Cop Pointing Rifle At Ferguson Protestors: "I Will Fucking Kill You"

Militarized response leading to tragedy. 'Twas ever thus. And the hard core Conservatives will sit back and applaud so long as shots are fired and innocent civilians die.

Tired? You seem to be stretching?
I do not seek to divide. The militarization of local police forces divides. The unwillingness to accept that fact divides. Armed forces in communities divides. Hyper aggressive police tactics divides.

When was the last time, or the only time rolling in armored personnel carriers with automatic weapons bristling from them has served to calm tensions and produce a just and peaceful outcome? Chicago 1968? Kent Ohio 1970? Ferguson Missouri 2014?

I agree that the militarization of the police is a bad thing.

But this situation that has had over a week of rioting, looting and violence has everyone on edge, to include the cops. People need to be a little more understanding all around, and the pricks that kept walking all around this cop agitating him are lucky that they didn't get shot. The cops have the right to tell you to back off during a period of unrest and violence as in such situations THEY BECOME PRIMARY TARGETS OF CRIMINALS AND AGITATORS. It isn't rocket science to figger it out, bro.
But protesting is. Was this cop in the process of dealing with Looting, arson, robbery, breaking and entering? No.

So that leaves illegal assembly, blocking sidewalks, obstructing traffic, violating curfew, disturbing the peace. Which of these require a threat of deadly force?

You're too childish to continue trying to have a conversation with.
What's your position in taking threads off topic when you begin to lose?

What is the difference in the two situations?

You said:

Better to intimidate than to allow an escalation resulting in an actual live fire.

Is that what you supported at the Bundy ranch? Federal agents intimidating the ranch occupants with massive force to avoid escalation?

How are the two different?
You're too childish to continue trying to have a conversation with.
Then fuck off.
The cop should IMMEDIATELY be removed from duty. Period

Civil disobedience, whether I agree with it or not, is NOT punishable by death.

I have disobeyed direct police orders & never once had my life threatened verbally.

I support the police but not rogue actions by individuals who CLEARLY aren't stable enough to wear a badge.
The cop should IMMEDIATELY be removed from duty. Period

Civil disobedience, whether I agree with it or not, is NOT punishable by death.

I have disobeyed direct police orders & never once had my life threatened verbally.

I support the police but not rogue actions by individuals who CLEARLY aren't stable enough to wear a badge.

I disagree with you, he was simply making the seriousness of the situation evident. Did you see he was backed by others, he was not a lone individual, he was in a group.
Orders that you will be shot will not harm you and intimidation is a non violent and non lethal form of crowd control!!

Grow up and act like an adult, these are not snot nozed teens who have committed some kind of minor party foul!!
I disagree with you, he was simply making the seriousness of the situation evident. Did you see he was backed by others, he was not a lone individual, he was in a group.
Orders that you will be shot will not harm you and intimidation is a non violent and non lethal form of crowd control!!

Grow up and act like an adult, these are not snot nozed teens who have committed some kind of minor party foul!!
I am fully grown but thanks for the childish rebuke
The cop should IMMEDIATELY be removed from duty. Period

Civil disobedience, whether I agree with it or not, is NOT punishable by death.

I have disobeyed direct police orders & never once had my life threatened verbally.

I support the police but not rogue actions by individuals who CLEARLY aren't stable enough to wear a badge.

A common thug tactic is to have one or tow guys approaching you, into your personal zone, but being friendly or acting like they aren't even aware of you, but holding your attention, while another of their team comes up to you low and gets on their hands and knees just behind you. You never see them, then the previously friendly guys suddenly turn and push you over the kneeling buddy and you are on you back, in shock and getting stomped to death.

I would bet that the cops were telling each other about such incidents that happened in these passed few days and they have EVERY R?IG?HT and AUTHORITY to order ass holes to BACK OFF.

These dicks are lucky.
I am fully grown but thanks for the childish rebuke
you are quite welcome sir, most of the time we are on the same side of the fence, but in this case I feel you are wrong and have voiced my childish opinion now, but at least you and everyone else is aware of it!!
Tired? You seem to be stretching?
I use the massacre at Kent State, the police riot at Chicago in 1968 and the hyper aggressive police tactics in Ferguson as examples of how militarizing the police or exhibiting aggressive and unwarranted military tactics in civilian applications as poor thinking resulting in the exact opposite resolution sought.
I agree that the militarization of the police is a bad thing.

