Cop gets 19-24 years for murdering an unarmed person in the back.

No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

I'm sure all that is very comforting to the families of all those dead people, and the others who aren't dead, but just had the shit kicked out of them for no reason.

As I indicated, such behavior when founded to violate dept. policy, and the penal code, will result in termination by HR, and then the matter goes to the District Attorney.

If an agency does not follow through and enforce their policies, the Chief and his Sr. Staff can be brought before a civil grand jury, which may very well end their careers.
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

I'm sure all that is very comforting to the families of all those dead people, and the others who aren't dead, but just had the shit kicked out of them for no reason.

As I indicated, such behavior when founded to violate dept. policy, and the penal code, will result in termination by HR, and then the matter goes to the District Attorney.

If an agency does not follow through and enforce their policies, the Chief and his Sr. Staff can be brought before a civil grand jury, which may very well end their careers.

That Grand Jury thing doesn't sound like much of a deterrent.

Grand jury indicts former HPD officer in shooting of neighbor
A former Houston police officer was indicted Friday on felony charges in the shooting of an unarmed neighbor after a fight between their dogs last October - the first time an HPD officer has been charged as a result of a shooting since 2004.
Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.
Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.

I suspect the large majority are good cops, other than their un-explainable desire to protect all other cops, even the bad ones.
Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.

Why is it okay to blame/brand all street gang members with the same brush.
And it's wrong to use the same brush on Pig Cops Gangs?
Both groups murder and cover up the crimes as a group.

That called being an accessory during and after the fact.
aka: A co-conspirator.
Why are Pig Cops not turning in their Pig Cop Buddy gang members
crimes as they are sworn to uphold the law? How can any trust or respect
them for their blue code of silents?
Last edited:
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

So there is a list, so to select the right killers. Great.
Why are these the best you can find that murder daily?
The list is not working...


Police Kill Too Many People—White and Black

What would you propose?

Police shootings 2017 database

Are there too many, probably, but the devil is in the details.

I also sat on the counties adult and child death panels, where every death in the county each quarter were investigated by the Health Dept. Sheriff's Dept, District Attorney, County Manager and Social Service. The effort was to discover if any agency (city, county, state, school dist. or private sector) had contact with the decedent and an examination of their records suggested a gap in training or services which may have intervened before the death.
Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.

I suspect the large majority are good cops, other than their un-explainable desire to protect all other cops, even the bad ones.

If it was just a few, why are they afraid to turn in the bad ones? Really here.
As that larger group claims, If I do turn in the few bad ones. These so-called
good Pig Cops will not respond to them when requesting help. As they turned
in a few bad Pig Cops. That here makes them just as dirty as the bad ones
when they call for back up. As they are the good cops and should aways back
up a good cop who turned in a bad cop. Right?
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

So there is a list, so to select the right killers. Great.
Why are these the best you can find that murder daily?
The list is not working...


Police Kill Too Many People—White and Black

What would you propose?

Police shootings 2017 database

Are there too many, probably, but the devil is in the details.

I also sat on the counties adult and child death panels, where every death in the county each quarter were investigated by the Health Dept. Sheriff's Dept, District Attorney, County Manager and Social Service. The effort was to discover if any agency (city, county, state, school dist. or private sector) had contact with the decedent and an examination of their records suggested a gap in training or services which may have intervened before the death.

Well to start here. First.
Explain why.. Japan, Britain and Australia and many other nations have few killings by
Pig Cops then? Seems they use a better standards list to select better real cops.
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

Again, it does not explain what we see. How is it that the reports of all the cops present match each other but do not match the video? Are the bad apples running in packs? How is it that they all tell the same lie?

Here is one from California. CBS2 Investigation Leads To LAPD Probe Of Alleged Drug-Planting Caught On Body Cam

How did they all tell the same lie? They all went through your rigorous testing and checks. Are you suggesting that every bad apple on the LAPD just happened to be there? That is so unlikely that it would break the internet to try and type the probability for it. What is more likely is that those people all used a routine lie. It is called Testilying. At least according to the chief of the San Francisco Police Department.

Opinion | Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath

I don’t understand how you could have missed this while working hand in glove with the cops. We’re you ignorant or do you believe these lies serve a higher purpose. You have to do it or the baddies get away?

