Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

What is the wording of the First Amendment to the Iraqi constitution?

Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:
Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

Yes, it's awful.

A tragic consequence of GWB's failed war in Iraq.


So what was behind the war plans for the West written in 1987, published in 1991 and only discovered in 2004?

What did Bush do to prompt that, eh?


In July 2007, seven key leaders of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) went on trial for charges that they had: (a) provided "material support and resources" to a foreign terrorist organization (namely Hamas); (b) engaged in money laundering; and (c) breached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits transactions that threaten American national security.

Along with the seven named defendants, the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 "unindicted co-conspirators" and "joint venturers." During the course of the HLF trial, many incriminating documents were entered into evidence.

Perhaps the most significant of these was "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America," by the Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram.

Federal investigators found Akram's memo in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.

Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, Akram's 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded "organizations of our friends" that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation.

These "friends" were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims "that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions."

Akram was well aware that in the U.S., it would be extremely difficult to promote Islam by means of terror attacks. Thus the “grand jihad” that he and his Brotherhood comrades envisioned was not a violent one involving bombings and shootings, but rather a stealth (or “soft”) jihad aiming to impose Islamic law (Sharia) over every region of the earth by incremental, non-confrontational means, such as working to “expand the observant Muslim base”; to “unif[y] and direc[t] Muslims' efforts”; and to “present Islam as a civilization alternative.” At its heart, Akram's document details a plan to conquer and Islamize the United States – not as an ultimate objective, but merely as a stepping stone toward the larger goal of one day creating “the global Islamic state.”

In line with this objective, Akram and the Brotherhood resolved to "settle" Islam and the Islamic movement within the United States, so that the Muslim religion could be "enabled within the souls, minds and the lives of the people of the country.” Akram explained that this could be accomplished “through the establishment of firmly-rooted organizations on whose bases civilization, structure and testimony are built.”

He urged Muslim leaders to make “a shift from the collision mentality to the absorption mentality,” meaning that they should abandon any tactics involving defiance or confrontation, and seek instead to implant into the larger society a host of seemingly benign Islamic groups with ostensibly unobjectionable motives; once those groups had gained a measure of public acceptance, they would be in a position to more effectively promote societal transformation by the old Communist technique of “boring from within.”

“The heart and the core” of this strategy, said Akram, was contingent upon these groups' ability to develop “a mastery of the art of 'coalitions.'” That is, by working synergistically they could complement, augment, and amplify one another's efforts. Added Akram: “The big challenge that is ahead of us is how to turn these seeds or 'scattered' elements into comprehensive, stable, 'settled' organizations that are connected with our Movement and which fly in our orbit and take orders from our guidance.” The ultimate objective was not only an enlarged Muslim presence, but also implementation of the Brotherhood objectives of transforming pluralistic societies, particularly America, into Islamic states, and sweeping away Western notions of legal equality, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

Akram and the Brotherhood understood that in order to succeed in this endeavor, they needed to appeal to different strata of the American population in different ways; that whereas some people could be influenced by messages delivered from a religious perspective, others would be more responsive to messages delivered by educators, or bankers, or political figures, or journalists, etc. Thus, Akram's blueprint for the advancement of the Islamic movement stressed the need to form a coalition of groups coming from the worlds of education; religious proselytization; political activism; audio and video production; print media; banking and finance; the physical sciences; the social sciences; professional and business networking; cultural affairs; the publishing and distribution of books; children and teenagers; women's rights; vocational concerns; and jurisprudence.

By promoting the Islamic movement on such a wide variety of fronts, the Brotherhood and its allies could multiply exponentially their influence. Toward that end, the Akram/Brotherhood “Explanatory Memorandum” named the following 29 groups as the organizations they believed could collaborate effectively to destroy America from within – “if they all march according to one plan”:

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

ISNA Fiqh Committee (now known as the Fiqh Council of North America)

ISNA Political Awareness Committee

Muslim Youth of North America

Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada

Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers

Islamic Medical Association (of North America)

Islamic Teaching Center

Malaysian Islamic Study Group

Foundation for International Development

North American Islamic Trust

Islamic Centers Division

American Trust Publications

Audio-Visual Center

Islamic Book Service

Islamic Circle of North America

Muslim Arab Youth Association

Islamic Association for Palestine

United Association for Studies and Research

International Institute of Islamic Thought

Muslim Communities Association

Association of Muslim Social Scientists (of North America)

Islamic Housing Cooperative

Muslim Businessmen Association

Islamic Education Department

Occupied Land Fund (later known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development)

Mercy International Association

Baitul Mal Inc.

Islamic Information Center (of America)

By setting up these many front groups, the Muslim Brotherhood was emulating the Communist Party tactic of creating interlocking front groups during the Cold War in order to confuse its enemies and make it more difficult to combat.

