Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

So in your demented world establishing brutal martial law = liberty?? .. :cuckoo:

Brutal martial law is 100 times better than Sharia law. It doesn't seem as though they have many options in the Islamic countries.
Sharia law is the best type of government for all of mankind to live under.

It's based on logic and the natural order of human behavior. ... :cool:

Is it part of the "natural order of human behavior" to mutilate young female babies?

Is it part of the "natural order of human behavior" to give hundred lashes to a woman who had the temerity to get behind the wheel of a car?

Or stoned to death for sideways glance at a male other than her slave holder husband?

Or kill your wife, grand daughter, sister or daughter for "honor" for following which IS the natural order of human behavior, namely liking a boy who is sane enough not to be Muslim?

Or slowly cutting the hand off a hungry homeless person with a dull saw for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his hungry child?

Is it part of the "natural order of human behavior" to leave your stinking, rat infested hell hole of a country and come to America and when you got here bash her for not having the same insane parody of a "religion" as you have?

Is it part of the Natural order of human behavior" not to show some spine and return to your land of Sharia Paradise?
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Brutal martial law is 100 times better than Sharia law. It doesn't seem as though they have many options in the Islamic countries.
Sharia law is the best type of government for all of mankind to live under.

It's based on logic and the natural order of human behavior. ... :cool:

As long as you convert, be put to death or pay tribute. How is that natural?
No one is forcing anyone to convert.

The Christians just need to pay the tax or relocate.

It's really quite simple........ :cool:
No one is forcing anyone to convert.

The Christians just need to pay the tax or relocate.

It's really quite simple........ :cool:

Obviously, nobody forced all the Muslim scum coming to civilized parts of the world to abandon their so called religion and convert to the religion prevalent to the country they chose to contaminate with their vile presence.

But if those who are here find no problem with authorities in their old hell hole country destroying churches, synagouges, killing Christians and Jews, they should have no problem with paying extra taxes for being Muslims. After all, that is what they want non-Muslims to do, for not being Muslims.

The whole world would be better if they opted not paying the extra tax, but scurry like rats back to their Sharia Paradise, instead.
Is it part of the Natural order of human behavior" not to show some spine and return to your land of Sharia Paradise?
I was born in America......same as my parents and grandparents. .. :cool:
Is it part of the Natural order of human behavior" not to show some spine and return to your land of Sharia Paradise?
I was born in America......same as my parents and grandparents. .. :cool:

And you are STILL Muslim?

You can freely be an apostate, be free of your obsolete religious shackles and come to your senses. In America you can be whatever you want to be, unlike in the hell hole your grand parents were lucky enough to escape from.

But, NO!

You are STILL a Muslim and you STILL find nothing but fault with America that gave your grand parents, parents and you a home, a shelter and a life that no Muslim country ever could provide.

Does the word "gratitude" and the expression "freedom of religion" mean anything to you and your fellow Muslims?
Is it part of the Natural order of human behavior" not to show some spine and return to your land of Sharia Paradise?
I was born in America......same as my parents and grandparents. .. :cool:

And you are STILL Muslim?

You can freely be an apostate, be free of your obsolete religious shackles and come to your senses. In America you can be whatever you want to be, unlike in the hell hole your grand parents were lucky enough to escape from.

But, NO!

You are STILL a Muslim and you STILL find nothing but fault with America that gave your grand parents, parents and you a home, a shelter and a life that no Muslim country ever could provide.

Does the word "gratitude" and the expression "freedom of religion" mean anything to you and your fellow Muslims?
I am grateful to have the freedom and opportunity to help change America into a country where Sharia Law is the law of the land. .. :cool:
Do Christians, what is left of them, in Iraq have to pay tribute to Islam now? Or is this something that Obama's sponsored terrorist group ISIS is bring?

Apparently Christians are not currently levied a Jizyah tax in Iraq or else there's be no point in starting the magazine article as they did.

Then why was the part covert or die, left out by Sunni Man?

The approved Muslim Talking Points menu of approved admissions a poster can admit to in places like this doesn't include the Convert or Die part.

But we have known that Convert or Die has been an Islamic condition to conquered non-Muslims for many years. Certainly since 9/11. CERTAINLY since the Iraq War began.

It's not a new revelation.
Muslims were only socialized and modernized when westerners came into their lands to drill for oil. Some of the muslims settled down and became normal humans, the rest are still goons that want to kill infidels in the name of their false god.
Article 2

Iraq's Permanent Constitution (March 2006) | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

1.1 Article 38
Article 384 provides separate constitutional protection for the right of freedom of
expression (Article 38.A) and freedom of the press (Article 38.B). While the latter is
in fact an inherent component of the right of freedom of expression, it is helpful that it
is accorded separate, express protection in establishing a clear outline of the scope of
the constitutionally protected rights.

But not Jews, thus a SHAM.

BTW, what specific religion is mentioned in the COTUS?

Not one in particular, only RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.
Does the OP really think that there is religious freedom in Iraq?

From what I understand, there is less religious freedom now with Iraq's forced democracy than they had under the brutal dictator, Sadam Hussein. Go figure.

That is like comparing Apples and Oranges.

Conditions during a successful but brutal dictatorship might be very tranquil.

Freedom for everyone is limited somewhat by widespread wholesale changes instituted overnight as during a war.

Once things settle down only then could a fair comparison be made.

If that's what you are after.
I was born in America......same as my parents and grandparents. .. :cool:

And you are STILL Muslim?

You can freely be an apostate, be free of your obsolete religious shackles and come to your senses. In America you can be whatever you want to be, unlike in the hell hole your grand parents were lucky enough to escape from.

But, NO!

You are STILL a Muslim and you STILL find nothing but fault with America that gave your grand parents, parents and you a home, a shelter and a life that no Muslim country ever could provide.

