Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
no you did not answer the accused me of doing something you could not possibly prove.....your good buddy dean does that a two are kinda alike in many ways....

You walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. Okay, the California Dem controlled senate just passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of prior tax returns or they will not be allowed on the California ballot. A blatantly unconstitutional law. Now you know what voter suppression looks like. :itsok:
ok,so does that affect republicans more than the democrats in the state?...

Come on you know the answer don't waste my time. :eusa_hand:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
no you did not answer the accused me of doing something you could not possibly prove.....your good buddy dean does that a two are kinda alike in many ways....

You walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. Okay, the California Dem controlled senate just passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of prior tax returns or they will not be allowed on the California ballot. A blatantly unconstitutional law. Now you know what voter suppression looks like. :itsok:
ok,so does that affect republicans more than the democrats in the state?...

Come on you know the answer don't waste my time. :eusa_hand:
the answer is it only affects people running for office....i dont see how them having to show their taxes is preventing anyone from voting.....i dont think you do either....
So you think White Democrats won't vote for a Black candidate? Interesting.

I think white working class people (not any particular party) won't. I think they won't vote for one as far to the left as Booker or Harris, no. Now, if the economy takes a dump in the next year, that might change. The only reason Obama got barely enough white folks to vote him to win was because Bush fucked it up as bad as he did.

Hillary and Kerry and Gore and Dukakis were as white as mayonnaise, and they all lost.

Well, technically, Hillary and Gore got more votes... Kerry barely lost in an election where people were seeing Muslims hiding under their beds. Without rehashing all those races... I see 2020 as a matrix. X-axis being the condition of the economy, Y axis being the acceptability of the Democratic nominee.

Most middle of the Road Americans see Trump as a buffoon and an idiot... but it's a case of the Devil You Know. If the Democrats nominated someone like Harris or Commie Bernie, they might hold their nose for four more years of Trump, especially if the Recession hasn't hit yet.

Conversely, if the recession hits hard, the Dems can make all their socialist dreams come true and nominate someone far off to the left. (Assuming Howard Schultz doesn't make good on his threats to run third party)

The other problem you'll run into is Biden is Biden. He's the stupidest person in the room that thinks he's the smartest. He's spent his life in Washington and accomplished nothing of substance.

Biden is a loser.. But please nominate him...

"Please don't throw me in the Briar Patch". I seem to remember Biden handling both Palin and Ryan handily in the Veep debates.... and either one of them is more coherent than the Orange Shitgibbon.
Based upon current employment figures for black Americans, there is one obvious choice as to who to support.

Marc is far too much the angry black racist to apply reason, however.

Again- did you check out the Dow today, buddy. This whole, "Put up with my behavior because your stock portfolio will do well" isn't going to fly a lot longer.
That said, how many of you actually listened to it in it's entirety, or even some at all?

I'm curious to know.

I listened to it for about five minutes, and frankly , it was a lot of anger and not a lot of substance.

Hey, I remember the 1970's.... and how a lot of the well-intentioned schemes backfired. Take busing. The end result was that all the white folks, not wanting their kids bussed around creation, just moved out to the burbs.
Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support
Whoever said Biden was the Candidate for Black Americans?

Of course he isn't. Blacks should be voting for for people who aren't big govt bedwetters. All big govts have ever done is shit on the blacks. Here and abroad. Figure they would have learned by now.
I listened to it for about five minutes, and frankly , it was a lot of anger and not a lot of substance.

Hey, I remember the 1970's.... and how a lot of the well-intentioned schemes backfired. Take busing. The end result was that all the white folks, not wanting their kids bussed around creation, just moved out to the burbs.
There was a lot of substance.

I just posted a long ass "cliff notes" chuck-full of substance.

What's happening here is that you, like many, if not most, whites are simply not used to, nor comfortable with, black outrage.

America is only used to and comfortable w/white outrage, we see that day in and day out.

Black outrage gets lumped into categories like, "anger", which I'm guessing you're saying is unnecessary, right?
There was a lot of substance.

I just posted a long ass "cliff notes" chuck-full of substance.

What's happening here is that you, like many, if not most, whites are simply not used to, nor comfortable with, black outrage.

America is only used to and comfortable w/white outrage, we see that day in and day out.

Black outrage gets lumped into categories like, "anger", which I'm guessing you're saying is unnecessary, right?

I'm saying anger and outrage isn't a solution.

I get you're an angry guy. Heck, if I had to grow up black in this society, I'd probably be angry, too.

White folks are angry, but their anger has been successfully misdirected by the One percent. This is how you get guys like Reagan, Nixon, Trump. getting them to vote against their own economic interests. Republicans truly have to fuck up the economy to get them to even consider voting against them.

So, yeah, back in the 1970's, Biden didn't think busing or reparations were good ideas.

