Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

Here's the thing, buddy, I actually agree, there's work to be done. But if you keep following race pimps, no one is going to be particularly inclined to meet you halfway.

You know, Joe, the "work to be done" invariably starts with one's own side. It might start with realizing that decrying the leaders of the other side as "race pimps" doesn't raise the inclination to meet halfway either. It might go on with the realization that there is a reason why nothing short of sainthood on the other side is acceptable, while the biggest, most vicious and influential "race pimps" invariably sat, fat and ugly, on the White side of the negotiating table. The next step would then be to realize that the pervasive White racism, even with the well-intentioned, is the reason why race can be utilized for personal and political gain on the other side, and ending / reducing White racism / privilege as much as possible is the only way to put an end to the "race pimps'" role.

There's a slightly hilarious side to all this: Biden should not enjoy Black support because... 1972! Jackson is disreputable because... 1968!

Naw, it isn't all that hilarious.
There is a lot of work to be done to inform Blacks that assaulting people, raping people and murdering people is frowned upon in the Western World created by the White man.

That you have to go back literal DECADES to find something with even a scintilla of an error that any of those two brothers did speaks volumes about how tepid your argument is.

Give it up bruh.

If it happened in my lifetime, it's not that old.

It isn't just what they did, it was that the Democrats REWARDED these guys for their bad behavior.

Take Jackson. They treated him like an elder statesman in 84 and 88. The GOP went on to win landslides, because quite honestly, no one really wanted this guy to have any influence.

When did the Democrats win? When Bill Clinton stood up to this guy! (A tad more complicated than that, but never mind.)

Also, your whole notion that you are being 'taken for granted' kind of ignores something called "The Obama Administration". It was in all the papers.
You know, Joe, the "work to be done" invariably starts with one's own side. It might start with realizing that decrying the leaders of the other side as "race pimps" doesn't raise the inclination to meet halfway either. It might go on with the realization that there is a reason why nothing short of sainthood on the other side is acceptable, while the biggest, most vicious and influential "race pimps" invariably sat, fat and ugly, on the White side of the negotiating table. The next step would then be to realize that the pervasive White racism, even with the well-intentioned, is the reason why race can be utilized for personal and political gain on the other side, and ending / reducing White racism / privilege as much as possible is the only way to put an end to the "race pimps'" role.

There's a slightly hilarious side to all this: Biden should not enjoy Black support because... 1972! Jackson is disreputable because... 1968!

There's a big difference between remembering that Jesse Jackson incited riots in 1968, and Biden thought busing was a terrible idea in 1972, and was eventually proven to be spot on right.

I brought up why busing WAS a terrible idea in the area of unintended consequences. Financially strapped school districts wasted a lot of money on it they could have used improving the schools they had, while white folks fled the public schools in droves. Not because they were racist (although some of them were), but because they just didn't like their kids being used as pawns in some game of "social justice". Biden pointed out that this was a terrible idea. It turned out to be one, most districts eventually abandoned the concept. Yet we are going to be angry at Biden for so.

Um, no, Jackson is disreputable for everything he's done since 1968, from shaking down Budweiser to get distributorships for his kids, to his other kid who went to prison for shaking down people and trying to bribe his way to a senate seat. And for some reason, Sharpton evaded taxes he still hasn't paid back and for some reason, he isn't in jail.

There's really no excuse for these guys. say what you want about white people, when we catch our politicians being crooks, we send them to jail. Which is why Jesse Jr. got a slap on the wrist and Blago is still in prison.

The other problem is that "ending / reducing White racism / privilege" usually ends up punishing white folks who didn't have a lot of privilege or advantage to start with. The rich folks who benefit from it aren't the ones who get punished by policies like affirmative action or busing. Nope. It's usually the working class white kid who busted his ass to get good grades, and then found his college slot was given to a minority who didn't get as good an SAT score. And then you all wonder why that kid's parents go off and vote for Trump.

