Cop brutally slams girl on concrete

I arrested a young black kid not long ago. He was from an immigrant family, the parents being from Somolia. Because he was a minor, his mom was allowed to sit in on his interview. He played all tough with us during the booking but when his mom arrived he pissed himself like a puppy.

His mother was very quiet during the interview but the disgusted look on her face obvious enough. It was very clear that when his mom got him home, he was in for a far worse time than any judge could ever sentence him to. Prison would have been a mercy.

I don't think we'll be seeing this kid in our station any time soon.

WTF does any of that have to do with what was done to this girl?

Other than getting arrested, what happened the girl? She was medically checked and cleared.

How many young white kids did you arrest? How many young white girls did you slam into the concrete face first?

So I've had numerous interactions with police, including a black police officer that pulled at gun on me.

Here's what I did. "Yes sir." Put your hands on the steering wheel. "Yes sir.". Put your phone on the dash. "Yes Sir".

That's how I handle every single interaction with police ever. You do exactly what they say. You are 100% polite at all times. You follow their instructions to the letter.

You treat them with respect, even when they are wrong. And yes I have had police that made false claims. What did I do when the police said I did X, and I know for a fact I did not do X? "Yes sir." Sign here. "Yes sir." And I sign there.

Now you show me a black person obeying an officer of the law, who is polite at all times, who follows the instructions given them, who treats the officer with respect....... who is then slammed to the ground?

Show me that video. Please. I'd love to see it. Where are these law abiding, polite, respectful black people that are being body slammed every time a cop walks by. Really?

Now I will say there are bad cops, obviously because they are people.... but to say that one or two examples in a nation of 330 million people is the norm, no. Cops are not randomly walking around body slamming perfectly respectful polite innocent docile people.

When you start treating police the same way that I do, you'll end up with the same results I do.

Ridiculous. All he did was slam her down while grappling with her. Obviously she was refusing to listen.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I've never been intimidated by many men, much less women...and I'm not a cop. But if I were a cop I'd be embarrassed by wimps like this.

And I'd still love to hear all the reactions if this were a black officer slamming a white girl.

These same racist cowards that are defending this cop would be screaming for the black cop's head on a spike.

No, actually I wouldn't. In fact, I have not in the past. There was a story some years back about a drunk teenager, who refused to stop for police, and ended up getting his face beat in by police, and I defend the police entirely in that case, and he was white.

You have to make up positions for other people, to justify your own position. Well sorry, you are wrong.

And we know this because routinely white people are killed by police far more often than black people. And you don't see whites out in the street black police who shot white people.

Why? Because we're good people. The reason our neighborhoods are not over run with crime, is because we like police. We want them stopping crime.
I looked at the video and heard what the witnesses said. Apparently there was about to be a fight between the girl and someone else. The two cops intervened to ensure that nobody gets hurt.

By slamming the girl face-first into the ground.

Again... the video is cut, so that all you see is the point where she is slammed to the ground. What led up to that?

And don't tell me what kids said. We all know these people lie. Sometimes I wonder if you people ever went to high school, because I did, students lie all the time.

And by the way, even if what they said is true... When the officer stepped between the girls, both should have shut their mouths, and obeyed the orders of the officer.

Are you telling me, that when the officer told them to stop, the girls did so, and then he just picked one and body slammed them?

I don't think so. I just don't think so.

My guess is, she was fighting and resisting the officer, which forced the officer to engage with more and more force.

And officers are trained to take down people in this manor, that are resisting. This is normal every day police procedure.

You don't want to be body slammed? When the officer steps between you.... shut up.... and sit down, or leave.

Better yet...... BETTER YET...... how about you and your dumb student friends, stop acting in ways that require a police officer to even be at the school? How about that? How about you clean up your behavior so that cops are never required to be on school grounds? How about that?

My school never had police, and still don't have police, to this day. How about you stop acting like animals in the school, so that police are never required to be on the premises to begin with? How about that?

Is that CRAZY??? Huh?

I'm just going off of what we know.

The kids and one of the articles said there was about to be a fight. Is that definitely true? I don't know, but probably.

There were two officers there. From what I'm seeing, they should have been able to restrain the kid without slamming her to the ground.

