Cop Sexually Assaults Teen Still Has Law Enforcement Certification


Apr 14, 2015
Cop Sexually Assaults Teen Still Has Law Enforcement Certification

by Justin King | The Fifth Column News
April 16, 2015

Cory Cooper, rapist cop let go with a slap on the wrist.

Omaha, Nebraska (TFC) – A cop took a deal in relation to charges of sexually assaulting a teenage girl and will not receive a felony conviction, will not have to register as a sex offender, will only serve a year in jail, and still currently has his law enforcement certification.

The rapist cop used a small amount of marijuana found during a traffic stop to extort a young lady into performing sexual acts. The officer made her boyfriend walk down to a nearby lake and wait for him to finish assaulting the girl. The former deputy, Cory Cooper, is 31 years old. The victim is 19.

The plea deal means he won’t have to go to trial on the charge of first-degree sexual assault. That was a felony that could have landed him in prison for twenty-five years. Instead, he’ll go to a jail where he knows the staff and will be protected from other inmates who would typically provide some form of ....

It might be wise to remember the name of the prosecutor that protected the thin blue line as well. That name is Don Kleine.

Full Story:

Cop Sexually Assaults Teen Still Has Law Enforcement Certification The Fifth Column

So.... what is justice? Does this lightweight, feeble-minded attempt at justice work for you? F*k, I can't believe how lightly they treat these blue-suited perps. If this was you or I, they would throw us under the prison.

We will never defeat this goddamn tyranny as long as we allow TPTB to protect these scumbag enforcers...
Very sick and outrageous how cops are given light sentences when they commit felonies that would land you and I in prison for hard time.

In regard to the LEO certification, it means nothing. Having a certification doesn't mean that any law enforcement agency will hire him and if he isn't hired, he has no police powers. Nobody is going to hire this asshole.
It's BS like this that brings about vigilantism.
Very sick and outrageous how cops are given light sentences when they commit felonies that would land you and I in prison for hard time.

In regard to the LEO certification, it means nothing. Having a certification doesn't mean that any law enforcement agency will hire him and if he isn't hired, he has no police powers. Nobody is going to hire this asshole.

Sick, but not unexpected. And it's not a cop thing. It's just a human thing. There's a kneejerk reaction for people to protect "their own".
Sick, but not unexpected. And it's not a cop thing. It's just a human thing. There's a kneejerk reaction for people to protect "their own".

Cops covering their own goes far beyond the ordinary because these jokers carry police powers. That is, quite literally, the power of life and death with almost zero accountability.
Sick, but not unexpected. And it's not a cop thing. It's just a human thing. There's a kneejerk reaction for people to protect "their own".

Cops covering their own goes far beyond the ordinary because these jokers carry police powers. That is, quite literally, the power of life and death with almost zero accountability.

Thankfully nearly everyone has a video camera at their disposal these days. Cops are finding it harder to get away with the shit they used to. Hell, you can't even plant a taser right next to the guy you just shot to make it look like he pulled it on you without some bystander webcasting it all over. It's getting tough to be a cop these days.
I'd like to know if the prosecutor explained to her what the "equivalent of six months in jail" really means before she agreed. This scumbag will probably going to go check himself in every Saturday morning, spend the weekend in a cell, check himself out and go home.

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