Convenient store stand-your-ground shooter charged

Yeah but you are leaving out some very important details... like how the shooter was well-known to be a trouble-maker at that store and getting into confrontations with others, and LIED to law enforcement about what was clearly seen on tv. Parking in a handicap spot is no doubtingly wrong and deserves a ticket, however isn't stand your ground worthy. The boyfriend had no idea the woman had made that threat as he was in the store, and all he saw when he came out was a man standing at the driver's window of the car in a loud argument with his woman. His reaction to that, especially once again given the man's reputation, was not wrong.

He was not a confrontational person. There was only one previous incident at the store with a truck driver....who was a convicted felon and liar. Yet the jury no doubt chose to believe the truck driver regarding the altercation with Drejka.

He did not lie to law enforcement...he simply did not see all that was revealed in the slow motion video. Nor should he....anyone that has ever been through a traumatic event will not remember every detail. Plus he was interrogated that night for 6 hrs. that same night when he no doubt was still in truama.

It is police dept. policy to wait a few days to question a police officer who has been involved in a shooting to let him clear his thoughts and recover from the truama...but here they were ganging up on Drjka in a intterogation room for 6rs. immediately after the shooting. Outrageous.

Stand your ground was not applicable in this case.

The defense considered it but rejected it and went with a simple self defense argument. He had been knocked to the ground and the perp was hovering over him. His only recourse was to draw his weapon and fire. To say otherwise is not being realistic. He was not in a position to flee.

At any time Drejka had the option to refuse to answer questions without a lawyer. That is the right of everyone. Drejka talking was his option. His choice. Through the entire encounter he demonstrated a tendency to make bad choices. According to the witnesses he had a long history of making bad choices.

His story on that night was asinine. It makes more sense that he finally had what he wanted. The chance to shoot someone. And he figured he could get away with it. Another bad decision. Thankfully the community of Concealed Carry will no longer have him among their ranks. Nor will gun owners. And I am both.

Ridiculous childish analysis. Next....preferably someone with a little common sense.

These p.c. idiots are disgusting.

Are you saying that people do not have the right under the fifth Amendment to remain mute? This action is recommended by the USCCA if you are ever involved in a shooting. Keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer.

The jury agreed with the prosecution. It took just six hours for them to return a Guilty Verdict. That is not PC. It is called reasonable. It is reasonable to question why the altercation started. It was Drejka’s fault the incident began. Imagine someone is shouting at your wife. What do you do? Do you move to protect your family? Again not PC. It is the survival instinct in action. You defend what is yours. You defend your family, your life, and your property.

When someone stands up to your aggression they are defending. Not you.

Nonsense. The black guys family was not being threatened by anyone but himself---driving around high on drugs with his kids in the car and then starting a fight with no idea of what was going on...thus putting his kids in harms way.

There are two people at fault for this incident....neither one of them is Drejka.

Another little tidbit where you are wrong. He wasn't driving, moron!
I must agree, judging by the tape. His life was not in danger.
How many times does a big young male have to beat you before you have the right to defend yourself with deadly force?

No Woketard that thinks we cannot defend ourselves has yet answered that question.

The thug got what he had coming.

You do not physically attack people like that without consequences.
The guy with the gun was a thug
He got what he deserved

He was not a confrontational person. There was only one previous incident at the store with a truck driver....who was a convicted felon and liar. Yet the jury no doubt chose to believe the truck driver regarding the altercation with Drejka.

He did not lie to law enforcement...he simply did not see all that was revealed in the slow motion video. Nor should he....anyone that has ever been through a traumatic event will not remember every detail. Plus he was interrogated that night for 6 hrs. that same night when he no doubt was still in truama.

It is police dept. policy to wait a few days to question a police officer who has been involved in a shooting to let him clear his thoughts and recover from the truama...but here they were ganging up on Drjka in a intterogation room for 6rs. immediately after the shooting. Outrageous.

Stand your ground was not applicable in this case.

The defense considered it but rejected it and went with a simple self defense argument. He had been knocked to the ground and the perp was hovering over him. His only recourse was to draw his weapon and fire. To say otherwise is not being realistic. He was not in a position to flee.

At any time Drejka had the option to refuse to answer questions without a lawyer. That is the right of everyone. Drejka talking was his option. His choice. Through the entire encounter he demonstrated a tendency to make bad choices. According to the witnesses he had a long history of making bad choices.

His story on that night was asinine. It makes more sense that he finally had what he wanted. The chance to shoot someone. And he figured he could get away with it. Another bad decision. Thankfully the community of Concealed Carry will no longer have him among their ranks. Nor will gun owners. And I am both.

Ridiculous childish analysis. Next....preferably someone with a little common sense.

These p.c. idiots are disgusting.

Are you saying that people do not have the right under the fifth Amendment to remain mute? This action is recommended by the USCCA if you are ever involved in a shooting. Keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer.

