cop goes to jail for shooting woman in her bedroom

Quit using the NYT and you'll better avoid this problem. Some people browse in privacy mode because they care about security.

Copy the article title and you'll find the same article published by many others who don't put up a paywall.
i out up another article on it
I remember when Obozo was in office, destroying us to his best abilities.............

This kind of thing happened a lot. I mean, literally a few times a week, cops were chasing blacks from their own houses, or shooting them in their back yards, or shooting them through their doors and windows.

But the lunatic leftoids PURPOSELY REFUSE to remember THAT!!!
I remember when Obozo was in office, destroying us to his best abilities.............

This kind of thing happened a lot. I mean, literally a few times a week, cops were chasing blacks from their own houses, or shooting them in their back yards, or shooting them through their doors and windows.

But the lunatic leftoids PURPOSELY REFUSE to remember THAT!!!
no it dosent. stop making stuff up.
If he moves quickly away from the window, he is not in any danger and doesn't have to shoot at all, of course.
exactly . what he should have done was get enough distance away so he can see what was going on c;eary and would not have freeked and shot so soon .
Shot too fast? What is that bullshit. I can leave every door in my house wide open with the lights on if I choose to, this woman hadn't committed any crime because her door was open.
And everything you have would be looted before you knew it and that's not what you do. Get real. :rolleyes-41:
Shot too fast? What is that bullshit. I can leave every door in my house wide open with the lights on if I choose to, this woman hadn't committed any crime because her door was open.

People seem to forget, its really the neighbor that has blood on his hands.

Instead of calling the police, he should have called HER first. See if shes ok. THEN if shes not or she doesn't answer, the cops can be called. But a nosey neighbor, who admitted he knew nothing of what was going on over there other than the doors being open, called the fucking cops and the woman was murdered. Her doors were open because she'd burnt something on the stove and was getting the smoke out of her apartment.

We do that on my street. If someone sees something suspicious at someones house, the homeowner is called. We don't run to the fucking police for everything. For one, we live out in the middle of nowhere and the cops are 30 min away anyway, but we also don't want to waste their time coming out to see something that turns out to be a nothing.
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Jefferson had not committed a crime. Her nephew, Zion Carr, testified that they were up late playing video games together, and they’d left the doors open to air out smoke after they cooked hamburgers.

Killed because she wasn't a great cook and the system decided to hire someone unqualified. Not only should he go to prison but the one who made the decision to ignore the report that he was unfit to be an officer should have went also.

A psychologist who evaluated Dean before he was hired by the Fort Worth Police Department testified that Dean wasn’t fit to be a cop—a determination that was shared with the department but ignored.

Jury Ignores Ex-Cop’s Plea to Avoid Jail for Killing Atatiana Jefferson
Jefferson had not committed a crime. Her nephew, Zion Carr, testified that they were up late playing video games together, and they’d left the doors open to air out smoke after they cooked hamburgers.

Killed because she wasn't a great cook and the system decided to hire someone unqualified. Not only should he go to prison but the one who made the decision to ignore the report that he was unfit to be an officer should have went also.

A psychologist who evaluated Dean before he was hired by the Fort Worth Police Department testified that Dean wasn’t fit to be a cop—a determination that was shared with the department but ignored.

Jury Ignores Ex-Cop’s Plea to Avoid Jail for Killing Atatiana Jefferson

An innocent woman was murdered in cold blood in her apartment.

Life without is the only real justice.
I remember when Obozo was in office, destroying us to his best abilities.............

This kind of thing happened a lot. I mean, literally a few times a week, cops were chasing blacks from their own houses, or shooting them in their back yards, or shooting them through their doors and windows.

But the lunatic leftoids PURPOSELY REFUSE to remember THAT!!!
When the facts are so clear that you can't defend a murdering cop -- just spout off a bunch of irrelevant bullshit about Obama

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