I do want to make one final point. Yes, America is racist as all get out and we really, really need to address that. Funny thing, though. Hispanics and Asians have to face a lot of the same racism. You don't see them producing characters like Jackson and Sharpton.
Um, no, Jackson is disreputable for everything he's done since 1968,

Just, for once, listen to yourself.

And now, "say what you want about white people, when we catch our politicians being crooks, we send them to jail", you are just being ridiculous.

BTW, I did some cursory research on your allegation that Jackson incited a riot in Chicago after Dr. King's death. Have a link?

There's a slightly hilarious side to all this: Biden should not enjoy Black support because... 1972! Jackson is disreputable because... 1968!

Naw, it isn't all that hilarious.
Correction: Biden should not enjoy black support STARTING WITH....1972.
If it happened in my lifetime, it's not that old.

It isn't just what they did, it was that the Democrats REWARDED these guys for their bad behavior.

Take Jackson. They treated him like an elder statesman in 84 and 88. The GOP went on to win landslides, because quite honestly, no one really wanted this guy to have any influence.

When did the Democrats win? When Bill Clinton stood up to this guy! (A tad more complicated than that, but never mind.)

Also, your whole notion that you are being 'taken for granted' kind of ignores something called "The Obama Administration". It was in all the papers.
Take Donald Trump...he asked and heavily campaigned for the 'Central Park 5' to get the death penalty, despite little to no evidence against them in the 80's, and even since they've been exonerated in the 90's. He's continued to push for the death penalty, innocent black men who already served over 10 years for a crime they did not commit.

Whites went on the REWARD this man w/the Presidency for his bad behavior.

This happened in my lifetime, it's not that old.
Just, for once, listen to yourself.

And now, "say what you want about white people, when we catch our politicians being crooks, we send them to jail", you are just being ridiculous.

BTW, I did some cursory research on your allegation that Jackson incited a riot in Chicago after Dr. King's death. Have a link?

Oh, you really think the Liberal Media hasn't whitewashed his role?

I'm from Chicago. We know exactly what this guy did.

Here's the thing... Blago is still in prison... Junior is a free man. He even got special sentencing so that he and his wife could stagger their sentences.
Take Donald Trump...he asked and heavily campaigned for the 'Central Park 5' to get the death penalty, despite little to no evidence against them in the 80's, and even since they've been exonerated in the 90's. He's continued to push for the death penalty, innocent black men who already served over 10 years for a crime they did not commit.

Whites went on the REWARD this man w/the Presidency for his bad behavior.

This happened in my lifetime, it's not that old.

So you are comparing a man's opinion on a case he had nothing to personally do with... to a guy who had a history of instigating riots? Trump didn't investigate that crime, he wasn't on the jury, he didn't prosecute it. He had the opinion that it was too bad the men who had been convicted of an awful crime (by a jury of their peers) couldn't get anything worse than prison.

Hey, I've already conceded Trump is a racist and generally awful person. You are the one who started a WHOLE THREAD on "Joe Biden didn't kiss black people's asses enough back in the 1970's!"

Four more years of Trump appointing knuckle dragging judges, they'll probably be bringing out Electric Bleachers instead of the Electric Chair.
Just, for once, listen to yourself.

And now, "say what you want about white people, when we catch our politicians being crooks, we send them to jail", you are just being ridiculous.

BTW, I did some cursory research on your allegation that Jackson incited a riot in Chicago after Dr. King's death. Have a link?

Oh, you really think the Liberal Media hasn't whitewashed his role?

I'm from Chicago. We know exactly what this guy did.

Here's the thing... Blago is still in prison... Junior is a free man. He even got special sentencing so that he and his wife could stagger their sentences.

So, no link? That's disappointing.

And, Jessy is a bad person because Junior and his wife could stagger their sentences. Really, Joe, listen to yourself, why don't you?
So, no link? That's disappointing.

And, Jessy is a bad person because Junior and his wife could stagger their sentences. Really, Joe, listen to yourself, why don't you?