The jury agreed with the prosecution. It took just six hours for them to return a Guilty Verdict. That is not PC. It is called reasonable. It is reasonable to question why the altercation started. It was Drejka’s fault the incident began. Imagine someone is shouting at your wife. What do you do? Do you move to protect your family? Again not PC. It is the survival instinct in action. You defend what is yours. You defend your family, your life, and your property.

When someone stands up to your aggression they are defending. Not you.

Nonsense. The black guys family was not being threatened by anyone but himself---driving around high on drugs with his kids in the car and then starting a fight with no idea of what was going on...thus putting his kids in harms way.

There are two people at fault for this incident....neither one of them is Drejka.

Another little tidbit where you are wrong. He wasn't driving, moron!

You are usually partially right as in this case as in he was driving with the kids before he picked his wife up from work.

You should have watched the trial.
That's why this asshole is looking at 30 years in FL. He was the aggressor.
You're an idiot.

Well, props to you you not saying "Your an idiot!"

I note you cannot explain why you think I am an idiot. You just call names and then tuck tail and run? Is that your tactic?

Yeah but you are leaving out some very important details... like how the shooter was well-known to be a trouble-maker at that store and getting into confrontations with others, and LIED to law enforcement about what was clearly seen on tv. Parking in a handicap spot is no doubtingly wrong and deserves a ticket, however isn't stand your ground worthy. The boyfriend had no idea the woman had made that threat as he was in the store, and all he saw when he came out was a man standing at the driver's window of the car in a loud argument with his woman. His reaction to that, especially once again given the man's reputation, was not wrong.

He was not a confrontational person. There was only one previous incident at the store with a truck driver....who was a convicted felon and liar. Yet the jury no doubt chose to believe the truck driver regarding the altercation with Drejka.

He did not lie to law enforcement...he simply did not see all that was revealed in the slow motion video. Nor should he....anyone that has ever been through a traumatic event will not remember every detail. Plus he was interrogated that night for 6 hrs. that same night when he no doubt was still in truama.

It is police dept. policy to wait a few days to question a police officer who has been involved in a shooting to let him clear his thoughts and recover from the truama...but here they were ganging up on Drjka in a intterogation room for 6rs. immediately after the shooting. Outrageous.

Stand your ground was not applicable in this case.

The defense considered it but rejected it and went with a simple self defense argument. He had been knocked to the ground and the perp was hovering over him. His only recourse was to draw his weapon and fire. To say otherwise is not being realistic. He was not in a position to flee.

This just shows how poorly you get your facts straight. His comments about "blowing his head off" were to the man's boss. Whether he was a convicted felon did not change that.

You are so screwed up, you don't even realize that the shooter was claiming "stand your ground"?

All he had to do was shut up. Interrogation over!

You really suck at this! I pray you never get selected for jury duty. I'd hate to have to rely on your intellect to figure this out. Maybe that is why you exhibit racist attitudes.

You have bought the media b.s. Again this was not a stand your ground case......

Michael Drejka will not use Stand Your Ground as defense at trial, opting for jury decision

Yeah, I bought the same media B.S that you just used to claim it is B.S. How stupid are you?

You don't like that is another one. No 'stand your ground' immunity for Clearwater shooter Michael Drejka

Check the date on your source and actually read what is says. The initial stand your ground claim was BEFORE he was arrested and charged with manslaughter dumbass! The manslaughter charge came AFTER that 6 hour interrogation where he convicted himself of the crime.
At any time Drejka had the option to refuse to answer questions without a lawyer. That is the right of everyone. Drejka talking was his option. His choice. Through the entire encounter he demonstrated a tendency to make bad choices. According to the witnesses he had a long history of making bad choices.

His story on that night was asinine. It makes more sense that he finally had what he wanted. The chance to shoot someone. And he figured he could get away with it. Another bad decision. Thankfully the community of Concealed Carry will no longer have him among their ranks. Nor will gun owners. And I am both.

Ridiculous childish analysis. Next....preferably someone with a little common sense.

These p.c. idiots are disgusting.

Are you saying that people do not have the right under the fifth Amendment to remain mute? This action is recommended by the USCCA if you are ever involved in a shooting. Keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer.

The jury agreed with the prosecution. It took just six hours for them to return a Guilty Verdict. That is not PC. It is called reasonable. It is reasonable to question why the altercation started. It was Drejka’s fault the incident began. Imagine someone is shouting at your wife. What do you do? Do you move to protect your family? Again not PC. It is the survival instinct in action. You defend what is yours. You defend your family, your life, and your property.

When someone stands up to your aggression they are defending. Not you.

Nonsense. The black guys family was not being threatened by anyone but himself---driving around high on drugs with his kids in the car and then starting a fight with no idea of what was going on...thus putting his kids in harms way.

