Consumer Price Index Up 7% From Last Year, The Largest Spike Since 1982

What? You people are supposed to be the productive ones who pay all the taxes on your substantial income. You should have plenty of money to absorb any conceivable price increase. I make enough money that I've barely noticed price increases but I am nowhere close to being as rich as you people claim. I always knew you people lie about being well-off.
He worries about inflation because it hurts the poor and he worries about Elon Musk having to pay more than 6% on his income like the rest of us. Because here's what Republicans do. They say, "6% of a billion is a lot of taxes".

They don't realize it's all relative. Elon still has 94% of that billion.

What do we pay 22%? Elon can't live on 78% of a billion? Now that's a lot of money.
If you're taking it from me via taxes to give it to them it does LOL. Governments don't generate wealth. The only revenue generating process they have is confiscation of wealth via taxes, fines or outright confiscation due to money tied to criminal activity. The vast majority of that money is generated via taxes. So if the plan is to make poor people less poor by giving them "government money" you are in fact making a segment of the population poorer in the process. We've been trying to take people out of poverty via this mechanism for decades and haven't really moved the needle. At a minimum we should be looking at other avenues to solve this "problem" because the only we are currently using isnt working.
Well some of what you Republicans have done has worked. Poor women are having way fewer kids than before. Planned Parenthood.

But now we want to look at blue collar people who work and see how are they doing. You said they were doing fine under Trump. And right now, companies are giving raises and can't find enough workers. Those raises are helping us keep up with inflation. Now I suppose you are against raises because they too cause inflation? Seems like the kind of economy Trump dreamed about. Drive all the illegals out and then wages would go up for working Americans. Supply and demand. Seems to be working. If Trump was president that's the way you'd see it. To hell with the virus.

You've made college unaffordable so more kids are going into skilled trades. We need more plumbers and fewer history majors.
Democrats overwhelmingly passed it.

But topic is Brandon’s destruction of the US economy.
Democrats overwhelmingly passed what? It was us Democrats who were upset with Clinton for signing NAFTA. Not you Republicans. It was UNIONS who said it was a bad idea. Clinton stabbed us liberals in the back. You cons celebrated it. Only under Trump did the side of your party that hates free trade take over. Back then you loved the cheap shit from china and mexico and you used Nafta to destroy unions. You didn't care about manufacturing jobs back then. They made too much. Now you want them back? Who's gonna work in them? For how much?
How else are we going to have a great upheaval and cleansing of the political gene pool if the globalists don't succeed in destroying the economy? I say bring it on and get some. I'm ready, willing, and able.
In a way, you’re right. They are becoming so ridiculously extreme and divisive - did you hear Biden’s scolding, lying speech yesterday? - that the frogs are going to jump right out of the pot!
He worries about inflation because it hurts the poor and he worries about Elon Musk having to pay more than 6% on his income like the rest of us. Because here's what Republicans do. They say, "6% of a billion is a lot of taxes".

They don't realize it's all relative. Elon still has 94% of that billion.

What do we pay 22%? Elon can't live on 78% of a billion? Now that's a lot of money.
It's all so disingenuous since no republican has ever shown real concern for the plight of the working class on any issue whatsoever. It's just weird to hear conservatives talk like progressives and seeming to have developed a sense of economic compassion overnight.
In a way, you’re right. They are becoming so ridiculously extreme and divisive - did you hear Biden’s scolding, lying speech yesterday? - that the frogs are going to jump right out of the pot!

FOX News has been playing that one over and over. He's comparing Republicans to Confederates and Jim Crow if they oppose Schumer changing the Senate rules and don't pass his phony "election reform" law.

The bill has nothing to do with "election reform." It's a Democrat power grab. Even the New York Slimes says the "voting rights" bill is a crock of shit.

How the Voting Rights Bills Miss the Target on Election Subversion
It's all so disingenuous since no republican has ever shown real concern for the plight of the working class on any issue whatsoever. It's just weird to hear conservatives talk like progressives and seeming to have developed a sense of economic compassion overnight.
Trump was smart in that he took all these things that typically Democrats would take up and he hijacked those things. Like being against free trade. Tariffs. Tariffing companies who manufacture and import that shit here? That's what us liberals have been screaming for for years. To protect American workers.

Some industries are too important to the economy to export jobs. Manufacturing being the most important. So when you send all those high paying jobs overseas, of course that hurt the middle class. Now when they bring those jobs back they won't pay as well. Not nearly as well.

Trump also used illegals in a way Republicans never would. Because it's corporations employing those illegals. Hell, Trump's companies hired illegals well into his presidency. It didn't stop him from using them as a political punching bag. He appealed to racists with common sense. Illegals are hurting the middle class. Instead of trump paying a white American born maid $20 hr, he pays an illegal $10.
Democrats overwhelmingly passed what? It was us Democrats who were upset with Clinton for signing NAFTA. Not you Republicans. It was UNIONS who said it was a bad idea. Clinton stabbed us liberals in the back. You cons celebrated it. Only under Trump did the side of your party that hates free trade take over. Back then you loved the cheap shit from china and mexico and you used Nafta to destroy unions. You didn't care about manufacturing jobs back then. They made too much. Now you want them back? Who's gonna work in them? For how much?
Overwhelming bipartisan. And the 2020 revision was by a landslide.


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FOX News has been playing that one over and over. He's comparing Republicans to Confederates and Jim Crow if they oppose Schumer changing the Senate rules and don't pass his phony "election reform" law.

The bill has nothing to do with "election reform." It's a Democrat power grab. Even the New York Slimes says the "voting rights" bill is a crock of shit.

