Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

Here are examples of voter suppression:

- a non citizen voting
- voting two or more times in the same election.
- voting in another district outside the one you are registered.
- a vote cast under a decreased person’s name.

The Left does not lose their shit over this. They only lose their shit in hindsight when they lose.
Cite the examples of this happening hack.
I can help you .. I know a lot about race relations.
Here's an audiovidual essay on why this is...

Your thoughts?

The media is just looking for something to report on. I suspect that once we start having the debates uncle Joe’s popularity will fall dramatically. He’s a walking talking gaffe machine. Eventually Obama had to muzzle him. Give him something to do to keep him out of the limelight.
if it helps them win i would put it past the more die- hard ones ....but like i said,the die-hard left has people just as rabid and it would not surprise me at all, to see them try it for the same win and have power ....
It was a "yes" or "no" answer Harry.

So you haven't answered the question...still.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
no you did not answer the accused me of doing something you could not possibly prove.....your good buddy dean does that a two are kinda alike in many ways....

You walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. Okay, the California Dem controlled senate just passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of prior tax returns or they will not be allowed on the California ballot. A blatantly unconstitutional law. Now you know what voter suppression looks like. :itsok:
ok,so does that affect republicans more than the democrats in the state?...
The media is just looking for something to report on. I suspect that once we start having the debates uncle Joe’s popularity will fall dramatically. He’s a walking talking gaffe machine. Eventually Obama had to muzzle him. Give him something to do to keep him out of the limelight.
So you're saying that Biden won't be the nominee?
Has your Trumpenführer dropped the black UE rate from being double of whites that it's been historically?
Trump has improved upon the Black employment of Obama.

But Obama did give our more welfare and food stamps ..

If you prefer welfare and subservience over self reliance and dignity, Obama's your POTUS
Trump has improved upon the Black employment of Obama.

But Obama did give our more welfare and food stamps ..

If you prefer welfare and subservience over self reliance and dignity, Obama's your POTUS
So no, your Trumpenführer has NOT done anything to improve the black UE rate from being double to that of whites.

Thank you for acknowledging that.
The media is just looking for something to report on. I suspect that once we start having the debates uncle Joe’s popularity will fall dramatically. He’s a walking talking gaffe machine. Eventually Obama had to muzzle him. Give him something to do to keep him out of the limelight.
So you're saying that Biden won't be the nominee?
I'm guessing no, he won't.
It would appear as if the righties with their head up their --- are worried about Joe. But then they should be as we see that the orange idiot in the white house seems very worried about Joe. And one thing we know for sure is that the right never can think for themselves always relying on Trump and other far right idiots to tell them what to think. So expect that anything that the Donald says will be the rightwing bible of talking points.
Based upon current employment figures for black Americans, there is one obvious choice as to who to support.

Marc is far too much the angry black racist to apply reason, however.
Has your Trumpenführer dropped the black UE rate from being double of whites that it's been historically?
He's not my anything, you hysterical twit.

If you need to keep moving the bar to justify your spittling rage, though, go for it child.
Biden opens up a 31 point lead in South Carolina on Bernie .. voters are sending a clear message they don’t want Bernie they don’t want socialism
Any black person who supports any Democrat is nothing but a weak political chump.

Your thought?
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?

Poor uneducated black man can't tell the difference between fact and political bullshit talking points.

No wonder you vote Democrat
Any black person who supports any Democrat is nothing but a weak political chump.

Your thought?
He hated the Republicans they're the more racist party.

They're currently actively seeking to continue to repress the black vote.

What's your thoughts on that fact?

Poor uneducated black man can't tell the difference between fact and political bullshit talking points.

No wonder you vote Democrat

His type are a dime a dozen. They refuse to ever become men, as men take responsibility for their life.

They want to remain boys their whole life, instead, forever whining about how it is other people who are responsible for the fact they are failures instead of themselves.
So some of you, including my fellow USMBers on the left, communicated that an hour or 48 minutes was too long. One even asked for the cliff notes.

It's nearly impossible to do cliff notes on such things w/carefully going through it again, which I did.

However, this will be the last time guys.

If it's something you're not interested in, that's fine.

Essays like this need to be listened to go get the proper jist and context.

Anyway, the author started off by citing his sources, which was largely from a 1975 article that featured an interview w/the young politician...
The author started w/the following quote by Biden...

Mr. Biden told the People Paper, a Delaware-based weekly newspaper, in 1975: “I do not buy the concept, popular in the ‘60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race.’ I don’t buy that.

