Cop In Chicago Shot Negro. Was It Murder?

Block head cop who shot McDonald 16X had 20 misconduct claims filed against him. How many did St.MikeOffendThem have before he retired?..........:smoke:
That probably is why McDonald's family received a $5million damage award. I'd like to hear the Chicago Police Superintendent explain why this obvious loose cannon was never terminated.

It always gets back to the power of police unions. They are at the root of all the present turmoil -- which it turns out is hurting all the good cops by protecting the scumbags and the psychos.
A 3" knife is not a weapon when its more than 20 feet away.

Indeed, going up against cop armed with a gun and a taser means the 3" knife was no weapon at all.

There were no calls for the kid to put the 3" knife down. There are no laws against a kid having a 3" knife.

It was an execution. Cop pulled up and within 30 seconds, started shooting. He could have shot him once. While that would have been way too much force under those circumstances, it certainly shows just how whacked that cop is.

The cop is supposedly trained. As such, its obvious he had no control over the situation - a kid dancing in the street, and even less control over himself.

The cop murdered a kid for jay walking.

He deserves the death penalty though I don't know if Illinois has it.

I don't know what the exact circumstances were. But the negro had a knife. All knives are dangerous. Also, if he was just J walking, what were the other police doing there. And with the other police there, what do you think they were doing. Calling out suggestions like, "I don't think you should be waving that knife around!" Also, if you feel the need to shoot somebody, it doesn't make any difference how often you shoot at them. Because when you shoot at somebody, the objective is to kill them.
Was not more than 12 ft away, one lane of traffic........also didnt someone say he was shot in the back mostly....that doesnt seem to be the case either.........for all the time thats lapsed from event til now seems to be prosecution to appease the lynch mob instead of justice
A 3" knife is not a weapon when its more than 20 feet away.

Indeed, going up against cop armed with a gun and a taser means the 3" knife was no weapon at all.

There were no calls for the kid to put the 3" knife down. There are no laws against a kid having a 3" knife.

It was an execution. Cop pulled up and within 30 seconds, started shooting. He could have shot him once. While that would have been way too much force under those circumstances, it certainly shows just how whacked that cop is.

The cop is supposedly trained. As such, its obvious he had no control over the situation - a kid dancing in the street, and even less control over himself.

The cop murdered a kid for jay walking.

He deserves the death penalty though I don't know if Illinois has it.

I don't know what the exact circumstances were. But the negro had a knife. All knives are dangerous. Also, if he was just J walking, what were the other police doing there. And with the other police there, what do you think they were doing. Calling out suggestions like, "I don't think you should be waving that knife around!" Also, if you feel the need to shoot somebody, it doesn't make any difference how often you shoot at them. Because when you shoot at somebody, the objective is to kill them.
Was not more than 12 ft away, one lane of traffic........also didnt someone say he was shot in the back mostly....that doesnt seem to be the case either.........for all the time thats lapsed from event til now seems to be prosecution to appease the lynch mob instead of justice

It was actually delayed so Rahm Emmanuel could get elected again. True story!
Some say the best defence is a good offence. That aside, the cop was RIGHT to fire.

Under modern America jurisprudence, it doesn't work that way. Especially for LEOs.

Who was that man immeduately and directly threatening with his knife? Nobody was even within arms length of him and the officer hadn't been on scrne long enough to determine anything.

The cop could have been on the other side of the country and have known that the only good negro is a dead one.
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.
A negro? Like you are trying to reduce a man's humanity?
Why is it you equate being a negro with being less than human? You should get some help for your irrational, racist bigotry.

Somebody started a thread at this forum called, "Is racism bad? Tell me why." Find it and leave a reply. If I see it come up, I will reply to you. Though for now I can tell you that it is your brainwashed bigotry against bigotry that is irrational. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is you who heeds the help. Infortunately the best person to help you, who wrote the thread I mentioned, was banned. But I will take up the gauntlet. If you dare.
I'm being criticized for not being racist enough?

Not by me. At least not that I can remember. Though it is true that most people aren't racist enough.
hey Freemind :afro:, I think that you are kinda crazy !! Sounds like you have no real argument and are just emotional . You just don't like black people is my guess .

White people and non-white people need to be separated. Next, in a world of crazy people, it is the sane ones who are viewed as crazy. Also, I have given many real arguements. I think you're just to crazy to see them. Next, you're right. I don't like members of the species-sub species Homo africanus. Neither do I like mexicans-latinos, muslims, Jews or orientals.
. If you don't mind revealing, do you belong to an organization that promotes that? Are you a skinhead, for example, or do you hold these opinions privately?

No. I just promote that. And if anybody asked me about my opinions, I would tell them.
White people and non-white people need to be separated. Next, in a world of crazy people, it is the sane ones who are viewed as crazy. Also, I have given many real arguements. I think you're just to crazy to see them. Next, you're right. I don't like members of the species-sub species Homo africanus. Neither do I like mexicans-latinos, muslims, Jews or orientals.

Too bad, you were making a lot of sense earlier.

The government has no right to impose segregation nor to force segregation on anyone, IMO, but that is not what you seem to be advocating at all.

All of this country's problems, ALL OF THEM, can be laid at the feet of having to endure a multiethnic society. Next, the government doesn't have any right to impose non-segregation on anybody. But they do. Next, you are right. I don't support segregation. I am all about separation. For one example out of zillions, if Whites were separated from non-whites, there would be no need to sexually molest people or check their baggage at airports.
If you are going to tell me what many other people are saying, which is that he shot only because he was a "racist," I'm not buying it.