Because they weren't good ideas. Yes, segregated schools were bad, but punishing white working class families by busing their kids (in the case of Chicago) to schools on the west side or south side, just antagonized people without really solving the problems. The quality of public education declined in the 70's in 80's in Chicago and other major cities, and the response of white folks was to either move to the Suburbs or put their kids in parochial schools.

Then they voted for Nixon and Reagan. The notorious "Reagan Democrat". A white working class guy who voted for Reagan because Reagan was going to do something about crime and the cold war.

The other big complaint against Biden was that he voted for the 1990's Crime bill. Yup, another case of a well-intentioned law that had bad effects of mass incarceration, but at the time, when the crime rates peaked, people wanted a solution.

The ironic thing is the people who bashed the Crime Bill in 1994 for "Midnight Basketball" and other diversion programs are the ones now crying crocodile tears for the mass incarceration it contributed to (but didn't entirely cause.)

My biggest worry is that the Democrats will do exactly what they did in 1984, that after having a good midterm against Reagan in 1982, indulging all the worst instincts of their side, scare the hell out of those white working class people, and then wonder why they lost 49 states.

Nominate Commie Bernie, Pocahontas or Spartacus, and that's pretty much what you'll get.

Is Biden perfect? Hardly.

But he's electable, he'll still get you more of what you want than a second term of Trump will.
He pointed out that Biden said they just HAD to do the crime bill, the nation was in the grip of a crack epidemic, although now the nation is in the grip of meth epidemic, but no tough laws, not even tough talk, although meth addicts are violent and everything else they stated that crack addicts were in the 80's. Guess why that would be?

Because the crack epidemic was accompanied by a spike in crime.


Now, did it cause the spike? Maybe not. Maybe it was just one of many contributing factors. But funny thing about politicians of both parties... they tend to react to things. If you had a big spike in crime related to meth, yeah, we'd see some tougher laws.

He compared blacks voting for Biden to treason, but a non-black voting for Biden as "it is what it is."

Again, that sounds like a great way to get four more years of Trump.
I get you're an angry guy. Heck, if I had to grow up black in this society, I'd probably be angry, too.

I tentatively agree with most of what you are saying. But, if you find Marc's anger justified, as you seem to do and as it most assuredly is, your lack of anger at the causes of Marc's outrage is your moral failure. Collectively speaking, that White failure is a major reason for the continuation of the racist abomination pervading the U.S. of A. to this very day.
I tentatively agree with most of what you are saying. But, if you find Marc's anger justified, as you seem to do and as it most assuredly is, your lack of anger at the causes of Marc's outrage is your moral failure. Collectively speaking, that White failure is a major reason for the continuation of the racist abomination pervading the U.S. of A. to this very day.

Hey, I agree... we have failed. We need to fix things.

Getting angry isn't a solution, and giving people who didn't cause the problems something to be angry about isn't either.

I can't be responsible for white collective failure. I'm happy to get through Thanksgiving without a fight...

Don't get angry, tell me what you think we need to do to fix things.

I would argue that the solutions that Biden opposed back in the 1970's, busing, affirmative action, etc. didn't fix the problem all that much. (Busing just divested white folks from public education, and affirmative action benefited white women more than black men) but did contribute to the white grievances that gave us Trump.

I don't pretend to have the answers... i really don't.

I do know there's one way to make the problem worse. Scaring the shit out white folks and getting them to give Trump another term.
There was a lot of substance.

I just posted a long ass "cliff notes" chuck-full of substance.

What's happening here is that you, like many, if not most, whites are simply not used to, nor comfortable with, black outrage.

America is only used to and comfortable w/white outrage, we see that day in and day out.

Black outrage gets lumped into categories like, "anger", which I'm guessing you're saying is unnecessary, right?

I'm saying anger and outrage isn't a solution.

I get you're an angry guy. Heck, if I had to grow up black in this society, I'd probably be angry, too.

White folks are angry, but their anger has been successfully misdirected by the One percent. This is how you get guys like Reagan, Nixon, Trump. getting them to vote against their own economic interests. Republicans truly have to fuck up the economy to get them to even consider voting against them.

So, yeah, back in the 1970's, Biden didn't think busing or reparations were good ideas.

Because they weren't good ideas. Yes, segregated schools were bad, but punishing white working class families by busing their kids (in the case of Chicago) to schools on the west side or south side, just antagonized people without really solving the problems. The quality of public education declined in the 70's in 80's in Chicago and other major cities, and the response of white folks was to either move to the Suburbs or put their kids in parochial schools.

Then they voted for Nixon and Reagan. The notorious "Reagan Democrat". A white working class guy who voted for Reagan because Reagan was going to do something about crime and the cold war.

The other big complaint against Biden was that he voted for the 1990's Crime bill. Yup, another case of a well-intentioned law that had bad effects of mass incarceration, but at the time, when the crime rates peaked, people wanted a solution.

The ironic thing is the people who bashed the Crime Bill in 1994 for "Midnight Basketball" and other diversion programs are the ones now crying crocodile tears for the mass incarceration it contributed to (but didn't entirely cause.)

