Convention Differences?

What have you gotten out of it so far?
That the ONLY strategy the RNC has is to stoke fear.
FEAR it is.
The boogieman is coming if trumpstain is not re-elected.

Enough of this 4 years of failure and HATRED for America.
Dump trump and BRING BACK AMERICA.

Bring back WHAT?
Government bailouts for companies brought to the brink of extinction by wreckless corporate execs? Endless wars and the under-the-table arms deals meant to perpetuate them? Merging government with insurance companies so insurance companies own us (thanks Obamacare)? Threats to the second Amendment which result in more gun buying than ever before? The world before Trumponomics...when we could freely outsource American jobs to China? Promoting promiscuity by advertising free abortions? All great stuff. i cant wait to get Trump out of office so we can get all that back on track. Maybe free shit for losers who dont want to work too. That'd be great.
That's fine.
You know I didn't change a single word. You know that.
Why so butthurt?

Can you tell me what word(s) I changed? No you can't.
Don't add shit that I didn't write to quotes of my posts and we won't have a problem, kid.
I've only seen parts of each, and here's what I've gotten out of it.

Democrats: Feelings

Republicans: Fuck those commie bastards, they're destroying everything they touch. Here's why and how we've combated the pit of snakes so far, MAGA.

How about you, what have you gotten out of it so far?
I haven't watched a second of EITHER conventions. I have absolutely no desire to do so. I already KNOW I'll be voting for President Trump in November.
I watched. There were things I never knew. I never knew about the magnificent negotiation Trump did with GM when they wanted to pull out of Lordstown. I had no idea Trump twisted arms hard enough to get GM to invest 45 million dollars to build Lordstown Motors.

GM got millions from shitstain obama to keep them from closing that factory. As soon as they got that Money GM closed that factory. Then Trump said "Not so fast." I never knew this.
Don't add shit to my posts
Thanks for admitting I DIDN'T change your post as you first claimed.
You lying sack of shit.
Bolding a word in your quote is not altering. Thank you for recognizing that.
I watched. There were things I never knew. I never knew about the magnificent negotiation Trump did with GM when they wanted to pull out of Lordstown. I had no idea Trump twisted arms hard enough to get GM to invest 45 million dollars to build Lordstown Motors.

GM got millions from shitstain obama to keep them from closing that factory. As soon as they got that Money GM closed that factory. Then Trump said "Not so fast." I never knew this.
Republicans: Patriotic, optimistic.????????? Really/
Is THAT why the speakers at the RNC are ALL screaming "the sky will fall" if you don't keep us in power?
Fucking loons.
Yes, each and every one of you.
That's a lie...
The DNC had immoral entertainers.
The RNC has business owners and employees.

Thanks for admitting you're not watching the RNC....liar.
The surprise pardon was very moving. The look on that man's face spoke volumes.
I watched. There were things I never knew. I never knew about the magnificent negotiation Trump did with GM when they wanted to pull out of Lordstown. I had no idea Trump twisted arms hard enough to get GM to invest 45 million dollars to build Lordstown Motors.

GM got millions from shitstain obama to keep them from closing that factory. As soon as they got that Money GM closed that factory. Then Trump said "Not so fast." I never knew this.
You didn't watch the convention? One of the speakers addressed the Lordstown negotiatation.

I've only seen parts of each, and here's what I've gotten out of it.

Democrats: Feelings

Republicans: Fuck those commie bastards, they're destroying everything they touch. Here's why and how we've combated the pit of snakes so far, MAGA.

How about you, what have you gotten out of it so far?
I haven't watched a second of EITHER conventions. I have absolutely no desire to do so. I already KNOW I'll be voting for President Trump in November.
I watched. There were things I never knew. I never knew about the magnificent negotiation Trump did with GM when they wanted to pull out of Lordstown. I had no idea Trump twisted arms hard enough to get GM to invest 45 million dollars to build Lordstown Motors.

GM got millions from shitstain obama to keep them from closing that factory. As soon as they got that Money GM closed that factory. Then Trump said "Not so fast." I never knew this.

Trump is no less than extremely capable - that's objective. He's not even the character PROGS make him out to be.

Everyday is opposite day for a PROG.
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I have no need or time to waste on either convention. My mind was and still is made up for Trump.
Everything the demoncrats do convinces me daily I am making the right choice. They currently are the best salespeople for Trump with their insanity, much like Obama was a great seller of guns.
What have you gotten out of it so far?
That the ONLY strategy the RNC has is to stoke fear.
FEAR it is.
The boogieman is coming if trumpstain is not re-elected.

Enough of this 4 years of failure and HATRED for America.
Dump trump and BRING BACK AMERICA.

No boils down to Dems have no enthusiam for Biden---they don't even want to watch his convention. What type of candidate doesn't even get a short term poll bump? Answer: A LOSING ONE.

Trump----------- has lots of excitement and viewers who will be voting for him in november.

This is what the conventions meant.
I have no need or time to waste on either convention. My mind was and still is made up for Trump.
Everything the demoncrats do convinces me daily I am making the right choice. They currently are the best salespeople for Trump with their insanity, much like Obama was a great seller of guns.
I agree with you 100%. I plan on voting for Trump no matter what the Dim Dems may accuse him of, or try to find SOMETHING bad about our president. It doesn't matter, Dems are just a bunch of lying idiots, STILL throwing tantrums over Trump winning in 2016. At this moment I predict Trump will win 36 states to Biden's 14, and will win 342 Electoral College votes to Biden's 196.
has lots of excitement and viewers
30% Very Strong, Ignorant Base. Yes. 30% doesn't WIN an election.
Trump won't win WI, MI, PA, MN again. As he cheated, and that won't happen again. LOL.
Trump never won MN idiot. Hillary took state by 70k votes, and at this point is a virtual tie with Biden. This time he might take it. Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota: poll
You morons are shedding voters fast with the support of rioting BLM assholes.
I predict Trump will win 36 states to Biden's 14,
Name them.
Put them in columns or create your own map.
I can hardly wait to show you in November 2020 how wrong you are.

Oh, I predict you will be 90-94% correct, but you will be wrong on a few key States.
You get 3 to 5 States Wrong, and trump is going down.

Let's see your prediction

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