Cop brutally slams girl on concrete

I find it just a little off-putting that you picture me at all. Can you not?
I'm guessing it's this

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?

Should have tazed her instead?

Socially distant takedown?

You still have to do the takedown even with a CED (TASER) as soon as they current goes off, five seconds, they are no longer incapacitated, and significantly more pissed off.

The TASER, if it's effective, give you the window to handcuff the arrestee.

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?

Should have tazed her instead?

Socially distant takedown?

You still have to do the takedown even with a CED (TASER) as soon as they current goes off, five seconds, they are no longer incapacitated, and significantly more pissed off.

The TASER, if it's effective, give you the window to handcuff the arrestee.

Can't you just taze them again?

Or release the hound?

Billy club?
Remember folks, this just came out of the blue. The girl was just standing there minding her own business when that cop came up and slammed her to the ground unprovoked. . As you can see so clearly from the video, nothing at all happened before that precise moment to which we are privy.

This is why so many hate the police
Completely inexcusable and revolting
Will this cop be fired ??
You would think the cops would behave better ?

Should have tazed her instead?

Socially distant takedown?

You still have to do the takedown even with a CED (TASER) as soon as they current goes off, five seconds, they are no longer incapacitated, and significantly more pissed off.

The TASER, if it's effective, give you the window to handcuff the arrestee.

Can't you just taze them again?

Or release the hound?

Billy club?

TASER only has two shots.
I looked at the video and heard what the witnesses said. Apparently there was about to be a fight between the girl and someone else. The two cops intervened to ensure that nobody gets hurt.

By slamming the girl face-first into the ground.
I looked at the video and heard what the witnesses said. Apparently there was about to be a fight between the girl and someone else. The two cops intervened to ensure that nobody gets hurt.

By slamming the girl face-first into the ground.

Again... the video is cut, so that all you see is the point where she is slammed to the ground. What led up to that?

And don't tell me what kids said. We all know these people lie. Sometimes I wonder if you people ever went to high school, because I did, students lie all the time.

And by the way, even if what they said is true... When the officer stepped between the girls, both should have shut their mouths, and obeyed the orders of the officer.

Are you telling me, that when the officer told them to stop, the girls did so, and then he just picked one and body slammed them?

I don't think so. I just don't think so.

My guess is, she was fighting and resisting the officer, which forced the officer to engage with more and more force.

And officers are trained to take down people in this manor, that are resisting. This is normal every day police procedure.

You don't want to be body slammed? When the officer steps between you.... shut up.... and sit down, or leave.

Better yet...... BETTER YET...... how about you and your dumb student friends, stop acting in ways that require a police officer to even be at the school? How about that? How about you clean up your behavior so that cops are never required to be on school grounds? How about that?

My school never had police, and still don't have police, to this day. How about you stop acting like animals in the school, so that police are never required to be on the premises to begin with? How about that?

Is that CRAZY??? Huh?

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