There are two people at fault for this incident....neither one of them is Drejka.

Another little tidbit where you are wrong. He wasn't driving, moron!

You are usually partially right as in this case as in he was driving with the kids before he picked his wife up from work.

You should have watched the trial.

No. I work for a living. Also, he may have drugs in his system, but that does not mean he was high,, and it also does not justify someone killing him, dumbass!

I honestly think you are lying about watching the trial because you have so many claims that I have disputed. If you did watch, you were under the influence at the time.
The bottom line is simply this.

The defendant was perfectly within his legal rights to tell the woman she was illegally parked and she should move her car. to a legal parking space and there was no shortage of them.

A reasonable person would have apologized and moved the car. However this black woman was not a reasonable person. She threw a fit, as in the vernacular 'she went off' on the defendant' telling him just to wait till her man got back and he would fuck him up.

She was outraged no doubt because a white man dared to tell her that she was wrong to park in a handicap spot. She also knew that since the defendant was a frail older man that he would be no match for her and her and her younger and muscular man and thus she told him they would fuck him up.

This was reported by a witness.

Again what was wrong with this jury??? Political correctness is the best explanation. So many due to the media b.s. always want to think black folk are always innocent and most especially if they are unarmed not recognizing or knowing that black men---usually young black men have beaten countless people to death.

The state spun all that around to claim that the defendant was threatening the black woman. Ridiculous, but they got away with it because the jury failed in their duty no doubt being devotees of political correctness as so many are. As in--the black person is always the victim.

If the black woman had acted reasonably there would have been no argument and nothing would have happened. Instead she instigated a chain of events that led to the death of her boyfriend.

She will not admit it for sure --yet I am sure she feels a lot of guilt. By her arrogance, anger, stupidity and resentment of a white man pointing out her violation of handicap parking she is the one most responsible for the death of her b/f other than her b/f himself who high on drugs was impaired no doubt to such an extent that he did not even bother to try and find out what was going on before he assaulted the defendant.

When the black guy exited the store all he saw was the defendant pointing his finger and arguing with his g/f. Was that reason enough to assault someone? Of course not.

A terrible miscarriage of justice and it will have far reaching ramifications.

Just another example of the current cultural war, which has been going on for a long while now. It has not reached the point of a civil war and may not but there is a terrible division in America. We are more divided now than at any time since The War Between The States and it is getting steadily worse and it is going to get much,much worse.

The bottom line is this: racist assholes like you see what you want to see and ignore the truth.

The shooter was known for his racist attitudes and had prior incidents, You are merely following in his footsteps.
Poor butthurt crime lover.

No, you are just another racist asshole. We have seen it before. The fact remains you cannot kill someone for pushing you down and then backing away. The jury nailed it!

Even the experts disagreed on whether the black man high on drugs was backing away and you expect Drejka to be able to see that in a couple of short seconds after being knocked down, dazed and in jeopardy of great bodily harm or losing his life. Get real.

You did not even watch the trial.

Experts? What experts? If they cannot see him backing away they are fucking blind and insane!

You never watched the video except through your racist prism, which I note you have not denied being.
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned too late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
The bottom line is this: racist assholes like you see what you want to see and ignore the truth.

The shooter was known for his racist attitudes and had prior incidents, You are merely following in his footsteps.
Poor butthurt crime lover.

No, you are just another racist asshole. We have seen it before. The fact remains you cannot kill someone for pushing you down and then backing away. The jury nailed it!

Even the experts disagreed on whether the black man high on drugs was backing away and you expect Drejka to be able to see that in a couple of short seconds after being knocked down, dazed and in jeopardy of great bodily harm or losing his life. Get real.

You did not even watch the trial.

He shot in anger, not self defense

One can be angry whilst engaging in self defense. If someone knocked you on your butt and I am sure you have experience with that--were you not angry?

Being knocked on your butt does not justify a lethal reaction
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.
The bottom line is simply this.

The defendant was perfectly within his legal rights to tell the woman she was illegally parked and she should move her car. to a legal parking space and there was no shortage of them.

A reasonable person would have apologized and moved the car. However this black woman was not a reasonable person. She threw a fit, as in the vernacular 'she went off' on the defendant' telling him just to wait till her man got back and he would fuck him up.

She was outraged no doubt because a white man dared to tell her that she was wrong to park in a handicap spot. She also knew that since the defendant was a frail older man that he would be no match for her and her and her younger and muscular man and thus she told him they would fuck him up.

This was reported by a witness.

Again what was wrong with this jury??? Political correctness is the best explanation. So many due to the media b.s. always want to think black folk are always innocent and most especially if they are unarmed not recognizing or knowing that black men---usually young black men have beaten countless people to death.

