Cop Pointing Rifle At Ferguson Protestors: "I Will Fucking Kill You"

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It's astonishing how much hate conservatives spew about Communist regimes and yet they have so much in common with them.
A non authoritarian state would just let the vandals and looters run wild and do anything they want. This naturally puts the law abiding citizens under oppression. But it's not state oppression. In lib land this is somehow better.

That is what the democratic governor ordered done, that night there was looting and stealing from business's.
Calls to the police had the authorities advising owners to arm themselves and protect their own business.

Thank You GOD, this is the single greatest event for gun right advocates since the invention of the assault weapon!!
Thanks to this , you gun nuts will never get our guns.....
It takes a bunch of rioting ******* to shoot the same liberals in the foot that would take our guns away!!
Thank you Ferguson rabble for your contribution to our fight!!
I saw that.

His termination should be immediate and charges of assault filed.

I disagree. The man was surrounded by milling protesters walking all around him who refused to obey instructions and back off. The man is obviously fatigued, frightened and stressed out which is EXACTLY WHAT THE PROTESTERS ARE GOING FOR. Only they don't think the cop might fire, though the leaders of the protest know it is a huge possibility and they hope a cop does make that mistake so they can exploit the media attention it would get.

We are being manipulated by so many different parties in this Fergusun fiasco that it boggles the mind. From advertisement hawking corporations or the provocative ass hole journalists who are deliberately antagonizing the cops to get a money shot, to the racists in the Political Identity movement who merely hope to make more and more Americans lose faith in their government and political system.

We the public need to stay a step back and not base judgments on short video clips of people in situations that we do not fully know about yet.
A non authoritarian state would just let the vandals and looters run wild and do anything they want. This naturally puts the law abiding citizens under oppression. But it's not state oppression. In lib land this is somehow better.

That is simply not true. A nonauthoritarian state can implement short term martial law until the situation is stabilized then remove it. Authoritarians do not ever end the state of emergency, kind of like our endless war against terror these days.
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I disagree. The man was surrounded by milling protesters walking all around him who refused to obey instructions and back off. The man is obviously fatigued, frightened and stressed out which is EXACTLY WHAT THE PROTESTERS ARE GOING FOR. Only they don't think the cop might fire, though the leaders of the protest know it is a huge possibility and they hope a cop does make that mistake so they can exploit the media attention it would get.

We are being manipulated by so many different parties in this Fergusun fiasco that it boggles the mind. From advertisement hawking corporations or the provocative ass hole journalists who are deliberately antagonizing the cops to get a money shot, to the racists in the Political Identity movement who merely hope to make more and more Americans lose faith in their government and political system.

We the public need to stay a step back and not base judgments on short video clips of people in situations that we do not fully know about yet.

Unless he was under the threat of assault, which he was not, his actions were completely unwarranted and are precisely indicative of the problem we have with unqualified, militarized police today. The man clearly does not have the mental capacity to be sanctioned with a license to kill by the government and he should be immediately removed from duty permanently.
I disagree. The man was surrounded by milling protesters walking all around him who refused to obey instructions and back off. The man is obviously fatigued, frightened and stressed out which is EXACTLY WHAT THE PROTESTERS ARE GOING FOR. Only they don't think the cop might fire, though the leaders of the protest know it is a huge possibility and they hope a cop does make that mistake so they can exploit the media attention it would get.

We are being manipulated by so many different parties in this Fergusun fiasco that it boggles the mind. From advertisement hawking corporations or the provocative ass hole journalists who are deliberately antagonizing the cops to get a money shot, to the racists in the Political Identity movement who merely hope to make more and more Americans lose faith in their government and political system.

We the public need to stay a step back and not base judgments on short video clips of people in situations that we do not fully know about yet.

And he never was forced to use actual force. He and the protesters all went home alive.

They can it what they want

Making a mountain out of a molehill is best left to children.
So having a government issued badge gives you the right to indiscriminately threaten to kill people? Gotcha. One more so called small government conservative who loves the authoritarian police state. Remember, you said it's no big deal

Lol, yeah, like all the rioting and looting going on and the people simply ignoring his commands to back off have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION?

You hate cops so you shit on them. That is about all it amounts to.
Of course, they don't, but feel free to keep making false claims.
Don't be ridiculous.
Have you heard of disturbing the peace? blocking a sidewalk? blocking traffic? trespassing? violating curfew?..All illegal...You don't understand the first amendment and how it works...but that's fine. You clearly don't want to.
That is simply not true. A nonauthoritarian state can implement short term martial law until the situation is stabilized then remove it. Authoritarians do not ever end the state of emergency, kind of like our endless war against terror these days.

Oh martial law, so we give soldiers not police officers the guns??
You really don't understand the concept of having two different forces do you??

Police were seen as a sensitive version of soldiers.......
Have you not followed the conversation about the border and rick perry??

Those conversations in particular where they talk about national guard troops not being trained to do law enforcement work??
Seems like soldiers take orders, they don't make many decisions.........
The police on the other hand have to asses the situation, make a determination if there has been a law violated and then, take appropriate action.......
Unless he was under the threat of assault, which he was not, ....

No, his commands for the to back off were because their walking all around him DID IN FACT CONSTITUTE a THREAT TO HIS LIFE. There were and will continue to be violent people using the demonstrators as cover for their looting and assaults. The cop knows this and that any one of these people could slip in behind him, so he ordered them to back off and they refused. The video shows them walking all around the guy while he is tell them to back off.

You really hate cops. Did one of them bust you and take you stash or something equally heinous and unforgivable, dude?
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Losing the argument huh?

I haven't lost anything. Just making a realistic observation. This kind of behavior we are seeing from law enforcement is the kind of behavior we see in Communist and dictatorial regimes, not in first world republics, and certainly not something that should be happening in the "freest" nation in the world. Conservative claim to believe in small government and yet you have so much in common with those regimes.
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No, his commands for the to back off were because their walking all around him DID IN FACT CONSTITUTE a THREAT TO HIS LIFE.

No, it doesn't. The people have a right to assemble as stated in Constitution. I walk around people all the time and none of their lives are threatened.
Oh martial law, so we give soldiers not police officers the guns??
You really don't understand the concept of having two different forces do you??

Police were seen as a sensitive version of soldiers.......
Have you not followed the conversation about the border and rick perry??

Those conversations in particular where they talk about national guard troops not being trained to do law enforcement work??
Seems like soldiers take orders, they don't make many decisions.........
The police on the other hand have to asses the situation, make a determination if there has been a law violated and then, take appropriate action.......

Dude, yes, I understand the difference between police officers and the military and have posted quite a bit about it here, should you bother to look any of my past posts up.

But when there is martial law or a situation that is unstable, violent and the officer feels it a threat, he can tell a crowd to back the hell up and they need to do so. These people simply ignored the cop and walked all around him.

He exercised huge restraint by accepting the threat to his safety under the circumstances and not shooting them. IMO. These arrogant fucktards that kept walking toward him and around him were deliberately provoking him and agitating the cop.
I haven't lost anything. Just making a realistic observation. This kind of behavior we are seeing from law enforcement is the kind of behavior we see in Communist and dictatorial regimes, not in first world republics, and certainly not something that should be happening in the "freest" nation in the world. Conservative claim to believe in small government and yet you have so much in common with those regimes.

Just how the fuck do you think they should control that crowd??
Do you want them just to hug it out faggot??

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