Cop who obtained warrant for Breonna's residence LIED to obtain it

Political witch-hunt by people who can't accept the grand jury's finding.
There is no witch hunt, let alone a political one. Just a search for the truth and an attempt to obtain a measure of justice.

Or maybe you can explain to us non-cops why it is more egregious that the bullets fired by officer Brett Hankison endangered the lives of Taylor's neighbors as opposed to the rounds that actually killed Breonna Taylor, so much so that the harm of death that they inflicted upon her didn't even warrant mention?
...again, you people are so obsessed with race it warps your minds = you believe a news station vs the grand jury--which had ALL the evidence
Believe it or not, if it was you in this scenario instead of Breonna Taylor, my position would be no different.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.
You don't know that to be true. You're basically stating that had they not freaked out because someone kicked in their door that everything else would have gone smoothly when no-knock warrants are generally always a crap shoot.

And speaking of such, what provisions do your agencies provide your officers when the occupants of the dwelling they breach start shooting at them because as far as the occupants are concerned the people breaking in are unlawful intruders.
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A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

Burglers usually don't have battering rams for the front door.

But regardless... what you are complaining about, is not relevant to the case at hand. The question is, did officers intentionally shoot to kill Breonna Taylor. The answer is no.

Now if you want to claim we shouldn't have plain clothes police officers... you can make that case.
If you want to complain about no-knock warrants... you can make that case.

But regardless of either of those... police had no intention of killing anyone. They were not at that premises, because they were asking each other, where can we randomly kill people, and Taylor's apartment was picked at by throwing darts at a layout of local apartments or something.

They were serving a warrant.

You can even make the case if you wish, that the warrant is questionable. But once the warrant is given, and the police execute that warrant, the police are doing nothing wrong.

Nor were they doing anything wrong, by shooting back, when they were shot at.

I'm all in favor of people hashing out all these other external issues.

But as it relates to the question of "racism", and "Cops kill people".... there is no valid argument to make here.

The police had a legal warrant. They legally executed the warrant. They were fired upon, and they fired back.

That's it!.... The end. No complaint to be made here. Not saying you can't complain, but you are just wrong.
If everything was "legally executed" then why did the city settle a wrongful death claim with her family for 12 million dollars? It's a rhetorical question, I don't expect you to answer because the answer is "the police f____d up".
Political witch-hunt by people who can't accept the grand jury's finding.
There is no witch hunt, let alone a political one. Just a search for the truth and an attempt to obtain a measure of justice.

Or maybe you can explain to us non-cops why it is more egregious that the bullets fired by officer Brett Hankison endangered the lives of Taylor's neighbors as opposed to the rounds that actually killed Breonna Taylor, so much so that the harm of death that they inflicted upon her didn't even warrant mention?

Have you ever read a question, only to realize it's not even a good question to ask?

Taylor was killed because her boyfriend fired at police.

Police, like all people.... have a right to shoot back, when they are being shot at. If you are dumb enough to stand behind someone who is shooting at police, you are likely going to be shot.

That's how this works. If you shoot at people.. people can shoot back.

The reason the one officer was dinged, was that he freaked out, and started firing everywhere. You can't do that.

You shooting at me, doesn't mean I can start spraying the neighborhood with bullets.

But, it does mean I can shoot back at you, and if someone is behind you and they get hit, that's actually your fault since you caused me to fire back at you.
You're assuming 1) you wouldn't be incapacitated by my first shot and would even have the ability to fire back at me, and 2) that I wouldn't have the lawful authority to fire on you in the first place and that you would be the one in the wrong by firing back and shooting someone other than myself who was standing beyond your intended target.

Every single time, you always assume the position of the good guy and cast me as the bad guy. You really shouldn't assume that you know what other people are about or make assumptions about their character or abilities.
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
Political witch-hunt by people who can't accept the grand jury's finding.
There is no witch hunt, let alone a political one. Just a search for the truth and an attempt to obtain a measure of justice.

Or maybe you can explain to us non-cops why it is more egregious that the bullets fired by officer Brett Hankison endangered the lives of Taylor's neighbors as opposed to the rounds that actually killed Breonna Taylor, so much so that the harm of death that they inflicted upon her didn't even warrant mention?
...again, you people are so obsessed with race it warps your minds = you believe a news station vs the grand jury--which had ALL the evidence
Believe it or not, if it was you in this scenario instead of Breonna Taylor, my position would be no different.
.....IF so--where are your posts on Justine Damond?
....also, more importantly, where are all your posts on whites murdered by blacks!!!!?????
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

Burglers usually don't have battering rams for the front door.