Does the word "gratitude" and the expression "freedom of religion" mean anything to you and your fellow Muslims?
I am grateful to have the freedom and opportunity to help change America into a country where Sharia Law is the law of the land. .. :cool:

May your efforts result in failure at every step.
As long as you convert, be put to death or pay tribute. How is that natural?
No one is forcing anyone to convert.

The Christians just need to pay the tax or relocate.

It's really quite simple........ :cool:

No, convert, pay or DIE.

Kelly Phillips ErbKelly Phillips Erb Contributor

7/19/2014 @ 11:29PM 18,624 views

Islamic State Warns Christians: Convert, Pay Tax, Leave Or Die

Christians in Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, were sent a message by the Islamic State (IS): convert to Islam, pay the jizya or leave. It appears that many are taking the new self-proclaimed Caliphate seriously.

IS, formerly ISIS, is not formally recognized as a state and is considered a rebel group. It is composed of Sunni insurgent groups and was thought to have significant ties to Al-Qaeda (although Al-Qaeda formally dissociated itself from IS in February). Known for violence against the Shia and Christians, Secretary of State John Kerry has described IS as “more extreme even than al Qaeda.”

IS moved into Mosul last month and made no secret of their plans to impose the tax. Yesterday, after Christian leaders didn’t attend a meeting called by IS leaders, IS moved on those plans, issuing a formal statement. The text of the statement was simple:

We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of Jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword.

The statement, originally issued by letter, was also broadcast via loudspeaker from mosques earlier today.

Islamic State Warns Christians: Convert, Pay Tax, Leave Or Die - Forbes
We won them first amendment freedoms and now it is all being throw away. The only reason I can see for Obama not helping them, if he doesn't, is because he thinks the first amendment is worthless.

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.

They left out the all important "nuke us" option.
Make no mistake, the Western coalition could have established a Saddam-like level of peace and tranquility had they been willing to impose brutal martial law.

Liberty comes with a cost.
So in your demented world establishing brutal martial law = liberty?? .. :cuckoo:

Nothing can be accomplished without order.

First establish order.

Then everything else will come in its own time.

Lincoln taught us that even the Writ of Habeas Corpus can be suspended in order to establish or maintain order.

With order even the most ambitious plan can go forward.

Without order even a a wet dream can be ruined.
If you no pay tax, Allah monkey Kill!!

We won them first amendment freedoms and now it is all being throw away. The only reason I can see for Obama not helping them, if he doesn't, is because he thinks the first amendment is worthless.

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.

They left out the all important "nuke us" option.

That wasn't included in the Koran.

OBL needed special permission from an Imam in order to Green Light a nuclear attack on America.

Bin Laden Expert Steps Forward
Ex-CIA Agent Assesses Terror War In <i>60 Minutes</i> Interview

"...One of the great intellectual failures of the American intelligence community, and especially the counterterrorism community, is to assume if someone hasn't attacked us, it's because he can't or because we've defeated him," says Scheuer. "Bin Laden has consistently shown himself to be immune to outside pressure. When he wants to do something, he does it on his own schedule."

"You've written no one should be surprised when Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda detonate a weapon of mass destruction in the United States," says Kroft. "You believe that's going to happen?"

"I don't believe in inevitability. But I think it's pretty close to being inevitable," says Scheuer.

A nuclear weapon? "A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it's actually a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb, or some kind of radiological device," says Scheuer. "Yes, I think it's probably a near thing."

What evidence is there that bin Laden's actually working to do this? "He's told us it. Bin Laden is remarkably eager for Americans to know why he doesn't like us, what he intends to do about it and then following up and doing something about it in terms of military actions," says Scheuer. "He's told us that, 'We are going to acquire a weapon of mass destruction, and if we acquire it, we will use it.'"

After Sept. 11, Scheuer says bin Laden was criticized by Muslim clerics for launching such a serious attack without sufficient warning. That has now been given. And he says bin Laden has even obtained a fatwa, or Islamic decree, justifying a nuclear attack against the United States on religious grounds.

"He secured from a Saudi sheik named Hamid bin Fahd a rather long treatise on the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Americans. Specifically, nuclear weapons," says Scheuer. "And the treatise found that he was perfectly within his rights to use them. Muslims argue that the United States is responsible for millions of dead Muslims around the world, so reciprocity would mean you could kill millions of Americans."

Scheuer says the fatwa was issued in May 2003, "and that's another thing that doesn't come to the attention of the American people."

Bin Laden Expert Steps Forward - CBS News
The following references are made to Sharia in the Iraq Constitution:

Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Article 89:
Second: The Federal Supreme Court shall be made up of number of judges, and experts in Islamic jurisprudence and law experts…

So in essence it's all very simple: . :cool:

Sharia Law says that non-muslims are to pay a special tax called "Jizya" if they want to live in an Islamic land.

Thus the Christians either need to pay the tax or relocate somewhere else.

Yes, Christians get out! Let the Muslims kill each other instead of you.


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No one is forcing anyone to convert.

The Christians just need to pay the tax or relocate.

It's really quite simple........ :cool:

Obviously, nobody forced all the Muslim scum coming to civilized parts of the world to abandon their so called religion and convert to the religion prevalent to the country they chose to contaminate with their vile presence.

But if those who are here find no problem with authorities in their old hell hole country destroying churches, synagouges, killing Christians and Jews, they should have no problem with paying extra taxes for being Muslims. After all, that is what they want non-Muslims to do, for not being Muslims.

The whole world would be better if they opted not paying the extra tax, but scurry like rats back to their Sharia Paradise, instead.

a jizyah tax for muslims in America is a great idea....

the muslims would just need to pay the tax or's really quite simple.....:cool:

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