Cop Pointing Rifle At Ferguson Protestors: "I Will Fucking Kill You"

No, it doesn't. The people have a right to assemble as stated in Constitution. I walk around people all the time and none of their lives are threatened.

The right to assemble and every other right is not without limit, and not capable of being suspended for short periods of time.

Lol, you act like the police don't have the authority to arrest you or something, lol.

Militarized response leading to tragedy. 'Twas ever thus. And the hard core Conservatives will sit back and applaud so long as shots are fired and innocent civilians die.
Keeping order does not include death threats. That is just asinine. That is how shit gets out of hand.

He was trying to give them due warning.

No one got shot; it worked. I findit interesting that you have no issues with the idiots who were ignoring the cops orders to back off. They had every right to just fuck with that guy amidst rioting and looting? lol
Just how the fuck do you think they should control that crowd??
Do you want them just to hug it out faggot??

What violent behavior did you see in that video that needed to be controlled?

Militarized response leading to tragedy. 'Twas ever thus. And the hard core Conservatives will sit back and applaud so long as shots are fired and innocent civilians die.

Another example of how ideologues like you try to polarize the public.

No one is applauding anyone getting shot. Some have a dark sense of humor but everyone here wishes this shit never happened except for ideologues like you who see the opportunity to divide and create hatred.
He was trying to give them due warning.

No one got shot; it worked. I findit interesting that you have no issues with the idiots who were ignoring the cops orders to back off. They had every right to just fuck with that guy amidst rioting and looting? lol

Pointing a rifle at someone and threatening to kill them simply for walking by is not a due warning. It's a terroristic threat and every single one of us would be in jail right now if we did it.
That is simply not true. A nonauthoritarian state can implement short term martial law until the situation is stabilized then remove it. Authoritarians do not ever end the state of emergency, kind of like our endless war against terror these days.
Have they instituted Martial Law? No.
What violent behavior did you see in that video that needed to be controlled?

It was the WHOLE SITUATION, not the short clip's narrow perspective.

But ideologues like you love viewing the world through short video clips; its so easy to manipulate by inventing the context.
Yeah, can't be emboldening people to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Unless they are wingnuts wanting to carry their guns around in the open, at churches, elementary schools, bars, hospitals...

Right, wingnut?
Looting, arson, robbery, breaking and entering, illegal assembly, blocking sidewalks, obstructing traffic, violating curfew, disturbing the peace are not constitutional rights.
Pointing a rifle at someone and threatening to kill them simply for walking by is not a due warning. It's a terroristic threat and every single one of us would be in jail right now if we did it.

With the rioting and looting going on gives that cop the right to order the crowd back and they should have complied but they, like you, are itching for a fight and WANT the cops to shoot some innocent so they can wave the bloody shirt and cry havoc.

It seems that now we see the ideologues response to Dorian Johnson recanting his story and Officer Wilson being exhonerated. You will change the subject to the trumped up accounts of police misbehavior you can puke up on the gullible and ignorant.
This is the sort of thing that can undermine the credibility of the whole police force.
I'm certain this officer was probably under tremendous stress, but this is taking things too far.
It's one thing to order people off the street, sidewalk, whatever, but all's this kind of policing will do is divide things even further.

I'm going to think the best, and assume this is a rogue situation.
Looting, arson, robbery, breaking and entering, illegal assembly, blocking sidewalks, obstructing traffic, violating curfew, disturbing the peace are not constitutional rights.
But protesting is. Was this cop in the process of dealing with Looting, arson, robbery, breaking and entering? No.

So that leaves illegal assembly, blocking sidewalks, obstructing traffic, violating curfew, disturbing the peace. Which of these require a threat of deadly force?
No, it doesn't. The people have a right to assemble as stated in Constitution. I walk around people all the time and none of their lives are threatened.

They have all kinds of rights, but the rights are nearly all restricted in one way or another.

I could explain the "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater" saying, but young children just refuse to understand.
But protesting is. Was this cop in the process of dealing with Looting, arson, robbery, breaking and entering? No.

So that leaves illegal assembly, blocking sidewalks, obstructing traffic, violating curfew, disturbing the peace. Which of these require a threat of deadly force?

Do you cry every time you get yelled at?

Intimidation always beats use of force.

Get it?
Another example of how ideologues like you try to polarize the public.

No one is applauding anyone getting shot. Some have a dark sense of humor but everyone here wishes this shit never happened except for ideologues like you who see the opportunity to divide and create hatred.
I do not seek to divide. The militarization of local police forces divides. The unwillingness to accept that fact divides. Armed forces in communities divides. Hyper aggressive police tactics divides.

When was the last time, or the only time rolling in armored personnel carriers with automatic weapons bristling from them has served to calm tensions and produce a just and peaceful outcome? Chicago 1968? Kent Ohio 1970? Ferguson Missouri 2014?

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