Cop brutally slams girl on concrete

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothe

When arresting a physically belligerent suspect, police are trained that the best way to deal with them is to put them on the ground. It is very hard for the suspect to attack the officer from that position and it affords the officer the most amount of control over that person with the least amount of force. Less force means both officer and suspect are less likely to be injured.

Ideally, that ground would be made from some spongy, soft material, or maybe even marshmallows. Unfortunately, most of the ground today is either covered in concrete or asphalt so when a suspect is taken to the ground, that ground, unfortunately, is someone harder than marshmallows.

It's not always practical to move a physically belligerent suspect to a mattress store or pillow warehouse in order to effect the arrest.

Perhaps in the future, a suspect might take this into account and only physically attack police in a place that affords softer ground on which they can be restrained.

That's wonderful background reading. And it doesn't touch the question.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.
Just to say to you. When I was in high school, violence was met with violence by the teachers. We had a teacher who was also a disciplinarian. And an officer who made rounds in our school and others. Inside the school was fair game. i saw some kid's head go through a window on a door by the disciplinarian. No questions were asked of the incident. Myself, I know nothing more then that.
This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?
She wouldn't obey her pimp, and he had to call enforcement. The cop's just doing his job. He's never going to be fired for something like that. There's regular dudes out there make good money deserve a little pussy now and then especially now that Valentine's Day is approaching. Oh, yeah, did I mention it's a total red-light district and people are full of shit in a court of law? Don't you just feel all that love?
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

Sure. The answer to your question is "Yes absolutely". Absolutely a girl can act in a violent and or threatening way, that requires the officer to increase the amount of force used, until they stop the person.

Nothing hypothetical about it. If you keep resisting, the officer must increase the amount of force he is using, until he subdues the other person.

That *IS* the very purpose of his job, to stop people who are not obeying the law.

Now it is possible, that the girl was doing nothing, and the officer just randomly attacked her. I can't deny that could happen.

But history shows me, that more likely she was fighting and resisting the officer, which required him to keep increasing the amount of force he was using. Taking the person down to the ground, is a normal universal police tactic. It is literally what they are trained to do.

Again... how about you teach students to say "Yes sir" and obey the officer?

Better yet, how about you teach your kids to not act like animals, and then you don't even need an officer posted at the school?

How about that?

Thank you for an answer to a question that wasn't asked of you. We have your number, we'll call.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head --- any human head in any scenario --- into concrete. That is, a human head held together by human skull bones, which can break on concrete. Skull bones that house the brain. You've made clear your authority-worship trumps simple human morals, so again, your vote for nihilistic thug-rule has been counted. Because it's always the victim's fault.

Oh btw, have any idea what screening a professional baseball/football player has to go through for less of a head injury? Do you find that funny?

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.
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not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.
Just to say to you. When I was in high school, violence was met with violence by the teachers. We had a teacher who was also a disciplinarian. And an officer who made rounds in our school and others. Inside the school was fair game. i saw some kid's head go through a window on a door by the disciplinarian. No questions were asked of the incident. Myself, I know nothing more then that.

You at least know by now that that attitude was fucked up.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

Sure. The answer to your question is "Yes absolutely". Absolutely a girl can act in a violent and or threatening way, that requires the officer to increase the amount of force used, until they stop the person.

Nothing hypothetical about it. If you keep resisting, the officer must increase the amount of force he is using, until he subdues the other person.

That *IS* the very purpose of his job, to stop people who are not obeying the law.

Now it is possible, that the girl was doing nothing, and the officer just randomly attacked her. I can't deny that could happen.

But history shows me, that more likely she was fighting and resisting the officer, which required him to keep increasing the amount of force he was using. Taking the person down to the ground, is a normal universal police tactic. It is literally what they are trained to do.

Again... how about you teach students to say "Yes sir" and obey the officer?

Better yet, how about you teach your kids to not act like animals, and then you don't even need an officer posted at the school?

How about that?

