Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

Here are examples of voter suppression:

- a non citizen voting
- voting two or more times in the same election.
- voting in another district outside the one you are registered.
- a vote cast under a decreased person’s name.

The Left does not lose their shit over this. They only lose their shit in hindsight when they lose.
Do you think black people are to stupid to get an ID?
Ask the courts racist.
I don't think they are. It's the Democrat party that thinks that. Personally I think we are created equal, you disagree?
Let's address reality please. The courts have determined these ID measures are blatantly racist.
Why? I mean you really don't think they get an ID? That's a yes or no question. Please answer it.
Your thoughts?

I think the fastest way to get a second term of Trump is to nominate someone OTHER than Joe Biden.

You suffer from letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Biden will get back those white working class voters who abandoned the Democrats in 2016.

Corey Booker or Kamala Harris won't.
So you think White Democrats won't vote for a Black candidate? Interesting.

Hillary and Kerry and Gore and Dukakis were as white as mayonnaise, and they all lost.

One problem you'll run into is that the Democrat Party has spent 10 years slandering "White Men" as their Godless version of Satan. Now you want to nominate one for power....

The other problem you'll run into is Biden is Biden. He's the stupidest person in the room that thinks he's the smartest. He's spent his life in Washington and accomplished nothing of substance.

Biden is a loser.. But please nominate him...
Why? I mean you really don't think they get an ID? That's a yes or no question. Please answer it.
Of course they can, which is why you're unlikely to get an answer.

The poor already have IDs.

I've asked many times if anyone knows someone without an ID, and I never get a 'yes'.[/QUOTE]
It shows the power of free money.
The liberal social policies of the 1950's - 80s utterly decimated inner city blacks.
Creating generational dependency/poverty.
Building massive housing projects conveniently away from white neighborhoods, and everything else, guaranteed decades of joblessness. Indeed in Chicago a staggering number of families with 3 generations of no one working in the entire family.
So yes, it is beyond the ability to understand how the very same people vote repeatedly for a party that repeatedly handcuffs them while giving them handouts.
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You’re stupid
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

We are suppressing the Dem vote, they are traitors and scum.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
But wasn’t it Plugs who warned all the black folks recently that we wanted to put ‘em all back in chains? That’s gotta count for something, buy a few thousand votes which is why he said it in the first place, no?
LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
The really funny part is when you realize some of them are stupid enough to believe it, and aren't just lying for effect.
marc in another thread a month or so back,just because i did not agree with you you labeled me far right....when i asked you to prove i was,what did you do?....YOU ran away like the run of the mill assholes around here who label people just because they have the gall and audacity to disagree with i asked you a question first marc,and i am still waiting for you to be man enough to prove what you said......and once again the democrats are just as fucked the republicans are....they just employ different methods to fuck you over....
I'm not always on here Harry Dresden.

You need to understand this.

I don't keep a list of every poster's posts.

So I'm not going to go hunting for something that proves you're a rightwinger.

I go off memory. If you say you're not one, then, I guess I have to take your word for it.

So, are you ready to answer my question now?

Was that your way of acknowledging that Republicans are actively seeking to suppress the black vote?
if it helps them win i would put it past the more die- hard ones ....but like i said,the die-hard left has people just as rabid and it would not surprise me at all, to see them try it for the same win and have power ....
You’re stupid
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

We are suppressing the Dem vote, they are traitors and scum.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...
You’re stupid
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

We are suppressing the Dem vote, they are traitors and scum.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
Are you suggesting that Republicans AREN'T currently suppressing the black vote?

We are suppressing the Dem vote, they are traitors and scum.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
no you did not answer the accused me of doing something you could not possibly prove.....your good buddy dean does that a two are kinda alike in many ways....
Contrary to Popular Belief, Joe Biden Isn't, Or Shouldn't Be The Candidate Blacks Support

Not entirely sure why blacks would support any Democrat, but whatever. That's not to say, of course, you have to vote Republican.
We are suppressing the Dem vote, they are traitors and scum.
you are admitting that republicans are suppressing fellow citizens votes?...

LOL I admit to mocking you stupid morons. Black voter turn out increased 25% and you claim this is proof of voter suppression and the election was stolen from you. :auiqs.jpg:
i never claimed any of that you must have me mixed up with dean.....i just asked you a simple question...

And I answered your question, while also mocking you. I was multitasking.
no you did not answer the accused me of doing something you could not possibly prove.....your good buddy dean does that a two are kinda alike in many ways....

You walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. Okay, the California Dem controlled senate just passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of prior tax returns or they will not be allowed on the California ballot. A blatantly unconstitutional law. Now you know what voter suppression looks like. :itsok:
Based upon current employment figures for black Americans, there is one obvious choice as to who to support.

Marc is far too much the angry black racist to apply reason, however.
Here are examples of voter suppression:

- a non citizen voting
- voting two or more times in the same election.
- voting in another district outside the one you are registered.
- a vote cast under a decreased person’s name.

The Left does not lose their shit over this. They only lose their shit in hindsight when they lose.
Cite the examples of this happening hack.
Based upon current employment figures for black Americans, there is one obvious choice as to who to support.

Marc is far too much the angry black racist to apply reason, however.
Has your Trumpenführer dropped the black UE rate from being double of whites that it's been historically?
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