Cool Castles

Seems like Germany has the most castles...
Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Bavaria. My wife was born about 80 miles from there near Ulm, Bavaria. Been there many times. It's also the Disney Castle.

I've been there once, unfortunately you couldn't see much for the fog. Outside is the best bit, inside is half unfinished and just empty rooms.

Oh that is a shame.

I wonder what prompted so many castles to be built anyhow, and how many of them are in living order.

Neuschwanstein was the fantasy project of Ludwig II of Bavaria, it was said he was mad. Great story.

Many castles were build as power points for local lords. In Wales you have lots around the coast because the English went in and kept the Welsh people down, the castle being their power base that the Welsh couldn't fight against effectively. I'd suppose in Ireland it's the same story.

Here's Caernarfon Castle in Wales


Some castles became large houses, there's Bamburgh Castle which was a castle that fell into ruin, then was rebuild by a family as their home.


I was in Germany on the Rhein over the summer and went to one castle that had a perfect position at the top of a hill to look over the river. You could see Cologne to the north and a long way south from the river too. A lot of commerce would pass the river, and people would collect taxes on all the commerce, so a great place to build a castle too.

The place is called Koenigswinter, or King's Winter. The first picture is the recently built house (1800s). The second is the castle in disrepair. The third is looking north along the river.



Seems like Germany has the most castles...

Germany has a lot because Germany didn't exist until 187. Even in 1918 you had one Emperor, four kings, five Grand Dukes, five Dukes and six princes all with their own fiefdom.

Coins from Germany are interesting up until 1918, lots of different ones.
We have some amazing old Churches in Australia. Some of the ones in the country towns are breathtaking.

This one has a commanding view of the city of Brisbane. It's a total fortress. The walls are buttressed and the windows are slits.

That entrance on the left of the picture is three times the height of a man. When you are next ti it, it s a massive building. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Definitely a fort for when the zombies come.

Must have been built to keep the protestants at bay if things went pear shaped.


So pretty. I would love to go see some of these places. One of these days, I'm going to travel around the world!!! (probably not, but there is always wishful thinking and hoping! :D).
Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, Bavaria. My wife was born about 80 miles from there near Ulm, Bavaria. Been there many times. It's also the Disney Castle.

I've been there once, unfortunately you couldn't see much for the fog. Outside is the best bit, inside is half unfinished and just empty rooms.

Oh that is a shame.

I wonder what prompted so many castles to be built anyhow, and how many of them are in living order.

There are pictures of the inside too. I don't know about the unfinished ones, but I googled, and the decorated rooms are spectacular! Could you imagine living here? I want to go there and pretend I'm a princess. :lol:





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