My biggest worry is that the Democrats will do exactly what they did in 1984, that after having a good midterm against Reagan in 1982, indulging all the worst instincts of their side, scare the hell out of those white working class people, and then wonder why they lost 49 states.

Nominate Commie Bernie, Pocahontas or Spartacus, and that's pretty much what you'll get.

Is Biden perfect? Hardly.

But he's electable, he'll still get you more of what you want than a second term of Trump will.
"White people's anger is directed by the 1%"?????

Who told you that?

Do you have any idea how stupid that is?

Who directs your anger?
Anybody watch the HBO series "Veep"?

Joe Biden is the male equivalent of Selina Myers, with the addition of being creepy
dimocraps back-stabbed Catholics. Which was a majority dimocrap voting group. They stabbed them in the back, bigly.

dimocraps back-stabbed Jews. And are still in the process of doing it. The American Jewish population hasn't completely wised up yet, but they will.

dimocrap scum back-stabbed the American Blue Collar worker. Many of the Unions are still pro-dimocrap but they're in on the scam while the working man and woman take it up the......

dimocrap scum will back-stab Blacks, too. If you don't see it coming, I'm not surprised.

See all the illegals coming into this Country? Most of them, virtually ALL of them, Hispanic?

Noticed that yet?

How will they be supported? Where will the money come from? Whose money will they steal to give to them?

dimocrap scum have back-stabbed every, single constituency they have ever had. Every last one.

And they'll back-stab Blacks, too.

I doubt most of you will even notice. Some will. Most won't.

Old habits die hard
I'm saying anger and outrage isn't a solution.

I get you're an angry guy. Heck, if I had to grow up black in this society, I'd probably be angry, too.

White folks are angry, but their anger has been successfully misdirected by the One percent. This is how you get guys like Reagan, Nixon, Trump. getting them to vote against their own economic interests. Republicans truly have to fuck up the economy to get them to even consider voting against them.

So, yeah, back in the 1970's, Biden didn't think busing or reparations were good ideas.

Because they weren't good ideas. Yes, segregated schools were bad, but punishing white working class families by busing their kids (in the case of Chicago) to schools on the west side or south side, just antagonized people without really solving the problems. The quality of public education declined in the 70's in 80's in Chicago and other major cities, and the response of white folks was to either move to the Suburbs or put their kids in parochial schools.

Then they voted for Nixon and Reagan. The notorious "Reagan Democrat". A white working class guy who voted for Reagan because Reagan was going to do something about crime and the cold war.

The other big complaint against Biden was that he voted for the 1990's Crime bill. Yup, another case of a well-intentioned law that had bad effects of mass incarceration, but at the time, when the crime rates peaked, people wanted a solution.

The ironic thing is the people who bashed the Crime Bill in 1994 for "Midnight Basketball" and other diversion programs are the ones now crying crocodile tears for the mass incarceration it contributed to (but didn't entirely cause.)

My biggest worry is that the Democrats will do exactly what they did in 1984, that after having a good midterm against Reagan in 1982, indulging all the worst instincts of their side, scare the hell out of those white working class people, and then wonder why they lost 49 states.

Nominate Commie Bernie, Pocahontas or Spartacus, and that's pretty much what you'll get.

Is Biden perfect? Hardly.

But he's electable, he'll still get you more of what you want than a second term of Trump will.
I didn't grow up here. Nor am I an "angry guy."

However, injustice angers me, and I speak out against it.

That you are not angered by it, really, speaks volumes about you.

If nothing more than, for you, it's academic, doesn't affect you. Again, white privilege.

Blacks don't have that privilege. They just don't. These are life and death matters for us, literally.

Why aren't you angered by the injustice? You should be out there screaming louder than me.

Think about your post. What it communicates, is that whenever whites find themselves where they're getting put on par w/blacks, or blacks on par w/whites, they get angered and do crazy vote against their best interests. That's literally what your post communicates, and it's not wrong, as the historical facts bear this out.

Dwell on that for a while.
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Here's an audiovidual essay on why this is...

Your thoughts?

At this point, I really wouldn’t worry about it too much. Joe Biden is a gaff machine. He’s barely started and he’s already saying things like China isn’t our competitor. That’s just a bizarrely stupid.

I believe that when the debates start happening is when the field will start shrinking.

Democrats have gone for the people who they were sure would win before. Like John Kerry and Al gore and Hillary Clinton. None of them ran to win. They thought it would be handed to them. Because they were running against the unpopular.

Look at John Kerry, he lost against the worst president we ever had until Trump. Even Trump says Bush is the worst president.

And look who won, people who didn’t have a chance, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama.

There are some smart Democrats running. But we won’t see how smart they are until we start having the debates.

And the first debate is like six weeks away. I bet before the end of the year they’ll be less than a dozen contenders.

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