Feds drop gun case and judge blasts police after security camera contradicts officers' testimony

Lies are routine. Everyone knows it. It is just that some of you don’t care. In your minds the alternative is chaos, anarchy. For some reason honest and legal policing is never an option. It is either corruption or anarchy.
Baz and SM just can't make the case for super bad super majority of LEO.

Just falls flat.
Baz and SM just can't make the case for super bad super majority of LEO.

Just falls flat.

Then how do you explain what we see? If it is a minority, how do they know the other officers will lie to protect them? Wouldn’t those bad apples be terrified of being found out?

How do you explain the chiefs of police of two major departments admitting that testifying is a common occurrence?

You can’t say the case isn’t made. You can say you don’t care.
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

Again, it does not explain what we see. How is it that the reports of all the cops present match each other but do not match the video? Are the bad apples running in packs? How is it that they all tell the same lie?

Here is one from California. CBS2 Investigation Leads To LAPD Probe Of Alleged Drug-Planting Caught On Body Cam

How did they all tell the same lie? They all went through your rigorous testing and checks. Are you suggesting that every bad apple on the LAPD just happened to be there? That is so unlikely that it would break the internet to try and type the probability for it. What is more likely is that those people all used a routine lie. It is called Testilying. At least according to the chief of the San Francisco Police Department.

Opinion | Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath

I don’t understand how you could have missed this while working hand in glove with the cops. We’re you ignorant or do you believe these lies serve a higher purpose. You have to do it or the baddies get away?

Feds drop gun case and judge blasts police after security camera contradicts officers' testimony

Lies are routine. Everyone knows it. It is just that some of you don’t care. In your minds the alternative is chaos, anarchy. For some reason honest and legal policing is never an option. It is either corruption or anarchy.

Murders occur everyday and usually are not front page or top of the MSM News. When a LE officer uses lethal force, it is the top of the fold, top of the news.

I suggest, if the agency in you community has a ride along program, that you avail yourself of the opportunity. One local probation officer in the county where I live went on a ride along on the night the agency was conducting a stake out of Robbery's of Pizza Delivery Drivers.

One officer acted as the delivery driver and responded to an address in the area where there had been several such Robbery's. As the officer got out of the vehicle with a pizza box, he was met by a 14-year old boy who was armed with a pistol. The young man raised the weapon and pointed it at the offer's head, and was shot dead by every office on scene.

The PO was shell shocked and the officers numb when they found out that age of the young man, however, they were not judged to have done anything wrong. Policy was followed and the death review board found he had an extensive juvenile record, as did his older siblings, one of whom was in prison at the time of the shooting. He was a chronic truant and at the time had a probation warrant for his arrest.

Yet it made the front page above the fold of the paper.
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

Again, it does not explain what we see. How is it that the reports of all the cops present match each other but do not match the video? Are the bad apples running in packs? How is it that they all tell the same lie?

Here is one from California. CBS2 Investigation Leads To LAPD Probe Of Alleged Drug-Planting Caught On Body Cam

How did they all tell the same lie? They all went through your rigorous testing and checks. Are you suggesting that every bad apple on the LAPD just happened to be there? That is so unlikely that it would break the internet to try and type the probability for it. What is more likely is that those people all used a routine lie. It is called Testilying. At least according to the chief of the San Francisco Police Department.

Opinion | Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath

I don’t understand how you could have missed this while working hand in glove with the cops. We’re you ignorant or do you believe these lies serve a higher purpose. You have to do it or the baddies get away?

Feds drop gun case and judge blasts police after security camera contradicts officers' testimony

Lies are routine. Everyone knows it. It is just that some of you don’t care. In your minds the alternative is chaos, anarchy. For some reason honest and legal policing is never an option. It is either corruption or anarchy.

Murders occur everyday and usually are not front page or top of the MSM News. When a LE officer uses lethal force, it is the top of the fold, top of the news.

I suggest, if the agency in you community has a ride along program, that you avail yourself of the opportunity. One local probation officer in the county where I live went on a ride along on the night the agency was conducting a stake out of Robbery's of Pizza Delivery Drivers.

One officer acted as the delivery driver and responded to an address in the area where there had been several such Robbery's. As the officer got out of the vehicle with a pizza box, he was met by a 14-year old boy who was armed with a pistol. The young man raised the weapon and pointed it at the offer's head, and was shot dead by every office on scene.