Thank you for an answer to a question that wasn't asked of you. We have your number, we'll call.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head --- any human head in any scenario --- into concrete. That is, a human head held together by human skull bones, which can break on concrete. Skull bones that house the brain. You've made clear your authority-worship trumps simple human morals, so again, your vote for nihilistic thug-rule has been counted. Because it's always the victim's fault.

Oh btw, have any idea what screening a professional baseball/football player has to go through for less of a head injury? Do you find that funny?

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head

Again... YES. What part of that is too hard for you? It seemed pretty clear, that my answer was YES.

You seem to be focusing on the smashing the head against the concrete.

I find that funny, because I wager if I looked back at your posts in the past, I'd find some on George Zimmerman. Funny how smashing people's heads into concrete only matters when it fits your narrative.

Regardless, the officer's goal wasn't to smash anyone's head into the concrete. That was ann unintended result of the officer doing his job.

The officer's goal, was to do exactly what he was trained to do, which is to get the resisting violent person, on the ground.

Again.... this is NORMAL POLICE PROCEDURE. This is exactly what they are trained to do, because you won't let them hit people with a bat. You would be freaking out if she got tased or maced. So the only option the police officer had, was to physically restrain the person, by taking them to the ground.

Again, my hope is that officers simply refuse to patrol the school from now on, and I hope the kids die. Because that would be justice. You attack the police for doing their job, then I hope the police simply refuse to do the job from here on.

If things get bad enough, hopefully they'll deploy the national guard to the schools, and then you'll be begging for the police to come back and body slam kids instead of having guardsmen shooting people with M16s.

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

Oh you have no idea. You have no idea at all how lucky you are that I am not in charge. Death penalty for all rapists, murderers, and there would be no Death Row, there would be a Death Cell. You get to keep the cell, until the next person is sentenced to death, and then you fry. It would be one cell. People in the death cell would be begging for no one else to get convicted of a serious crime.

And this whole whining about police and crap.... you are SOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. I would remove tasers and mace, I would BAN both of those, and assign every officer a .45 APC, and a night stick, and I would ORDER THEM to beat the crap out of anyone who resists arrest, and I would ORDER THEM to shoot dead anyone who tries to flee by car or bike or anything. Police wouldn't even need handcuff in my world, because they would beat you until you were physically unable to resist, and toss your motionless body in the back of the police van. You run from police, you get your head blown clean off. Dead on the spot. Automatic execution for people who run from the police.

You have no idea! :D How lucky you are that I'm not in charge. Gangs of people would be rounded up, and executed. And the rest, I'd have in the hunger games. I'd have small crap towns bought up, some appalicia barely populated rust belt town, and fenced in. And it would just be a free-for-all in that city. Oh you want to go around robbing people? I'd have the military drag your dumb butt to the hunger games town, and toss you worthless society abusing self inside the walls, and good luck. Whatever happens to you with all the rest of the criminals is your own fault.

This country would be like Singapore if I was in charge. Good people could walk around all areas of NYC or any city, at all times of day or night, without any fear of criminals. Because all the criminals would either be dead, or in the hunger games town.

So Yes I agree with you.... you are SOOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. People wouldn't even litter... in my world. It would literally be like Singapore, where you litter.... they cane your butt. You know what canning is?

Stupid disrespectful vandal in Singapore, was beaten for it, and I remember back in 1994 hearing about this, and I thought it was FANTASTIC. If I was in charge, and your dumb worthless kid, that you as a parent completely failed to teach how to be a decent law abiding adult, was caught vandalizing, I would have him beaten with a hard cane. Absolutely.

You are soo lucky. You don't even begin to know how lucky you are that I'm not in charge. This country would be exclusively for good people, and people like you would be either killed off, or beaten until you learn how to be decent people, or executed along with the rest of your criminal anti-American democrat scum.