“I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather,” he continued at the time. “I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”

In the interview, Mr. Biden also opposed government efforts to desegregate schools by “busing” white children to majority-black schools and black children to majority-white schools.

“I oppose busing. It’s an asinine concept, the utility of which has never been proven to me,” he said. “I’ve gotten to the point where I think our only recourse to eliminate busing may be a constitutional amendment.

He then goes on the comment about how Biden doesn't get angry about lynching, firebombings or historical repression, but he uses angry rhetoric to express that he's opposed to busing.

  1. He made commentary on that this type of sentiment communicates to black people that they should never have more than, or even be put on par w/white people.
  2. He pointed out that Biden admits that the white man has suppressed and continues to suppress the black man, but by his quote above, he's picking and choosing when it applies to him.
  3. Stated that Biden feels responsible but not responsible enough to be doing anything for blacks. Instead Biden chose to bitch and moan and complain about busing. Quite the anti-black sentiment.
  4. The author went on to explain how Biden was in the best position to make funding black schools a priority, but he
  5. didn't, instead he went on to defend the general white supremacist consensus of the time that stated that if there's black kids in the white kids schools, that'll lead to a race war.
  6. However, there's never any commentary stating that there will be a race war when whites burn down black wall street, or oppress black, or enact and engage in anti-black laws, culture, etc.
  7. He pointed out how Biden spoke about this "other" group, when he spoke about "my children" and "your children". Separating white children from black children.
  8. He commented that blacks are about participation in a country they built, and whites are are about subjugating black people.
  9. He reiterated the fact that often, including today, and I've seen it expressed here on USMB, the threats from whites when/if government even THINKS of doing anything just for blacks, because whites won't like it, they'll get angry, and nobody will be able to stop them. Yet nobody ever says you better not do anything that upsets and/or infringed upon black people's rights, or you'll fill them w/hatred. Ever.
  10. So basically, if you disadvantaged black people, you'll fill them w/hatred, never gets said by anyone. Biden justified the violence that white mobs carried out ever since Eisenhower allowed blacks to sit in schools w/whites. White mobs attacked these children.
  11. Nobody has ever stated that if you deprive black children of a good education, you're going to fill black voters w/anger.
  12. He goes on to point out that whites were so angry in the 50s and 60s, and it was due to black children simply being able to go to white schools.
  13. No attempt is ever made by Biden to justify black outrage, which is valid, as they were oppressed, but he only justifies white outrage, which is made up, as they've never been oppressed, and have been the oppressors.
  14. He pointed out that Biden CLAIMED that he's in favor OF MORE funding for schools, just as long as it doesn't actually happen, because he never actually does anything to make it happen.
  15. Yet, Biden is in support for Jewish reparation, a crime that didn't even happen in the United States. But he opposed busing.
  16. He spoke about Biden cozying up to Jessie Helms a die-hard racist who opposed blacks at every turn, who had an anti-black bill that got defeated, but Biden picked it up again.
  17. Robert Byrd, another die hard racist, also had a bill, and Biden's bill was so racist that Byrd's bill was the diluted version to Biden's amendment, so his bill was so racist that Robert Byrd had a more moderate bill than his.
  18. He pointed out that in March of 1977, Biden was again on the warpath for white supremacy, when he repeatedly asked for James Eastland's support, a well known KKKer, and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
  19. Eastland made - making racist remarks against black people, state that the the missing blacks in Mississippi was just a PR stunt, and even after the bodies were found he never withdrew his accusations, or apologized for his statements afterwards.
  20. As recent as 2017 Biden made comments, proud that Eastland called him "son", therefore his mentor.
  21. He pointed out a comment by Biden that stated that a black man has a better chance in Alabama than in Philadelphia, a blatant lie.
  22. He pointed out that the Biden Bill: The Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act, greatly increased funds for police and prisons, police militarization, pipeline from the Pentagon straight to the police. Ferguson's police arsenal was thanks to Biden.
  23. So busing black kids to white schools was bad, and will cause a race war, but giving police departments military grade weapons and gear to invade black communities, that's totally fine, wouldn't instigate a race war at all. According to Biden. So basically, whatever black people do is just so much worse than when white people do it.
  24. A white guy shoots up a school full of kids in Sandy Hook, is not as bad as a black guy walking down the street minding his business in Sanford.
  25. He pointed out that Biden said they just HAD to do the crime bill, the nation was in the grip of a crack epidemic, although now the nation is in the grip of meth epidemic, but no tough laws, not even tough talk, although meth addicts are violent and everything else they stated that crack addicts were in the 80's. Guess why that would be?
  26. So if only blacks were doing meth today, then Joe would be on the warpath against it.
  27. He stated that no black person should be thinking about voting for Biden. He hasn't turned over a new leaf, he hasn't made any amends, no undoing of his harmful policies, no apologies, no nothing. He's an out of control racist. Yes, Trump wears his racism as a badge of honor, but we still need to be just as vigilant w/the likes of Biden.
  28. The author stated that blacks should get in the rallies and remind Biden and his would-be supporters of his record. He points out that Biden has done nothing to show that he has changed, so why would anyone believe he has. Pointed out how Biden uses deflections, just like Republicans "Meth is a public epidemic, but have you seen what happens in Chicago?"
  29. The white single mom birth rate is approaching that of blacks, but no lectures for them, as he would for blacks. Doesn't lecture them on drugs, guns, violence, racism, nothing, but will tell off black folks for anything w/no problem. Divide and conquer of black women and black men, and as for their children, deny them an education, then lock them up afterwards. Meanwhile appealing the the casual racist, aka white moderates.
  30. He discussed how Democrats are trying to circumvent the black votes and go after a new demographic to make up those votes, due to black folks waking up.
  31. He compared blacks voting for Biden to treason, but a non-black voting for Biden as "it is what it is."
  32. He said to not let the white media trick you w/their claims of Biden being "good for civil rights" except for the interview w/the 'People Paper', and the 1985 education Bill, and opposing school busing, cozying up w/Strom Thurmond, the Biden Bill, and his overall history of targeting black crime while overlooking white crime.
  33. He states that "civil rights" for Biden equates to "white rights." And reminded blacks not to let him run away from his history. Don't let the white media white wash it and encouraged black people to inform others. He pointed out how Joe Biden was friends w/Klansmen in the 70's, 80's and 90's. And ends with the statement that when you think of Joe Biden, think of racism.
This is the first and last time I'm going to to do this. It's too much to cover in a sensible way in written form. It's much easier, and quicker, to listen to.