The PO was shell shocked and the officers numb when they found out that age of the young man, however, they were not judged to have done anything wrong. Policy was followed and the death review board found he had an extensive juvenile record, as did his older siblings, one of whom was in prison at the time of the shooting. He was a chronic truant and at the time had a probation warrant for his arrest.

Yet it made the front page above the fold of the paper.

Yes, before all the videos of cops beating and killing people for no apparent reason, none of that stuff as ever mentioned. Damn those people for exposing the crap that some cops pull on a regular basis. The blue line shielded all that from the public before then.
wry is right, and so are you, bulldog.

It seemed in Memphis once upon a time, that a guy was shot down in the back every week for trying 'to escape.'

Thank God those days are going away.
No, Baz, the cops are not a gang of murderers.

There are some bad cops, and this Slaeger was one of them. At least his mother will not be able to hold him until he gets out. She may die before he gets out.

He should have thought of that.

Nonsense. While Baz is a little.... Exuberant by the standards of the reality, he’s closer to the mark than the unsupportable argument that it is a few bad apples.

Think about it for a moment. Those body camera videos that show the cops planting drugs. There were other cops present, and all their statements and reports showed exactly the same as the guy they watched plant the drugs. Now how is this possible? Are the cops running in packs where only the bad ones respond to calls for assistance from other bad ones? Is there some sort of secret handshake or a pin they wear on their uniforms to identify each other?

In incident after incident, the cops statements all agree, until the video shows they are lying, then perhaps the one who was in the lead becomes the sacrificial lamb. All the others who were there, and participated, are at most given a slap on the wrist for lying to protect a fellow cop.

Then there are the expert witness’ who flock to defend the cops when they are charged. They explain to the jury that often the officer thinks he saw a gun, even when there wasn’t one. This means it was a good use of force, because the cop was apparently delusional, or even hallucinating in seeing things that weren’t there.

The Supreme Court has ruled that good cops are ignorant of the law, and perfectly justified in enforcing non existant laws. So long as they stick to the lie that they thought the law said this.

Even the good cops, aren’t so good. The way we know this is that good cops are either fired, prosecuted, or killed by the bad ones. I know, an insane argument right? Yet it has happened, many times. Serpico was left hanging to die. The cops said that if they had known it was Serpico on the floor bleeding, they would have left him there to die. A citizen called it in, not his partners. But hey, that was the 1970’s, and it doesn’t happen like that anymore.

Tell that to Cariol Horne. A Buffalo Police Officer who stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed, and unresisting suspect. She was fired, the cop who choked the unresisting man who was already in handcuffs, was not. She broke the cardinal rule, thou will back up fellow cops no matter what.

In another case, the department found an officer was recording them telling the department how to lie to abuse the suspects rights, and they locked him up in an insane asylum for weeks. You see, insane people have no right to a lawyer, or to challenge their confinement. You would have to be insane to believe that the cops are honest.

Where were the honest cops to stand up for a guy who got thrown in an insane asylum for recording the conspiracy to violate civil rights of citizens? Where were these good cops who should have, could have stood up for Officer Horne? They were quiet and in line, like good members of the club.

In a way, we never grew up as people. As Children, we want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, we want to believe in Santa Claus. Look at the Stanta at the mall this holiday season. Look at the faces of the people standing or walking by. They glance over, and remember fondly when they believed. They also wished they could still be that child, and believe in the so good it was a miracle.

We want to believe that the cops are Adam 12, or Dragnet, following procedures and virtuous beyond our ability to describe. We want to believe that the cops are really out there for twenty or thirty years doing a hard job, and remaining unstained by it. They aren’t. They lie, they cover up for fellow cops, and they observe cops committing crimes, and stay silent.

When we are faced with this, we try to diminish it. We say it is a few bad apples, or we ascribe some sort of psychic power to the police. They may have planted evidence, but only because they knew this was a bad guy, and they were trying to protect us.

They aren’t. The Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no duty to protect us.

I doubt any rebuttal will convince someone like you and the other guy. So I'll be short. I was charged for a few years recruiting and training persons interested in a law enforcement career, and training recruits on dept. policies including use of force policies.

