Cop Pointing Rifle At Ferguson Protestors: "I Will Fucking Kill You"

So is the gravity of this situation no sinking in for you dumb folks??
Who in their right mind challenges the cops??
Who tells the authorities there will be justice and them dictates what that justice consist of??
How many times do you have to threaten that cop to finally have it sink in that to the police officer it is a life or death situation and could make the difference of going home at the end of the night!!
Now If I were a cop, I would be impressing the seriousness of what I was telling you, that any incursion towards me or my team would get you shot .... now if you are defiant and insist on your course of action, I will repeatedly shoot your unarmed person until it stops it forward progression or until the threat is neutralized!!
All these fallacies about excessive force are just that, when it come to crowd control lethal force though not wanted will be used to ensure the safety of all law enforcement personnel!!

There we have it.
You can't hear those people yelling "DON'T THROW ANYTHING" ?

First you guys said they were rioting and looting in the video. But you couldn't find that in the video --- you lied.

Then you lied again and said there was a horde of people chasing the cop.

Now you lied again, as your implying that the journalist (who the terrorist pointed his gun at) was the one that threw the water bottle.

Did the journalist throw the water bottle? No. So why is the terrorist pointing his gun at him, instead of the guy that actually threw the partially empty water bottle.

Stop Lying.

Stop Lying.

Stop Lying.
How dare you call law enforcement terrorist.......
May you seriously need them one day and God willing they will be very slow to respond, after all you don't need them, do you??

I can guarantee if I took my 12 gauge and pointed it at a bunch of progressive MNSBC journalists, and then yelled "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you" I would be called a "Right Wing Terrorist."

Right? Wouldn't that make me a terrorist? Using aggressive force to achieve a political goal?

Why is it any different for the Police?


Those aren't police boy. That's an invasion force of OATHBREAKERS with equipment from Falluhjah, making War on the American People, making them traitors under Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution.

Every Oathbreaker will hang, just like the Nazis at Nuremburg. Just you wait boy.

Why is it any different for Police? Wow, how do you answer such silly questions?

Your comment about if it were you is also silliness, because you are not a cop make the question nonsense.

SUE EM DUDE - When it's your family being held captive by a group of freaking criminals, and swat shows up with a APC, you will be begging for the OATHBREAKERS help.

End of story.
At some point you have to speak to animals in the only languagr they understand.

Saying "please sir, step back a little" works for most of us civil people. Like tea party folks who protested like adults.

But these animals only understand violence. Back the fuck up. If your crowd of thugs rushes me ill drop your ass.

THAT they understand.

The fact that you refer to people as animals is precisely why I'm glad you are no longer on anyone's police force.

The reference to animals was prompted by the thugs aggressive actions and attitude........
We only call em like we see em, if you did not act as animals the similarities would not be noted and the statement would not be made......
So is the gravity of this situation no sinking in for you dumb folks??
Who in their right mind challenges the cops??
Who tells the authorities there will be justice and them dictates what that justice consist of??
How many times do you have to threaten that cop to finally have it sink in that to the police officer it is a life or death situation and could make the difference of going home at the end of the night!!
Now If I were a cop, I would be impressing the seriousness of what I was telling you, that any incursion towards me or my team would get you shot .... now if you are defiant and insist on your course of action, I will repeatedly shoot your unarmed person until it stops it forward progression or until the threat is neutralized!!
All these fallacies about excessive force are just that, when it come to crowd control lethal force though not wanted will be used to ensure the safety of all law enforcement personnel!!

There we have it.

Any reasonable or prudent person would have followed that course of action given those circumstances ......
Yes, there you have it a reasonable and sane view point I did not see you countering!!
You can't hear those people yelling "DON'T THROW ANYTHING" ?

First you guys said they were rioting and looting in the video. But you couldn't find that in the video --- you lied.

Then you lied again and said there was a horde of people chasing the cop.