But I'm not in charge, so let the evil people like you in this world rejoice that your evil is safe from me! :D
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

Sure. The answer to your question is "Yes absolutely". Absolutely a girl can act in a violent and or threatening way, that requires the officer to increase the amount of force used, until they stop the person.

Nothing hypothetical about it. If you keep resisting, the officer must increase the amount of force he is using, until he subdues the other person.

That *IS* the very purpose of his job, to stop people who are not obeying the law.

Now it is possible, that the girl was doing nothing, and the officer just randomly attacked her. I can't deny that could happen.

But history shows me, that more likely she was fighting and resisting the officer, which required him to keep increasing the amount of force he was using. Taking the person down to the ground, is a normal universal police tactic. It is literally what they are trained to do.

Again... how about you teach students to say "Yes sir" and obey the officer?

Better yet, how about you teach your kids to not act like animals, and then you don't even need an officer posted at the school?

How about that?

Thank you for an answer to a question that wasn't asked of you. We have your number, we'll call.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head --- any human head in any scenario --- into concrete. That is, a human head held together by human skull bones, which can break on concrete. Skull bones that house the brain. You've made clear your authority-worship trumps simple human morals, so again, your vote for nihilistic thug-rule has been counted. Because it's always the victim's fault.

Oh btw, have any idea what screening a professional baseball/football player has to go through for less of a head injury? Do you find that funny?

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head

Again... YES. What part of that is too hard for you? It seemed pretty clear, that my answer was YES.

Again, your vote has been counted. Even though the question wasn't put to you, since the question itself was originally posed to a specific comment made by a specific poster, a specific poster that was specifically not you.

What do you want, a plaque?

You seem to be focusing on the smashing the head against the concrete.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That WAS the original question to the poster's comment, SEE ABOVE. That's been the question the ENTIRE TIME.

If you're going to jump into the middle of somebody else's question, the first thing to do is understand what the question is and where it comes from.

I find that funny, because I wager if I looked back at your posts in the past, I'd find some on George Zimmerman. Funny how smashing people's heads into concrete only matters when it fits your narrative.

You go right ahead. I'll pay you a hundred bucks if you can trot one in here.
Search tip: Go to Google, type in "" plus my name plus George Zimmerman or whatever you'd like to search. That'll get the most results. Meet me back here in a week and bring $100. I take PayPal. Consider it a lesson in ass-sumption.

Regardless, the officer's goal wasn't to smash anyone's head into the concrete. That was ann unintended result of the officer doing his job.

There was no question put forward about "what the officer's goal was". In fact the question was broadened so that it needn't involve an officer at all. And why was it broadened that way? BECAUSE IT ISN'T A QUESTION ABOUT "POLICE PROCEDURES"; IT'S A QUESTION ABOUT SIMPLE FUCKING HUMANITY.

You might want to Google that term too while you're in there.

The officer's goal, was to do exactly what he was trained to do, which is to get the resisting violent person, on the ground.

More red herring. Same one too.

Again.... this is NORMAL POLICE PROCEDURE. This is exactly what they are trained to do, because you won't let them hit people with a bat. You would be freaking out if she got tased or maced. So the only option the police officer had, was to physically restrain the person, by taking them to the ground.

STILL more red herring. You'd think your fishing boat would have some kind of limit. You seem to want to answer a different question. Is that because you can't handle the one standing?

Again, my hope is that officers simply refuse to patrol the school from now on, and I hope the kids die. Because that would be justice. You attack the police for doing their job, then I hope the police simply refuse to do the job from here on.

If things get bad enough, hopefully they'll deploy the national guard to the schools, and then you'll be begging for the police to come back and body slam kids instead of having guardsmen shooting people with M16s.

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

Oh you have no idea. You have no idea at all how lucky you are that I am not in charge. Death penalty for all rapists, murderers, and there would be no Death Row, there would be a Death Cell. You get to keep the cell, until the next person is sentenced to death, and then you fry. It would be one cell. People in the death cell would be begging for no one else to get convicted of a serious crime.