But regardless... what you are complaining about, is not relevant to the case at hand. The question is, did officers intentionally shoot to kill Breonna Taylor. The answer is no.

Now if you want to claim we shouldn't have plain clothes police officers... you can make that case.
If you want to complain about no-knock warrants... you can make that case.

But regardless of either of those... police had no intention of killing anyone. They were not at that premises, because they were asking each other, where can we randomly kill people, and Taylor's apartment was picked at by throwing darts at a layout of local apartments or something.

They were serving a warrant.

You can even make the case if you wish, that the warrant is questionable. But once the warrant is given, and the police execute that warrant, the police are doing nothing wrong.

Nor were they doing anything wrong, by shooting back, when they were shot at.

I'm all in favor of people hashing out all these other external issues.

But as it relates to the question of "racism", and "Cops kill people".... there is no valid argument to make here.

The police had a legal warrant. They legally executed the warrant. They were fired upon, and they fired back.

That's it!.... The end. No complaint to be made here. Not saying you can't complain, but you are just wrong.
If everything was "legally executed" then why did the city settle a wrongful death claim with her family for 12 million dollars? It's a rhetorical question, I don't expect you to answer because the answer is "the police f____d up".

No. It's because wrongful death has a much lower legal requirement.

You do not have to prove a violation of law, or that police did anything legally wrong, to win a wrongful death suit.

(which is one of the reasons I'm against them).

Further, the suit wasn't even against the police, it was against the city. I wager if the suit had been against the police officers involved, it would have failed.

The city doesn't try that hard to defend against suits like that, because there is a political blow back risk if the city wins.... and.... almost as important.... "the city" is just a word for tax payers. The people running the city lost nothing. The tax payers are the ones that got screwed... which ironically includes all the minorities struggling to make a living.
Political witch-hunt by people who can't accept the grand jury's finding.
There is no witch hunt, let alone a political one. Just a search for the truth and an attempt to obtain a measure of justice.

Or maybe you can explain to us non-cops why it is more egregious that the bullets fired by officer Brett Hankison endangered the lives of Taylor's neighbors as opposed to the rounds that actually killed Breonna Taylor, so much so that the harm of death that they inflicted upon her didn't even warrant mention?

Have you ever read a question, only to realize it's not even a good question to ask?

Taylor was killed because her boyfriend fired at police.

Police, like all people.... have a right to shoot back, when they are being shot at. If you are dumb enough to stand behind someone who is shooting at police, you are likely going to be shot.

That's how this works. If you shoot at people.. people can shoot back.

The reason the one officer was dinged, was that he freaked out, and started firing everywhere. You can't do that.

You shooting at me, doesn't mean I can start spraying the neighborhood with bullets.

But, it does mean I can shoot back at you, and if someone is behind you and they get hit, that's actually your fault since you caused me to fire back at you.
You're assuming 1) you wouldn't be incapacitated by my first shot and would even have the ability to fire back at me, and 2) that I wouldn't have the lawful authority to fire on you in the first place and that you would be the one in the wrong by firing back and shooting someone other than myself who was standing beyond your intended target.

Every single time, you always assume the position of the good guy and cast me as the bad guy. You really shouldn't assume that you know what other people are about or make assumptions about their character or abilities.

You're assuming 1) you wouldn't be incapacitated by my first shot and would even have the ability to fire back at me, and 2) that I wouldn't have the lawful authority to fire on you in the first place and that you would be the one in the wrong by firing back and shooting someone other than myself who was standing beyond your intended target.

Not relevant to this discussion. The only thing that matters in this case, is that if I am fired upon, I am darn well going to fire back.

Yes, of course if I am incapacitated I can't. But if can, I most certainly would, as would anyone anywhere, that is ever shot at.

Moreover, yes of course in a hypothetical where I'm a burglar or rapist, and I break into your home illegally, then yes, any death that happens would be legally my fault.

So now that we have wasted time on a hypothetical..... the police were legally executing a search warrant, and were legally entering the premises.

They were shot at, and fired back. The death of Taylor is due to her boyfriends.

Every single time, you always assume the position of the good guy and cast me as the bad guy. You really shouldn't assume that you know what other people are about or make assumptions about their character or abilities.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, and a public open debate forum. It's not like I have a FBI dossier on you.

Regardless, this specific event is about as clear as one could possibly get, legally. There is no alternative way to view the results as anything other than completely legal.

For you try and cast the police negatively on this issue, pretty much places you in the position of defending criminals, and attacking the good guys. And that's the way I see it.

You don't like that, I don't care.
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?
No. It's because wrongful death has a much lower legal requirement.
Explain please (this isn't correct)

You do not have to prove a violation of law, or that police did anything legally wrong, to win a wrongful death suit.