Now you lied again, as your implying that the journalist (who the terrorist pointed his gun at) was the one that threw the water bottle.

Did the journalist throw the water bottle? No. So why is the terrorist pointing his gun at him, instead of the guy that actually threw the partially empty water bottle.

Stop Lying.

Stop Lying.

Stop Lying.

No one is lying.

We have no idea, because the video is not directed at whoever is throwing whatever it was they were throwing.

I can't see any of the people you are referring to as "journalists" in the video until the very end.

And neither can you.

You have no idea what is happening there.

And once again...if people are breaking the law, like throwing objects at police officers, they are NOT protesting, they are rioting.

And rioting is NOT Constitutionally protected.

Nothing you could possibly post changes that truth.
I can guarantee if I took my 12 gauge and pointed it at a bunch of progressive MNSBC journalists, and then yelled "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you" I would be called a "Right Wing Terrorist."

Right? Wouldn't that make me a terrorist? Using aggressive force to achieve a political goal?

Why is it any different for the Police?


Seems like you need a little context here, you act as if either act occurs in a vacuum.....
Police have the "job" of "serving and protecting" the citizens by enforcing laws, sometimes requiring the use of deadly force.....

The journalist and others were told to back off in a tense situation, defying that order even in the pursuit of journalism is not only stupid but could be deadly ..........
Now you next stupid statement would be "you would shoot a journalist??".

Yes give that context and knowing that if we define all journalist as non combatants and deem them innocuous there will be some ass hole somewhere who dons a journalist costume and proceeds to do massive damage to LEO's......

So you understand journalist are not bullet proof and should follow law enforcements directions, at least it was well documented and the officer was well within HIS RIGHTS to self protection ........ clearly evident to all commanders and IAD, that cop will not be persecuted one moment for his actions as well he should not be.

Now you think you are so intelligent give me one scenario that would allow you as a citizen to posses a shot gun in public and point it at anyone.........
A citizen who owns property in some states have the right to aim a loaded weapon at you in the protection of their property but that right ends at their property lines.

So now I will patiently wait for your response .....
The police aren't trained to go through night after night of warfare. He obviously had reached the end of his tether.

The answer is to start giving the police real military training. To militarize the police so to speak.

Fk yeah, that's it.

Let's go ahead and, under the guise of Homeland Security, go ahead and give every town with a population of 10K and up an armored personnel carrier, too.

Oh. Wait.
Is that what you supported at the Bundy ranch? Federal agents intimidating the ranch occupants with massive force to avoid escalation?

How are the two different?

Oh, Bundy lives in Missouri and was burning down Kwik Trips?

Loons will be loons

Cliven Bundy is a criminal who has been trespassing on land that isn't his for the last 20 years despite multiple court injunctions telling him to get off. Finally the feds sent their gestapo out there to remove him. All you tea party types ran to his defense, some literally with guns slung over their shoulders to stop it. Bundy and the protester on his ranch were called heroes and patriots. The BLM used over zealous force against some of them as well and you were all rightly outraged about it.

Flash forward a year and we have a bunch of protesters in the ghetto taking to the streets. Aside from the few isolated acts of looting and violence, the vast majority of these people have not been threatening or violent and aren't even brandishing weapons the way the Bundy protesters were and these people are getting treated far worse. What's the reaction from the tea party crowd this? They're animals and thugs.

There is a difference between the two, alright. The Bundy people are good ole white folk and the Ferguson people are mostly black.
At some point you have to speak to animals in the only languagr they understand.

Saying "please sir, step back a little" works for most of us civil people. Like tea party folks who protested like adults.

But these animals only understand violence. Back the fuck up. If your crowd of thugs rushes me ill drop your ass.

THAT they understand.

The fact that you refer to people as animals is precisely why I'm glad you are no longer on anyone's police force.

The reference to animals was prompted by the thugs aggressive actions and attitude........
We only call em like we see em, if you did not act as animals the similarities would not be noted and the statement would not be made......