Actually I do have an idea. It wasn't hard to figure out. Hence the sigh of relief.

And this whole whining about police and crap.... you are SOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. I would remove tasers and mace, I would BAN both of those, and assign every officer a .45 APC, and a night stick, and I would ORDER THEM to beat the crap out of anyone who resists arrest, and I would ORDER THEM to shoot dead anyone who tries to flee by car or bike or anything. Police wouldn't even need handcuff in my world, because they would beat you until you were physically unable to resist, and toss your motionless body in the back of the police van. You run from police, you get your head blown clean off. Dead on the spot. Automatic execution for people who run from the police.

Am I shaking sufficiently, Internet Tough Guy?
Say how do I turn the page on this comic book? They seem to be stuck together. Some kind of sticky fluid....

You have no idea! :D How lucky you are that I'm not in charge. Gangs of people would be rounded up, and executed. And the rest, I'd have in the hunger games. I'd have small crap towns bought up, some appalicia barely populated rust belt town, and fenced in. And it would just be a free-for-all in that city. Oh you want to go around robbing people? I'd have the military drag your dumb butt to the hunger games town, and toss you worthless society abusing self inside the walls, and good luck. Whatever happens to you with all the rest of the criminals is your own fault.

This country would be like Singapore if I was in charge. Good people could walk around all areas of NYC or any city, at all times of day or night, without any fear of criminals. Because all the criminals would either be dead, or in the hunger games town.

So Yes I agree with you.... you are SOOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. People wouldn't even litter... in my world. It would literally be like Singapore, where you litter.... they cane your butt. You know what canning is?

Stupid disrespectful vandal in Singapore, was beaten for it, and I remember back in 1994 hearing about this, and I thought it was FANTASTIC. If I was in charge, and your dumb worthless kid, that you as a parent completely failed to teach how to be a decent law abiding adult, was caught vandalizing, I would have him beaten with a hard cane. Absolutely.

You are soo lucky. You don't even begin to know how luck you are that I'm not in charge. This country would be exclusively for good people, and people like you would be either killed off, or beaten until you learn how to be decent people, or executed along with the rest of your criminal anti-American democrat scum.

But I'm not in charge, so let the evil people like you in this world rejoice that your evil is safe from me! :D

DING what does "yammer yammer yammer" mean for 600 Alex
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

Sure. The answer to your question is "Yes absolutely". Absolutely a girl can act in a violent and or threatening way, that requires the officer to increase the amount of force used, until they stop the person.

Nothing hypothetical about it. If you keep resisting, the officer must increase the amount of force he is using, until he subdues the other person.

That *IS* the very purpose of his job, to stop people who are not obeying the law.

Now it is possible, that the girl was doing nothing, and the officer just randomly attacked her. I can't deny that could happen.

But history shows me, that more likely she was fighting and resisting the officer, which required him to keep increasing the amount of force he was using. Taking the person down to the ground, is a normal universal police tactic. It is literally what they are trained to do.

Again... how about you teach students to say "Yes sir" and obey the officer?

Better yet, how about you teach your kids to not act like animals, and then you don't even need an officer posted at the school?

How about that?

Thank you for an answer to a question that wasn't asked of you. We have your number, we'll call.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head --- any human head in any scenario --- into concrete. That is, a human head held together by human skull bones, which can break on concrete. Skull bones that house the brain. You've made clear your authority-worship trumps simple human morals, so again, your vote for nihilistic thug-rule has been counted. Because it's always the victim's fault.

Oh btw, have any idea what screening a professional baseball/football player has to go through for less of a head injury? Do you find that funny?

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

The question of course was, is there any circumstance that would justify slamming a human head

Again... YES. What part of that is too hard for you? It seemed pretty clear, that my answer was YES.

Again, your vote has been counted. Even though the question wasn't put to you, since the question itself was originally posed to a specific comment made by a specific poster, a specific poster that was specifically not you.

What do you want, a plaque?