(which is one of the reasons I'm against them).
You're entitled to your opinion but your opinion is based on a mistaken premise

Further, the suit wasn't even against the police, it was against the city. I wager if the suit had been against the police officers involved, it would have failed.
The city is the officer's employer

The city doesn't try that hard to defend against suits like that, because there is a political blow back risk if the city wins.... and.... almost as important.... "the city" is just a word for tax payers. The people running the city lost nothing. The tax payers are the ones that got screwed... which ironically includes all the minorities struggling to make a living.
And this makes it even more egregious in my opinion.

The people who actually keep creating the problems by killing the citizens whose taxes pay their salary almost NEVER are held accountable for the harm they cause. There is not a single other profession where someone can negligently or even intentionally cause the death of another human being and get away with a blatant lie that they were in fear for their lives. Why is it that white people with guns making actual threats very seldomly get gunned down by the police (unless they were already gunning for the person from the beginning like the guy they wanted for shooting a Portland pro-police supporter) but black people who are unarmed, not threatening the police, not attempting to harm them do?

Why are the police not afraid of white people with guns but are so afraid of black people without guns that they even imagine they see guns where there are none? This is the core problem, oh and all of you all (and them) thinking it's just fine (and legal) to shoot and kill a black person for disobedience but white people who are an actual threat are not gunned down in the streets and the police don't seem to be afraid to even get physical with them, done on the ground wrestling with some of them which is a rather idiotic thing to do if you're a police officer because it places you in a very vulnerable position as we can see here (not sure why they have the inappropriate label posted below or what is so disturbing about it. It certain wasn't nearly as disturbing as watching Chauvin kneeling for George Floyd's neck for more than 8 minutes):

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you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?

Why you will not list them is because you are lying about the contradictions!

Why did the City of Louisville settle the case for 12 million dollars is because of the no knock warrant that city officials allowed to be used on the raid.

Also show me the evidence that the Grand Jury found any wrongdoing because it seem you have yet to prove that and keep on claiming the Officers were never cleared when they have!

You do understand you can not fire on the police or do you believe you can and they should just allow criminals like you to shoot them?

Also let be clear the officers would have to be proven to have lied during the investigation and to the grand jury and you have yet to prove they have, so get busy prove and if you can not the fact is as tragic the death was the person that caused her death was the damn boyfriend stupidity of shooting at LEO which you and the OP applaud for some reason!
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

Regarding the cop who got the warrant, his bullets don't lie.
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?
Sure, they paid her family because they are spineless gutless cowards.
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?
Sure, they paid her family because they are spineless gutless cowards.

They paid her family hoping it would prevent a riot and burning of Louisville...
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?
Sure, they paid her family because they are spineless gutless cowards.

They paid her family hoping it would prevent a riot and burning of Louisville...
Yes, that's what I said but not in those words. If they weren't spineless gutless cowards rioters would last about 30 minutes.
you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.
If they haven't identified themselves as police officers and are not wearing any identifying insignia then you cannot claim that the person is [knowingly] shooting at "police officers". They're shooting at an intruder who just breached a locked door.

Nonsense, and you know it!

You and the OP want to excuse the boyfriend stupidity of shooting an Officer and yet the grand jury cleared the Officers of any wrongdoing with the evidence that was provided!

In the end all you race baiting posters enjoy making up a thread and then switching the topic because when actual reality hit you then you can not accept it as usual!

So let me be clear the Officers were clear of wrongdoing in the shooting death of the young lady and the actions of the boyfriend got her killed!

With that written if the Officer that obtained the Warrant did so while using evidence that was misleading then he or she should be held accountable!

If any Officer is found guilty of perjury to the Grand Jury they should also be held accountable but none of this has been proven and is just you and the OP wishful thinking at this moment!

So when the Police kick your door in please shoot at them so you can discover how ignorant and stupid that would be and also the Warrant the Police had to my understanding was a No-Knock Warrant which mean they do not have to knock and just break the door down which is why Louisville made them illegal after this incident!
There are a ton of contradictions in your response but instead of wasting my time listing them for you, perhaps instead you can just explain why the city paid Breonna's family 12 million dollars to settle a wrongful death lawsuit if the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in her death. Or do you even understand the difference?

We covered this. Wrongful Death suits, are not under criminal law. Proving one, does not require any evidence of guilt.

Thus winning such a suit is far easier, because the requirements are lower.
No. It's because wrongful death has a much lower legal requirement.
Explain please (this isn't correct)

You do not have to prove a violation of law, or that police did anything legally wrong, to win a wrongful death suit.