How the Voting Rights Bills Miss the Target on Election Subversion
I know…’s disgusting. Biden is right in the thick of it, with the worst of the nasty progressives. He‘s doubling down on the race card, trying to claim that anyone who is against the blatant power grab by the Dems is a racist.

It‘s the same thing behind the America-hating BLM group, founded by self-proclaimed Marxists. They came up with a name with ”black” in it so that anyone who objects to their destructive goals gets called a racist.
Overwhelming bipartisan. And the 2020 revision was by a landslide.
View attachment 587091 View attachment 587094
You see who voted against it and who didn't.

34 Republicans loved Nafta compared to 27 democrats. 28 democrats said no only 10 Republicans said no.

10 Republican only said no to NAFTA.

Now, how many Republicans said no to Reagan's tax cuts? ZERO? You want to give Democrats the credit for Reagan's tax breaks. Show me the yea's and nay's from that one. I bet not one Republican voted against Reagan's tax breaks for the rich. So roll them back.

You sound like you are against the Reagan tax breaks. If not, why didn't you praise and vote for the Democrats who voted YEA?
Overwhelming bipartisan. And the 2020 revision was by a landslide.
View attachment 587091 View attachment 587094
For the record, I'm not against NAFTA today. It was inevitable. But every country in the world except the USA protected their manufacturing industries because they realized how important those jobs are to the economy.

Why was the USA the only one who didn't care in the Bush 2000's? Because our manufacturing workers were the highest paid in the world. Republicans didn't like that so you bashed unions all throughout the 2000's as you and Bush sent their jobs overseas, actually giving those corporations tax breaks as they were leaving. Made no sense.

We should do free trade but we have to be smart about it. Make shoes in China but not cars.
You want to be educated?

Elon Musk is now richer than Warren Buffett, and his extreme wealth shows how complicated CEO compensation has become​

Why is it so complicated? It's to avoid paying taxes on his income. Stop defending it dummy.

Indeed, Musk has refused his cash salaries from Tesla and received nearly all his compensation from that company in the form of stock.

Just read how he only pays 6% on his $ where you pay more. And you defend this why? Because you've been brainwashed to hate anyone paying any taxes to the government because they waste a lot of money?
Musk is following the tax laws. Dimtards control everything, so why have they not changed the tax laws?

Your beef is with your Dimtard handlers.
You want to be educated?

Elon Musk is now richer than Warren Buffett, and his extreme wealth shows how complicated CEO compensation has become​

Why is it so complicated? It's to avoid paying taxes on his income. Stop defending it dummy.

Indeed, Musk has refused his cash salaries from Tesla and received nearly all his compensation from that company in the form of stock.

Just read how he only pays 6% on his $ where you pay more. And you defend this why? Because you've been brainwashed to hate anyone paying any taxes to the government because they waste a lot of money?
Why do you care about how much someone else pays in taxes? And please don't trot out that ambiguous talking point "fair share".
They don't realize it's all relative. Elon still has 94% of that billion.
What do we pay 22%? Elon can't live on 78% of a billion? Now that's a lot of money.
Why is Elon Musk's tax burden any business of yours? He pays a fuckload more than you, so you want to focus on percentages instead of actual dollars. Such a small minded, petty, and jealous perspective.
If you don't like paying your percentage, work on that.
I know…’s disgusting. Biden is right in the thick of it, with the worst of the nasty progressives. He‘s doubling down on the race card, trying to claim that anyone who is against the blatant power grab by the Dems is a racist.

It‘s the same thing behind the America-hating BLM group, founded by self-proclaimed Marxists. They came up with a name with ”black” in it so that anyone who objects to their destructive goals gets called a racist.
He's using the bully pulpit.
Why do you care about how much someone else pays in taxes? And please don't trot out that ambiguous talking point "fair share".
Because we have a tax scheme that the rich have taken over and made unfair, for us. And have you seen the debt? Infrastructure? War for the past 20 years. Why? Because we got bills to pay. Now don't come back with your arguments in defense of the rich paying less taxes. We need more not less. More from you too.

I see what's going on in your head. The government wastes a lot of money. You pay a lot in taxes. The rich pay more than you. So you want them, and you to pay less. And for the government to stop wasting money. I get it. I agree. But until all that happens, they need to pay their fair share. The system is working SPLENDEDLY for them. Not so much for us.

For example, I always thought my full retirement was 65. Not so. Reagan, that mother fucker, raised mine to 67 in the 80's. Imagine how much reagan fucked us all. Add everyone up together and make us all work 2 more years. He really fucked us. And you probably worship the cock sucker.
Why is Elon Musk's tax burden any business of yours? He pays a fuckload more than you, so you want to focus on percentages instead of actual dollars. Such a small minded, petty, and jealous perspective.
If you don't like paying your percentage, work on that.
He pays 6% on his income we pay 22%. Hmmmm?

Yes douchbag he pays a lot more than me. But it's relative. He makes more. So that's unfair for you to say. I've already explained this. Do I have to again?

Why was Wesley Snipes tax burden any concern of my governments? Because he wasn't paying his fair share. Elon isn't breaking the laws. We just need to change the tax laws. Roll them back to before Reagan. Why did they change the tax laws back then? Who says they were paying too much? You? Fucking house slave.
Why is Elon Musk's tax burden any business of yours? He pays a fuckload more than you, so you want to focus on percentages instead of actual dollars. Such a small minded, petty, and jealous perspective.
If you don't like paying your percentage, work on that.
I love it when Republicans start arguing for the mega rich and not the middle class or poor. They can't help themselves. Republicans favorite charity. Millionaires. LOL

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