Consumers Volt No On Electric Car...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Chevy's glorified golf cart, the Volt, ain't exactly flying off the showroom floors.

From a high of selling a whopping 281 of the kiddie cars in February, July sales rocketed downward to only 125 units, a 55% sales decline for those keeping score at home.

But have no fear as Government Motors is all over this, vowing to INCREASE production to 5,000 units a month in order to keep up with something they refer to as...demand!

And, how come Barry failed to tell us Government Motors would be following the Amtrak business model?

Chevy Volt: Still Not Selling | The Weekly Standard
hence why the only way electric cars are going to be successful is by banning the internal combustion engine... as the econazis are trying to do.

Failed product that cannot stand on it's own. The Volt is even a BIGGER flop than the Ford Edsel.
in the long run the Volt will be a success. Like any new technology, it will take time. But as the concept is fleshed out and the price comes down, it will catch on.
I ca not believe we helped fund some of this abortion-

The Volt's battery cells are produced by LG Chem in South Korea and subsequently shipped to the US, where the battery packs are assembled at a purpose-built facility in Brownstown Township, Michigan owned and operated by General Motors.[90] Compact Power, the North American subsidiary of LG Chem, is building a battery plant in Holland, Michigan to manufacture the advanced battery cells for the Volt and other carmakers, with capacity to produce enough cells for 50,000 to 200,000 battery packs per year.[91] The US$303 million Holland plant was funded by 50% U.S. Department of Energy matching stimulus funds and is planned to open by mid 2012.[92]



Chevrolet Volt monthly U.S. sales (2010–2011)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
321[107] 281[108] 608[109] 493[110] 481[111] 561[112] 125[106]


with a 7500 dollar tax credit....

its a dog, a very expensive dog.
in the long run the Volt will be a success. Like any new technology, it will take time. But as the concept is fleshed out and the price comes down, it will catch on.

In the meantime you will help subsidize every rich guy that buys one to park in his driveway while he drives a Hummer in the real world.
in the long run the Volt will be a success. Like any new technology, it will take time. But as the concept is fleshed out and the price comes down, it will catch on.

In the meantime you will help subsidize every rich guy that buys one to park in his driveway while he drives a Hummer in the real world.

agreed, its a boutique car.
What's worse is Chevy claims they make no money on them either. Yet they want to make more? As my grandpa used to say, "maybe they'll make it up on volume!"
What's worse is Chevy claims they make no money on them either. Yet they want to make more? As my grandpa used to say, "maybe they'll make it up on volume!"

:lol:yea volume....I tried to find the link again but I remember reading that out of that escrow money we gave GM like 15 Billion they used 200 million to build the line that constructs the volt...wonderful.
What's worse is Chevy claims they make no money on them either. Yet they want to make more? As my grandpa used to say, "maybe they'll make it up on volume!"
Yeah, but economics shows that a profit of 0 on 100 units or 1,000,000 units is still Zero. That's gonna make investors happy. :rolleyes:

The union won't care, as long as they get their raises and jobs protected, cause their cost is built into the price of the car.
The Volt is a joke. Not because it is all electric- I think electric cars are a great idea. It's a joke because the $41,000 glorified golf cart only gets 40 miles per a charge. Pathetic.

When the Tesla Model S (their all electric sedan) is released, it will be capable of 300 miles on a charge and has the performance of a sports sedan with sub 6 second 0-60 times. All this in a car that will cost about the same as the Joke, err I mean "Volt". :lol::lol:
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All this talk of the zero emissions car..... what is the source of the voltage that charges it? Coal? Diesel?

How much is lost to transmission cost from the generating plant to the house?

If we could get functioning electric cars that people might consider buying, we would have to build nuke plants all over the place to charge the things up. Post Japan earthquake, that wont happen.
All this talk of the zero emissions car..... what is the source of the voltage that charges it? Coal? Diesel?

How much is lost to transmission cost from the generating plant to the house?

If we could get functioning electric cars that people might consider buying, we would have to build nuke plants all over the place to charge the things up. Post Japan earthquake, that wont happen.

Silly Baruch, everyone knows they are powered by unicorn farts...

in the long run the Volt will be a success. Like any new technology, it will take time. But as the concept is fleshed out and the price comes down, it will catch on.

More likely it will fade away due to better competitors.

Number of Chevy Volts sold last month: 125 « Hot Air

... big problem right now is the fact that Toyota’s planning to roll out a new plug-in Prius next year that’ll likely be $10,000 cheaper than the Volt. It won’t go as far solely on electric power — just 13 miles compared to the Volt’s 35-mile range — but it costs less, charges much more quickly, and will get you 51 mpg via its hybrid engine once you’re beyond the 13-mile range. If your work commute is a short one, you’re in business. And even if it isn’t, with gas at $4 per gallon, the ten grand you save on the Prius will pay for 127,000 miles of driving on gas power.

Nissan is in the game as well, and winning:

Nissan Leaf trounces Chevy Volt in July sales, but will it last? | VentureBeat

The Nissan Leaf once again outsold General Motors’ Chevy Volt in July after GM slowed production of its electric car last month, giving Nissan a nearly 2,000-car edge in total sales

I say take away the subsidies and let the best car win.
in the long run the Volt will be a success. Like any new technology, it will take time. But as the concept is fleshed out and the price comes down, it will catch on.

More likely it will fade away due to better competitors.

Number of Chevy Volts sold last month: 125 « Hot Air

... big problem right now is the fact that Toyota’s planning to roll out a new plug-in Prius next year that’ll likely be $10,000 cheaper than the Volt. It won’t go as far solely on electric power — just 13 miles compared to the Volt’s 35-mile range — but it costs less, charges much more quickly, and will get you 51 mpg via its hybrid engine once you’re beyond the 13-mile range. If your work commute is a short one, you’re in business. And even if it isn’t, with gas at $4 per gallon, the ten grand you save on the Prius will pay for 127,000 miles of driving on gas power.

Nissan is in the game as well, and winning:

Nissan Leaf trounces Chevy Volt in July sales, but will it last? | VentureBeat

The Nissan Leaf once again outsold General Motors’ Chevy Volt in July after GM slowed production of its electric car last month, giving Nissan a nearly 2,000-car edge in total sales

I say take away the subsidies and let the best car win.

The Leaf and the Volt are not substitutes. The Leaf is purely, and permanently, a commuter car. The Volt has the same ability as any other sedan to cover long miles - but it's also capable of doing Leaf tasks without fuel.
All this talk of the zero emissions car..... what is the source of the voltage that charges it? Coal? Diesel?

How much is lost to transmission cost from the generating plant to the house?

If we could get functioning electric cars that people might consider buying, we would have to build nuke plants all over the place to charge the things up. Post Japan earthquake, that wont happen.

The Volt is charged in part by a combustion engine. it doesn't claim zero emissions, it claims to use fossil fuels far more efficiently than the typical IC engine - and it does.
The Volt is a joke. Not because it is all electric- I think electric cars are a great idea. It's a joke because the $41,000 glorified golf cart only gets 40 miles per a charge. Pathetic.

The Volt is not all electric. Before you start dismissing it, perhaps you should learn a bit more about it.
The Volt is a joke. Not because it is all electric- I think electric cars are a great idea. It's a joke because the $41,000 glorified golf cart only gets 40 miles per a charge. Pathetic.

The Volt is not all electric. Before you start dismissing it, perhaps you should learn a bit more about it.

go sooners!

Don't make me reach through this screen, kid:lol:

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