We don't get the full picture, but based off of what we do know, seems pretty stupid.

Yeah, don't underestimate how vicious even girls can be. If someone wants to fight you, they can fight you. Especially when you are not allowed to use excessive force. Now that may seem counter intuitive, because you would say the slamming her to the ground was excessive force.

But what that really means is that other methods of stopping her, are not available to the officer.

For example, he can't use a night stick or baton, and hit her on the leg. He can't spray her with mace. He can't put her in a choke hold (anymore). He can't use a tazer, or use rubber bullets, or anything else.

At the same time, it is his entire duty and job, to stop the violent individuals.

So he has no choice but to use the methods he is allowed, which is a take down. A take down is exactly what officers are trained to do. That is literally how they are trained to stop people.

Here is a better thought. When an officer tells you to stop..... You stop. If you don't... then what happens is on you.

Better still......... Don't act like animals, so that you don't need a police officer in the schools. How about that?

But this idea that you should send police to court..... for doing EXACTLY what they are trained to do... is wrong. And evil.

And my hope is... honestly... is that the police will simply refuse to patrol this school anymore, and the kids kill each other, and the public will get exactly what it deserves. Because truthfully you allow kids to act this, and then people attack the police for doing their job... then your kids getting killed is really honestly what you deserve to have happen.

There are SROs in most schools, idiot. Yea they are even in the white ones. I can't believe even a racist POS would try to justify this bullshit, no wait yes I can.

Well yes, because I'm morally a good person, and I oppose criminals.

There are SROs in most schools, idiot.

Yeah, schools were people act like animals. The school that I went to, never had officers, and still don't to this day.... because parents in our community don't let their kids act like animals.

If I acted like an animal to a police officer, not only would my father support the officer, he would likely beat the snot out of me when I was released.

Why? Again, because we're good people. We don't tolerate that kind of behavior. That is exactly why, we don't need officers at our schools.

Just the truth.
A better angle.....
Looking to win the ghetto lottery.

Exactly. No one in my family, and none of my relatives would ever hit a police officer. And if by chance one of our relatives did hit an officer, we would send flowers and gift cards to that officer, specifically for knocking our stupid relative off their feet.

We most certainly would not be protesting "excessive use of force", because honestly him hitting that lady was far less force than she deserved.

You don't get to fight officers of the law. It's that simple people... you do not get to fight police. That is not a thing. And if you do.... if you refuse to obey an officer.... then I don't care what happens to you.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.

not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?

Is the cop okay?

Any update appreciated?



Nice hissy fit sweetheart!
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?
Is the cop okay?

Any update appreciated?



Nice hissy fit sweetheart!

It was short and right to the point. Why waste text on sociopathic shit like you?
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?
Is the cop okay?

Any update appreciated?



Nice hissy fit sweetheart!

It was short and right to the point. Why waste text on sociopathic shit like you?

So was the cop.

Looks like she got the message on not fighting and stopping fighting when ordered.

Just looked like the cop hit the ground kinda hard. Hope he got checked out and a few days rest and recovery.

Needs to look good for the awards ceremony pictures.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

Okay, and for the THIRD TIME NOW ---- what possible action (just make something up) COULD HAVE made the action "reasonable"?

Is it a hard question?

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?
Is the cop okay?

Any update appreciated?



Nice hissy fit sweetheart!

It was short and right to the point. Why waste text on sociopathic shit like you?

So was the cop.

Looks like she got the message on not fighting and stopping fighting when ordered.

Just looked like the cop hit the ground kinda hard. Hope he got checked out and a few days rest and recovery.

Needs to look good for the awards ceremony pictures.

Aaaaaaaaaaand another waste of human skin sociopath hits the Ignore list


This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?
Is the cop okay?

Any update appreciated?



Nice hissy fit sweetheart!

It was short and right to the point. Why waste text on sociopathic shit like you?

So was the cop.

Looks like she got the message on not fighting and stopping fighting when ordered.

Just looked like the cop hit the ground kinda hard. Hope he got checked out and a few days rest and recovery.

Needs to look good for the awards ceremony pictures.

Aaaaaaaaaaand another waste of human skin sociopath hits the Ignore list


can I get another chance please?

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