Exactly right. If you put plates of food out, and unleash a bunch of wild dogs, but tell the dogs NO you cant have it............the dogs will fight and eat and hump and piss all over the place.

So when HUMANS go out and riot, and smash stuff, and steal what isn't theirs, and burn shit and impregnate random females...........THEY ARE ACTING LIKE ANIMALS.

Fuck 'em. I'm tired of using kid gloves to describe the criminal element.
The Bundy people and supporters didn't ride into Las Vegas and riot and smash and burn stores. They also never took a shot at cops or threw burning bottles at them.

Kinda different. I don't agree with the Bundy crowd but they didn't act like this.
Is that what you supported at the Bundy ranch? Federal agents intimidating the ranch occupants with massive force to avoid escalation?

How are the two different?

Oh, Bundy lives in Missouri and was burning down Kwik Trips?

Loons will be loons

Cliven Bundy is a criminal who has been trespassing on land that isn't his for the last 20 years despite multiple court injunctions telling him to get off. Finally the feds sent their gestapo out there to remove him. All you tea party types ran to his defense, some literally with guns slung over their shoulders to stop it. Bundy and the protester on his ranch were called heroes and patriots. The BLM used over zealous force against some of them as well and you were all rightly outraged about it.

Flash forward a year and we have a bunch of protesters in the ghetto taking to the streets. Aside from the few isolated acts of looting and violence, the vast majority of these people have not been threatening or violent and aren't even brandishing weapons the way the Bundy protesters were and these people are getting treated far worse. What's the reaction from the tea party crowd this? They're animals and thugs.

There is a difference between the two, alright. The Bundy people are good ole white folk and the Ferguson people are mostly black.

Do you see these people with any of their children, sitting in lawn chairs like the people in Nevada did? No.
The ones who are walking and protesting during the day are a totally different crowd and they are being treated differently than the ones who come in at night and are destroying local businesses. The vast majority of them don't even live there.
Cliven Bundy is a criminal who has been trespassing on land that isn't his for the last 20 years despite multiple court injunctions telling him to get off. Finally the feds sent their gestapo out there to remove him. All you tea party types ran to his defense, some literally with guns slung over their shoulders to stop it. Bundy and the protester on his ranch were called heroes and patriots. The BLM used over zealous force against some of them as well and you were all rightly outraged about it.

Flash forward a year and we have a bunch of protesters in the ghetto taking to the streets. Aside from the few isolated acts of looting and violence, the vast majority of these people have not been threatening or violent and aren't even brandishing weapons the way the Bundy protesters were and these people are getting treated far worse. What's the reaction from the tea party crowd this? They're animals and thugs.

There is a difference between the two, alright. The Bundy people are good ole white folk and the Ferguson people are mostly black.

I can come up a slew of differences off the top of my head.

The Bundy protests were peaceful protests.

At the Bundy protests, no one threw anything at law enforcement.

At the Bundy protests, no one advanced threateningly on law enforcement.

At the Bundy protests, there was no looting.

At the Bundy protests, there was no arson.

At the Bundy protests, no civilians were shot by other civilians.

At the Bundy protests, no one SHOT at law enforcement.

At the Bundy protests, no boneheaded higher up thought it would be a fantastic idea for the police to discard their protective equipment, setting law enforcement on edge.
That is very disturbing. More than likely the cop had been out there too long. If they have state police, and plenty of manpower, looks to me like they need to rotate shifts much more often.

Bottom line, while there is no excuse for violent protesters, there's not much of an excuse for this cop as well.

All's this sort of thing does, is make it much easier to believe they would shoot unarmed citizens like Brown without just cause.

Agreed, these police are under intense pressure, and it continues. Some of this was courtesy of their chief....matters not. More arrests necessary, lock up those USING the death of Michael Brown to steal and destroy.
Not a very acceptable comment, for sure. He clearly needs a break.

I would be curious to see the part of the video which led up to that officer feeling the need to raise his gun.

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