Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

Not entirely sure why blacks would support any Democrat, but whatever. That's not to say, of course, you have to vote Republican.
Why do you say that?
I think that most right wingers believe African-Americans were happier when they were slaves because they had 100% employment.

The truth is the right just doesn’t understand the concept of coalition because the Republicans are a nearly all white party.

Black Americans are not part of the plantation party as Republicans believe, instead they are a vital part of a coalition party where the last president before the orange guy was black. And many of the candidates are black.

Republicans are so racist, they just can’t believe that a black person could be smart enough to be president.
Laughing here.

So, the author alleges Biden had some uncanny contacts, and he blames Biden for the racism in U.S. legislation since about the mid 70s. He also claimed Biden learned nothing since, and made no amends. Why that "sounded" convincing to you may remain your secret. I suspect, you didn't question, and neither check, any of the "author's" claims. You seem "convinced" that Blacks should base their electoral decisions on happenings of the 1970s, not on what policies to expect in the future. You also seem unaware that there is another side to consider, namely, The Donald, along with the spineless, subservient goofs trying to ride his coattails.

BTW, I, for one, didn't ask for cliff notes. I asked you make your argument - and would just note that a series of unfounded assertions falls way short of an argument - instead of letting the flickering images from YouDupe do the thinking for you. I have banned these flickering images from my machine, and that will remain so.
What you're not getting, is that many blacks, have awakened to the fact that Democrats have been taking our votes for granted, as a given.

Voting is supposed to be an exchange, that's how every voting block handles it, all except blacks.

Whites voted for Trump for a reason, he gave them the tax cuts that many of them wanted, and the far rightwing and authoritarian judges that they wanted, that was the exchange. As long as he did that, they're with him.

Blacks have an agenda that needs to be addressed, and no popular candidate is willing to address it. That means we have to train them to take us seriously, if that means sitting it out, so be it.

Trump has already won, the damage has already been done. You can't scare us w/the concept of Trump anymore, he's already a reality.

So you can sit there and belittle my arguments, because they don't pertain to you and/or you don't agree w/you, but that's on you.

Blacks didn't get Trump elected, we did our part, but white's racism overpowered our efforts, so don't come looking to blacks to blame and/or save the day now. It's too late for that. We need tangibles, just like every other voting block gets, just for them.

Thinking blacks aren't falling for the okie doke any more, and we're trying to wake up as many others as we can get to listen.
Laughing here.

So, the author alleges Biden had some uncanny contacts, and he blames Biden for the racism in U.S. legislation since about the mid 70s. He also claimed Biden learned nothing since, and made no amends. Why that "sounded" convincing to you may remain your secret. I suspect, you didn't question, and neither check, any of the "author's" claims. You seem "convinced" that Blacks should base their electoral decisions on happenings of the 1970s, not on what policies to expect in the future. You also seem unaware that there is another side to consider, namely, The Donald, along with the spineless, subservient goofs trying to ride his coattails.

BTW, I, for one, didn't ask for cliff notes. I asked you make your argument - and would just note that a series of unfounded assertions falls way short of an argument - instead of letting the flickering images from YouDupe do the thinking for you. I have banned these flickering images from my machine, and that will remain so.
What you're not getting, is that many blacks, have awakened to the fact that Democrats have been taking our votes for granted, as a given.

Voting is supposed to be an exchange, that's how every voting block handles it, all except blacks.

Whites voted for Trump for a reason, he gave them the tax cuts that many of them wanted, and the far rightwing and authoritarian judges that they wanted, that was the exchange. As long as he did that, they're with him.

Blacks have an agenda that needs to be addressed, and no popular candidate is willing to address it. That means we have to train them to take us seriously, if that means sitting it out, so be it.

Trump has already won, the damage has already been done. You can't scare us w/the concept of Trump anymore, he's already a reality.

So you can sit there and belittle my arguments, because they don't pertain to you and/or you don't agree w/you, but that's on you.

Blacks didn't get Trump elected, we did our part, but white's racism overpowered our efforts, so don't come looking to blacks to blame and/or save the day now. It's too late for that. We need tangibles, just like every other voting block gets, just for them.