Many people apply for a career in LE, and very few make it through the entire process. In our agency for every 100 applicants, only five made it to the streets and one of those did not complete the one year probationary period, and another was required to additional training, on average.

Before a recruit is given a conditional offer of employment they go through a rigorous background check which included in our agency:
  • Three non relative recommendations and telehpone or personal interviews of each of them by my staff
  • Employment History
  • School Records
  • A credit check
  • FBI criminal records check
  • DD-214 of a vet
  • records of local law enforcement contacts in every county or city&county in which they resided
  • civil court records, divorce records, civil judgments
  • driving record
  • drug testing
  • a full psychological workup, including written tests and two meetings with psychologists
  • An interview by three managers from other LE Jurisdiction
  • An interview with three managers within our agency
  • An interview by three Sgts in our agency
  • a health examination by county doctors
  • A 40-hours course on arrests
  • A 24-hours course on firearms, OC Gas and the Management of Assaultive behavior
  • One year of probationary status on the streets with supervision by a field training officer (FTA).
At any time during the one year probation an employee can be terminated without appeal.

Now, I'm sure not every agency in every state has such a background check, but this is an example of what a someone who wants a job in the State of California.

Do we get some bad apples? Sure, and the job itself can change an officer's response in a very stressful job. That is the job of supervisors and managers, to watch and listen for changes, and when a complaint is filed (under penalty of perjury if the complaint is deemed fraudulent) a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if sustained the consquences can be as little as a counseling memo and require training, to a recommendation to the hiring authority for termination of employment.

Again, it does not explain what we see. How is it that the reports of all the cops present match each other but do not match the video? Are the bad apples running in packs? How is it that they all tell the same lie?

Here is one from California. CBS2 Investigation Leads To LAPD Probe Of Alleged Drug-Planting Caught On Body Cam

How did they all tell the same lie? They all went through your rigorous testing and checks. Are you suggesting that every bad apple on the LAPD just happened to be there? That is so unlikely that it would break the internet to try and type the probability for it. What is more likely is that those people all used a routine lie. It is called Testilying. At least according to the chief of the San Francisco Police Department.

Opinion | Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath

I don’t understand how you could have missed this while working hand in glove with the cops. We’re you ignorant or do you believe these lies serve a higher purpose. You have to do it or the baddies get away?

Feds drop gun case and judge blasts police after security camera contradicts officers' testimony

Lies are routine. Everyone knows it. It is just that some of you don’t care. In your minds the alternative is chaos, anarchy. For some reason honest and legal policing is never an option. It is either corruption or anarchy.

Murders occur everyday and usually are not front page or top of the MSM News. When a LE officer uses lethal force, it is the top of the fold, top of the news.

I suggest, if the agency in you community has a ride along program, that you avail yourself of the opportunity. One local probation officer in the county where I live went on a ride along on the night the agency was conducting a stake out of Robbery's of Pizza Delivery Drivers.

One officer acted as the delivery driver and responded to an address in the area where there had been several such Robbery's. As the officer got out of the vehicle with a pizza box, he was met by a 14-year old boy who was armed with a pistol. The young man raised the weapon and pointed it at the offer's head, and was shot dead by every office on scene.

The PO was shell shocked and the officers numb when they found out that age of the young man, however, they were not judged to have done anything wrong. Policy was followed and the death review board found he had an extensive juvenile record, as did his older siblings, one of whom was in prison at the time of the shooting. He was a chronic truant and at the time had a probation warrant for his arrest.

Yet it made the front page above the fold of the paper.

Once again, you ignore the points being made, and try the weakest of all justifications, well, if you knew, you wouldn’t be so critical. That is the weakest of all justifications.

So points that you have ignored are widespread lying by police. Not just my conclusion, but the conclusion of the Chief of Police for San Francisco. Someone who is literally in the know, someone who has all those years of doing far more than a “ride along” to see the truth. But you ignore that point, and so we must assume you have no response to it.

It was a justified use of force. Crap. In Georgia, someone finally decided to look at the cases. This is what they found. Nearly half the people shot by cops in Georgia were unarmed, or shot in the back. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Every one of those cases when investigated was determined to be “justified” because the cops always use the same words. I was afeared for my life.

