Cop who obtained warrant for Breonna's residence LIED to obtain it

A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?
Political witch-hunt by people who can't accept the grand jury's finding.
There is no witch hunt, let alone a political one. Just a search for the truth and an attempt to obtain a measure of justice.

Or maybe you can explain to us non-cops why it is more egregious that the bullets fired by officer Brett Hankison endangered the lives of Taylor's neighbors as opposed to the rounds that actually killed Breonna Taylor, so much so that the harm of death that they inflicted upon her didn't even warrant mention?

Have you ever read a question, only to realize it's not even a good question to ask?

Taylor was killed because her boyfriend fired at police.

Police, like all people.... have a right to shoot back, when they are being shot at. If you are dumb enough to stand behind someone who is shooting at police, you are likely going to be shot.

That's how this works. If you shoot at people.. people can shoot back.

The reason the one officer was dinged, was that he freaked out, and started firing everywhere. You can't do that.

You shooting at me, doesn't mean I can start spraying the neighborhood with bullets.

But, it does mean I can shoot back at you, and if someone is behind you and they get hit, that's actually your fault since you caused me to fire back at you.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?
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A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

Feel free to show where I wrote that and when you can not then please take your trolling question to someone else because I am not answering something so retarded!

you fire on any Police Officer then expect return fire and most likely your death.

With that written if the Officer that obtained the warrant did it while using information that was fabricated then he should be held responsible for the death of the young lady.

Now do you understand that or will you be another poster that will try to paint what I wrote as racist because you hate anyone that write the reality?
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!
Breonna must have been a nice person. I know plenty of great people who were victims of having dead drug dealers found in the trunk of their vehicles. Not. WTF is wrong with people who see nothing unusual about that scenario? It's like Joe Biden finding a stiff in his trunk 1 or 2 times a week. No problem? WTF is happening to sanity?
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

So, it is your position that using false information to get a warrant is "wrong"?
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.
......if found guilty????!!!!!! hahahahahahah
----the grand jury [ which has all the facts ] have found them not guilty in her death

The person in question is the one officer that is named in the article and not all the officers.

If you take your time to read maybe you would not troll so much and act the way you do but you refuse to do so because all you care about is telling everyone how they are wrong and you are correct.

Because evidence was submitted to the grand jury the officer in question could have perjured himself and if discovered he did and then it is discovered he lied or mislead to obtain the warrant then he should face consequences and be given the most sever penalty under the law that can be allowed.

Now I know you will ignore everything I wrote and just scram “ Grand Jury had all the evidence you libtard “ while not carefully digesting what I wrote because in the real world people lie and it is possible the officer that is in question could have lied...
you're not to smart, are you
1. they investigated the WHOLE case!! found nothing like that
2. YOU should read more carefully
it says ''MISLEADING''' = hahahahahahah NOT lying
3. but you can keep kissing BLM a$$
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

the bullets that the drug dealers shot at the police were 100% real
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

the bullets that the drug dealers shot at the police were 100% real

There were no drug dealers. What shitty tabloid site do y'all get your news from?
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

Again, the warrant allowed them to enter the place and the Grand Jury found no evidence they did anything wrong but your race bait comment was noted by me and I noticed you have yet to realize if you open fire on the police no matter they say who they are or not will result in you getting shot and deservedly...

The question is if the Officer at question lied to the court to get the warrant and if so that officer deserves the book thrown at him!

Notice what I wrote and digest it before you attempt to race bait me again!
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

Again, the warrant allowed them to enter the place and the Grand Jury found no evidence they did anything wrong but your race bait comment was noted by me and I noticed you have yet to realize if you open fire on the police no matter they say who they are or not will result in you getting shot and deservedly...

The question is if the Officer at question lied to the court to get the warrant and if so that officer deserves the book thrown at him!

Notice what I wrote and digest it before you attempt to race bait me again!

The grand jury was not given the option of finding them at fault for murdering taylor.

So why are the bootlickers still parroting the offical narrative?
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

Again, the warrant allowed them to enter the place and the Grand Jury found no evidence they did anything wrong but your race bait comment was noted by me and I noticed you have yet to realize if you open fire on the police no matter they say who they are or not will result in you getting shot and deservedly...

The question is if the Officer at question lied to the court to get the warrant and if so that officer deserves the book thrown at him!

Notice what I wrote and digest it before you attempt to race bait me again!

The grand jury was not given the option of finding them at fault for murdering taylor.

So why are the bootlickers still parroting the offical narrative?

They were given all the evidence and testimony and if later it is found those Officers had lied then perjury charges will be applied and they will lose their jobs.

Again you fail to understand that if you fire on an Officer and hit one you will get shot back at no matter if they say who they are or not...

Also you fail to stay on topic about what this thread was originally about and that is if the Officer involved in obtaining the warrant and had he gave false information and if so then he should have the book thrown at him...

Does race baiters like you get upset when someone spell out reality?

If so stay on topic and stop race baiting!
Eyewitnesses say it never happened.

Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. The Grand Jury would have examined forensic evidence to see if it corroborated eyewitness testimony. Bullet holes and trajectories, nitrite traces, body cams, CCTV, even blood splatter patterns give accurate representations of what occurs in a shooting. If the eyewitness accounts don't match the forensic evidence, then they aren't reliable.