Thinking blacks aren't falling for the okie doke any more, and we're trying to wake up as many others as we can get to listen.
I think it’s more complicated. I don’t entirely agree and I don’t entirely disagree.
The Democratic Party is a minority party. There’s no place else to go. Too many of the white Democrats have been blue dogs that should belong to the Republican Party.
With the Democrats there’s actually two elections. The first one, because Democrats are a coalition, is getting politicians through primaries that represent America. Republicans are a white party. There’s a very little argument there because there just isn’t the individual groups. There’s just white people.
So once Democrats do all the politics in the campaigning within the Democratic Party to get all the different candidates then they have to go to the general election and campaign all over again.
And sadly, President Obama hamstrung himself trying to reach out to racist Republicans in an attempt for unity. He didn’t want to be seen as the angry black man.
That book has been read. I think with Trump Democrats are finally realizing that once they have power they need to work on an agenda that helps the American people and not just billionaires. Because Republicans will never stop voting white Even if it hurts the GOP base.
The point is African-Americans have more power now than they’ve had in the past within the Democratic Party. We can see that by all the candidates running. And once it’s all sorted and sifted after the debates I think we’re going to be surprised at who our candidate will be.
Not entirely sure why blacks would support any Democrat, but whatever. That's not to say, of course, you have to vote Republican.
Why do you say that?

The lack of results after 50 years of being dedicated to the party should speak for itself.

It never ceases to amaze me that blacks who generally lean strongly socially conservative and enjoy flamboyant displays of personal wealth always choose the immoral and anti-capitalist Democrat party.
If nothing more than, for you, it's academic, doesn't affect you. Again, white privilege.

Do Sunni mooslums in Saudi Arabia have 'Sunni Privilege'?

Do Shia goatfuckers in Iran have 'Shia Privilege'?

Do Japanese in Japan have 'Japanese Privilege'?

Did the Hutu in Rwanda have 'Hutu privilege'?

Did the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia have 'Khmer Privilege"

Do Blacks in South Africa have 'Black Privilege'?

How about in Zimbabwe?

It's called tribalism and it's wrong.

You act like we're the only people that have ever been guilty of it because -- Well, because you're as dishonest and whiny as it gets.

At least we recognize it. We try to do something about it.

We even fought a fucking War to stop the enslavement of Blacks.

Anybody ever bothered to thank us for that? I had blood relatives die on the Northern side in that fucking War. Think I'll ever get some 'Reparations' for it. What other Countries fought a civil war to end the slavery of a different race of people?

Too many Blacks are behind because that's how they WANT to be. They don't WANT to take part in our culture, in our society. Most of them would rather live like they still do in Africa, women running around fat, barefoot and preggo, kids with a belly full of worms, running wild in the streets like feral dogs, the men going from one house to another, group concubines, depending on what mood they're in and which female is more convenient at the time.

The Blacks that WANTED take part in our culture, in our society have done pretty well for themselves. We even elected one president. A mistake, but it happened nonetheless.

Stop crying and do something for yourself besides demanding that government do everything for you.

government doesn't help people, government helps government.

But you'll never understand that. Never.

It's just so much easier to whine and cry
The lack of results after 50 years of being dedicated to the party should speak for itself.
When you say "results", what do you mean?

What results should blacks have had from the Democrats after 50 years?

I want to be on the same page, and not guess, this is why I'm asking.
I think it’s more complicated. I don’t entirely agree and I don’t entirely disagree.
The Democratic Party is a minority party. There’s no place else to go. Too many of the white Democrats have been blue dogs that should belong to the Republican Party.
With the Democrats there’s actually two elections. The first one, because Democrats are a coalition, is getting politicians through primaries that represent America. Republicans are a white party. There’s a very little argument there because there just isn’t the individual groups. There’s just white people.
So once Democrats do all the politics in the campaigning within the Democratic Party to get all the different candidates then they have to go to the general election and campaign all over again.
And sadly, President Obama hamstrung himself trying to reach out to racist Republicans in an attempt for unity. He didn’t want to be seen as the angry black man.
That book has been read. I think with Trump Democrats are finally realizing that once they have power they need to work on an agenda that helps the American people and not just billionaires. Because Republicans will never stop voting white Even if it hurts the GOP base.
The point is African-Americans have more power now than they’ve had in the past within the Democratic Party. We can see that by all the candidates running. And once it’s all sorted and sifted after the debates I think we’re going to be surprised at who our candidate will be.
It's not so complicated. I agree w/your sentiments, aside from the complicated part, It's very simple.

