Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

So you'd agree, if that were the case, then government should not be held responsible for the state of the economy, correct?

You'd also have to agree that since the U.S. government does not dictate what people produce or buy, the U.S. government is not responsible for the current state of the economy, correct?

Take your weak sauce and pour over something stupid
Republicans have been screwing their working class base for years.

How? Be specific and bring credible links.
You know all those times you thought you were against socialism? You were really against doing anything to help the people you now claim to care about. Look at the red states where "conservatives" have ruled unopposed for decades. Full of dirt poor dumbasses who keep voting for the same country club crowd that has been robbing them of prosperity since before they were born.
We need to stop the “government support checks“ and get people back to work. I was just as the Petco, and the line was 10 people long - with a single cashier. When it was finally my turn and are remarked about the staff shortage, he said people just won’t work anymore.
Veggie Joe and the Dimtards pumped $4 TRILLION in borrowed cash into the economy, but I'm sure you have no clue what the impact of that is.

Weird how the borrowed cash Trump pumped into the economy is never to blame with you folks.

Why was his borrowed cash different than Biden's?
Republicans have been screwing their working class base for years. Just tell them it's to spite the "welfare queens" and the idiots will cheer having the rug pulled out from beneath their feet.
Just more DemTard-DemNazi talking points and propaganda. No one listens to you weirdos any more.
Why is the rate more important to you than the amount? Both fund government far more than you do, regardless of the rate. Rate envy is simply success envy, nothing more.

Also, don't be a lazy fuck, respond to posts individually.
Every ism sounds good in a perfect world. Capitalism, commy, Socialism, Libertarianism, etc. If the government is corrupt, they don't work. Our tax system is off. The rich have never been richer and tax breaks/loopholes is just one reason. It's not jealousy to say they need to pay their fair share. I find it weird you defend them. That's called Lotto mentality. If you won the lotto, you would be angry at all the taxes you had to pay, rather than be happy with all the money you have. This society provided you an economy where you could flourish. Let's not remove those things like libertarians want so that the rich just keep getting richer and you keep getting poorer. You like monopolies? In a libertarian world, the government wouldn't do anything about them. Let the market decide they would say. Ridiculous.

So the government needs to tweek things. The rich were able to pay the politicians to change the tax laws so now they and their corporations don't pay federal taxes. I know you approve, but you shouldn't. And envy has nothing to do with why I want them to pay taxes. Stop doing that. You're brainwashed.

So lets roll back citizens united for one. Then lets roll every tax break the rich got from Bush, Trump and

You know all those times you thought you were against socialism? You were really against doing anything to help the people you now claim to care about. Look at the red states where "conservatives" have ruled unopposed for decades. Full of dirt poor dumbasses who keep voting for the same country club crowd that has been robbing them of prosperity since before they were born.
Look at the cities where “liberals” have ruled unopposed for decades, Full of dirt poor dumbasses who keep voting for the same people who not only haven’t done a thing for them, they are now allowing criminal thugs in their neighborhoods to rob and steal to their heart’s content.
You know all those times you thought you were against socialism? You were really against doing anything to help the people you now claim to care about. Look at the red states where "conservatives" have ruled unopposed for decades. Full of dirt poor dumbasses who keep voting for the same country club crowd that has been robbing them of prosperity since before they were born.
I didn't ask for the Dimtard talking point bullshit your handlers feed you.

Bring something that actually backs up your claims, with credible links.
Nope but unlike you I know why it is happening.
It’s happening because we have too many dollars chasing too few goods. That’s what happens when you enrich low-income with other people’s money at the same time you make it easy for them not to work and thus create supply problems.
Weird how the borrowed cash Trump pumped into the economy is never to blame with you folks.

Why was his borrowed cash different than Biden's?
Link us up to where I claimed it was different, Dumbass.

Inflation skyrocketed under Veggie Joe and his spending.
Just more DemTard-DemNazi talking points and propaganda. No one listens to you weirdos any more.
You argued to give the rich and the corporations all tax breaks so they don't pay anything, then you cry about the debt.

You won't spend money on infrastructure but had no problem investing in Afganistan for 20 years.

Throughout the 2000's you attacked our highest paid blue collar workers and drove all their jobs to Mexico and China. Said they made too much.

Bush took us into the Greatest Recessions since the Great Depression and Trump's handling of the virus made Bush's recession look like Clinton's booming 90's
Every ism sounds good in a perfect world. Capitalism, commy, Socialism, Libertarianism, etc. If the government is corrupt, they don't work. Our tax system is off. The rich have never been richer and tax breaks/loopholes is just one reason. It's not jealousy to say they need to pay their fair share. I find it weird you defend them. That's called Lotto mentality. If you won the lotto, you would be angry at all the taxes you had to pay, rather than be happy with all the money you have. This society provided you an economy where you could flourish. Let's not remove those things like libertarians want so that the rich just keep getting richer and you keep getting poorer. You like monopolies? In a libertarian world, the government wouldn't do anything about them. Let the market decide they would say. Ridiculous.

So the government needs to tweek things. The rich were able to pay the politicians to change the tax laws so now they and their corporations don't pay federal taxes. I know you approve, but you shouldn't. And envy has nothing to do with why I want them to pay taxes. Stop doing that. You're brainwashed.

So lets roll back citizens united for one. Then lets roll every tax break the rich got from Bush, Trump and

What is the "Fair share"? If you are looking for the perfect government, then you need robots to be its citizens because fallible people are never perfect, and the more power you concentrate in a smaller number the worse it gets. the USSR and Venezuela are poster Childs for that.

Again, it's all "WAAAHHH HE'S GOT MORE THAN MEEEEE" for you twats. Government isn't about fairness, government is supposed to be overhead for keeping people from fighting with each other over things. It's not supposed to be the great equalizer (but really the only people who get more than they deserve from it are the bureaucratic class and the public sector unions).

Citizen United simply levelled the playing field, why is a corporation run by people not allowed to use it's money, but a PAC made of people, or a Union made of people is allowed?
It’s happening because we have too many dollars chasing too few goods. That’s what happens when you enrich low-income with other people’s money at the same time you make it easy for them not to work and thus create supply problems.
How about the rich? My brother has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it. I find it funny you cons think the poor have too much money but not the rich.

We should roll back the Bush, Trump and Reagan tax breaks.

The middle class should have got all the tax breaks. Where do we spend the money? We spend them in the rich people's business'. Win win.

Our ISM is out of wack. The rich are too rich and the middle class is struggling. Something needs to be fixed. It wasn't always like this. But then the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan cut income taxes on the very rich from 70% down to 27%.

Corporate tax rates were cut so severely that they went from representing over 33% of total federal tax receipts in 1951 to less than 9% in 1983.
What is the "Fair share"? If you are looking for the perfect government, then you need robots to be its citizens because fallible people are never perfect, and the more power you concentrate in a smaller number the worse it gets. the USSR and Venezuela are poster Childs for that.

Again, it's all "WAAAHHH HE'S GOT MORE THAN MEEEEE" for you twats. Government isn't about fairness, government is supposed to be overhead for keeping people from fighting with each other over things. It's not supposed to be the great equalizer (but really the only people who get more than they deserve from it are the bureaucratic class and the public sector unions).

Citizen United simply levelled the playing field, why is a corporation run by people not allowed to use it's money, but a PAC made of people, or a Union made of people is allowed?
What's fair? What Teddy Roosevelt did. And he was deemed a traitor to his class for taxing the rich so much and giving the masses so much with that $. That's fair.

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