Cop brutally slams girl on concrete

I looked at the video and heard what the witnesses said. Apparently there was about to be a fight between the girl and someone else. The two cops intervened to ensure that nobody gets hurt.

By slamming the girl face-first into the ground.

Again... the video is cut, so that all you see is the point where she is slammed to the ground. What led up to that?

And don't tell me what kids said. We all know these people lie. Sometimes I wonder if you people ever went to high school, because I did, students lie all the time.

And by the way, even if what they said is true... When the officer stepped between the girls, both should have shut their mouths, and obeyed the orders of the officer.

Are you telling me, that when the officer told them to stop, the girls did so, and then he just picked one and body slammed them?

I don't think so. I just don't think so.

My guess is, she was fighting and resisting the officer, which forced the officer to engage with more and more force.

And officers are trained to take down people in this manor, that are resisting. This is normal every day police procedure.

You don't want to be body slammed? When the officer steps between you.... shut up.... and sit down, or leave.

Better yet...... BETTER YET...... how about you and your dumb student friends, stop acting in ways that require a police officer to even be at the school? How about that? How about you clean up your behavior so that cops are never required to be on school grounds? How about that?

My school never had police, and still don't have police, to this day. How about you stop acting like animals in the school, so that police are never required to be on the premises to begin with? How about that?

Is that CRAZY??? Huh?

Judge convicts Baltimore Police officer of lying in court, misconduct in office

Former Baltimore Police Officer Sentenced to 14 Months in Federal Prison for Lying to Federal Law Enforcement Officer Regarding the Illegal Sale of Drugs Seized During a BPD Investigation

2 Louisville Police Officers Connected To Breonna Taylor's Death Have Been Fired

Who always lie?
The truth is that "many hate the police" because it is trendy among chickenshit lefties who grew up in front of a video screen. There are over 800000 sworn Police Officers in the U.S. and about 350 died in the line of duty last year to preserve the rights of (mostly) lefties to rant about hatred.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context?

The girl was running toward another girl to start a fight.

The officer protected the victim from the coming attack by serving the aggressor. Ohhhh yeh. She got served.

Thankfully, the officer made it home safely.

Kids lack discipline these days. Can't just go around assaulting people and then hold up a victim card when your attack is thwarted by someone whose job it is to do just that.
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not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.
You could hear the witnesses in the back ground freaking out over it. Kinda gives you a clue. The girl is pretty small. A man does not need to go to that length to restrain a child that size. If it were you or I we would be in jail and unable to work around children ever again. A cop has training and should be held to a higher standard than we are, plain and simple. You want that idiot working around your daughter?
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.

What could have happened prior to justify a grown man handling a child in this manner?

Yelling, cursing, threats, refusal to comply and a lack of the bare minimum of simple respect for a fellow human being. There's a very high probabilty she screamed some racist slurs as well. Things he most likely deals with on a reular basis day after day, week after week...for years. I don't care how old you are, what your position is, one can only push a man so far before he reacts.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.
You could hear the witnesses in the back ground freaking out over it. Kinda gives you a clue. The girl is pretty small. A man does not need to go to that length to restrain a child that size. If it were you or I we would be in jail and unable to work around children ever again. A cop has training and should be held to a higher standard than we are, plain and simple. You want that idiot working around your daughter?

My daughter would not behave that way in the first place because I don't teach her to hate the poe-leece.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.
You could hear the witnesses in the back ground freaking out over it. Kinda gives you a clue. The girl is pretty small. A man does not need to go to that length to restrain a child that size. If it were you or I we would be in jail and unable to work around children ever again. A cop has training and should be held to a higher standard than we are, plain and simple. You want that idiot working around your daughter?

My daughter would not behave that way in the first place because I don't teach her to hate the poe-leece.
In your own words you do not know what happened before this body slam that knocked her out. In another comment you said he probably put up with it over time. So I guess if your wife bitches at you to long you can body slam her and knock her out. You must feel like a real man.
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.
You could hear the witnesses in the back ground freaking out over it. Kinda gives you a clue. The girl is pretty small. A man does not need to go to that length to restrain a child that size. If it were you or I we would be in jail and unable to work around children ever again. A cop has training and should be held to a higher standard than we are, plain and simple. You want that idiot working around your daughter?

My daughter would not behave that way in the first place because I don't teach her to hate the poe-leece.
In your own words you do not know what happened before this body slam that knocked her out. In another comment you said he probably put up with it over time. So I guess if your wife bitches at you to long you can body slam her and knock her out. You must feel like a real man.

The fact that everything prior to the "bodyslam" was edited out is awfully convenient. But I can make an educated guess as to what happened. Young women these days, especially black girls tend to the worst kind of instigator. They think the world's their oyster, that they're oh so very special, and they don't hesitate to take full advantage of the "men don't hurt girls" concept. As if it is a law of nature and not a flimsy social construct.
I arrested a young black kid not long ago. He was from an immigrant family, the parents being from Somolia. Because he was a minor, his mom was allowed to sit in on his interview. He played all tough with us during the booking but when his mom arrived he pissed himself like a puppy.

Haha. My brother is a cop. That shit happens all the time. Someone will talk tough to him when he rolls up on them. Sometimes they'll even take a swing and then the moment they are in the back of the squad car on their way to jail they're crying like a bitch.
You put people on ignore? Only pussies who cant debate do that.
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Forget racism.
Where are the men here?

An unarmed school girl brutally slammed onto the concrete ground - obviously knocking her unconscious- by an armed cop with a backup cop present....

and you punks act like that's okay ?


Then, instead of helping her, the mf-er handcuffs her ??
If I was his partner I would have kicked him in the head - roundhouse
Yes, if a stupid girl is not going to obey police commands during an arrest, then they are going to use physical force to arrest her.

Why is the gender an issue? If it was a male, you would be okay with it? Cops are supposed to just let criminal females walk away when they don’t want to be arrested?
not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.

What could have happened prior to justify a grown man handling a child in this manner?

Yelling, cursing, threats, refusal to comply and a lack of the bare minimum of simple respect for a fellow human being. There's a very high probabilty she screamed some racist slurs as well. Things he most likely deals with on a reular basis day after day, week after week...for years. I don't care how old you are, what your position is, one can only push a man so far before he reacts.

So in other words, nothing. Only a coward of a man would pick up a child and slam her face down onto concrete and only a coward would try and defend those actions.

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?

Why would the cop be fired? The girl didn't have a mask on, and could have potentially caused the death of millions.

Racist coward, that is what makes you feel like a big man.

So... you support causing the death of millions by not having your mask properly on?

By the way.... you do know the word "sarcasm", right? Did you actually think I was being serious in my prior post?

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