Blacks have been historically taken for granted, by the Democrats and they have continued to cater to those blue dog, read white so-called "middle-class" or "working class" liberals. Who are, in many ways, not very different from run-of-the-mill white Republicans.

That's why they've been fearful of doing anything that's actually, or even perceived to be, just for blacks, in fear of angering those white liberals.

I think it's time for that to stop, and only blacks have the power to do that. They just need the will. Myself, and others, are trying to educate blacks on this. The Boomers are the worst in this lot, as they're still stuck in party politics.

We're not respected Dean, and that is evident by the fact that our votes have been taken for-granted and we have nothing to show for it.

You don't get respect by saying "yes" all the time, you start gaining respect when you give a resounding "NO!!!"
Once Biden becomes the nominee, blacks will be voting for him in droves. With blacks, it's always groupthink.
Getting angry isn't a solution, and giving people who didn't cause the problems something to be angry about isn't either.

So you keep saying. I find that to be a lazy truism. It goes without saying, apathy in the face of gross injustice isn't a solution either. However, anger might be the motivational basis for the struggle for a solution.

Take a good, hard look at Marc's advocacy - now since he sat down and tried his hand at it. What he's saying is not dumb, and his sense of being taken for granted sure isn't entirely unjustified. There are now to paths forward. Marc seems to opt for Black anger, and sitting out elections until Democrats stiffen their spine and get to work. In case that happens on even a moderate scale, Democrats won't win a national election for many years to come.

The other option would be for Blacks to join forces with similarly situated Whites, whereof there are quite a few. White anger at the injustice done to Blacks, which in economic terms isn't the same as, but also not entirely different from, what has been done to Whites, would be a good first step, and emphasizing the similarities would be mandatory.

As of now, I see no one credibly walking the latter path. I also see no one who would advocate for the former (Marc's path), and for that I am grateful, as it would certainly keep groups at the lower rungs of society, despite their shared interests, divided, and easy to conquer.

Just my two cents, as I don't have all the answers either.
So you keep saying. I find that to be a lazy truism. It goes without saying, apathy in the face of gross injustice isn't a solution either. However, anger might be the motivational basis for the struggle for a solution.

Take a good, hard look at Marc's advocacy - now since he sat down and tried his hand at it. What he's saying is not dumb, and his sense of being taken for granted sure isn't entirely unjustified. There are now to paths forward. Marc seems to opt for Black anger, and sitting out elections until Democrats stiffen their spine and get to work. In case that happens on even a moderate scale, Democrats won't win a national election for many years to come.

The other option would be for Blacks to join forces with similarly situated Whites, whereof there are quite a few. White anger at the injustice done to Blacks, which in economic terms isn't the same as, but also not entirely different from, what has been done to Whites, would be a good first step, and emphasizing the similarities would be mandatory.

As of now, I see no one credibly walking the latter path. I also see no one who would advocate for the former (Marc's path), and for that I am grateful, as it would certainly keep groups at the lower rungs of society, despite their shared interests, divided, and easy to conquer.

Just my two cents, as I don't have all the answers either.
Blacks have not alienated whites.

It's time well-intentioned whites, reach out to blacks.

Blacks didn't start nor institute this racial oppression.

Your sentiment is appreciated though.

Note: Folks like JoeB131 would never, ever, ever, never, ever dare try to tell whites, e.g the angry Tea Party, that anger is not justified/useful/necessary/etc..
Joe Biden today is flying high in the polls. But Joe Biden’s not going to be able to go six months without explaining everything on policy.
"White people's anger is directed by the 1%"?????

Who told you that?

Do you have any idea how stupid that is?

Who directs your anger?

Right now, dealing with stupid idiots like you.

However, injustice angers me, and I speak out against it.

That you are not angered by it, really, speaks volumes about you.

If nothing more than, for you, it's academic, doesn't affect you. Again, white privilege.

Blacks don't have that privilege. They just don't. These are life and death matters for us, literally.

Why aren't you angered by the injustice? You should be out there screaming louder than me.

