Convention of the States: GOP has Required Number of State Houses

So what Republicans will do now is they'll try to codify into the Constitution all the draconian shit they have failed to do by national elections and by state legislatures.

Stuff like making abortion illegal across the board, and doing away with the 14th amendment, the 'equal protection' clause because, you know, why should there be equal protection for everyone.

Likely most of the amendments would get rejected because it requires a 3/4 of states to vote to approve something. But, if one or two of these batshit phony kristian crap-piles gets approved there will be civil war. Count on it.

Easy there tiger. Who let you out of your Safe Space? Y'all won't be starting any Revolutions. Y'all are far too dumb, lazy, and cowardly to pull it off. So instead, you'll just do what you're told. Because us Deplorables got this shit. It's our turn to be above the law. It's so on now, kid!

So what Republicans will do now is they'll try to codify into the Constitution all the draconian shit they have failed to do by national elections and by state legislatures.

Stuff like making abortion illegal across the board, and doing away with the 14th amendment, the 'equal protection' clause because, you know, why should there be equal protection for everyone.

Likely most of the amendments would get rejected because it requires a 3/4 of states to vote to approve something. But, if one or two of these batshit phony kristian crap-piles gets approved there will be civil war. Count on it.

Easy there tiger. Who let you out of your Safe Space? Y'all won't be starting any Revolutions. Y'all are far too dumb, lazy, and cowardly to pull it off. So instead, you'll just do what you're told. Because us Deplorables got this shit. It's our turn to be above the law. It's so on now, kid!

Your safe in your mom's basement. Much like the Republican convention and every p.o.shit trump rally where conservative safe spaces and gun-free zones 'cuz them guns 'er just too scawry.

You live in delusional con land where you think you've elected a king. He's a piece of shit and melania is a mail order prostitute. Republicans are the cowards of the population, any time any one sets foot in the street to speak their mind conservatives hide under the blanky and call for someone to 'pertect them'.

Your beliefs on the subject of a convention are irrelevant. If cons think they are going to cram their backwards fake kristian theocracy crap down anyone's throat then pick up a gun because that is what is going to happen. Not what might happen, will happen.

Welcome to real life precious. Have a juice box and a candy and go watch Barney so you feel safe again. Kisses!
Art V convention will not happen. The mainstream GOP states will not call for it.

Convention of the States: GOP has Required Number of State Houses
The Republican Party is now the overwhelming political majority in the United States. It can call for a new Constitutional convention.
Convention of States

Interesting. I read that Republicans currently control 33 Governorships and 69 of 99 state legislative houses.

And it only going to increase, people showed in this national election they are fed up with the DC establishment. Progressives don't vote significantly in the mid terms…
So what Republicans will do now is they'll try to codify into the Constitution all the draconian shit they have failed to do by national elections and by state legislatures.

Stuff like making abortion illegal across the board, and doing away with the 14th amendment, the 'equal protection' clause because, you know, why should there be equal protection for everyone.

Likely most of the amendments would get rejected because it requires a 3/4 of states to vote to approve something. But, if one or two of these batshit phony kristian crap-piles gets approved there will be civil war. Count on it.

Easy there tiger. Who let you out of your Safe Space? Y'all won't be starting any Revolutions. Y'all are far too dumb, lazy, and cowardly to pull it off. So instead, you'll just do what you're told. Because us Deplorables got this shit. It's our turn to be above the law. It's so on now, kid!

Your safe in your mom's basement. Much like the Republican convention and every p.o.shit trump rally where conservative safe spaces and gun-free zones 'cuz them guns 'er just too scawry.

You live in delusional con land where you think you've elected a king. He's a piece of shit and melania is a mail order prostitute. Republicans are the cowards of the population, any time any one sets foot in the street to speak their mind conservatives hide under the blanky and call for someone to 'pertect them'.

Your beliefs on the subject of a convention are irrelevant. If cons think they are going to cram their backwards fake kristian theocracy crap down anyone's throat then pick up a gun because that is what is going to happen. Not what might happen, will happen.

Welcome to real life precious. Have a juice box and a candy and go watch Barney so you feel safe again. Kisses!

Nah, it's y'all Safe Space moochers who are delusional. Y'all should stop fantasizing about starting Revolutions, and get yo asses some jobs. Your moocher salad days are just about over. There's a new Sheriff in town kid. Us Deplorables got this now. It's our turn to be above the law. Y'all just gonna have to deal with it.

<<< The far and alt right the morning after they got fucked over by Trump

It is starting to set in. There will be no Article V convention.
<<< The far and alt right the morning after they got fucked over by Trump

It is starting to set in. There will be no Article V convention.

Yeah, folks shouldn't get too jacked about Trump coming through on everything. The Democrats will obstruct him at every turn. And he never claimed he was a 'Conservative.' He was just a better option than allowing the corrupt witch and her rapist husband in there.

Most Americans just weren't willing to reward the Clinton Crime Family with the US Presidency. Trump was a very flawed Candidate, but he was the only real alternative we had. No one should mistaken him for being a true Conservative or Constitutionalist. He's never made such claims.
He will then piss off as well as on true conservatives and constitutionalists, along with the alt right when they realize their social and cultural taboos will not be honored.

Since he loves being loved, undoubtedly he has secret negotiators talking to Schumer and Pelosi.
On the table:
Balanced budget amendment
Restrictions on Necessary and Proper Clause
Ban on abortions unless mother and child safety a risk
Term limits
14th Amendment...GONE!!!!
17th gone as well, I hope.
I like the 17th. It gives the people of THE STATES the levers of power over Senate.
It also makes Senate races dependent on out of state money. The PEOPLE choose the House, I believe the representatives elected by the individual states should choose the Senate.
On the table:
Balanced budget amendment
Restrictions on Necessary and Proper Clause
Ban on abortions unless mother and child safety a risk
Term limits
14th Amendment...GONE!!!!
17th gone as well, I hope.
I like the 17th. It gives the people of THE STATES the levers of power over Senate.
It also makes Senate races dependent on out of state money. The PEOPLE choose the House, I believe the representatives elected by the individual states should choose the Senate.
You waste the air you breathe. The people will continue to choose the Senate.
On the table:
Balanced budget amendment
Restrictions on Necessary and Proper Clause
Ban on abortions unless mother and child safety a risk
Term limits
14th Amendment...GONE!!!!
  • Abolish the 16th and 17th amendments
  • Allow a majority of states to overrule Supreme Court decisions.
  • Force a Congressional vote for all new regulations.
The balanced budget amendment is unworkable. Simply prohibit the federal government from borrowing money.
On the table:
Balanced budget amendment
Restrictions on Necessary and Proper Clause
Ban on abortions unless mother and child safety a risk
Term limits
14th Amendment...GONE!!!!
17th gone as well, I hope.
I like the 17th. It gives the people of THE STATES the levers of power over Senate.
It also makes Senate races dependent on out of state money. The PEOPLE choose the House, I believe the representatives elected by the individual states should choose the Senate.
You waste the air you breathe. The people will continue to choose the Senate.

You have been 100% wrong about everything you've posted in the last 18th months. Why should anyone believe a thing you say?

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