John Geer was shot while he had his hands up. The Police Department stymied the investigation for TWO YEARS. Refusing to provide information to the District Attorney because it was an internal investigation. Finally the family got the records during the lawsuit, and what do you know, then the cop is fired and charged the very next day.

TWO YEARS of doing everything possible to stonewall the investigation. If it takes that long to conduct a thorough investigation, how is it that the people who shoot cops are on death row in the same time?

All of this is well known. All of this is so well known that you don’t even try denying it. You just offer the weakest excuse, well go out there and see. Let the cops give me the same smoke and mirrors bullshit. This is the truth. We live out there. We know what happens, because we see it first. Rapists don’t target cops first. They don’t rob cops. They don’t do any of that shit to a cop. When a cop gets a paper cut, some idiot like you rushes out and screams war on cops.

But here is the funny thing. The cops don’t even pretend that they aren’t doing it. When caught, they have the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights to protect them. Let’s say I am sitting in my living room and someone breaks down my door and I shoot them. I’ve just shot a home invader. First of all when the cops show up, I’m headed downtown to answer a lot of questions. If I tell them I want a lawyer, they’ll tell me that might make me look guilty. In fact, the cops just argued before the Supreme Court that the suspect asking for a lawyer didn’t count, because he said he wanted a “lawyer dog”. So no worries. If I stop answering questions, that can be determined to be an admission of guilt.

But if I am a cop, it is against the law to interview me without a lawyer. I have a week, or more, to get over the emotional trauma of the event before I am required to answer questions. Then the answers can be no comment, and refuse to answer and no problem. You can’t even threaten their job for that, as it is against the law.

What Is the Police Officers' Bill of Rights?

Oh, and when you interview the cop, it has to be during reasonable hours, with reasonable breaks as needed. Me, as long as they want to talk, I’m expected to answer questions. I’m not part of the thin blue line you see.

In conclusion. We know the shootings are not justified in reality, because a citizen who shot someone in the back claiming to be afeared for their life, would be prosecuted. But cops are special. Not short bus kid special, the other kind, like made men in the Mafia, they’re in, and nobody can touch them.

We know the police lie regularly. Judges and Lawyers said that they believed the cops were lying in one case out of five. If there are a hundred cases in court tomorrow, in at least twenty of them, the cops will be committing FELONIES. Perjury is a Felony in every single state, including California.

But we just don’t understand. It’s so tough, or something.
wry is right, and so are you, bulldog.

It seemed in Memphis once upon a time, that a guy was shot down in the back every week for trying 'to escape.'

Thank God those days are going away.

More infrequent, but not going away. Not by a long shot.
Michael Slager sentenced to 19 to 24 years for shooting death of Walter Scott
Former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager was sentenced to 19 to 24 years in prison on Thursday for the fatal shooting of unarmed black man Walter Scott.

The sentencing decision from District Judge David Norton comes after Slager pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights offense and was then found to have committed second-degree murder and obstruction of justice.

Slager shot and killed 33-year-old Scott in North Charleston, S.C., on April 4, 2015 during an encounter that was captured on video by a witness. The video, which showed Scott running from Slager when he was shot, was spread widely throughout social media and sparked a national conversation surrounding Scott's death.

Michael Slager faces to 19 to 24 years for shooting death of unarmed black man Walter Scott

:rolleyes-41:All Pig Cops are :asshole: gang Members, murdering the public.
The worse gangs of all. As all Pig Cops are Cowards. As they cover up
their gang members crimes as LE LOSERS.
The Blue wall/shield of silent paints them all as co-conspirators in murder.
Soon he will join the whitey KKK gang in prison to stay alive.
Well, maybe not. As he's a lying Pig Cop. As they all are.
And as an active gang member of murderers called PIGS
C O P S. I don't see him walking out alive on parole
All cops aren't bad. This cop deserves punishment.
Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.

Why is it okay to blame/brand all street gang members with the same brush.
And it's wrong to use the same brush on Pig Cops Gangs?
Both groups murder and cover up the crimes as a group.

That called being an accessory during and after the fact.
aka: A co-conspirator.
Why are Pig Cops not turning in their Pig Cop Buddy gang members
crimes as they are sworn to uphold the law? How can any trust or respect
them for their blue code of silents?
So, you are saying there are good street gang members? LOL

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