(which is one of the reasons I'm against them).
You're entitled to your opinion but your opinion is based on a mistaken premise

Further, the suit wasn't even against the police, it was against the city. I wager if the suit had been against the police officers involved, it would have failed.
The city is the officer's employer

The city doesn't try that hard to defend against suits like that, because there is a political blow back risk if the city wins.... and.... almost as important.... "the city" is just a word for tax payers. The people running the city lost nothing. The tax payers are the ones that got screwed... which ironically includes all the minorities struggling to make a living.
And this makes it even more egregious in my opinion.

The people who actually keep creating the problems by killing the citizens whose taxes pay their salary almost NEVER are held accountable for the harm they cause. There is not a single other profession where someone can negligently or even intentionally cause the death of another human being and get away with a blatant lie that they were in fear for their lives. Why is it that white people with guns making actual threats very seldomly get gunned down by the police (unless they were already gunning for the person from the beginning like the guy they wanted for shooting a Portland pro-police supporter) but black people who are unarmed, not threatening the police, not attempting to harm them do?

Why are the police not afraid of white people with guns but are so afraid of black people without guns that they even imagine they see guns where there are none? This is the core problem, oh and all of you all (and them) thinking it's just fine (and legal) to shoot and kill a black person for disobedience but white people who are an actual threat are not gunned down in the streets and the police don't seem to be afraid to even get physical with them, done on the ground wrestling with some of them which is a rather idiotic thing to do if you're a police officer because it places you in a very vulnerable position as we can see here (not sure why they have the inappropriate label posted below or what is so disturbing about it. It certain wasn't nearly as disturbing as watching Chauvin kneeling for George Floyd's neck for more than 8 minutes):
View attachment 400481

The people who actually keep creating the problems by killing the citizens whose taxes pay their salary almost NEVER are held accountable for the harm they cause.

That's a lie. Police are caught, and prosecuted all the time. The difference is, unlike you, the rest of us understand that most of the time the police are acting lawfully.

There is not a single other profession where someone can negligently or even intentionally cause the death of another human being and get away with a blatant lie that they were in fear for their lives.

Wow that's shockingly true. Shocking I say.

Do tell, which other profession are you required to put your life in harms way, to confront the most dangerous and murderous people in society?

Why is it that white people with guns making actual threats very seldomly get gunned down by the police (unless they were already gunning for the person from the beginning like the guy they wanted for shooting a Portland pro-police supporter) but black people who are unarmed, not threatening the police, not attempting to harm them do?

First that's not true. More whites are killed by police than blacks.

As for why proportionally blacks are killed by police at a larger rate than whites, well... just look at the stats.

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 2.20.02 PM.png

So what we can learn from this is that while Blacks make up 16% of the population, they commit nearly half the murders.

So logically.... police are more likely to encounter hostile and violent blacks, proportionally to their demographic size. Thus more blacks are shot by police, proportionally as well.

Why are the police not afraid of white people with guns but are so afraid of black people without guns that they even imagine they see guns where there are none?

I find it ironic that you make this statement, in a thread about an incident where a black guy with a gun shot a police officer.

Second, saying "they didn't have a gun" with 20/20 hindsight is a cop-out. Were you there? Did you know before hand that the black man didn't have a gun? No you were not? And you have no idea if any given person is armed?

1. Police are not omniscient, and have no idea who is armed, and who is not.
2. Police are not randomly waking up in the morning, and deciding to go to violent areas of the city with high murder rates. They are going there because that's their job, and people request they do it.
3. Police are reacting to a number of factors, including how the person in front of them is acting and their attitude.
4. Police are often acting on external evidence. Such as, looking for an armed robbery suspect, or being called out because someone reported a man with a gun.

If police stop a man because he fits the description of an armed robbery suspect, that officer is going to assume he's armed, until they identify him, and determine he has no weapon.

This is the core problem, oh and all of you all (and them) thinking it's just fine (and legal) to shoot and kill a black person for disobedience but white people who are an actual threat are not gunned down in the streets and the police don't seem to be afraid to even get physical with them, done on the ground wrestling with some of them which is a rather idiotic thing to do if you're a police officer because it places you in a very vulnerable position as we can see here (not sure why they have the inappropriate label posted below or what is so disturbing about it.

So I think we have actually identified the core problem here. You are a liar. Because nothing of what you said is true.

White people are killed by police all the time. The difference is, white people don't stand up for evil. We're not going to stand up against police in the death of an evil criminal.... because we good people. Good people do not protest the death of evil people.

Nothing of what you said there was true. Nothing.
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