporations and the poor do not have to, ergo, you have more wealthy Americans!
So what? If they have 90% of all the money of course they are paying more in taxes. They have too much of the money.

Reagan cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Corporate tax rates were cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983.

I want to roll back the Bush, Trump and Reagan tax breaks so the rich pay what they were paying in 1979. They were still rich in 1979. You and Reagan just made them richer and added to the debt. Then Bush. Then Trump.

Let me ask you something. Do the rich and corporations now pay their fair share or are they still paying too much?
It's not that I really do care. It's that you need to know how bad the elected officials and the ideology you support have failed.

I predicted they would fail from day one. Therefore, I will hunker down in my bunker, gleefully watch them fail, and say "I told you this would happen all along."

Right now there are more jobs than people looking for jobs. You are just playing politics because a midterm is coming. Doom and Gloom. LOL
The demand for durable goods is at an astounding level that is straining the capacity of the global shipping industry. It's a problem but it's one I'll take over a recession any day. If you are not doing good right now you have really fucked up somewhere. I'm making more money right now than I ever have.
Wow. What a selfish, pompous ass you are! I thought liberals were supposed to be so caring about others, and all you can think of to say is that YOU are doing well.

I‘m doing just fine also. But it’s not about ME. It’s about giving away so much of OPM (to those the Democrats deem deserving of it), while childless adults and retirees on a fixed income are being hit hard by inflation (especially the latter, who don’t have opportunity to earn).

Biden and the progs need to stop handing out money to “the deserving,” who with the extra dollars given to them drive prices higher, while at the SAME TIME quitting jobs because so much is being provided.

A country where people are disincentivized from working is a country on a rapid decline. You progs are deliberately trying to destroy our country.
That's the first time I ever heard of anyone referring to a single-wide house trailer as a bunker.
Unfortunately, it’s not the first time a “tolerant” leftist ^^^ who is opposed to bigotry make fun of poor white people.
That's the first time I ever heard of anyone referring to a single-wide house trailer as a bunker.

Like everything else, you don't know anything. Try three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of wooded land with a spring-fed stream running through it. All bought and paid for, so let those Democrats keep failing. I actually encourage it, so I can sit and watch your world burn to the ground.
Like everything else, you don't know anything. Try three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of wooded land with a spring-fed stream running through it. All bought and paid for, so let those Democrats keep failing. I actually encourage it.
They’re just arrogant elitists who think they’re superior to anyone who doesn’t fall for their bullshit.

(I too am doing quite well.)
Lefties....pretend these exact same economic indicators occurred while Trump was President.

Then you would be saying the economy is TERRIBLE.

That is why you are frauds and no one believes your bullshit lies.
Wow. What a selfish, pompous ass you are! I thought liberals were supposed to be so caring about others, and all you can think of to say is that YOU are doing well.

I‘m doing just fine also. But it’s not about ME. It’s about giving away so much of OPM (to those the Democrats deem deserving of it), while childish adults and retirees on a fixed income are being hit hard by inflation (especially the latter, who don’t have opportunity to earn).

Biden and the progs need to stop handing out money to “the deserving,” who with the extra dollars drive prices higher, while at the SAME TIME quitting jobs because so much is being provided.

A country where people are disincentivized from working is a country on a rapid decline. You progs are deliberately trying to destroy our country.
Sounds like you would rather have a recession than an overheated economy. That's pretty stupid.

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