You seem to be focusing on the smashing the head against the concrete.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That WAS the original question to the poster's comment, SEE ABOVE. That's been the question the ENTIRE TIME.

If you're going to jump into the middle of somebody else's question, the first thing to do is understand what the question is and where it comes from.

I find that funny, because I wager if I looked back at your posts in the past, I'd find some on George Zimmerman. Funny how smashing people's heads into concrete only matters when it fits your narrative.

You go right ahead. I'll pay you a hundred bucks if you can trot one in here.
Search tip: Go to Google, type in "" plus my name plus George Zimmerman or whatever you'd like to search. That'll get the most results. Meet me back here in a week and bring $100. I take PayPal. Consider it a lesson in ass-sumption.

Regardless, the officer's goal wasn't to smash anyone's head into the concrete. That was ann unintended result of the officer doing his job.

There was no question put forward about "what the officer's goal was". In fact the question was broadened so that it needn't involve an officer at all. And why was it broadened that way? BECAUSE IT ISN'T A QUESTION ABOUT "POLICE PROCEDURES"; IT'S A QUESTION ABOUT SIMPLE FUCKING HUMANITY.

You might want to Google that term too while you're in there.

The officer's goal, was to do exactly what he was trained to do, which is to get the resisting violent person, on the ground.

More red herring. Same one too.

Again.... this is NORMAL POLICE PROCEDURE. This is exactly what they are trained to do, because you won't let them hit people with a bat. You would be freaking out if she got tased or maced. So the only option the police officer had, was to physically restrain the person, by taking them to the ground.

STILL more red herring. You'd think your fishing boat would have some kind of limit. You seem to want to answer a different question. Is that because you can't handle the one standing?

Again, my hope is that officers simply refuse to patrol the school from now on, and I hope the kids die. Because that would be justice. You attack the police for doing their job, then I hope the police simply refuse to do the job from here on.

If things get bad enough, hopefully they'll deploy the national guard to the schools, and then you'll be begging for the police to come back and body slam kids instead of having guardsmen shooting people with M16s.

Oh and also, thank you for not being in charge of anything.

Oh you have no idea. You have no idea at all how lucky you are that I am not in charge. Death penalty for all rapists, murderers, and there would be no Death Row, there would be a Death Cell. You get to keep the cell, until the next person is sentenced to death, and then you fry. It would be one cell. People in the death cell would be begging for no one else to get convicted of a serious crime.

Actually I do have an idea. It wasn't hard to figure out. Hence the sigh of relief.

And this whole whining about police and crap.... you are SOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. I would remove tasers and mace, I would BAN both of those, and assign every officer a .45 APC, and a night stick, and I would ORDER THEM to beat the crap out of anyone who resists arrest, and I would ORDER THEM to shoot dead anyone who tries to flee by car or bike or anything. Police wouldn't even need handcuff in my world, because they would beat you until you were physically unable to resist, and toss your motionless body in the back of the police van. You run from police, you get your head blown clean off. Dead on the spot. Automatic execution for people who run from the police.

Am I shaking sufficiently, Internet Tough Guy?
Say how do I turn the page on this comic book? They seem to be stuck together. Some kind of sticky fluid....

You have no idea! :D How lucky you are that I'm not in charge. Gangs of people would be rounded up, and executed. And the rest, I'd have in the hunger games. I'd have small crap towns bought up, some appalicia barely populated rust belt town, and fenced in. And it would just be a free-for-all in that city. Oh you want to go around robbing people? I'd have the military drag your dumb butt to the hunger games town, and toss you worthless society abusing self inside the walls, and good luck. Whatever happens to you with all the rest of the criminals is your own fault.

This country would be like Singapore if I was in charge. Good people could walk around all areas of NYC or any city, at all times of day or night, without any fear of criminals. Because all the criminals would either be dead, or in the hunger games town.

So Yes I agree with you.... you are SOOOOO lucky I'm not in charge. People wouldn't even litter... in my world. It would literally be like Singapore, where you litter.... they cane your butt. You know what canning is?

