Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales

So, according to all evidence, polls etc. this is what the majority of the country wants and is ok with...

Why don't we have it, you know, with our Representative government. Is it possible that a small but well-funded business interest is manipulating things....???

Two years after the failure of Senate legislation to expand background checks on gun purchases, the public continues to overwhelmingly support making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks. Currently, 85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks, little changed from May 2013 (81%).
Sometimes Americans want the right thing. A rational national policy on guns would be a good one, but it ain't happenin', not with the NRA around. The fix is, take over the NRA and vote them out of existence. Four million of us could do that easily, if we can get four million of us...
I have the 2nd amendment to protect my right to keep and bare arms, sucks to be a gun grabber.
Start enforcing the laws on the books.

If a felon tries to buy a gun,
arrest them.

If you have proof someone is making a straw purchase,
arrest them.

It's ridiculous to enact new laws, when the current ones aren't being enforced.
The laws are being enforced, with more than two million bad people being denied

I think a special prosecutor needs to be authorized to invesigate the opposition to see what they are hiding
The FBI did its job. The ATF did its job. The DAs did or did not do their jobs. We need context not vague inferences.
Oh, not for the liars, but for those opposing background checks, for they must be hiding criminal intent.
Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales

So, according to all evidence, polls etc. this is what the majority of the country wants and is ok with...

Why don't we have it, you know, with our Representative government. Is it possible that a small but well-funded business interest is manipulating things....???

Two years after the failure of Senate legislation to expand background checks on gun purchases, the public continues to overwhelmingly support making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks. Currently, 85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks, little changed from May 2013 (81%).
Continued pandering to fools to support unconstitutional act. This is a surprise?

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