Yes, yes, stuff only happens if it's on the internet somewhere.

sorry, man, I don't have to look it up on the internet, I lived through it. My dad showing my mom how to use a gun in case the next bunch of riots got to our neighborhood. Right before they voted for Nixon in 68 and 72.

Why should they have been allowed to stagger their sentences? They both got really light sentences given what they did.

Meanwhile Blago, who really didn't do half as much bad stuff, is serving a 14 year sentence.
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Here's a link, from the New York Times.

Koch Says Jackson Lied About Actions After Dr. King Was Slain

Mr. Koch was referring to Mr. Jackson's behavior when Dr. King was killed, behavior examined in detail and often in the past, but not recently. At the time of the assassination, Mr. Jackson said he was the last to cradle Dr. King's head as the civil rights leader lay dying on a Memphis motel balcony.

The morning after the assassination,
Mr. Jackson appeared on television from Chicago, wearing the same bloody turtleneck he had worn the day before. It was stained, he said, with Dr. King's blood.

Elder statesman, according to guys like you and Marc, and then you wonder why white folks vote for Trump.
Here's a link, from the New York Times.

Koch Says Jackson Lied About Actions After Dr. King Was Slain

Mr. Koch was referring to Mr. Jackson's behavior when Dr. King was killed, behavior examined in detail and often in the past, but not recently. At the time of the assassination, Mr. Jackson said he was the last to cradle Dr. King's head as the civil rights leader lay dying on a Memphis motel balcony.

The morning after the assassination,
Mr. Jackson appeared on television from Chicago, wearing the same bloody turtleneck he had worn the day before. It was stained, he said, with Dr. King's blood.

Elder statesman, according to guys like you and Marc, and then you wonder why white folks vote for Trump.

No one on here called Jesse Jackson an "elder statesman" - except for you.

No one on here wonders why some very, very stupid and hate-filled folks vote for Trump - except, seemingly, for you.

Yes, Jesse appeared with a bloody turtleneck. Yet, your claim was, he "started a riot." That is you, again, jumping headlong to unwarranted conclusions, and not listening to your own good self. Which, I find, you should change, in case you prefer to be taken seriously.

Your whining about Blagojevich is noted. I find, he got what he deserved. It also follows closely what appears to be a tradition of long standing in what is the corrupt shithole that goes by the name of "Illinois."
No one on here called Jesse Jackson an "elder statesman" - except for you.

And the people who let him get up on stage at the DNC every four years since 1984 and treat what he has to say oh, so seriously. You know, like he was't a race-hustling pimp back in Chicago.

No one on here wonders why some very, very stupid and hate-filled folks vote for Trump - except, seemingly, for you.

So you think 46% of the country is stupid and hate-filled? Interesting. I think that does describe some of them. A lot of them just look at government that takes their money and fucks them and decided to fuck back. The ironic thing about Trump is that his election was a repudiation of BOTH parties. But none of them seem to get it. They just maneuver around the mad emperor and jockey for position.

Yes, Jesse appeared with a bloody turtleneck. Yet, your claim was, he "started a riot." That is you, again, jumping headlong to unwarranted conclusions, and not listening to your own good self. Which, I find, you should change, in case you prefer to be taken seriously.

Okay, day after MLK's assassination, he shows up on Chicago Television (amazing flying or driving from Memphis) without changing out of blood stained clothes! The one thing we learned in Chicago, the worst place to be was between Jesse and a camera.

Your whining about Blagojevich is noted. I find, he got what he deserved. It also follows closely what appears to be a tradition of long standing in what is the corrupt shithole that goes by the name of "Illinois."

Oh, I agree, he did bad. But you know what, he got more time than George Ryan, whose corruption ACTUALLY GOT PEOPLE KILLED, including six children in a minister's family.

And Jesse Jr. was on the other end of that "Trying to buy a Senate Seat" transaction, but all he got was a staggered sentence of a year or two, and Blago got 14 years?

Hmmm... how could that be? Could it be Jesse Jr. was Obama's ally and Blago was one of his rivals?

That would be that corruption people get sick of and why some of them voted for Trump.

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