" convict him


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
beyond a reasonable doubt ". " It's not possible " says the
smartest and most lucid American Lawyer to have served in the
southern district of New York as an Assistant District Attorney.
But who from the left wants to listen to Andrew C. McCarthy III
whose a regular on Fox news.As is Jonathan Turley a regular on
Fox.Only a legal scholar and legal analyst,as well professor at George
Washington University Law School.
I could say none but the brave.But I won't.It no longer takes some
act of bravery to diagnose what happenned to the once most honorable
and strongest Superpower.It's being dismantled right before our
eyes and ears.Not to mention or Hearts.The level of Mainstream media
rot has never been more exposed and dangerous.It's like converting
saturday morning cartoons into kiddie porn and celebrated.
That too is on the chopping block.Twisting and turning heads as if
some new Hollywood flick where the legendary Marquis de Sade is
heralded as some new version of Superman.The guy who once
said " Either kill me or take me as I am, because I'll be damned if
I ever change. "
Sounds like what Donald Trump has to endure.Because we have a dirty
stinkin' rotten MSM and Press who delight in being bullies extraordinaire.
Where did they learn this.Not from Fox News.But from places like CNN
and most surely The Place to visit when you can learn to
Hate the United States while acting as it's protector.Or MSNBC.
It's known as Projection.Covid 19 helped stimulate the method.
Because it was tailor made to enhance Mass Hysteria formation
which could be used to Project psychological warfare as if
" You will eat the bugs and like " - Klaus Schwab.Or whatever
new Covid mandated shots are deemed.Or full spectrum dominance.
Where much of what they said about Trump is what they were doing.
Disinformation on steroids.Guilt by association plus a whole helluva
lot more ... Gentleman { no longer a name used to define what once was }.
A Country dominated by Ladies and Gents.Even during the Roaring Twenties.
beyond a reasonable doubt ". " It's not possible " says the
smartest and most lucid American Lawyer to have served in the
southern district of New York as an Assistant District Attorney.
But who from the left wants to listen to Andrew C. McCarthy III
whose a regular on Fox news.As is Jonathan Turley a regular on
Fox.Only a legal scholar and legal analyst,as well professor at George
Washington University Law School.
I could say none but the brave.But I won't.It no longer takes some
act of bravery to diagnose what happenned to the once most honorable
and strongest Superpower.It's being dismantled right before our
eyes and ears.Not to mention or Hearts.The level of Mainstream media
rot has never been more exposed and dangerous.It's like converting
saturday morning cartoons into kiddie porn and celebrated.
That too is on the chopping block.Twisting and turning heads as if
some new Hollywood flick where the legendary Marquis de Sade is
heralded as some new version of Superman.The guy who once
said " Either kill me or take me as I am, because I'll be damned if
I ever change. "
Sounds like what Donald Trump has to endure.Because we have a dirty
stinkin' rotten MSM and Press who delight in being bullies extraordinaire.
Where did they learn this.Not from Fox News.But from places like CNN
and most surely The Place to visit when you can learn to
Hate the United States while acting as it's protector.Or MSNBC.
It's known as Projection.Covid 19 helped stimulate the method.
Because it was tailor made to enhance Mass Hysteria formation
which could be used to Project psychological warfare as if
" You will eat the bugs and like " - Klaus Schwab.Or whatever
new Covid mandated shots are deemed.Or full spectrum dominance.
Where much of what they said about Trump is what they were doing.
Disinformation on steroids.Guilt by association plus a whole helluva
lot more ... Gentleman { no longer a name used to define what once was }.
A Country dominated by Ladies and Gents.Even during the Roaring Twenties.
It wasn't CNN or MSNBC that found Trump guilty. It was a Jury you idiot!
It wasn't CNN or MSNBC that found Trump guilty. It was a Jury you idiot!
Those at both CNN and MSNBC VIRTUALLY applaud and focus like
grease ants on any and all things Anti-Trump.
Doing their more than level best to use every opportunity o
consider him like Hitler or a new Nazi.
It's pathetic in the extreme.The vast majority of Americans
are sick of it.So much so it explains the massive donations to the
Trump campaign.By a far majority of average citizens with small
donations.Where CNN and MSNBC are losing Big Time their
audience.This is not rocket science.
Obviously you are ignorant in the exstreme of many
facts regarding the Bogus 34 counts.N.Y. State has Black Letter laws
where Judges are NOT allowed to donate to political campaigns.
Judge Merchan has donated at least 3 times to political
candidates and his daughter raised millions to go after
specifically Donald Trump.
You festering thorn in the body politic.
Plus what was Trumps Underlying Crime.?
To get charged and convicted .
Plus they {Alvin Bragg and company } advanced { Reintroduced }
his Misdemeaner charge from years ago.
They took away Donald Trumps Due Process rights
and Equal Protection rights.

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