How does "Screaming" fix the problem, exactly? Life isn't fair. There's a lot of injustice in the world. Getting angry isn't going to fix it. Proposing solutions will, but first you have to elect people who are at least receptive to solutions. Trump isn't. He has his base of angry white people. He figures he doesn't even need to go beyond that.

Think about your post. What it communicates, is that whenever whites find themselves where they're getting put on par w/blacks, or blacks on par w/whites, they get angered and do crazy vote against their best interests. That's literally what your post communicates, and it's not wrong, as the historical facts bear this out.

Dwell on that for a while.

I think about it all the time... but here's the thing. There's more that unites us than divides us. The way to win this is to tell those white folks that, hey, we are all kind of in the same boat if you aren't in the top 20%. Yeah, I'm less likely to be pulled over by a cop for the hell of it... But I really didn't benefit from the injustice you are on about. I never owned a slave, but I'm supposed to pay reparations? Come on.

Trump is beatable, but not if the Democrats pull a "Mondale" and go so far off to the left that Trump looks palatable.
Blacks have not alienated whites.

You don't think that guys like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't alienated white people?

Note: Folks like JoeB131 would never, ever, ever, never, ever dare try to tell whites, e.g the angry Tea Party, that anger is not justified/useful/necessary/etc..

Um, do you actually read my posts? I challenge the Teabaggers on their racism all the time. I point out how they've really screwed themselves following one con man after another.

You see, here's the thing... A second term of Trump would probably be a lot worse for you than me. But you think that what we really need is a Democrat who panders more to the people Trump is already screwing?
Um, do you actually read my posts? I challenge the Teabaggers on their racism all the time. I point out how they've really screwed themselves following one con man after another.

You see, here's the thing... A second term of Trump would probably be a lot worse for you than me. But you think that what we really need is a Democrat who panders more to the people Trump is already screwing?
I've already stated that it doesn't matter WHO'S President. I submit to only one authority, and He's not of this earth.

So me and mine will be just fine. But what does that have to do w/anything anyway??!??!?

Lastly, what the heck has Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton ever done to alienate white people?

Have they ever stopped whites from progressing, from making money, from getting a job they wanted, from getting a decent education, from voting, from living where they want to live, have they killed any of you, have the asked anyone to kill any of you, do they have the power to kill you and get away with it scoot free under the current law? They have no power, Joe, grow up.

See how it's so hard to take people like you seriously? We're talking about life and death matters over here, and you're talking about feeling bad because people may have said some things that make you upset.

You really gotta grow up Joe. Seriously.
Lastly, what the heck has Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton ever done to alienate white people?

Where to start. How about when Jackson used to brag about spitting in white people's soup and serving it with a smile? Or when Sharpton stirred up riots and accused six cops of raping Tawana Brawley? The Democrats gave both of these jokers prominent places on the national stage.

Have they ever stopped whites from progressing, from making money, from getting a job they wanted, from getting a decent education, from voting, from living where they want to live, have they killed any of you, have the asked anyone to kill any of you, do they have the power to kill you and get away with it scoot free under the current law? They have no power, Joe, grow up.

As stated above, lots of people died in riots these guys instigated over the years. I'm old enough to remember when Jackson flew back to Chicago with Dr. King's blood on his shirt and started a riot.

1968 Chicago riots - Wikipedia

And then we have Sharpton's role in the Crown Height's riot.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia

Can we give a special shout out to Louis Farakhan?

Here's the thing, buddy, I actually agree, there's work to be done. But if you keep following race pimps, no one is going to be particularly inclined to meet you halfway.

Where to start. How about when Jackson used to brag about spitting in white people's soup and serving it with a smile? Or when Sharpton stirred up riots and accused six cops of raping Tawana Brawley? The Democrats gave both of these jokers prominent places on the national stage.


As stated above, lots of people died in riots these guys instigated over the years. I'm old enough to remember when Jackson flew back to Chicago with Dr. King's blood on his shirt and started a riot.

1968 Chicago riots - Wikipedia

And then we have Sharpton's role in the Crown Height's riot.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia

Can we give a special shout out to Louis Farakhan?

Here's the thing, buddy, I actually agree, there's work to be done. But if you keep following race pimps, no one is going to be particularly inclined to meet you halfway.
That you have to go back literal DECADES to find something with even a scintilla of an error that any of those two brothers did speaks volumes about how tepid your argument is.

Give it up bruh.

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