Cop gets 19-24 years for murdering an unarmed person in the back.

Those who argue that the great number of LEO are criminals need to have every part of their lives investigated, whether they are leftist crazies or rightist crazies.

Why is it okay to blame/brand all street gang members with the same brush.
And it's wrong to use the same brush on Pig Cops Gangs?
Both groups murder and cover up the crimes as a group.

That called being an accessory during and after the fact.
aka: A co-conspirator.
Why are Pig Cops not turning in their Pig Cop Buddy gang members
crimes as they are sworn to uphold the law? How can any trust or respect
them for their blue code of silents?
So, you are saying there are good street gang members? LOL

Are all gang members murderers?
I didn't say or imply that. All cops aren't bad but I have never heard of a good street gang.
I didn't say or imply that. All cops aren't bad but I have never heard of a good street gang.
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