No. I think he was simply an overly enthusiastic, trigger happy moron who showed up on the scene and had decided what was going to happen before he got there.

When you show up on a scene where there is an armed negro causing trouble, it doesn't take very long to decide what to do.
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.
Murder one

It just isn't possible to murder an armed criminal. Now if the negroid had just been walking down the street and minding his own business, and the cop shot him then, THAT would have been murder. Even though black lives don't matter.
A 3" knife is not a weapon when its more than 20 feet away.

Indeed, going up against cop armed with a gun and a taser means the 3" knife was no weapon at all.

There were no calls for the kid to put the 3" knife down. There are no laws against a kid having a 3" knife.

It was an execution. Cop pulled up and within 30 seconds, started shooting. He could have shot him once. While that would have been way too much force under those circumstances, it certainly shows just how whacked that cop is.

The cop is supposedly trained. As such, its obvious he had no control over the situation - a kid dancing in the street, and even less control over himself.

The cop murdered a kid for jay walking.

He deserves the death penalty though I don't know if Illinois has it.
You don't know if there was a call for him to stop. Even if he did, he didn't have to pump 15 more shots once he was down and not a threat. Murder One is the right call.

You would convist somebody for nurder one because he didn't think he was a very good shot? It's no wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
A 3" knife is not a weapon when its more than 20 feet away.

Indeed, going up against cop armed with a gun and a taser means the 3" knife was no weapon at all.

There were no calls for the kid to put the 3" knife down. There are no laws against a kid having a 3" knife.

It was an execution. Cop pulled up and within 30 seconds, started shooting. He could have shot him once. While that would have been way too much force under those circumstances, it certainly shows just how whacked that cop is.

The cop is supposedly trained. As such, its obvious he had no control over the situation - a kid dancing in the street, and even less control over himself.

The cop murdered a kid for jay walking.

He deserves the death penalty though I don't know if Illinois has it.
You don't know if there was a call for him to stop. Even if he did, he didn't have to pump 15 more shots once he was down and not a threat. Murder One is the right call.
The DA has an uphill battle trying to prove intent. This seems to be a pattern, over charging cops in hopes of a complete acquital.
Good point. but I think he'll get the jury to agree. If it was a matter of a couple of shots, maybe some doubt. Sixteen shots? Nah, I think he's going down. Can you imagine the rioting in Chicago if he is found not guilty?

All the government has to do is mow the rioters down with a couple of those miltibarrel miniguns. That kind of bullshit is why OJ got aquitted. I say fuck'em all!
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The cop knows he wouldn't survive prison if he is in the general population. I can see him taking his own life.

They would probably just keep him in protected custody. Though from what I hear, most White people in prison don't do too well when being caged up with a bunch of pissed off monkeys.
I think it was a reasonable shooting. Does anyone really want that hoodlum walking the street high on PCP and wielding a knife? Honestly, that cop did us all a favor.
Reasonable Shooting??? He was not a threat to anyone after the first shot!
Really? How many Westerns have you been watching lately? It seems you think people die immediately after being shot.
The cops are told to shoot or tase them to neutralize them, so they are no longer a threat. Not kill them.

Tazing is a different matter. But when bullets start flying, nothing other than death is expected. Bullets are meant to be leathal.
There is no question that the tendency of comparatively good cops to defend the actions of the bad ones is largely responsible for the current anti-police atmosphere. But it's equally true that failure of Black community leaders, race pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and ordinary, decent, law-abiding Black people to criticize the actions of provocateurs as are seen below are sure to instigate future problems between young Black men and both Black and White cops.






It is easy to understand how some relatively peaceful young Black males will be mistreated by cops in the future because of the actions of belligerent n!ggers like these.
I seem to remember hearing of instances or laws that make it a crime for a homeowner to shoot a burgler.
Approximately half of the fifty states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut are a few, impose what is called a "duty to retreat" in situations where the defensive use of deadly force is an avoidable option. What this means is using deadly force when there is an option to peacefully remove from the threatening situation becomes a chargeable offense.

Fuck "duty to retreat." If such a thing even exists. I prefer the "stand your ground" laws that don't require you to run away. In fact, from what I hear, you are required by law in gay England to "run away" from trouble. Also, cops usually go by, "Protect and Serve." I don't think anybody meant that to mean to protect and serve criminals.
There is no question that the tendency of comparatively good cops to defend the actions of the bad ones is largely responsible for the current anti-police atmosphere. But it's equally true that failure of Black community leaders, race pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and ordinary, decent, law-abiding Black people to criticize the actions of provocateurs as are seen below are sure to instigate future problems between young Black men and both Black and White cops.






It is easy to understand how some relatively peaceful young Black males will be mistreated by cops in the future because of the actions of belligerent n!ggers like these.

I was watching something on the news once where some detectives were being attacked by a bunch of negros while investigating a shooting. Though a few of the other negros who were around were trying to stop them. In the background they also showed a White female reporter talking to some people. Some negro went up to her and punched her hard enough in the face to knock her down. There is a war going on. Fuck all the pussies out there who think the cop overreacted.
I worked at a at risk youth facility for years. We took kids down all the time.
If a bunch of fat ### cops can't take down a 150 lb unruly teenager, somethings wrong.
The cop even looked like a freak'n retard. Surprised he even had a job.
I don't know about murder, but the closest thing to it.

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