The state spun all that around to claim that the defendant was threatening the black woman. Ridiculous, but they got away with it because the jury failed in their duty no doubt being devotees of political correctness as so many are. As in--the black person is always the victim.

If the black woman had acted reasonably there would have been no argument and nothing would have happened. Instead she instigated a chain of events that led to the death of her boyfriend.

She will not admit it for sure --yet I am sure she feels a lot of guilt. By her arrogance, anger, stupidity and resentment of a white man pointing out her violation of handicap parking she is the one most responsible for the death of her b/f other than her b/f himself who high on drugs was impaired no doubt to such an extent that he did not even bother to try and find out what was going on before he assaulted the defendant.

When the black guy exited the store all he saw was the defendant pointing his finger and arguing with his g/f. Was that reason enough to assault someone? Of course not.

A terrible miscarriage of justice and it will have far reaching ramifications.

Just another example of the current cultural war, which has been going on for a long while now. It has not reached the point of a civil war and may not but there is a terrible division in America. We are more divided now than at any time since The War Between The States and it is getting steadily worse and it is going to get much,much worse.

The bottom line is this: racist assholes like you see what you want to see and ignore the truth.

The shooter was known for his racist attitudes and had prior incidents, You are merely following in his footsteps.
Poor butthurt crime lover.

No, you are just another racist asshole. We have seen it before. The fact remains you cannot kill someone for pushing you down and then backing away. The jury nailed it!

Even the experts disagreed on whether the black man high on drugs was backing away and you expect Drejka to be able to see that in a couple of short seconds after being knocked down, dazed and in jeopardy of great bodily harm or losing his life. Get real.

You did not even watch the trial.

Experts? What experts? If they cannot see him backing away they are fucking blind and insane!

You never watched the video except through your racist prism, which I note you have not denied being.

If you had watched the trial you would have seen the expert testimony on that.
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat
The bottom line is this: racist assholes like you see what you want to see and ignore the truth.

The shooter was known for his racist attitudes and had prior incidents, You are merely following in his footsteps.
Poor butthurt crime lover.

No, you are just another racist asshole. We have seen it before. The fact remains you cannot kill someone for pushing you down and then backing away. The jury nailed it!

Even the experts disagreed on whether the black man high on drugs was backing away and you expect Drejka to be able to see that in a couple of short seconds after being knocked down, dazed and in jeopardy of great bodily harm or losing his life. Get real.

You did not even watch the trial.

Experts? What experts? If they cannot see him backing away they are fucking blind and insane!

You never watched the video except through your racist prism, which I note you have not denied being.

If you had watched the trial you would have seen the expert testimony on that.
The jury obviously saw that he was backing away
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.
Poor butthurt crime lover.

No, you are just another racist asshole. We have seen it before. The fact remains you cannot kill someone for pushing you down and then backing away. The jury nailed it!

Even the experts disagreed on whether the black man high on drugs was backing away and you expect Drejka to be able to see that in a couple of short seconds after being knocked down, dazed and in jeopardy of great bodily harm or losing his life. Get real.

You did not even watch the trial.

Experts? What experts? If they cannot see him backing away they are fucking blind and insane!

You never watched the video except through your racist prism, which I note you have not denied being.

If you had watched the trial you would have seen the expert testimony on that.
The jury obviously saw that he was backing away

The jury were pawns in the hands of a highly skilled prosecutor. Not even to mention the video was slowed down to slow motion for them. Drejka did not have the ability of hindsight or a slow motion video...he lived and reacted in real time...which means he only had a couple of seconds to decide whether to shoot or not to shoot and as already mentioned the video also shows the black dude kept advanciing until drejka pulled out his weapon. surprise surprise.
Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.

Ridiculous...drejka did nothing to cause the black dude to attack him. The black dude being high on drugs not even to mention stupid rushed out of the store having no clue as to what was going on and attacked a stranger for no reason other than that the stranger was a white dude arguing with his wife. He was trying to show off in front of his wife as in knock down the old man and be a hero in his wifes eyes.

If the nigah had any sense he would have tried to find out what was going on before he over-reacted.
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so
Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.

Ridiculous...drejka did nothing to cause the black dude to attack him. The black dude being high on drugs not even to mention stuoid rushed out of the store having no clue as to what was going on and attacked a stranger for no reason other than that the stranger was a white dude arguing with his wife. He was trying to show off in front of his wife as in knock down the old man and be a hero in his wifes eyes.

He threatened his family
He was armed and screaming at a woman and children
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.

Ridiculous...drejka did nothing to cause the black dude to attack him. The black dude being high on drugs not even to mention stupid rushed out of the store having no clue as to what was going on and attacked a stranger for no reason other than that the stranger was a white dude arguing with his wife. He was trying to show off in front of his wife as in knock down the old man and be a hero in his wifes eyes.

If the nigah had any sense he would have tried to find out what was going on before he over-reacted.

Racist. That is your problem.

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