I don't care who asks or makes that statement going forward.

If you don't want to listen to it, or know the information, that's fine, but don't ask me to give cliff notes, or anything similar to such a request. When you do that you communicate to me that you're not truly interested in it, and that's insulting more than anything else.

That said, how many of you actually listened to it in it's entirety, or even some at all?

I'm curious to know.
Last edited:
He's not my anything, you hysterical twit.

If you need to keep moving the bar to justify your spittling rage, though, go for it child.
You bastards attacked Obama for wearing a damn tan suit. A damn. Tan. Suit.

Now you want to bitch and moan because Americans are giving fair criticisms of this madman in Office?

You really a bunch of sniveling little piss-aunts.
He's not my anything, you hysterical twit.

If you need to keep moving the bar to justify your spittling rage, though, go for it child.
You bastards attacked Obama for wearing a damn tan suit. A damn. Tan. Suit.

Now you want to bitch and moan because Americans are giving fair criticisms of this madman in Office?

You really a bunch of sniveling little piss-aunts.
I have never attacked Obama for wearing anything, you whiny little baby .
I don't care who asks or makes that statement going forward.

If you don't want to listen to it, or know the information, that's fine, but don't ask me to give cliff notes, or anything similar to such a request. When you do that you communicate to me that you're not truly interested in it, and that's insulting more than anything else.

That said, how many of you actually listened to it in it's entirety, or even some at all?

I'm curious to know.

Laughing here.

So, the author alleges Biden had some uncanny contacts, and he blames Biden for the racism in U.S. legislation since about the mid 70s. He also claimed Biden learned nothing since, and made no amends. Why that "sounded" convincing to you may remain your secret. I suspect, you didn't question, and neither check, any of the "author's" claims. You seem "convinced" that Blacks should base their electoral decisions on happenings of the 1970s, not on what policies to expect in the future. You also seem unaware that there is another side to consider, namely, The Donald, along with the spineless, subservient goofs trying to ride his coattails.

BTW, I, for one, didn't ask for cliff notes. I asked you make your argument - and would just note that a series of unfounded assertions falls way short of an argument - instead of letting the flickering images from YouDupe do the thinking for you. I have banned these flickering images from my machine, and that will remain so.
I'm not a republican, you simple-minded hack .
Then it doesn't apply to you.

I don't know why you have to get defensive and say "I didn't do it!"

Why not just say, "I wasn't part of those who did it?"

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