Stupid disrespectful vandal in Singapore, was beaten for it, and I remember back in 1994 hearing about this, and I thought it was FANTASTIC. If I was in charge, and your dumb worthless kid, that you as a parent completely failed to teach how to be a decent law abiding adult, was caught vandalizing, I would have him beaten with a hard cane. Absolutely.

You are soo lucky. You don't even begin to know how luck you are that I'm not in charge. This country would be exclusively for good people, and people like you would be either killed off, or beaten until you learn how to be decent people, or executed along with the rest of your criminal anti-American democrat scum.

But I'm not in charge, so let the evil people like you in this world rejoice that your evil is safe from me! :D

DING what does "yammer yammer yammer" mean for 600 Alex

Again, your vote has been counted. Even though the question wasn't put to you

Did I say I care who you put the question to? No? Then assume I don't. You can you choose who you respond to. But you don't get to choose who responds to you.

You are on a public forum, where anyone can respond to anyone. You don't like that? Tough. No one told you that your preference on who replied to your ignorant comments, mattered to them, and there's a reason. We don't care. :)

Am I shaking sufficiently, Internet Tough Guy?

Did I say I cared if you were shaking? No? Then assume I don't care.

Actually I do have an idea. It wasn't hard to figure out. Hence the sigh of relief.

Good :)
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?
Last edited:
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Because white people don't defend evil, and politicians use race to divide the country.

That's why.
I find it just a little off-putting that you picture me at all. Can you not?
I'm guessing it's this
View attachment 450013

That's not me. Just a homeboy.
I am sorry you lost an eye
You seem to be so mentally tough that you can deal with it
We must overhaul all Police agencies and fire those who act as thugs and not cops

Yeah, all 5 of them!
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Once AGAIN, not what I posted, is it. You're still pussyfooting about the original question, now you want to change the quoted post as well. So we'll toss it out again.

YES or NO - Are you saying that whether there are ANY circumstances under which a living human head should be slammed into concrete, depends on the race attached to the head?
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Once AGAIN, not what I posted, is it. You're still pussyfooting about the original question, now you want to change the quoted post as well. So we'll toss it out again.

YES or NO - Are you saying that whether there are ANY circumstances under which a living human head should be slammed into concrete, depends on the race attached to the head? many times do I have to answer this question? Go away.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Once AGAIN, not what I posted, is it. You're still pussyfooting about the original question, now you want to change the quoted post as well. So we'll toss it out again.

YES or NO - Are you saying that whether there are ANY circumstances under which a living human head should be slammed into concrete, depends on the race attached to the head? many times do I have to answer this question? Go away.

So you choose (C) -- "I don't have the stones to address the question".

Predictable, but I just wanted to get you on record.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Once AGAIN, not what I posted, is it. You're still pussyfooting about the original question, now you want to change the quoted post as well. So we'll toss it out again.

YES or NO - Are you saying that whether there are ANY circumstances under which a living human head should be slammed into concrete, depends on the race attached to the head? many times do I have to answer this question? Go away.

So you choose (C) -- "I don't have the stones to address the question".

Predictable, but I just wanted to get you on record.

I answered your hypothetical question twice already. Now leave me alone you fucking pest.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Once AGAIN, not what I posted, is it. You're still pussyfooting about the original question, now you want to change the quoted post as well. So we'll toss it out again.

YES or NO - Are you saying that whether there are ANY circumstances under which a living human head should be slammed into concrete, depends on the race attached to the head? many times do I have to answer this question? Go away.

So you choose (C) -- "I don't have the stones to address the question".

Predictable, but I just wanted to get you on record.

I answered your hypothetical question twice already. Now leave me alone you fucking pest.

It's nice to pretend. You answered the question, and I invented post-it notes.

But your inability to answer, IS your answer.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Yea because we don't see black cops slamming white girls into concrete face first. Wonder why.

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