Cop City

You also do not send that many cops out to do what they were going to do and not have body camera's on them. No camera and the story by the cops will always be questionable.
Representative Greene made a brilliant move by claiming this Antifa guy shot and killed a cop even tho it isn't true... but it feels better to believe it happened and that is what leadership is all about...saying things we want to believe...and besides, if you know this isn't true, why are you so triggered unless you are on the side of Antifa? That is what makes this move so brilliant; because by totally making shit up; this puts the Dems in the position of correcting her by telling her no officer was actually killed. ...Essentially, the Dems are now on record defending Antifa - and now the rest of the public can clearly see that Dems are not just on the side of of Antifa, but also the KKK, BLM, the FBI and also the CIA; but against against law enforcement.

Anytime a a person is killed by another person, it is a homicide.
So that little thing you posted is nothing but fact.
Ironically, that little thing you posted refers to the act as murder but finishes it by saying homicide.
Thats what is known as a word salad filled with lies and hyperbole.
Police in cities like Atlanta just need to take a couple weeks off. Fuck it. Release the prisoners, shut down the precinct and just go home for a couple weeks. Let’s check back then and see what percentage of the citizens left alive would like some cops around.
Yay, water is still wet!
But homicide is not always murder. For example, If I am attacked by someone with a knife and during the scuffle, I use that knife to stab my attacker, the initial report by the coroner will be death by stabbing; a homicide.
Once the evidence is presented, it will be proven as self defense, homicide by negligence or murder.
Coroners do not determine why the person was killed. They simply determine how the person died.

BREAKING: Cops ARREST 76-Year-Old Woman Protesting Cop City Funder Home Depot​

If it's as been said, it's a military type complex to train police officers, I hope the people of Atlanta succeed and get it stopped. That is not the way we should be going with police training.

And as far as the shooting is concerned, the police have been caught over and over lying about their actions. Release the video.
Obviously you've never been a cop. There's a reason "shoot first and ask questions later" is how most of them work.
Over 70% of the people don't want it. City building it anyway.

Atlanta Police Kill Forest Defender at Protest Encampment Near Proposed “Cop City” Training Center​

I really doubt 70% of the people understand what the facility is, what will happen there, or understand that there is already a “cop city”.

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