The Muslim Brotherhood's "General Strategic Goal" for North America - Discover the Networks
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What is the wording of the First Amendment to the Iraqi constitution?

Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?
What is the wording of the First Amendment to the Iraqi constitution?

Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Thus, -0- religious liberty. And again, those of the Jewish faith, Buddhist, atheists, the list goes on.
What is the wording of the First Amendment to the Iraqi constitution?

Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.

But not Jews, thus a SHAM.

Although you are right in practice the article does say "all individuals." Considering the history between Muslims and Jews I would be very surprised to see anything in reference to Jews in the Constitution. Sadly that is just the way it is with Muslims and sadly that is why there never will be peace. That said, what is happening in Iraq has nothing to do with Jews it has to do with the totalitarian suppression by the invaders into Iraq.
What is the wording of the First Amendment to the Iraqi constitution?

Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.

But not Jews, thus a SHAM.

BTW, what specific religion is mentioned in the COTUS?
Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?

Obama sponsers ISIS, that is irrational. Reagan was the last US presiident to favor Islamic fundamentalists, the mujahideen. Bush II also, he did whatever Saudis directed, not so Obama.
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Does the OP really think that there is religious freedom in Iraq?

From what I understand, there is less religious freedom now with Iraq's forced democracy than they had under the brutal dictator, Sadam Hussein. Go figure.

Much less, Saddam was secular, his second wife a European Christian, Iraq today is another theocracy, but not enough of one for ISIS. Bush II gave al Qaeda all they ever wanted. Another "crusade" to recruit more fundamentaists.
Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?

Apparently Christians are not currently levied a Jizyah tax in Iraq or else there's be no point in starting the magazine article as they did.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?

Obama sponsers ISIS, that is irrational. Reagan was the last US presiident to favor Islamic fundamentalists, the mujahideen. Bush II also, he did whatever Saudis directed, not so Obama.

Not as irrational as what is said about Reagan funding these same people. But I will agree what Obama is doing is irrational.

But Brian Becker, national coordinator for the anti-war ANSWER Coalition, says the US government is playing both sides with its actions in Syria and Iraq counteracting each other.

“The United States appears to have a schizophrenic foreign policy,” Becker said in an interview with RT. “They’re saying they demand unity in Iraq behind the central government, which is fighting what they call Islamic extremists from ISIL or ISIS, and yet, at the same time, they’re funding these same armed groups in Syria to take down an independent, nationalist and sovereign government in Syria.”

White House requests $500 million to aid Syrian rebels ? RT USA

Clearly what Obama is doing is exactly what was claimed about Reagan. Yet Reagan armed those fighting, at the time, our sworn enemy the Russians.
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We won them first amendment freedoms and now it is all being throw away. The only reason I can see for Obama not helping them, if he doesn't, is because he thinks the first amendment is worthless.

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.

Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death.., hummmm, that reads a lot like what the atheist progressive liarberals here want for us Conservatives, luckily we have the Constitutional right to fight off this creeping, lying, obfuscating liberalism, quite similar to communism, socialism, and just plain stupidity.

Make no mistake, the Western coalition could have established a Saddam-like level of peace and tranquility had they been willing to impose brutal martial law.

Liberty comes with a cost.
No one is saying the Christians can't go to their churches and worship in Iraq.

The issue is that Christians must pay the Jizya tax in order to live in Iraq. ... :cool:

Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?

Apparently Christians are not currently levied a Jizyah tax in Iraq or else there's be no point in starting the magazine article as they did.

Then why was the part covert or die, left out by Sunni Man?
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Make no mistake, the Western coalition could have established a Saddam-like level of peace and tranquility had they been willing to impose brutal martial law.

Liberty comes with a cost.
So in your demented world establishing brutal martial law = liberty?? .. :cuckoo:

Brutal martial law is 100 times better than Sharia law. It doesn't seem as though they have many options in the Islamic countries.
Make no mistake, the Western coalition could have established a Saddam-like level of peace and tranquility had they been willing to impose brutal martial law.

Liberty comes with a cost.
So in your demented world establishing brutal martial law = liberty?? .. :cuckoo:

Brutal martial law is 100 times better than Sharia law. It doesn't seem as though they have many options in the Islamic countries.
Sharia law is the best type of government for all of mankind to live under.

It's based on logic and the natural order of human behavior. ... :cool:
So in your demented world establishing brutal martial law = liberty?? .. :cuckoo:

Brutal martial law is 100 times better than Sharia law. It doesn't seem as though they have many options in the Islamic countries.
Sharia law is the best type of government for all of mankind to live under.

It's based on logic and the natural order of human behavior. ... :cool:

As long as you convert, be put to death or pay tribute. How is that natural?

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