But this situation that has had over a week of rioting, looting and violence has everyone on edge, to include the cops. People need to be a little more understanding all around, and the pricks that kept walking all around this cop agitating him are lucky that they didn't get shot. The cops have the right to tell you to back off during a period of unrest and violence as in such situations THEY BECOME PRIMARY TARGETS OF CRIMINALS AND AGITATORS. It isn't rocket science to figger it out, bro.
It seems like a chicken and egg situation. Had the Ferguson cops NOT applied military tactics to a civilian situation, do you think that the civilians would have garnered some respect and support for the police? Had the Ferguson cops, who were already held in contempt for the shooting and then the iron fisted response NOT continued their repression of the citizens, could the citizens then start to believe that the Ferguson cops were there to 'protect and serve'?
The Ferguson terrorists are learning from the ISIS terrorists. How long before they behead someone from CNN?

The scene was witnessed by Infowars reporter Joe Biggs who was also filming the incident. The clip shows a Ferguson Terrorist with his gun raised pointing it directly at a citizen journalist who was live streaming at the time.

“Oh my God, gun raised, gun raised,” states the journalist, before Biggs remarks, “gun pointed.”

“My hands are up bro, my hands are up,” states the journalist before the terrorist responds, “I’m going to f***ing kill you, get back, get back!”

“You’re going to kill him?” asks another individual before the journalist asks, “did he just threaten to kill me?”

When the terrorist is asked for his name he responds, “go fuck yourself.”
It seems like a chicken and egg situation. Had the Ferguson cops NOT applied military tactics to a civilian situation, do you think that the civilians would have garnered some respect and support for the police? Had the Ferguson cops, who were already held in contempt for the shooting and then the iron fisted response NOT continued their repression of the citizens, could the citizens then start to believe that the Ferguson cops were there to 'protect and serve'?

Once again you would like us all to believe the cops are the villains here ......
The governor via Capt. Ron Johnson stood the State patrol down and there was looting and rioting, so please do not patronize us by asking us to believe your stance!!
How much of lawlessness do you tolerate when it comes to your property??
Why have all of you made this your business, though you know nothing of the facts that the media has not spoon fed you, right up to and including conflicting reports??
Your Liberal thought process of "don't be so hard on the thugs" is absurd to say the least!!
The Ferguson terrorists are learning from the ISIS terrorists. How long before they behead someone from CNN?

How dare you call law enforcement terrorist.......
May you seriously need them one day and God willing they will be very slow to respond, after all you don't need them, do you??
The police aren't trained to go through night after night of warfare. He obviously had reached the end of his tether.

The answer is to start giving the police real military training. To militarize the police so to speak.

The Ferguson terrorists are learning from the ISIS terrorists. How long before they behead someone from CNN?

Then they are no longer a civilian peace keeping force you fucktard.
Once again you would like us all to believe the cops are the villains here ......
The governor via Capt. Ron Johnson stood the State patrol down and there was looting and rioting, so please do not patronize us by asking us to believe your stance!!
How much of lawlessness do you tolerate when it comes to your property??
Why have all of you made this your business, though you know nothing of the facts that the media has not spoon fed you, right up to and including conflicting reports??
Your Liberal thought process of "don't be so hard on the thugs" is absurd to say the least!!
How much lawlessness should citizens tolerate from the police force that allegedly is in the community to protect and serve?

Is it possible, at the very least, that police tactics enflamed the situation?
I do not seek to divide. The militarization of local police forces divides. The unwillingness to accept that fact divides. Armed forces in communities divides. Hyper aggressive police tactics divides.

When was the last time, or the only time rolling in armored personnel carriers with automatic weapons bristling from them has served to calm tensions and produce a just and peaceful outcome? Chicago 1968? Kent Ohio 1970? Ferguson Missouri 2014?

Los Angeles 1992. It took the national guard armed with real guns and Koreans armed with real guns to end the riot.

Before that Los Angeles 1965. The National guard had tanks rolling through the streets. That ended the riot.

A few years ago the Staples riot never really got going because armored personnel carriers bristling with weapons came out almost immediately.
How much lawlessness should citizens tolerate from the police force that allegedly is in the community to protect and serve?

Is it possible, at the very least, that police tactics enflamed the situation?

Who would you prefer to see in charge if not the police??
Local, County and State police were all represented, as well as the national guard who protected police stations while LEO's were all on crowd control.

Your democratic governor has a hot line to dictate policy and State to enforce..... still last time I checked all those LEO's looked like they were one unified group having each of their fellow officers back ....... would you like to wager on that same life or death type dependencies with your fellow thugs in the crowd?? I mean after all if the bullets start flying, just as the cops, all of your fellow brethren will stand and fight for you and others right??

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