Which is why we don't try people on the basis of YouTube videos or accusations from people who weren't even there. In our system, we try people based on all the available evidence.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

Burglers usually don't have battering rams for the front door.

But regardless... what you are complaining about, is not relevant to the case at hand. The question is, did officers intentionally shoot to kill Breonna Taylor. The answer is no.

Now if you want to claim we shouldn't have plain clothes police officers... you can make that case.
If you want to complain about no-knock warrants... you can make that case.

But regardless of either of those... police had no intention of killing anyone. They were not at that premises, because they were asking each other, where can we randomly kill people, and Taylor's apartment was picked at by throwing darts at a layout of local apartments or something.

They were serving a warrant.

You can even make the case if you wish, that the warrant is questionable. But once the warrant is given, and the police execute that warrant, the police are doing nothing wrong.

Nor were they doing anything wrong, by shooting back, when they were shot at.

I'm all in favor of people hashing out all these other external issues.

But as it relates to the question of "racism", and "Cops kill people".... there is no valid argument to make here.

The police had a legal warrant. They legally executed the warrant. They were fired upon, and they fired back.

That's it!.... The end. No complaint to be made here. Not saying you can't complain, but you are just wrong.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

The statement by the witnesses can't be trusted now, because they changed their story.

When this all first happened, they said that they heard the police identify themselves.

Now.... NOW... after the officers are cleared of charges, and after there is huge public pressure to destroy these officers... and after there is no longer any threat of perjury for laying.......

NOW they say the police never identified themselves.

I can say I have no idea if the police identified themselves, or not.

What I can say for absolute certainty, is the the witnesses are liars. They either lied at the start, or they are lying now.

My guess.... based on the evidence... they told the truth when it mattered legally, and told lies when it only matters publicly.
A Louisville police detective accused of providing false information to get a search warrant for Breonna Taylor's home told investigators he didn't intentionally mislead a judge but acknowledged he could have worded the affidavit "differently."
But an investigator with the police department's Public Integrity Unit drew a different conclusion after interviewing the officer who applied for the search warrant, Detective Joshua Jaynes.

If found guilty for lying then he should be held accountable for her death because had it not been his wording that should have been different then the warrant may have not been granted and the young lady would still be alive.

If her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had not opened fire on police, she would still be alive today.

Very true but if the officer lied to the court to obtain the warrant then he caused the entire incident that escalated into her death because of her boyfriend stupidity of firing on LEO...

I guess you think the Second Amendment is only for white folks, eh?

If an officer comes to my house, I'm not going to start shooting at them.

Of coure the officers that invaded Breonnas house were in plain clothes. If a burgler comes into your home in plain clothes, I guess the only thing they need to do to achieve your full submission to them is claim they are police officers, right?

The Grand Jury had cleared the officers because they did say who they were...

Looking to excuse the boyfriend mistake is stupid on your part and when any officer is fired on they will return fire and people will most likely die.

The question is simple and was the information that help obtain the warrant based on a lie and if so the Officer that gave the information should be held accountable for the young lady death!

Eyewitnesses say it never happened. They are certainly more reliable than the word of three cops who shot an innocent person--since the former has no reason to lie, and the latter had every reason to.

Again, the warrant allowed them to enter the place and the Grand Jury found no evidence they did anything wrong but your race bait comment was noted by me and I noticed you have yet to realize if you open fire on the police no matter they say who they are or not will result in you getting shot and deservedly...

The question is if the Officer at question lied to the court to get the warrant and if so that officer deserves the book thrown at him!

Notice what I wrote and digest it before you attempt to race bait me again!

The grand jury was not given the option of finding them at fault for murdering taylor.

So why are the bootlickers still parroting the offical narrative?

Because you are showing ignorance on how the grand jury system works.

You can't give the grand jury the option of finding them guilty of murder, when no murder was committed.

There was no murder here. The police were shot at. They fired back.

Any human being in the country, that is shot at by anyone... has the legal right to defend themselves. You can't just give juries the option of finding fault at murdering... when there was no murder to begin with.

You sound like you'd prefer a world of Stalinist Show Trials or something.
It is clear the OP intention was to race bait posters into an argument and the falsely accuse the other poster of supporting the officers shooting of the young lady because of her skin color but when presented with reality the OP then goes silent.

Fact is robber or robbers do not come in swat team style to invade your house unless it is maybe a Cartel and even then that is in the movies.

The fact is the young lady boyfriend opened fired on the Officers and the Officers shot back killing the young lady instead.

Now the OP mentioned the Second Amendment and tried to say I do not support a minority right to have a firearm legally and when asked to provide where I ever said that they just went silent and why?

Simple, race baiting with false accusations!

In the end any Officer has the right to defend themselves if fired on while executing a warrant and anyone that claims they do not is a lying fool!

Also if the warrant was obtained with false information then the Officer and any informants that were involved with this should be held accountable and given the most severe punishment possible under law.

Of course again what I wrote is not what the OP want to read nor debate because all they want is to accuse board members that correct him or her as racist knee jerking bigots!

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